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One can hardly find a region in Russia with such a significant number of implemented national projects as the Krasnoyarsk krai. The «growth points» have already been determined — in industry, power engineering and energy, research and education. Siberian Federal University was established in 2006 to train highly qualified specialists capable of working in any region of our country, including the severe conditions of the Northern areas.

The university was founded by merging 4 major Krasnoyarsk institutions of higher education. Today the University consists of 19 institutes, 41,000 students and more than 3,000 faculty members, mostly doctors and candidates of science (Ph.D.). Among the members of the University Board of Trustees are representatives of large companies, politicians and scientists. The Chairman of the Board is Dmitry Medvedev.

«At the present moment Siberian Federal University is one of the most actively developing universities in the whole Russia», — said Nikolay Bulaev (the Head of the Federal Agency for Education at that time), estimating the accomplishments made in Krasnoyarsk within the 3-year period during his visit to SibFU in August 2009.




Siberian Federal University is an example of effective public private partnership in the field of education and science. The strategic objectives of the Krasnoyarsk krai development have determined the areas of government and business cooperation. The Federation, Krasnoyarsk krai government and private organisations take part in the development of the University. Today the University has about 70 agreements with strategic partners- employers. For the 3-year period the University has been consecutively pursuing the policy of close cooperation with the largest Russian and international companies functioning in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Such cooperation includes not only specific requirements to the competence level of the University graduates, but also establishment of basic departments at enterprises, awarding of personal scholarships, organization of summer internships, involvement of company specialists in educational process and establishment of joint research and production centres like Gulidov’s Nonferrous Metals Plant.

The pilot project of human resources development for the largest oil producing company “Rosneft” could be considered as a striking example of such partnership. The company has been constructing the building for the Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Institute at the territory of the University campus having invested 890 million rubles in this project. The first stage of the institute construction development has been finished in September 2010. In its turn, with the active assistance of the Territory government and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the University provides students’ training in accordance with the new requirements in the field of technology and specialisations. At the same time the company supports training of schoolchildren - the University prospective students - by organizing special “Rosneft” classes.

Last year the University won the “Vankorneft” company contest for ecological monitoring of the environment conditions during construction and operation of the oil-trunk pipeline part. Several large-scale projects have been launched in cooperation with JSC Information Satellite Systems - Reshetnev Company in order to promote the GLONASS satellite positioning system, to design on-board radio-electronic equipment, etc. The University develops projects on open pit mines reconstruction and determines gold-mining potential for such mining companies as “RUSAL-Achinsk” and “Vasilievsky rudnik”. SibFU has implemented joint projects with the National Foundation of HR Development and the Federal Space Agency. The University has been awarded NATO grants for the establishment of regional research and educational network and the grant from the Federal Agency for Science and Innovation for the development of nano-industry infrastructure in the Russian Federation. Siberian Federal University students were among the winners of student project contests “Energy of development - 2009” organized by “RusHydro”.

Graduates with engineering education can easily undertake internships in large companies and get employed, while such plants as “Krastsvetmet”, “Rusal” and “Nornikel” are ready to hire them. Besides, young engineers from Krasnoyarsk are increasingly in demand by the enterprises of Saint-Petersburg, Kostroma and Novosibirsk. At present, the majority of engineers at the plant of Krasnoyarsk Institute of Nonferrous Metals and Gold named after Gulidov are the graduates of SibFU Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Material Science. Today, prospective specialists in mining engineering, geology and geotechnology undertake internships at “Taimyrsky” and “Oktyabrsky” mines, Norilsk nickel plant, “Talnakhskoe” and “Norilsk-1” mines. The partners of the University support talented students and postgraduates by awarding 315 personal scholarships of 12 million rubles in total. Partner companies also sponsor academic exchange and educational activity programmes. Private companies and university graduates complement to the increasing of the Target Capital Fund.



Siberian Federal University offers higher education by 122 educational programmes in 50 professional fields. The educational process is based on international standards.Bachelor and Master degree programmes have been implemented in compliance with the Bologna system. Certified holder of a Master’s degree can devote his life to science and take a Ph.D. course. The University offers 116 doctoral programmes.


Students from Russia and other countries study at the University. SibFU maintains “Double degree” programmes with the European, Asian and American universities. According to various educational and cultural exchange programmes, hundreds of international students visit SibFU and hundreds of SibFU students study abroad. The University students have an opportunity to attend lectures of the world-level specialists. In 2010 alone, about 200 visiting professors delivered lectures at the University, 100 of them being the leading scientists from England, Germany, Spain, USA and other countries.

The University provides unique opportunities for development of practical and scientific components of education. In 2 recent years more than 2,5 billion rubles have been spent on renewal of the University facilities. Federal funds have been spent on:

establishment of centres for equipment joint use with unique equipment for research activities in the field of chemistry, physics, biology, material science and space technology;

establishment of 86 resource centres with research and educational equipment, that makes it possible to combine education with high-level scientific research;

organization of the electronic library that could be considered as a world-level information centre for the public libraries, university libraries and libraries of scientific institutes in Siberia;

support of the University staff internships in Russian and international universities, as well as in large companies.

The University high-performance computing centre provides specialists from various research areas with up-to-date computational and engineering facilities.

