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Exercise 1. State the form of the infinitive.

1. It was the boy's decision to go to law school after college. (M.P.) 2. Nothing seemed to be changed except that now she wasn't going to marry Larry. (S.M.) 3. Mrs Davenheim apologized for her husband's absence, which seemed unaccountable, as she knew him to have been expecting the visitor. (A.Chr.) 4. Money just doesn't happen to interest me. (S.M.) 5. As a matter of fact I happened to be glancing through the "Dictionary of National Biography" the other day. (S.M.) 6. The Great Depression increased the power of Vito Corleone. And indeed it was about that time he came to be called Don Corleone. (M.P.) 7. Seeing Vernon Demerest tonight had made him think of it. (A.H.) 8. Mr Davenheim seemed literally to have vanished into thin air. (A.Chr.) 9. It must have been before six, as the gardeners cease work at that time. (A.Chr.) 10. At the last dinner she had noticed that he seemed to be doing very well. (D.S.) 11. He put away in a safe place, under another name, a considerable fortune to be enjoyed all in good time when everyone has been thrown off the track. (A.Chr.) 12. "We are not in court, man." "No, and we never may be." "You mean he may not have been murdered?" (A.Chr.) 13. The master appeared to have been drinking. He seemed to be recovering from a regular bout of it. (S.M.) 14. I looked up. He was pointing at me. Me? What had I done to deserve a penalty? (E.S.) 15. He suddenly rolled up his sleeve and showed upon his forearm a peculiar sign which appeared to have been branded there. (A.C.D.) 16. He was bound not to have left them anything. (S.P.)


Exercise 2. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Japp stared at him a few minutes longer, but Poirot seemed to have forgotten us both. (A.Chr.) 2. I went back to the motel to phone Jenny. (E.S.) 3. Miller drove carefully, fighting his own alcohol level. The last thing he wanted was to be stopped by a patrol car and tested for drunkenness. (F.F.) 4. Wasn't it bad to be working on Christmas Eve? Well – less bad than not working at all. (F.S.F.) 5. "Mr Lowen could not possibly know that he would have the chance to open the safe." "He might have seized his opportunity," I suggested. (A.Chr.) 6. "The fire escape!" screamed Miss Curleigh. But there was no one to be seen on the fire-escape. (E.Q.) 7. We decided that the others had better be brought into this discussion. 8. "That's Michael Corleone, the Don's son." Michael said quietly, "What happened to the detectives who were supposed to be guarding my father?" (M.P.) 9. I think she ought to have gone away when he got married. I said so. (A.Chr.) 10. I don't want you to take the train. (M.P.) 11. He conceded finally that he was pleased to have taken the bus. (D.S.) 12. It was an awful story, but there was a lesson to be learned. (D.S.) 13. Magda put down her box and came forward to meet him. (A.Chr.) 14. "Good morning, Mrs Leonides. I'm sorry to have to trouble you again." She said in a flat voice: "I suppose it can't be helped." (A.Chr.) 15. He had never thought to be troubled with such questions. (S.M.)


Exercise 3. Use the infinitive in the non-perfect form of the active or passive voice.

1. "Oh, Master Oliver," she greeted me. God, how I hate (to call) that! (E.S.) 2. You can't (to expect) him (to throw) away his principles. (J.P.) 3. Then he needed a perfect valet. He liked his clothes (to look) properly after. (S.M.) 4. "Please tell me everything that happened." This was not easy for Bob (to do). (A.H.) 5. Marius walked in and put a bucket under the stream of water coming through the ceiling. It seemed (to come) faster and harder but he looked unconcerned. (D.S.) 6. In some way, the human race has (to make) aware of its danger. (C.W.) 7. He says that the poems happen (to write) by the only great poet of the century. (J.S.) 8. Back in the brief period when he had headed a scenario department Pat had conceived a plan (to put) a dictaphone in every writer's office. Thus their loyalty to the studio executives could (to check) several times a day. (F.S.F.) 9. "Let me (to speak) to him on the phone, father to father. I can't sit here and allow a parent (to reject) a child." "But I reject him too, Phil." "Don't ever let me (to hear) you (to talk) like that. A father's love is (to cherish) and (to respect). It's rare." (E.S.) 10. I am longing for you (to see) her. (S.M.) 11. The maintenance chief, remembering his need (to get) to the airport speedily, felt his anger (to rise). Then, with an effort, he controlled himself. (A.H.) 12. It was a perfectly simple will. He left this house to Brenda or else a suitable house in London (to purchase) for her, whichever she preferred. (A.Chr.)


Exercise 4. Use the infinitive in the perfect or non-perfect form of the active voice.

1. Pardon my asking, but have you made any attempts (to reform) him? (S.M.) 2. She may be gambling on your coming to the conclusion that nobody could have been as stupid as she appears (to be). (A.Chr.) 3. When a passenger saw his bag (to disappear) at the check-I counter, it went to a room deep below the departure gates. An attendant on duty watched each bag (to arrive). (A.H.) 4. My brother Roger came rushing down (to tell) me that my father had had a sudden seizure. He had difficulty in breathing and seemed very ill. I telephoned through to the doctor, which nobody seemed (to think) of doing. The doctor was out – but I left a message for him (to come) as soon as possible. I then went upstairs. (A.Chr.) 5. At times, Vernon Demerest encouraged Gwen (to talk), merely for the joy of hearing her (to speak). (A.H.) 6. She murdered him in cold blood! God, it makes my blood (to boil) to think of it. (A.Chr.) 7. "I guess they just didn't – don't get along." "We seem (to have) difficulty with our tenses," said Ellery. "After all, Mr Morton, there's no evidence (to show) that your aunts aren't merely off somewhere on a visit." (E.Q.) 8. Josephine spoke with cold superiority. I was stupid enough (to let) the inference (to escape) me. (A.Chr.) 9. When do you desire me (to return) to my post? (S.M.) 10. Then the only thing you might (to do), Mrs. Guerrero, is (to go) out to the airport. If your husband is there, you could see him. (A.H.) 11. He had begun life as a drug addict, but now claimed (to cure) himself. (C.W.) 12. I have never seen a man (to look) so completely paralysed with fright. (A.Chr.)


Exercise 5. Use the appropriate form of the infinitive.

1. The situation is serious. Something must (to do) before it's too late. (R.Murphy) 2. I haven't received the letter. It may (to send) to the wrong address. 3. The injured man couldn't (to walk) and had (to carry). 4. This road is in very bad condition. It should (to repair) a long time ago. 5. Two people are reported (to injure) in the explosion. 6. The weather is expected (to be) good tomorrow. 7. The thieves are believed (to get) in through the kitchen window. 8. The company is expected (to lose) money this year. 9. The company is believed (to lose) a lot of money last year. 10. The prisoner is thought (to escape) by climbing over a wall. 11. The building is reported (to damage) badly by fire. 12. "Jim is a hard worker." "You must (to joke). He's very lazy!" 13. I've lost one of my gloves. I must (to drop) it somewhere. 14. Liz needs a change. She should (to go) away for a few days. 15. I ought (to go) out last night. I'm sorry I didn't. 16. A new supermarket is going (to build) here next year.


