Department of stomatology and dentofacial surgery of the AzSATID named after A.Aliyev,
In the results of scientific and research works carried out in the sphere of medicine in the recent years, surgical treatment methods of a number of diseased were discovered and the surgical methods were gradually improved. Dentofacial defects may be hereditary, or form after various traumas and acute inflammatory diseases in the dental system. Thus, in elderly people, the occurrence rate of occlusion anomalies is 2,2-23,7%, including lower jaw retrognathia - 1,7-2.0 %, upper jaw retrognathia - 1,6-2.0 %, open bite - 1.0-13,5%, deep overbite - 27,6 %, mixed anomalies of occlusion (bite) 11,5%. In case of all the abovementioned defects it is possible to prepare both orthodontic treatment plan and plastic reconstructive surgical plan of dentofacial area by calculation of different anomalies taking into consideration the skull base of both lower and upper jaw in all the three directions by using calculations scientists based on Twedd analysis, Dovans analysis, Steiner analysis, Sassouni analysis, Ricketts analysis carried out on front, side and basilar cephalometric X-ray images taken from a patient.
Patients with defects of dentofacial area shall be treated an orthodontist, be under the control of dentofacial surgeons up to the age of 16-18, the plan for the future orthognatic surgical correction of deformations of dentofacial bones shall be included into the orthodontic treatment plan based on the absolute cephalometric analyses and complications that may occur in the occlusion of future operations shall be considered.
In 248 patients that entered our clinic, calculations were carried out based on front and side cephalometric X-ray images. After the completion of orthodontic treatment of patients, new calculations were made based on front and side cephalometric X-ray images and surgical reconstruction plan was prepared. 78 (31,5%) of 248 patients that entered out clinic underwent plastic reconstructive surgery for lower jaw progenia, 64 patients (25,8%) for laterognathy, 89 patients (35,9 %) for lower jaw progenia and upper jaw retrognathy, 17 (6,8%) patients for hemifacial microsomia.
After the completion of orthodontic treatment at the clinic, 248 patients at the age of 18-35 were received and operated because of various dentofacial anomalies and defect. In all the patients esthetic facial structure, orthognatic occlusion and masticatory functions were completely restored and the respiratory tract was expanded. Based on the results of conducted investigations, it can be said that in all cases of dentofacial anomalies and defects after orthodontic treatments after the cephalometric calculations plastic reconstructive operations shall be carried out and post-operative orthodontic treatment shall be completed.
Date: 2014-12-28; view: 898