The role of the state in the market economy
1. State as economic subject.
2. Economic functions of state.
3. Need and shortcomings of the state intervention.
1.Discussion of the questions;
2.Questions for discussion:
- What are the intervention?
- Call the economic functions of state.
- Call the need and shortcomings of economic policy.
Exercise 1. Creation of structural table: «Views of economists of need of state intervention in economy».
Exercise 2. Essay writing on the theme: «Fiasco of the market and need of state regulation of economy», «Shortcomings of the state intervention in economy».
Form of activity: practical work, discussion, independent activity, research activity.
Methodical instructions: Preparation for performance of tasks should be began with studying of recommended literature. You shall study implementation of government procurements, influence of the state orders on large and small business, competition of firms for the state order, formation of public sector, economy nationalization, and objects of state ownership.
Read about economic functions of the state: creation of legal base of functioning of economy, protection of system of the competition, equitable distribution of the income, stimulation of restructuring of economy, creation of built-in stabilizers.
Study the means and ways of state regulation, economic and political components the states, political systems, need of state intervention in economy.
Learn history of state regulation of economy, the reasons of need of intervention of the state in economy: monopolization of economy, disproportion in economy, conducting wars, production of the public benefits, support of scientific researches, injustice of distribution of the income, environment protection.
Writing of the essay, drawing up comparative tables and structural and logical schemes and other tasks will help you to fix this theme.
Literature: 1-35.
Theme ¹3.
Date: 2015-02-28; view: 1652