Exercise 6. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Он был доволен, что сел на автобус. 2. Я не хочу, чтобы ты ехал поездом. 3. Доброе утро. Мне жаль, что приходится снова Вас беспокоить. – Полагаю, без этого не обойтись. 4. Он очень удивился. Он никогда не думал, что его будут беспокоить такими вопросами. 5. Я думаю, ей следовало уехать, когда он женился. Я говорил ей об этом. 6. Это было решение мальчика пойти учиться в юридическую школу после колледжа. 7. Когда проходящий подготовку сталкивался с трудностями, ему надо было дать возможность проявить находчивость и разобраться в ситуации без посторонней помощи. 8. Он оставил распоряжение о том, чтобы гостя проводили в кабинет (распорядился, что гостя надо проводить в кабинет), и вышел из дома. 9. Мы дадим Дженсену жемчужины, которые он должен отдать тебе. 10. Он добавил, что ждет некоего г-на Лоуэна. Если вдруг Лоуэн придет раньше, чем он сам вернется, его надо проводить в кабинет и попросить подождать. 11. Вы хотите, чтобы я ушла, инспектор? 12. Это не имеет смысла, если только вы уже не знаете, что самолет, на котором вы летите, никогда не прибудет туда, куда, как считается, он летит. Предположим, что у него бомба. 13. Как я хотела, чтобы она перестала работать, но, конечно, она считала это своим долгом в военное время. 14. Миллер ехал осторожно. Меньше всего ему хотелось, чтобы его остановила патрульная машина и чтобы проверили, не пьян ли он. 15. Эллери загадочно смотрел на вилку, нож и ложку, лежавшие на подносе. "Вы видели, как я проверил их", – сказал он. 16. Великая Депрессия упрочила власть Вито Карлеоне. И примерно в это время его стали называть Доном Карлеоне. 17. Бренда бросилась звать меня. 18. "Господин Оливер", – приветствовала меня она. Боже, как я ненавижу, когда меня так называют! 19. Он хотел, чтобы его завтра сделали продюсером. "Это мое рождественское желание. Я ждал этого так долго." 20. Я не хочу, чтобы люди теряли деньги, я хочу, чтобы они их зарабатывали.


Exercise 7. Use either of the infinitives in brackets. If two variants are possible, explain the difference.

1. He added that he was expecting a Mr Lowen, on business. If Mr Lowen should come before he himself returned, he was (to be shown / to have been shown) into the study and asked to wait. (A.Chr.) 2. I told him he was (to give / to have given) the letter to the manager. 3. You were (to give / to have given) the letter to the manager! 4. "I haven't got a solicitor. I don't want one. I have nothing to hide." "And you quite understand that what you say is (to be taken / to have been taken) down." "I'm innocent." (A.Chr.) 5. "Did he seem quite as usual?" With a slight hint of irony, Philip replied: "He showed no foreknowledge that he was (to be murdered / to have been murdered) that day." (A.Chr.) 6. A taxi would be costly, but if she was (to get / to have got) to the airport by 11.00 pm, it was probably the only means. (A.H.) 7. I think she ought (to go / to have gone) away when he got married. I said so. (A.Chr.) 8. John's always complaining about being underpaid. – He ought (to change / to have changed) his job instead of complaining. (B.D.Graver) 9. Our tent was always getting blown down when we were on holiday. – You ought (to stay / to have stayed) at a hotel next time. 10. Our tent was always getting blown down when we were on holiday. – You ought (to stay / to have stayed) at a hotel. 11. We all got soaked in yesterday's downpour. – You should (take / have taken) umbrellas with you. (B.D.Graver) 12. Peter was involved in an accident with his car. He shouldn't (be driving / have been driving) so fast. (B.D.Graver) 13. The introduction of new machinery should (contribute / have contributed) greatly to better profits next year. (B.D.Graver) 14. Our visitors should (arrive / have arrived) long before now. 15. Our visitors were expected (to arrive / to have arrived) long before now. 16. The meeting ought (to finish / to have finished) by now. 17. The meeting was expected (to finish / to have finished) by now. 18. I must add that in addition you will be expected (to aid / to have aided) the Earl with his Russian correspondence. (S.L.)

Exercise 8. Insert the particle to where necessary.

1. Charles's father believes the way ... get information is ... listen. (A.Chr.) 2. "What does Philip do?" "Writes books. Can't ... think why. Nobody wants ... read them." (A.Chr.) 3. If there's trouble I'll stay ... help. I owe it to the Godfather. (M.P.) 4. He cannot ... fix the time with any accuracy. It must ... have been before six, as the gardeners cease work at that time. (A.Chr.) 5. Our tent was always getting blown down when we were on holiday. – You ought ... have stayed at a hotel. 6. The introduction of new machinery should ... contribute greatly to better profits next year. (B.D.Graver) 7. "Well, you can't ... deny that he lied about never having left the study?" "No. But he may ... have been frightened." (A.Chr.) 8. I wished she would ... stop working, but of course she felt it her duty in war time. (A.Chr.) 9. After the Don died, Mike was set up ... be killed. Do you know who set him up? Tessio. So Tessio had ... be killed. Carlo had ... be killed. Because treachery can't ... be forgiven. (M.P.) 10. I never expected ... have ... do it. (D.S.) 11. I did not need ... disturb the old man. He often dozed off about six. (A.Chr.) 12. You needn't ... have told him about our plans. 13. All they need is ... have a good time together. (D.S.) 14. I need hardly ... tell you how badly I feel about her departure. (Longman Dictionary) 15. What I had loved so much about Jenny was her ability ... see inside me, ...understand things I never needed ... carve out in words. (E.S.) 16. Then he needed a perfect valet. He liked his clothes ... be perfectly looked after. (S.M.) 17. You needn't ... work such long hours. 18. She could ... feel her face ... redden. (S.Sh.) 19. At times, Vernon Demerest encouraged Gwen ... talk merely for the joy of hearing her ... speak. (A.H.) 20. When a passenger saw his bag ... disappear at the check-in counter, it went to a room deep below the departure gates. An attendant on duty watched each bag ... arrive. (A.H.)

Exercise 9. Instructions as for 8.

1. By the way, did anyone see you ... enter this apartment? (E.Q.) 2. Suddenly he was amazed ... see Helen ... spring up and ... run after Gooddorf. (F.S.F.) 3. I sat there for a while, watching a neon sign ... blink "Clams and Oysters". (E.S.) 4. Inez had watched too many of her husband's ambitious schemes ... totter and ... collapse ... believe in the likelihood of one more possibility succeeding. (A.H.) 5. I went back to watching my teammates ... try ... hold off Al Redding's determined efforts ... score. (E.S.) 6. He had neither noticed me ... go nor ... come. (S.M.) 7. They were seen ... climb through the window. 8. She saw her parents ... exchange a glance over the table. (M.P.) 9. As I turned, I heard Dean Thompson ... mutter, "That's unfair." (E.S.) 10. He was heard ... unlock the gates. 11. He heard an American Airlines flight departure announcement ... halt abruptly in mid-sentence. (A.H.) 12. He felt her ... creep up like a kitten and ... lay her face against the mark. (J.P.) 13. The pickpocket was observed … take the man's wallet. (B.D.Graver) 14. She said she couldn't ... bear her darling old Aristide ... talk about death. (A.Chr.) 15. My father continued ... address me, and I continued ... stand still and let the cold wind ... slap my face. (E.S.) 16. Her father was incredibly superstitious about letting his only daughter … drive. (E.S.) 17. "Let me ... speak to him on the phone, father to father. I can't ... sit here and allow a parent ... reject a child." "But I reject him too, Phil." "Don't ever let me ... hear you ... talk like that. A father's love is ... be cherished and respected. It's rare." (E.S.) 18. In any case, if you find her, don't let her ... get away from you. (A.H.) 19. He had betrayed her, and nothing would allow her ... forget it. (D.S.) 20. She was not going ... let Robert ... make a fool of himself. (D.S.)


