Formation of economic policy
1. Scientific bases and criterion function of economic policy.
2. Factor of time and problem of a choice of character of economic policy and its productivity.
3. Forms of economic policy.
4. Types of economic systems and economic policies.
1.Discussion of the questions;
2.Work with state program:
- Address of President of Republic of Kazakhstan «Kazakhstan’s way – 2050: common aim, common interests, common future»;
- Concept of State Youth Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan till 2020.
3.Questions for discussion:
-What is the purpose of policy?
-Call the factors of time and problem of a choice of character of economic policy.
-Call the economic systems.
-Call the economic policies.
Exercise 1. Work and analyze information about and writing on papers:
- Anti-cyclic regulation and long-term regulation in the developed, developing countries;
- Anti-cyclic regulation and long-term regulation in Kazakhstan.
Exercise 2. Creation of structural table: «Classification of purposes of economic policy».
Exercise 3. Give two examples of collateral consequences (positive and negative), construct a structural and logical chain.
Exercise 4. Draw a polygon of the purposes for Kazakhstan.
Exercise 5. Essay writing on the theme: «How I understand the theorem of efficiency of economic policy? (with example)».
Form of activity: practical work, discussion, independent activity, research activity.
Methodical instructions: Preparation for performance of tasks should be began with studying of recommended literature. When studying this theme, you shall understand main and applied purposes of economic policy, criterion function, scientific bases of economic policy, definition of the general purpose and tree of purposes, classification of the purposes by character, by time of their achievement, by a rank, by interrelation, by the direction, and allocation of priority purposes, emergence of collateral consequences at achievement of the purposes of economic policy, definition of the principles of statement of purposes, polygons of purposes of economic policy.
Read about time factor, logs, and political restrictions, mechanism of the state influence, influence of the social environment on degree of perception of the state influence, theorem of efficiency of a state policy.
Study forms of economic policy, anti-cyclic regulation, and long-term regulation.
Analyze problem of a choice of character and main forms of economic policy, productivity of economic policy, interrelation of economic policy and types of economic systems.
Writing of the essay, drawing up comparative tables and structural and logical schemes and other tasks will help you to fix this theme.
Literature: 1-35.
Theme ¹4.
Date: 2015-02-28; view: 940