KRASNOYARSKKrasnoyarsk is located 4065 kilometers from Moscow along the Trans-Siberian railway. It takes about 2 days and 10 hours to get there from Moscow by train and about 4.5 hours by plane.
Krasnoyarsk is the center of the vast Krasnoyarsk region, it is the second biggest city in Siberia after Novosibirsk and a powerful industrial center. There are about 950,000 inhabitants.
The city also amazes with the hospitality of local people — a typical Siberian trait, but especially evident in Krasnoyarsk. Everybody: from a bus conductor to a stranger on the street seem to want to make you feel good and proud of their city.
Krasnoyarsk lies along Enisey river — one of the most beautiful and powerful rivers of Siberia. It is surrounded by mountains, giving a very interesting flavour to the city views.
The history of Krasnoyarsk counts back to the year 1628 when it was founded by the cossack Andrey Dubensky. At that time it used to be a local center and was an important transport hub for river transport (Enisey river flows into North Ocean). During the XIX century it was an imporant cultural center of Siberia: in the end of 1880s the Regional Studies Museum was opened: one of the most imporant ethnographic and archeology museums in Russia. The Trans-Siberian road passing through Krasnoyarsk gave a boost to industrial development of the city, especially metal production, oil, and construction industries.
Krasnoyarsk – is a fast-moving and well-developed city so there are many places for visiting, recharging and entertaining. The most prominent and popular restaurants and cafes are located in the centre of Krasnoyarsk on Mira Prospect, Karl Marx Street and Lenin Street. There's also the Central Park and 350-Year Krasnoyarsk square (located in front of Krasnoyarsk Hotel and Krasnoyarsk Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet). At the 350-square there are a lot of open-air cafes in summer and also the famous Krasnoyarsk attraction - the local «big ben» - a «singing clock tower».
If you want to stay out of the bars but you want to get out of your flat, there are several more “cultured” pass times Krasnoyarsk has to offer. The Krasnoyarsk State Opera and Ballet Theatre has productions year around including national and international acts. The Bolshoi concert hall regularly welcomes well-known national musicians and also houses a wonderful symphony orchestra which performs seasonally. And of course, what Russian city would be complete without a Pushkin theatre, where you can see fantastic plays for about 5 dollars.
Date: 2015-02-28; view: 1265