Exercise 10. Insert the particle to where necessary. Pay attention to "splitting the infinitive".Translate the sentences.

1. This construction is very old. But in modern times there has grown the feeling that it is somehow wrong ... thus split an infinitive. (P.Roberts) 2. By and by he came ... so dread Williams and his gilded tongue that he would ... stop talking when he saw him ... approach. (M.T.) 3. It is not enough ... just go repeating something for it ... become true. (D.T.) 4. I wanted ... keep looking at her because I wanted ... never take my eyes from her, but still I had ... lower my eyes. (E.S.) 5. My mother asked me never ... use tobacco. (M.T.) 6. It was useless for our correspondent ... offer ... descend, ... explore the cave to the end, and ... finally test the extraordinary narrative of Dr James Hardcastle. (A.C.D.) 7. That thing in my gut was stirring again, so I was afraid ... even speak the word "okay". I just looked mutely at Jenny. (E.S.) 8. The main idea of the book is ... historically and divinely – from the Divine point of view – impeach the European system of Church and States. (Fowler's Dictionary). 9. ... make a foolish story short, the fraud was discovered. The lawyer friend refused ... help Felix in any manner, refused ... even answer his telephone calls. (M.P.) 10. He knew that it was Nino's success more than his. He resigned himself to never being able ... again sing professionally. (M.P.) 11. But we have ... get an apartment. – What for? – Christie, do you expect me ... always live at the Astor with your two wardrobe trunks in the living room? (J.Sus.) 12. There's nothing worse than for a parent ... ill treat a child. (Longman Dictionary)


Exercise 11. Insert the particle to where necessary. Pay attention to the use of the particle implying the verb already mentioned. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. "Thank you. We'll have ... be going soon." "You are staying for dinner. That's an order." "We can't, sir", I replied. "We have to, Oliver," said Jenny. "Why?" "Because I'm hungry", she said. (E.S.) 2. He understood nothing of what they were saying, and he didn't want ... . (D.S.) 3. "At least tell me about it." "No, Charles, I don't want ... . I don't want you ... see us from my angle. I want you ... see us unbiased from the outside point of view." "And how am I ... do that?" (A.Chr.) 4. "You will give my love to dear Margherita, won't you?" I answered that I would ... be sure ... . (S.M.) 5. "How would you like ... help me ... meddle in the affairs of the mysterious Tarkle sisters?" "I'd love ... . What am I ... do?" (E.Q.) 6. "I shall always ... care for you, Larry." "Then keep it. I should like you ... ." (S.M.) 7. I hadn't any particular wish ... do this, but no reason … refuse, so I said I would be glad ... . (S.M.) 8. Mr Adams considered saying something rude in reply but decided not ... . (M.Dean)


Exercise 12. Insert the particle to where necessary.

1. But – what a fantastic idea. What made you ... think of it? (A.Chr.) 2. His main problem, as he said, was ... get other people ... believe him. (C.W.) 3. He'd better ... get out! (F.S.F.) 4. She had offered ... carry her bag upstairs, but Robert had Marius ... do it. (D.S.) 5. "Don't his books ... pay?" "Of course not. He's supposed ... be a great authority on certain periods and all that. But he doesn't have ... make his books ... pay – his father settled something like a hundred thousand pounds on him! ... avoid death duties! He made them all financially independent." (A.Chr.) 6. His first priority was the protection of Roschmann, one of those he knew ... be on the list taken from Winzer. (F.F.) 7. "Oliver, you're gonna flunk out if you just sit there watching me ... study." "I'm not watching you ... study. I'm studying." (E.S.) 8. As a matter of fact, I have been known ... take a perfectly normal rainy day as a personal insult. (J.S.) 9. I think perhaps I'd better ... go up and ... see that she's all right. (S.M.) 10. "What's this?" she heard Ellery ... say sharply. (E.Q.) 11. Beauty specialists at cosmetics counters are trained ... help you ... see your face from a new perspective. (N.I.) 12. "Don't let her ... get involved in it." (D.S.) 13. "Do you have your own library?" she asked. "Listen, Harvard is allowed ... use the Radcliffe library." (E.S.) 14. Now what makes you ... say that, Charles? (A.Chr.) 15. Why not ... have them both ... do it, and we'll vote on which one to give Pastor Frank? (S.Sh.)

Exercise 13. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the rendering of the infinitive as subject.

1. Now maybe Jenny would understand that to be Oliver Barrett IV doesn't just mean living with that gray stone edifice in Harvard Yard. (E.S.) 2. She must have felt lonely sometimes? To have a companion of more or less her own age living here must have been agreeable to her? (A.Chr.) 3. He thought fast. To hide the pearls under a rock could be risky. It took him only a moment to slide the Ghost Pearls out of the old torch. (A.Hit.) 4. It was tiresome to have to waste time on reporters. (C.W.) 5. It was a relief to get some air after dinner. (D.S.) 6. But it would be a mistake to blame the vampires for all the misfortunes of the human race. (C.W.) 7. It was my turn to interrupt. (A.Chr.) 8. Wasn't it bad to be working on Christmas Eve? Well – less bad than not working at all. (F.S.F.) 9. It's monstrous to suggest things of that kind! (A.Chr.) 10. What happened to Sarah? It must have been the poisoner's plan to kill Euphemia and have it appear that Sarah had killed her – the obvious suspect. (E.Q.) 11. Downstairs it was tough to get a cab, it being theater hour and all. (E.S.) 12. Part of being a big winner is the ability to be a good loser. There is no paradox involved. It's a distinctly Harvard thing to be able to turn any defeat into victory. (E.S.) 13. My son was a sufferer from infantile paralysis and it was not advisable to send him to a public school. (A.Chr.) 14. It drove him crazy to stay with her parents. (D.S.) 15. When it's time to go to church he'll thaw. (E.S.)


Exercise 14. Complete the following using the infinitive as subject:

a) without the anticipatory it

1. ... was impossible. 2. ... was a great mistake. 3. ... is his father's custom. 4. ... would be unfair. 5. ... must have been the thief's plan. 6. ... could be risky.


b) with the anticipatory it

7. It was tremendously difficult to ... . 8. It's high time ... . 9. It drove him crazy ... . 10. It's monstrous ... . 11. It would be a mistake ... . 12. It was a relief ... . 13. It took her only a moment ... . 14. It would be quite useless ... 15. It's always a shock ... . 16. I feel it is my duty ... . 17. You don't know how lovely it is .... . 18. It took him twenty minutes ... . 19. It would be nice ... . 20. It was the boy's decision ... . 21. It's logical ... . 22. It was tiresome ... . 23. It would be difficult ... . 24. It won't do you any harm ... .


Exercise 15. Translate the sentences into English using the infinitive as subject.

