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Exercise 24. Analyse the meanings of the verbs have (to). Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. "… but I shall have to ask them what the name of the country is, you know. Please, ma'am, is this New Zealand or Australia?" (L.C.) 2. "Bill's got to go down – Here, Bill! The master says you've got to go down the chimney!" (L.C.) 3. If you have to take up a hobby, play golf! (N.I.) 4. "She's got to be a featherweight, you see, because you have to pick her up at the end of the play, after three hours on stage." (N.I.) 5. Louise takes up the story: "Trevor either had to save me and risk the baby or lose us both." (N.I.) 6. Sigrid has also had to cope with the industry's ugliest emotion: jealousy. (N.I.) 7. There still has yet to be a proper examination of British foreign and defense policy since September 11. (D.T.) 8. As he prepared to give away Alexandra, 27, the eldest of his daughters, to Swiss German bicycle racer Görg Muller, 32, Anka says, "I was so choked up, I had to sit down and reflect." (People) 9. In 1982 he (James Irwin) reached the 16,942-foot summit but fell and had to be carried down on horseback. (People) 10. For it has to be admitted, over these last two months, things have not been all they might at Darlington Hall. (K.I.) 11. I would of course have to write to Miss Kenton to tell her I might be passing by. (K.I.) 12. If only we did not have to tell him. If only we could keep the whole thing from him. (D.M.) 13. Aunt Sarah didn't have anything; she had to live with aunt Euphemia and take care of her. (E.Q.) 14. In order to make those repeated poisoning attempts, the poisoner had to be near Euphemia or near her food. (E.Q.) 15. When a trainee got into difficulties, he had to be given the chance to show resourcefulness and sort out the situation unaided. (A.H.) 16. I had to admit that he had me more than half convinced. (C.W.)


Exercise 25. Instructions as for 24.

1. … the house has not only driven out all its occupants, but has finally had to be demolished. (K.B.P.) 2. So with great reluctance the colonel had to abandon his life's dream. (K.B.P.) 3. I told the man I would have to be on my way and thanked him emphatically for his assistance. (K.I.) 4. His lordship soon found himself having to listen to some more of Mr. Lewis's jovial anecdotes. (K.I.) 5. "I think you have to be ambitious to succeed in this business." (N.I.) 6. He has to tell her to take Palamon as her husband; and he speaks his old friend praises with the kindness of a true knight. (F.A.L.) 7. "Don't his books pay?" "Of course, not. He doesn't have to make his books pay. Aristide made them all financially independent." (A.Chr.) 8. How I wish I didn't have to get up and go to work this morning! (B.D.Graver) 9. I have to admit Mr. Graham has a point here. (K.I.) 10. Alice thought she had never seen such a curious croquet-ground in her life: it was all ridges and furrows; … the soldiers had to double themselves up and stand on their hands and feet, to make the arches. (L.C.) 11. The executioner's argument was, that you couldn't cut off a head unless there was a body to cut it from; that he had never had to do such a thing before, and he wasn't going to begin at his time of life. (L.C.) 12. It was the definitive answer to her hesitations. She would have to admit that he had made good. (S.M.) 13. … though her mother was so far from well that she had to stay in bed one day a week, she was in no immediate danger. (S.M.) 14. "Such a pity you have to retire already, sir," Mrs. Smith said. (K.I.) 15. One would have thought that having the abandon the Ford on some lonely hill, having to walk down to this village in near-darkness … would be sufficient inconvenience to befall one for a single evening. (K.I.)


Exercise 26. Turn the sentences into negative and interrogative.

1. I have to get up early. 2. He has to admit it is true. 3. She has to abandon her dreams. 4. One has to be very cautious in such a situation. 5. They will have to part with their friends soon. 6. The child will have to be taken care of by someone. 7. You will have to teach her English. 8. She will have to give up smoking. 9. They had to leave at 5 p.m. 10. She hurt her leg and had to be carried home. 11. They had to work from early morning till night. 12. She had to ask him this question. 13. He had to apologize to me. 14. She was very tired and had to go to bed early. 15. They had to pull down the house after the fire.

