Using and Expanding on the Information in the Talk
Recognizing Information and Checking Accuracy
For questions 1-5, you will hear multiple-choice questions about the information presented in the talk. Listen to each question and decide whether (a), (b), (c), or (d) is the best answer to the question.
_____ 1. (a) As old as the pyramids.
(b) More years than you think.
(c) As ancient as the city of Babylon.
(d) All of the above.
_____ 2. (a) Babylon
(b) Egypt
(c) India
(d) Kashmir
_____ 3. (a) bacteria
(b) nitrates
(c) filtering
(d) gravity
_____ 4. (a) bacteria
(b) nitrates
(c) filtering
(d) gravity
_____ 5. (a) 1,000
(b) 3,000
(c) 10,000
(d) 25,000
For questions 6-10, you will hear statements about hydroponic aquaculture. If the statement is true, put a T on the line next to the number of the statement. If the statement is false, put an F on the line and explain why the statement is false.
Using and Expanding on the Information in the Talk
a. Recapping the Information from Your Notes. Use your notes to recap the information you learned about the hydroponic system of growing lettuce. Present the information to the class or to one of your classmates.
b. Expanding on the Information in the Talk. Discuss with a classmate why you agree (or do not agree) with the following statements:
1. Hydroponic aquaculture would be a cost-effective and efficient method of growing food in my country.
2. Many things could go wrong with hydroponic aquaculture.
3. Developing countries would benefit more using aquaculture than would developed countries.
4. I would prefer to eat vegetables grown in soil than in the hydroponic environment.
5. Some people eat to live; other live to eat. I live to eat.
6. If the following foods were prepared and served for dinner at a friend’s house, I would eat:
ü horse meat
ü snake meat
ü grasshoppers and crickets
ü raw fish
ü roast dog
ü monkey meat
ü pork
ü camel meat
ü kangaroo meat
ü elephant meat
ü octopus
ü the eyes of an animal
ü the brains of an animal
ü the heart and intestine of an animal
ü mushrooms a friend found in the woods near his house
B The Listening Expansion
Task 1. Listening to Identify Steps
You are going to listen to steps that can be followed to achieve a yoga position. First look at the seven pictures below. These pictures are the steps necessary to do the yoga exercise. However, they are not in the correct order. You must listen carefully and number the pictures. (Notice that two of the pictures are the same, but you will need both of them in order to complete the steps).
Now that you have finished putting the pictures in the correct order, you could try out the yoga exercise. Don’t worry if you can’t do it perfectly. Just move as far as comfortable for you. Never do anything that hurts or makes you uncomfortable.
Task 2. Taking Your Pulse
People who exercise vigorously, for example, people who run or ride a bicycle, are often interested in knowing what their pulse rate is before and after they exercise. Taking your pulse is easy. Listen to the steps. You may want to take brief notes.
Practice explaining these steps to a partner. Then take your pulse and write the number here.