1. Чудовищно предлагать такие вещи! 2. Я чувствовал, что задавать ему еще вопросы было бы совершенно бесполезно. 3. Настала моя очередь перебить: "В этом нет сомнений." 4. Это всегда потрясение снова встретиться с кем-то, кого ты долго не видел, но кто постоянно был в твоих мыслях все это время. 5. Может показаться легко, но это вовсе не легко, воспользоваться кусочком разбитого стекла, чтобы освободить связанные руки. Уходят часы, чтобы перерезать один слой материи. 6. Я не хочу никого пугать, но чувствую, что мой долг предупредить вас, что на последующих страницах вы встретитесь с зеленым призраком. 7. "Ты не знаешь, как это чудесно иметь дочь!" – сказала она. 8. Невозможно доехать с 63ей улицы до Бостона меньше, чем за 3 часа 20 минут. 9. Потребовалось десять минут, чтобы установить местонахождение тех грузовиков, еще десять минут уйдет на то, чтобы их вернуть. 10. Пора было идти домой. 11. Было бы прекрасно повидать некоторых моих одноклассников. 12. У него ушло 20 минут на то, чтобы найти телефон-автомат. 13. Она исчезла. Мы знаем, что было, по крайней мере, шесть попыток отравить ее, все неудачные. Логично предположить, что была и седьмая попытка и что седьмая попытка удалась. 14. Огромная ошибка вообще что-то говорить, когда в этом нет необходимости. 15. Было приятно (a relief) подышать свежим воздухом после обеда.


Exercise 16. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the rendering of the infinitive as part of a compound predicate:

1. Sophia, I've got to talk to you. Where can we go? (A.Chr.) 2. "Well, you can't deny that he lied about never having left the study?" "No. But he may have been frightened. Remember, the missing man's clothes had just been discovered in the lake." (A.Chr.) 3. I don't mind admitting we pretty well frightened the life out of him, hinting he might be charged with murder. (A.Chr.) 4. "Oliver," he said, "you should have told me." (E.S.) 5. The killer had had to rip open the drawers to find the hidden money – money Peter a dozen times had begged old Fritz to put in a bank. (A.Hit.) 6. I have another theory, which is so absurd that I hardly dare to mention it. (C.W.) 7. "Shall I point that out to the Inspector?" "There's really no need, Magda, for you to see him at all. I can tell him anything he wants to know. (A.Chr.) 8. We were able to form a kind of wall to divert the attention of anyone who happened to look at us. (C.W.) 9. The road was to destroy a large garden and park that had been maintained and open to the public for half a century. (J.Ch.) 10. "Father, I need to borrow five thousand dollars. For a good reason. (E.S.) 11. We can't settle anything until this is cleared up. (A.Chr.) 12. I wished she would stop working, but of course she felt it her duty in war time. (A.Chr.) 13. They'd better get used to it. (D.S.) 14. I'd rather not go out this evening, if you don't mind. 15. Strictly speaking, you ought to sign the visitor's book before entering the club. (B.D.Graver) 16. There is no rational explanation for my actions in the next second. I plead temporary insanity. Correction: I plead nothing. I must never be forgiven. (E.S.)


Exercise 17. Instructions as for 16.

1. "Yes, sir." Mrs Potter began to wring her red hands as if she were still over the tub. (E.Q.) 2. Cindy started to say something, then stopped. There was plenty of time for Mel to find that out for himself, later. (A.H.) 3. And we had come to believe that the parasites were helpless against men who knew of their existence. (C.W.) 4. And then, when he had begun to believe that the defeat was inevitable, the attacks had stopped. (C.W.) 5. Pascale continued to stare at the woman, trying unconsciously to determine her age. (D.S.) 6. He went to the boathouse, dropped his clothes in the lake, and proceeded to carry out his plan by pawning the ring in an obvious manner, and then assaulting a policeman. (A.Chr.) 7. I start to lose my hearing. (D.S.) 8. She went on to give me the names of one young thing after another. (S.M.) 9. The moment we knew that history had been fixed it ceased to take us in. (C.W.) 10. "Does your face hurt?" "No, sir." It was beginning to hurt like hell. "I'd like Jack Wells to look at it on Monday." "Not necessary, Father." (E.S.)

Exercise 18. Instructions as for 16.

1. Our aim today is to warn the people of the earth of a greater menace than they have ever faced. (C.W.) 2. Food was a major item to go aboard. Liquor stock came aboard too. The stewardess's instructions were to give the passenger his or her drinks free. (A.H.) 3. All airlines employed staffs whose job was solely to trace missing baggage. Such staffs were seldom idle. (A.H.) 4. Charles's father believes the way to get information is to listen. (A.Chr.) 5. His code-name was Vulkan. He was funded out of Zürich with one million US dollars with which to start a factory in Germany. The original purpose was to use the factory as a front for another type of research. (F.F.) 6. Your safest rule will be not to split an infinitive without a compelling reason. (L.Strong) 7. Miller drove carefully, fighting his own alcohol level. The last thing he wanted was to be stopped by a patrol car and tested for drunkenness. (F.F.) 8. All she could do was call the realtor and get their money back. (D.S.) 9. The candle threw a very bad light. My first thought was to get a better one. (A.C.D.) 10. He wasn't easy to do anything with. (S.M.) 11. Her sobs were pitiful to hear. (L.G.Alexander) 12. Fleishman had been easy to convince because there were two of us. (C.W.) 13. Do you think this water is safe to drink? (R.Murphy) 14. The date of the letter was impossible to make out. 15. He would be very difficult to reach. (D.Biber)


Exercise 19. Complete the following using the infinitive as part of a compound verbal predicate.

a)1. He hasn't come. He must ... . 2. I haven't got the key. I must ... . 3. His leg is broken. He isn't able ... . 4. Shall I ... ? I can ... . 5. Until this is cleared up we can't ... . 6. I certainly wish you would ... . 7. We'd better ... . 8. Thank you but we'll have ... . 9. If you don't mind, I'd rather ... . 10. If the visitor should come before he himself returns, he is ... . 11. Passengers should ... . 12. I think your husband ought ... 13. We frightened the life out of him, hinting he might ... . 14. I'm very sorry, I shouldn't ... . 15. You needn't ... . I could have waited.

b)16. Mr Adams said that he would not hesitate to call the police if the neighbours continued ... . 17. There came a strange noise and the whole building suddenly began ... . 18. He took off his glasses and began ... . 19. My father continued ... . 20. He sprang from the chair and began ... 21. You can't risk continuing ... . 22. It was the second time that night I had heard that phrase. I began ... . 23. Damn! It's just started ... . 24. The Novocain was wearing off a little, and Oliver's sore face was beginning ... .


Exercise 20. Translate the sentences into English using the infinitive as part of a compound verbal predicate.

a) 1. Ему пришлось носить накладную бороду и парик. 2. "Оливер, - умоляла она, - не мог бы ты сказать всего лишь слово?" Ему? Она, должно быть, сходит с ума! "Я никогда не буду с ним говорить." 3. "Спасибо. Нам придется скоро уйти." – "Вы остаетесь обедать. Это приказ." – "Мы не можем, сэр," – ответил я. "Мы вынуждены, Оливер", – сказала Дженни. – "Почему?" – "Потому что я голодна", – сказала она. 4. Пассажирам следует пройти регистрацию в аэропорту за 30 минут до вылета. 5. Нам лучше поскорее остановиться для заправки. Бак почти пустой. 6. У меня не было необходимости беспокоить старика. Он частенько дремал около 6 часов. 7. "Она полностью парализована?" – "О, да. Она никогда не встает с постели; не может сделать и шага. Это длится уже 10 лет." 8. "Хотели бы Вы мне помочь?" – "С удовольствием. Что я должен делать?" 9. "Простите, я, видимо, попал не в ту квартиру. Здесь живет мисс Таркл?" – "Да, входите, входите. Могу я спросить, кто Вы такой?" 10. "Мисс Морган, скажите мне: чего ради богатой старой даме, которая почти полностью парализована, тайком покупать 6 кошек в течение 5 недель?" – Она пожала плечами. "Я говорила Вам, я не могу этого понять." 11. Ее отравили ради ее спрятанных денег. Должно быть, ее убили вчера. 12. Одно слово прежде, чем ты уйдешь. Возможно, нас видели вместе. Они могут захотеть узнать, о чем мы говорили.

b) 13. Я начал думать о боге. 14. "Да, сэр", – ответил я, продолжая пожимать ему руку. 15. "Простите?" – Декан снял очки и стал протирать их своим галстуком. 16. Я впервые узнал Софию Леонидес в Египте ближе к концу войны. 17. Могу поспорить, они бы уже тоже заметили, если бы было что заметить. Знаешь, я начинаю верить, что между ними, действительно, ничего нет. 18. Я начинаю терять слух. 19. Синди стала что-то говорить, потом замолчала. 20. Он продолжал смотреть на женщину, пытаясь определить ее возраст.