Exercise 27. Insert must, have (to) in the appropriate form or both.

1. I … turn round to see who was following me. 2. It was so dark that he … feel his way. 3. We … have a party to celebrate your returning home! 4. He … work hard this year to save the necessary sum. 5. Don't worry, he … be staying with his friends as usual. 6. … you really stay home tonight? The party will be very interesting! 7. You … (negative) quarrel, children! 8. There was only an old lady before us, so we … (negative) wait long. 9. They were wet through and … change their clothes as soon as they got home. 10. I was sure that we … phone her and find out everything. 11. We … (negative) disturb him now, he is very busy. 12. They said they knew the way well, so we … (negative) meet them at the station. 13. He saw me and I … come up to him. 14. If you feel giddy you … lie down on this sofa. 15. If the temperature doesn't go down we … send for a doctor. 16. Surely, it … have been your mistake, not mine! 17. It was a dangerous thing and it … be destroyed. 18. I am afraid you … go there alone, I'll be very busy on Sunday. 19. Every one … do his duty. 20. You … be imagining all this. Calm down!


Exercise 28. Analyse the functions of the verb to have. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. He has reconsidered his position. 2. He has to reconsider his position. 3. He didn't have to reconsider his position. 4. Has he reconsidered his position? 5. We'll have him reconsider his position. 6. He had better reconsider his position. 7. Do you have something else to say? 8. Do you have to say something else? 9. You shall have your car repaired soon. 10. His car was damaged in the accident and he had to have it repaired. 11. Have you got many friends here? 12. We haven't got a telegram from them yet. 13. I haven't got spare time! 14. You've got to do it at once! 15. I won't have you waste our money on trifles. 16. He used to have a car, but he had to sell it last month.


Exercise 29. Translate the sentences into English using to have (to), must or both.

1. Он, должно быть, просто отшутился от этого вопроса. 2. Тебе придется немного подождать. Я уверена, все уладится. 3. Вы должны подогнать костюм по моей фигуре, иначе я его не куплю. 4. Должно быть, он подходит на эту должность, не правда ли? 5. Ты должен подрезать волосы. С такими космами в твоем возрасте ходить просто неприлично. 6. Чтобы портрет ей понравился, ему пришлось подрисовать ресницы подлиннее. 7. Он сказал, что я должен подробно рассказать ему о случившемся. 8. Вам нет необходимости обращаться к нему с этой просьбой. Я вам помогу. 9. Прежде всего, мы должны купить путеводитель по Лондону. 10. Ты должен принять участие в этом соревновании. 11. Прежде чем наклеивать обои тебе придется соскоблить старую краску со стен. 12. Рано или поздно ты должен будешь поставить точку над "и". 13. Не трогайте мои вещи без разрешения. 14. Удрученный печальным известием, он, очевидно, забыл о своем обещании. 15. Она вынуждена продавать фамильные драгоценности, потому что до сих пор не смогла найти работу. 16. Она сказала, что я должен внимательнее относиться к своим обязанностям. 17. После кораблекрушения матросам пришлось несколько дней провести в открытом океане, пока их не подобрало проходящее мимо судно. 18. Должно быть, у нее закружилась голова, поэтому ей пришлось присесть в кресло. 19. Ты должен выбросить эту старую шляпу. Ты выглядишь в ней пугалом! 20. Должно быть, он так прекрасно образован благодаря тому, что много читал. 21. Ему пришлось дежурить два дня подряд из-за болезни товарища. 22. Ему придется внять этой просьбе. 23. Вам пришлось восстановить его в должности? 24. Нам нет необходимости переправляться через реку вплавь. Недалеко отсюда есть мост. 25. Можешь не отвечать на мои письма подробно. Сообщай только о самом важном. 26. Ты не должен сердиться из-за пустяков.

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