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Dealing with stress

Pre-reading tasks

1. Express your opinion

  1. What usually causes stress?
  2. Have you ever suffered from stress?
  3. If you are under pressure, how do you usually cope with stress?
  4. Do you know any ways to avoid stress?
  5. What do you do to relax?

2. Jobs with high stress

Which job is the most stressful?

  1. air-traffic controller
  2. lawyer
  3. school teacher
  4. journalist
  5. medical intern
  6. musician
  7. police officer
  8. realtor
  9. fireman
  10. stockbroker
  11. banker
  12. concertmaster

13. waitress/waiter

Reading tasks

3. Read the article

Passengers behaving badly

  The abusive passenger is becoming a world-wide problem.
            Delta Air Lines crew9 suffer1 100 verbal and physical assaults2 a month, while cabin crews9 in some airlines are seeking early retirement3 at 50 because of their stressful work. The cause of most passenger misbehavior is stress. Overcrowding and queuing4 at the airport raises adrenaline levels. Normally these levels decrease5 through gaining control of a situation either by standing up and fighting or by running. Instead, passengers are kept in cramped6 conditions on an airplane, where they have no control. In these circumstances7, they wait for one little excuse and then let rip12. A businessman was recently less than happy             when airport staff told him his luggage had been lost. Already frustrated by a delayed flight, he stormed onto the runway, took out a pistol and shot the airplane’s front tyre. Much of the abuse8 is down to alcohol. The aviation consultancy discovered that 202 out of 708 major incidents noted by a US carrier10 over a six-month period were alcohol-related. Seventy-four incidents were smoking-related: more carriers10 are banning11 on-board smoking, leading the nicotine–dependent into conflict as they try to have a secret cigarette. The scientists also blame changes in society’s views on technology and authority and stress related to mass travel.

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4. Understanding details:

Answer the following questions:

  1. Why are cabin crews seeking early retirement?
  2. What are two major causes of stress?
  3. How can adrenaline level be controlled?
  4. What was a businessman upset about?

5. Does smoking cause and problems during a flight?

6. Who is to be blamed for stressful situations while travelling?

5. A summary of the article

Make a summary of the article.

6. Read the article

Stressed out

          Stress on the job costs American companies as much as $150 billion a year in lower productivity, unnecessary employee sick leave and higher medical costs. Three-quarters of the office workers today say they (1) ….. from stress at work. The scientists have discovered that the most stressful professions are those that (2) ….. danger and extreme pressure and those that carry a lot of responsibility without much control. People in business may suffer from stress for many different reasons: if they are overworked, if they have to work to tight (3) ….. , if they always feel under pressure,         if they can not give their reports in on time or if they can not meet their targets. The problem is that a high level of stress may lead to poor (4) ….. , bad relationships at work, low morale, and a loss of productivity. It is important to recognize the symptoms of stress, such as (5) ….. in communicating with colleagues, nervousness, anger, forgetfulness, lack of concentration, nail biting, overeating, loss of appetite or sleeping badly. The best way to (6) ….. with stress is through relaxation, but sometimes the only answer is to fight back or walk away.


Vocabulary practice tasks

7. Article integrity

Insert the words where necessary to restore the integrity of the article.

  1. health
  1. deadlines
  1. suffer
  1. difficulty
  1. involve
  1. deal

8. Reshape the idea

Rewrite each sentence so that it becomes shorter if possible but its meaning remains the same.

  1. A businessman was recently less than happy when airport staff told him his luggage had been lost.


  1. The aviation consultancy discovered that 202 out of 708 major incidents noted by a US carrier over a six-month period were alcohol-related.


  1. Passengers are kept in cramped conditions on an airplane, where they have no control.


  1. People in business may suffer from stress for many different reasons.


  1. Normally these levels decrease5 through gaining control of a situation either by standing up and fighting or by running.


  1. Cabin crews in some airlines are seeking early retirement at 50 because of their stressful work.


Interactive tasks

9. Situations and stress

Choose three situations from the list and rank them from 1 (most stressful) to 3 (least stressful). Discuss your choices.

  1. making a speech
  2. having a final exam
  3. going to the dentist
  4. being fired
  5. performing a concert
  6. having an interview
  7. writing a report with a tight deadline
  8. dealing with a customer who has a complaint

10. Some ways to cope with stress

Which are the most effective ways of coping with stress

  1. maintain a sense of humour
  2. meditate
  3. get a massage
  4. work out in a gym
  5. eat more sensibly
  6. limit intake of alcohol and caffeine
  7. spend more time with family and friends
  8. go to the psychiatrist
  9. quit your job
  10. listen to relaxing music

11. Explain this

Give definitions to the following words.

a delayed flight ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

a deadline .………………………………………..…………………………….……………………………………

low morale ……….…………………………………..……..………………….……………………………………

an assault .………………………………………………….………..………………………………………………

12. Solving a problem

Read this short article from the Japanese newspaper. Express your opinion on the subject.

      Yoshiaki Nishiura, a 25-year-old truck driver from western Japan, was sacked1 because he dyed his hair brown. (This is a popular fashion with a growing number of young Japanese.) Although he apologized and dyed it black again, he was still fired. His employer, Mr Yamago, believed that behavior like Mr Nishiura’s undermined2 company discipline and corrupted morale. He blamed3 it on American influence.       ‘We need drivers to maintain4 a professional appearance5 to make a good impression,’ he said. A Japanese journalist said, ‘Japanese firms expect all employees to look the same and think the same. When you enter a company, you sign away your human rights.’ Mr Nishiura is going to sue6 his employer for unfair dismissal7.


Date: 2015-04-20; view: 2401

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