Exercise 21. Complete the following using the infinitive as part of a compound nominal predicate (predicative).

1. Our aim today is ... . 2. The stewardess's instructions were ... . 3. Charles's father believes the way to get information is ... . 4. The last thing he wanted was ... . 5. All she could do was ... . 6. The candle threw a very bad light. My first thought was ... . 7. His main problem, as he said, was ... . 8. All they need is ... . 9. The one thing I'm determined not to do is ... . 10. Their intention was ... . 11. We both felt that the best way to learn the truth was ... . 12. All we had to do was ... . 13. My advice to you, old chap, is never ... . 14. My idea was ... . 15. Do you think this water is safe ... ? 16. The date of the letter was impossible ... . 17. He wasn't easy ... . 18. The cat was difficult ... . 19. Your handwriting is impossible ... . 20. Have a drive in my new car. It is easy ... . 21. That chair isn't safe... . 22. She is easy ... .


Exercise 22. Translate the sentences into English using the infinitive as predicative.

1. Господин Эдамс сказал, что все, что он может сделать, это вызвать полицию. 2. Главная проблема, как он сказал, – заставить других поверить ему. 3. Все, что им нужно, это хорошо провести время вместе. 4. И уж меньше всего он хотел выдать любого из них. 5. Я не знаю, когда вернусь в Англию. Но как только вернусь, первое, что я сделаю, это приду к тебе и попрошу выйти за меня замуж. 6. Первое (the first business), что было в повестке дня, – это зачитать следующее письмо. 7. Лучше всего было их проигнорировать. 8. Все, чего мне хотелось, это повидаться с Софией. 9. Единственное, что Вы могли бы сделать, госпожа Эдамс, это поехать в аэропорт. 10. Моя цель – основать собственную компанию. 11. Твоя следующая задача – проверить результаты наблюдений. 12. Твой почерк трудно читать. 13. Ей легко угодить. 14. Дату невозможно было разобрать. 15. Его легко убедить. 16. Кошку трудно было поймать. 17. С ними приятно разговаривать. 18. Окно было очень трудно открыть.


Exercise 23. Translate the sentences into English using the infinitive as subject or part of a compound predicate.

1. Все, что она тогда могла сделать, это ждать в машине. 2. Было бы несправедливо пытаться судить об этой книге как о романе. 3. Знать Дженни значит любить Дженни; это общеизвестная истина. 4. Именно тогда правда стала доходить до меня. 5. Будет только справедливо сказать, что Лоуэн полностью это отрицает, и, конечно, полагаться на слово человека вроде Келлета нельзя ни в коей мере. Вполне возможно, что он встретил Давенхайма на тропинке, ограбил и убил его. 6. Впоследствии он был вынужден носить накладную бороду и парик, а спать с накладной бородой непросто – это может привести к разоблачению! 7. Разумнее вопросов не задавать. 8. "Жозефина, разве тебе никто не говорил, что некрасиво подслушивать под дверью?" – "Конечно, говорили. Но если хочешь выяснить что-то, приходится подслушивать. Спорю, инспектор Тавернер это делает, не так ли?" 9. Их цель (role) – овладеть разумом человека и заставить его стать врагом жизни и человечества. 10. Она сумела только кивнуть. Эллери начал заворачивать остатки холодной еды с подноса инвалида. "Отнесите это доктору Праути и попросите его сделать анализ для меня." 11. После матча, рентген определил, что кости не сломаны. Врач сказал, что не играть неделю было быть самым разумным. Я поблагодарил его. 12. Отцовскую любовь надо лелеять и уважать. Она – редкость. 13. Нелегко отделить факты от фантазии. 14. Ему трудно угодить. 15. Ее отравили ради денег. Должно быть, ее убили вчера. 16. Я начинаю терять слух. 17. Его почерк невозможно разобрать. 18. Одно слово, прежде чем ты уйдешь. Возможно, нас видели вместе. Они могут захотеть узнать, о чем мы говорили. 19. Если старик это обнаружил, возможно, стало жизненно необходимым заставить старого Леонидеса замолчать и покинуть Англию прежде, чем всплывет правда. 20. "Хотели бы вы мне помочь?" – "С удовольствием. Что я должна делать?"


Exercise 24. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the use of the infinitive as object.

1. Yes, there are planes between Boston and Ithaca, New York, but Oliver Barrett III chose to drive. My father simply likes to drive. Fast. (E.S.) 2. She hated to give up the hope of spending a month there. (D.S.) 3. We'd like to have gone on holiday but we didn't have enough money. (R.Murphy) 4. He had begun life as a drug addict, but now claimed to have cured himself. (C.W.) 5. I remembered to lock the door when I left but I forgot to shut the windows. (R.Murphy) 6. But when I left them I promised that I'd come back today to help straighten things up. (S.L.) 7. I won't be home for a few days. I'm going away. I expect to have some good news soon which will surprise you. (A.H.) 8. And she was hoping to find a porter to help her get to the car rental. (D.S.) 9. I tried to sense what was happening. (E.S.) 10. "What does Philip do?" "Writes books. Can't think why. Nobody wants to read them. (A.Chr.) 11. Then he died, and she was terribly cut up. At last she agreed to marry me. I was glad to be able to give her some rest, some happiness. (A.Chr.) 12. You are even afraid to drive in Paris. (D.S.) 13. I'm sorry to ask you this, but in your opinion was there anything in the nature of a love affair between Mr.Brown and Mrs. Brenda Leonides? (A.Chr.) 14. John conceded finally that he was pleased to have taken the bus. (D.S.) 15. A rather officious policeman demanded to see my driving licence. (B.D.Graver) 16. I must beg to differ on this point. (Longman Dictionary) 17. Nina said to meet her at 4.30. (Longman Dictionary) 18. He asked to be kept informed about developments. (L.G.Alexander) 19. I asked to see his identification before I let him into the house. (M.Hewings) 20. Sheriff Bixby is pretty old and doesn't seem to know whatto do. (A.Hit.) 21. Hagen hesitated a moment as if debating whetherto tell her a final truth. (M.P.) 22. She calculated how muchto pay on the back of an envelope. (M.Hewings)


Exercise 25. Complete the following using the infinitive as object.

1. I went on reading and pretended ... . 2. Would you prefer ... . 3. I thought we'd decided ... . 4. The truth is that he liked ... . 5. Please remember ... . 6. The rent was much more than we had expected ... . 7. I hate ... . 8. When did he learn ... ? 9. You can't afford ... . 10. I always helped her ... . 11. Did she promise ... ? 12. She is out. She must have forgotten ... . 13. Do you like ... ? 14. I was afraid ... . 15. He was somewhat surprised ... . 16. I stood there at the bottom of the steps, afraid ... . 17. I'm glad ... . Come in and sit down. 18. He is very sorry ... . 19. I demand ... . 20. He asked ... . 21. The children begged ... . 22. The committee was debating whether ... . 23. In the morning they showed me how ... . 24. I didn't know what ... .


Exercise 26. Translate the sentences into English using the infinitive as object.

1. Ему нравится принимать посетителей. 2. Ты обещал рассказать мне об "Одессе". Я вспомнил кое-что, о чем забыл тебе вчера сказать. 3. Она предпочитала говорить по-французски. 4. Я был рад побыть один. 5. Когда я уходила, то вспомнила, что надо запереть дверь, но забыла закрыть окна. 6. Наконец она согласилась выйти замуж за меня. 7. Она предложила отнести свою сумму наверх сама. 8. Полицейский потребовал, чтобы я показал ему водительские права. 9. Пожалуйста, не забывай кормить кошку два раза в день. 10. Я требую, чтобы мне сказали, что здесь происходит! 11. Она сказала, чтобы ее не ждали. 12. Он попросил, чтобы ему разрешили поговорить с управляющим. 13. Дети умоляли, чтобы мы разрешили им пойти с нами. 14. Рад Вас видеть, г-н Болдуин. Проходите и садитесь. 15. Мне было стыдно рассказывать ей об этом. 16. Я спросил его, что мне делать. 17. Кто-нибудь может мне показать, как сменить пленку в этом фотоаппарате? 18. Я был несколько удивлен, обнаружив, что она носит маленький золотой крестик. 19. Ты не можешь позволить себе продолжать тратить деньги таким образом, ты же знаешь. 20. Мы заказали полбутылки вина, и я помог ему выпить его. 21. Я продолжал читать, делая вид, что не замечаю ее. 22. Мы рассказали Дереку и Линде, как добраться до нашего дома.


Exercise 27. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the use of the infinitive as attribute.

1. I've told them you'll be following, and they've orders to get you to the airport fast. (A.H.) 2. She meant it. So I bought permission to stay by telling a lie: "I believe you," I said. (E.S.) 3. The President has turned down an invitation to visit South Africa in January. (M.Hewings) 4. The thing to remember is that Scott Fitzgerald wrote for his living all the twenty years of his working life. (F.S.F.) 5. I have a package to deliver tonight. (M.Dean) 6. He felt that I had an awful secret to reveal. (S.L.) 7. He went on: "Because it at least gives me a chance to look at them all." (A.Chr.) 8. I've a perfect right not to like that type of young woman, and there is no earthly reason why I should pretend I do. (A.Chr.) 9. Miss Kwiatkowski, 31, the girl who threw ink over Mr. Heath in Brussels, has made a second unsuccessful attempt to enter Britain by air. (D.W.) 10. It was an awful story, but there was a lesson to be learned. (D.S.) 11. What about those plans to automate the mills? (E.S.) 12. "I don't really care if I crack your head or not. Got it?" Miller was not telling the truth. He had never killed a man and had no desire to start now. (F.F.) 13. My determination to pass the test helped me. (L.G.Alexander) 14. The calls made to them – some by Mel Bakersfeld, others by Tanya Livingston – had stressed urgency, and the need to leave whatever they were doing. (A.H.) 15. I've got an essay to write by tomorrow. (M.Dean) 16. Miss de Haviland gave me no time to consider her question. (A.Chr.) 17. Food was a major item to go aboard. If an unexpected passenger went aboard as doors were closing, his food tray was passed in after him. (A.H.) 18. Sheriff Bixby doesn't seem to know what to do. The house here isn't in any town so there isn't any police to call on. (A.Hit.)


Exercise 28. Instructions as for 27.

1. She had no idea whatto do. (D.S.) 2. He was then funded out of Zürich with one million US dollars with whichto start a factory in Germany. (F.F.) 3. We had both felt that the best way to learn more about the parasites was to experiment with drugs. (C.W.) 4. I have nothing more to tell you. (J.Ch.) 5. "It doesn't make sense, Miss Curleigh." "Well," said Miss Curleigh brightly, "at least I've given the great Mr Queen something to think about." (E.Q.) 6. You know, I have no one to talk this over with. (S.M.) 7. And anyway, I rather doubt if he was the one actually to do it. (A.Chr.) 8. If I have any more news, you will be the first to know. (R.Murphy) 9. "Inspector Standish," Tanya said, "told me that the man was almost the last to board the flight." (A.H.) 10. If he came back after the crime, then he had not found the money when he committed the crime. Perhaps he had so much to do immediately after the commission of the crime that he had no time to search. (E.Q.)


Exercise 29. Complete the following using the infinitive as attribute.

1. He has a right ... . 2. Have you made any attempts ... ? 3. She had no desire ... . 4. When the police officer got up, he expressed a wish ... . 5. What I loved so much about Jenny was her ability ... . 6. Do you want time ... ? 7. I can't reach. I need a chair ... . 8. For the moment he had no idea how ... . 9. I have a lot of work ... . 10. There was nothing more ... . 11. I couldn't think of anything ... . 12. I have something ... . 13. As the bus stopped, Mr Adams was the first ... . 14. Neil Armstrong was the first person ... . 15. Linda had very little ... . 16. If I have any more news, you will be the first ... . 17. I've got a lot of homework ... . 18. I think the best way ... . 19. The manager has turned down an invitation ... . 20. It gives you a chance ... .


Exercise 30. Paraphrase the following so as to use the infinitive as attribute, e.g.

There are more than fifty proposals that will be discussed at the conference. à There are more than fifty proposals to be discussed at the conference.

1. This is a point which we should bear in mind. 2. The chemist gave her the tablets, which were to be taken three times daily. (B.D.Graver) 3. Neil Armstrong was the first person who walked on the moon. 4. One of the last men that came into the room was a huge bald-headed man. 5. Our company builds houses that suit many different types of purchaser. (B.D.Graver) 6. There are still many difficulties that must be surmounted. (B.D.Graver) 7. I was the second customer who complained to the restaurant manager about the service. 8. Only the chairman objected to the proposal that they should build more houses. 9. You won't have much money which you can spend. (B.D.Graver) 10. We will give Jensen the pearls which he must give to you. 11. Well, you've got a clear week in which you can think. 12. He hoped to find a cottage which he could rent. 13. They were the first people who came downstairs. 14. You waste a lot of time going down blind alleys if you have no one who can lead you. 15. "I have something which I must tell you," I said. 16. The next train that arrives at platform 4 will be the 6.50 to Cardiff.


Exercise 31. Translate the sentences into English using the infinitive as attribute.

1. У тебя много работы. 2. Но он имеет право делать, что хочет. 3. Она исчезла. Мы знаем, что было, по крайней мере, шесть попыток ее отравить, все неудачные. 4. Когда Тавернер поднялся, он изъявил желание осмотреть их часть дома. 5. Вчера компания осуществила свою угрозу уволить бастующих работников. 6. Она полагала, что первое, что надлежит сделать, это выяснить, вылетел ли он [пассажир] уже; если нет, то, возможно, еще есть время остановить его. 7. Что мне так нравилось в Дженни, так это ее способность видеть меня насквозь, понимать то, что мне никогда не надо облекать в слова. 8. В отличие от Вайсмана, у меня не было сил держать это в себе. 9. У меня будет нечто, что я смогу дать людям и что они будут рады принять. 10. Она взяла меня под руку, и мы пошли вдоль реки. Действительно, больше нечего было сказать. 11. Когда автобус остановился, он сел первым. 12. Возможно, ему надо было так много сделать сразу же после совершения преступления, что у него не было времени на поиски. 13. Мы тогда знали, что нам не о чем беспокоиться в отношении Флейшмана. 14. У меня были свои собственные дела, которыми нужно было заняться. 15. Я не уверена, Чарльз, что когда-нибудь смогу выйти за тебя. – Почему? Потому что ты чувствуешь, что я чужой? Тебе нужно время, чтобы снова ко мне привыкнуть? Или у тебя есть кто-то еще?


Exercise 32. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the use of the infinitive as adverbial modifier.

1. To waste no time, Elliot arranged to take his ladies to look at clothes immediately after lunch. (S.M.) 2. In order to make those repeated poisoning attempts, the poisoner had to be near Euphemia or near her food at least since the attempts began. (E.Q.) 3. Trees are being planted by the roadside so as to reduce traffic noise. (M.Hewings) 4. Waiting for her, he walked the corridor. He stopped to chat with Joe Hopper from the scenario department. (F.S.F.) 5. Elliott looked me full in the face to see the stupefaction with which he expected this communication to fill me. (S.M.) 6. I had not yet seen the Old Man. He had been out when I arrived, and after a bath, a shave and a change I had gone out to meet Sophia. (A.Chr.) 7. If there's trouble I'll stay to help. I owe it to the Godfather. (M.P.) 8. I'm saving to buy a new car. (M.Hewings) 9. The killer had spent some time there. He had had to rip open the drawers to find the hidden money. (A.Hit.) 10. But she was accidentally a witness to the murder and was killed by the poisoner on the spot to eliminate a witness to the crime. (E.Q.) 11. He sealed the letter and gave it to me to mail. (F.S.F.) 12. Buying the video is cheaper than paying for seats to see the film at the cinema. (M.Dean) 13. The President has a team of bodyguards to protect him. (R.Murphey) 14. Friends, we are here to witness the union of two lives in marriage. Let us listen to the words they have chosen to read on this sacred occasion. (E.S.) 15. Her father was happy. He had never expected, when he sent her off to Radcliffe, that she would return to Cranston to marry the boy next door. (E.S.)


Exercise 33. Instructions as for 32.

1. "We will give Jensen the pearls to give to you." "It isn't that easy. Jensen is too big to crawl through the spot where the roof has partly collapsed." (A.Hit.) 2. Barnly really likes Hannah, but he's too shy to make the first move. (Longman Dictionary) 3. Inez had watched too many of her husband's ambitious schemes totter and collapse to believe in the likelihood of one more possibility succeeding. (A.H.) 4. She was sensible enough to see that her elders had reason on their side. (S.M.) 5. He had married the sheriff's sister, Serena Dowling, a virago with a tongue sharp enough to fell the forests of Oregon. (S.Sh.) 6. He had changed his mind, and he had not been man enough to come and tell her. (S.Sh.) 7. It was so unusual as to seem almost a joke. (M.Hewings) 8. I turned round to find a man pointing a knife at me. (M.Hewings) 9. Despite the initial slowness of her journey, she could have reached Flight Two before it left. As it was, she arrived at the departure gate to see the aeroplane taxiing away. (A.H.) 10. The disease (SARS) spread from China last year to kill around 1.000 of the 8.500 people it affected worldwide. (D.T.) 11. She went to the shop, only to discover that the dress was very expensive. (B.D.Graver) 12. Perhaps some neighbouring diners heard this remark. As if to compensate for my loudness, Oliver III aimed his next words at me in a biting whisper. (E.S.) 13. Miss de Haviland gave me no time to consider her question. She was more inclined to assert than to question. (A.Chr.) 14. He was a singularly tough old man. He really looked like living to be a hundred. (A.Chr.) 15. You'd be well within your rights to take him to court. (Longman Dictionary)


Exercise 34. Complete the following using the infinitive as adverbial modifier.

1. Trees are being planted by the roadside so as ... . 2. Waiting for her, he walked the corridor. He stopped ... . 3. After a bath, a shave and a change he went out ... . 4. I'm saving ... . 5. The killer had to rip open the drawers … the hidden money. 6. He sealed the letter and gave it to me ... . 7. The President has a team of bodyguards ... . 8. Buying the video is cheaper than paying for seats ... . 9. Passing the kitchen, he stopped ... a large glass of water. 10. She had cut short their vacations in order ... . 11. ... a little extra money, Assunta began to make spaghetti sauce. She made the sauce in her kitchen and sold it locally. 12. What can I do ... ? 13. Taverner turned his head slowly ... . 14. The door opened and Glover came in ... . 15. The box was there – empty. Obviously, ... her husband had pawned the ring . 16. I phoned the police station ... . 17. Have you come ... ? 18. She's gone to the bank ... . 19. He went back to the motel ... . 20. She was hoping to find a porter ... . 21. ... you have to pass a number of examinations. 22. Bring me a chair ... .


Exercise 35. Instructions as for 34.

1. Barney really likes Hannah, but he's too shy ... . 2. My grandfather thought he was too old ... . 3. Lawrence was too frightened ... . 4. I was stupid enough ... . 5. She is too young ... . 7. Diana says she is too hurt ... . 8. I am not rich enough ... . 9. She was sensitive enough ... . 10. You should have been man enough ... . 11. He was too much absorbed with his own thoughts ... . 12. When I came home, I was too tired ... . 13. I knew her well enough … . 14. I knew her too little … . 15. Most of these theories sounded too absurd ... . 16. She spoke English well enough ... . 17. He was fool enough ... . 18. Do you think I am such a fool as ... ? 19. The problem was too complicated ... . 20. He was gentleman enough ... .


Exercise 36. Translate the sentences into English using the infinitive as adverbial modifier.

1. Чтобы удостовериться, что она не ошиблась (to misunderstand), Инез перечитала содержание бланка. 2. Если бы я прятался от полиции, знаете, где бы я спрятался? В тюрьме! – Что? – Вы ищите Давенхайма, чтобы посадить его в тюрьму, поэтому вам и в голову не придет посмотреть, а нет ли его уже там! 3. Взволнованный слушатель вскочил (to spring), чтобы пожать мне руку. 4. Проходя мимо кухни, он остановился выпить стакан воды. 5. Сбитая с толку, она повернулась, чтобы посмотреть на Эшли. 6. Предыдущей ночью я спал очень мало. Я встал рано, чтобы сопровождать Тавернера. 7. Он проделал весь этот путь, чтобы посмотреть паршивый хоккейный матч?! 8. Ему нужно было, по крайней мере, еще 10 или 15 минут, чтобы купить страховку (flight insurance). Он проклинал себя за то, что не выехал в аэропорт пораньше и не купил необходимую ему страховку без спешки. 9. Майкл издал (to heave) вздох облегчения и двинулся им навстречу. Двое громадных полицейских схватили его за руки. 10. Вы можете что-нибудь рассказать мне о г-не Лоуренсе Брауне? Он был нанят Вашим отцом для обучения Ваших детей. 11. Вы пришли помочь нам – или наоборот? 12. Ей придется пойти в банк, чтобы получить деньги по чеку.


Exercise 37. Instructions as for 36.

1. Большая часть этих теорий звучала слишком абсурдно, чтобы принять их всерьез. 2. Она чувствовала себя слишком слабой, чтобы встать с постели. 3. "Ты достаточно богат, чтобы заплатить за такси?" спросила она. 4. Диана говорит, что она слишком обижена, чтобы его простить. 5. Он слишком молод, чтобы отличить правильное от неправильного. 6. У меня с собой недостаточно денег, чтобы оплатить счет. 7. Он был слишком занят (absorbed) своими собственными мыслями, чтобы дать немедленный ответ на мое замечание. 8. Я чувствовал, что мой разум достаточно силен, чтобы отразить исключительно сильную атаку на него. 9. Он не был достаточно информирован, чтобы понять все, что подразумевалось. 10. Ханна действительно нравится Барни, но он слишком застенчив, чтобы сделать первый шаг. 11. Джоан сделала глупость (to be foolish), не приняв их предложение. 12. Само солнце было ослепительно белым, словно готовое взорваться. 13. Кто-то должен был сильно ненавидеть Тиббла, чтобы сделать то, что с ним сделали. 14. Знает ли кто-нибудь из вас о каких-либо его врагах? О ком-то, кто достаточно сильно его ненавидел, чтобы захотеть его убить? 15. Правительство поступило бы смело, если бы назначило выборы сейчас.


Exercise 38. Instructions as for 36.

1. Она открыла глаза и увидела, что Робби улыбается ей. 2. Скотт прибыл на Южный полюс 18 января и обнаружил, что Амундсен добрался туда раньше него. 3. Мы пришли и обнаружили, что в доме побывали воры. (to burgle) 4. Г-ну Карлсону просто не повезло, что он оставил сейф незапертым, что облегчило им (ворам) дело. 5. Она ушла из дома, чтобы больше никогда не возвращаться. 6. Я обернулся и увидел (обнаружил), что какой-то человек угрожает (to point) мне ножом. 7. Она подошла к выходу на посадку и увидела, что самолет выруливает к взлетной полосе (to taxi away). 8. Она пошла в магазин и обнаружила, что платье слишком дорогое.


Exercise 39 State the function of the infinitive.

1. Jennifer was awarded her degree on Wednesday. All sorts of relatives flocked to Cambridge to attend the ceremony. (E.S.) 2. To earn a little extra money, Assunta began to make spaghetti sauce. She made the sauce in her kitchen and sold it locally. (B.Abbs.) 3. To ease credit restrictions at this stage would be unwise. (B.D.Graver) 4. The box was there – empty. Obviously, to get the forty-seven dollars her husband had pawned the ring. (A.H.) 5. Selzer said that not to play for a week would be the wisest thing. (E.S.) 6. He nearly fainted at the sudden shock of pain; but he hit his lip and clenched his hands to hide his agony. (A.C.D.) 7. Plenty of people had divorces without dropping out of sight socially. Cindy even had the impression sometimes that not to have been divorced, at least once, was somewhat square. (A.H.) 8. To make sure she had not misunderstood, she read the contents of the form again. (A.H.) 9. It would do no good at all to explain again. (B.D.Graver) 10. The beams have to be strong enough to support the roof. (M.Hewings) 11. I went back to the motel to phone Jenny. (E.S.) 12. Merely to become aware of them was to gain a new feeling of strength and purpose. (C.W.) 13. There was so little time left when the chief pilot landed, that he taxied the aeroplane directly to gate forty-seven of the terminal, where it was to load. 14. Phirmphoot had a keen mathematician's mind and he was one of he best load control men in the business. ... The trick was to distribute the weight correctly through the aeroplane; hence, the aircraft would be balanced, and stable in the air. Fred Phirmphoot's job was to calculate how much could be stowed aboard Flight Two and where. (A.H.) 15. I'd lost my front door key and I had to smash a window with a brick to get in. (M.Hewings) 16. She woke up to see the house on fire. 17. I am tempted to think that to be despised by her sex is a very great compliment to a woman. (W.Th.) 18. But the Ghost Pearls hadn't been given to him. He had stolen them and then hastily left China with his bride, never to return. (A.Hit.)


Exercise 40. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Mrs Smith looked at the doctor and said, "To tell you the truth, doctor, he's making a coffee table." (B.Abbs) 2. I found that by far the most difficult thing, to begin with, was to realize that "feeling" is just another form of perception. (C.W.) 3. I blended into my own self, and became, so to speak, a mere passenger of my old self. (C.W.) 4. But staying in a hotel wouldn't be nearly as much fun, not to mention the expense. (D.S.) 5. It was a complete waste of time, to say nothing of all the stress and bother! (Longman Dictionary) 6. My position was a curious one. It was, to say the least of it, quite unorthodox. (A.Chr.) 7. It would be silly, not to say mad, to sell your car. (Longman Dictionary) 8. Money makes money. To put it another way, the greater the investment, the greater the profit. (Longman Dictionary) 9. To begin with, you don't believe, do you, that your young woman murdered her grandfather? (A.Chr.) 10. We are, to put it mildly, in a mess. (Longman Dictionary) 11. To put it crudely, the gulf between wealth and poverty is growing wider each year. (Longman Dictionary) 12. To put it bluntly, she's not up to the job. (Longman Dictionary)


Exercise 41. Instructions as for 40.

1. To be blunt, when Pascale got here, apparently it looked like "the Fall of the House of Usher." (D.S.) 2. To be honest with you, John, he is right. (D.S.) 3. To be perfectly frank, I think that's a crazy idea. (Longman Dictionary) 4. Jamie's had his problems to be sure, but he's got potential. (Longman Dictionary) 5. My parents live abroad – in North Borneo to be precise. (Longman Dictionary) 6. Mel asked, "What about Flight Two?" "To tell the truth," Tanya hesitated, "I'm not really sure." (A.H.) 7. The car had broken down, and to make matters worse, it was beginning to rain. (Longman Dictionary) 8. To cut a long story short, they thought it would be more economical to live at the villa. 9. And then, to crown it all, I lost my purse. (Longman Dictionary) 10. To tell you the truth, I'd rather lose my own money than see them lose theirs. (S.M.) 11. If Mr. Joseph Sedley is rich and unmarried, why should I not marry him? I have only a fortnight, to be sure, but there is no harm in trying. (W.Th.)



Exercise 42. Translate the sentences into English using infinitive phrases parenthetically.

1. По правде говоря, мне это нравится. 2. Мягко выражаясь, она немножечко любознательна. 3. Он был груб, если не сказать больше (и это еще слабо сказано). 4. А потом, в довершение всего, я потеряла кошелек. 5. Короче говоря, они подумали, что будет дешевле жить на вилле. 6. Было бы глупостью (silly), если не сказать безумием, продать свою машину. 7. По правде говоря, я никогда не слышал этого имени. 8. Он был, по меньшей мере, обижен. 9. Честно говоря, Джон, он прав. 10. Это была совершенно пустая трата времени, не говоря уже обо всей этой нервотрепке и хлопотах. 11. Во-первых, он изучал философию в колледже. 12. Честно говоря (Если быть совершенно откровенным), я думаю, что это безумная идея. 13. Ты мог бы быть, по меньшей мере, повнимательнее в тот раз. 14. Ну, по правде говоря, она мне никогда по-настоящему не нравилась.

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