SibFU equipment joint use centre is an infrastructure element of the innovative system of the University that allows to solve large-scale interdisciplinary problems in the areas of high technology and nanotechnology. Equipment joint use centre introduces about 100 units of unique devices and facilities for scientific research. Highly skilled specialists and unique equipment allow to conduct the most difficult world-level research.

The University possesses a supercomputer, one out of the “Top-50” of the most high-performance computers in Russia; a space data receiving centre and a centre of seismic prospecting; an observatory; a fully equipped weather station and a lunar-planetary camera; a complex of equipment for physical and chemical research; biotechnological, clinical and biological, nanotechnological and electronic laboratories.

Siberian Federal University annually participates in Russian and international large-scale research projects, methodological and youth scientific projects. Due to the intellectual potential of SibFU professors and students, in 2009 the University received grant support of total 500,000,000 RUR.

Since SibFU establishment the number of research papers published by the University professors in international journals has increased by 3 times; the number of awarded grants has increased by 6 times.

Siberian Federal University has been publishing a scientific journal with the purpose of giving the international priority to the research conducted by faculty and staff, postgraduate and Ph.D> students. “SibFU journal” is a peer-reviewed journal that consists of five independent thematic series (“Humanities and Social Sciences”, “Mathematics and Physics”, “Biology”. “Chemistry”, “Engineering and Technologies”) published once per quarter. All the articles are published both in Russian and English.

“The library of SibFU journal” is a closed series of books written by professors of Siberian Federal University. In “SibFU journal’s library” the monographs that have received support from the Russian Foundation of Fundamental Research, Krasnoyarsk Scientific Foundation and other scientific foundations that organize open grant contests for preparation of scientific publications, are published. Other papers can be published on a competitive basis after a closed qualified expert examination carried out by Krasnoyarsk Scientific Foundation. Moreover, manuscripts of textbooks and tutorials with the approval of the Education and Methodics Association and recommended by the University Editorial Council can be also accepted. During the educational process research and practical activity makes it possible to train highly qualified and most in-demand specialists.

Another important component of the University innovative activities is establishment of small enterprises that aim at transformation of the new knowledge into new products. This field of activity is new and timely for Russian universities. The University Academic Council has approved establishment of more than 20 small enterprises in the technology sector, consulting and service sector. The working source of these enterprises will be students, thus the success of the enterprises will characterize the work of the University. In 2009 85% of 3,453 university graduates got a job, 376 young scientists took a postgraduate course.



Siberian Federal University occupies a special place in the development programmes of Krasnoyarsk agglomeration. The intellectual centre of “big Krasnoyarsk” must have an appropriate infrastructure, so the construction of the University campus has been planned initially. The University campus will occupy an area of 650 hectares, with 22 new buildings on its territory. The campus will include academic buildings, a library with storages for 3 million volumes, an international-level sports complex, a congress hall with auditoriums for conferences and exhibitions, several sports centres, student residence halls and accommodation for faculty members, hotels for visiting professors, a cinema complex, and stores.

With the active financial support of regional authorities the construction of two academic buildings of the University have been finished, where Institute of Space and Information Technology, Institute for the Humanities, Institute of Philology and Language Communication and Institute of Urban Construction, Management and Regional Economics are located now. The building of the new modern library and the University administration has been put into service. In August 2009, the construction of the new residence hall for 700 students with a modern layout was completed. This block of flats could be called a deluxe class residence hall. By the decision of the Students’ Union Committee the freshmen became the first tenants of the residence hall. By the order of federal authorities the documentation for the construction of several more residence halls and new academic buildings has been prepared. The University campus is becoming really attractive to young people and city residents.

An essential part of the campus will be occupied by the technology park that will combine research capacities of the University and institutes of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, HR potential and resources of the largest high-tech corporations.



Siberian Federal University pays much attention to development of international collaboration and integration into the international research and educational space. The International Department has been established to collect and spread information about various scholarship programmes and grants such as: The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX), the American Councils for International Education (ACTR), Fulbright and others. For the present moment, the University has intensive cooperation links with institutes and universities of such countries as: Great Britain, Germany, Spain, France, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Italy, Japan, the USA, the Peoples’ Republic of China, Vietnam, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Singapore, Mongolia and the Republic of Korea.

Special attention is paid to the development of relationships with the CIS and SCO countries. In 2009, SibFU became one of the leading universities of the University of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the field of "ecology" (http://www.sfu-kras.ru/node/6280) (link to SibFU - University of the SCO). With the support of the partner universities the field admissions campaign is organized in the SCO countries. It is planned to establish representative offices of SibFU in the Peoples’ Republic of China, the Kyrgyz Republic and Mongolia. All this activities contribute to the future development of international research activities, academic exchanges of students, faculty and researchers.

Several academic and research subdivisions have been established at the University:

regional research center of geodynamical service in cooperation with Postdam Georesearch Centre (Germany) and La Societe Collecte Localisation Satellites (GLS-France);

research and educational Russian-German Centre and the international “East-West information center” in cooperation with the “East-West Science Centre” at the University of Kassel;

UNESCO Department of "New Materials and Technology” for the training of elite specialists: masters, postgraduate and doctoral students.

The University has the Centre for International Education providing study courses. CIE is a certified centre for the state Russian language proficiency examination (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th certification levels), as well as the state Russian language proficiency testing to apply for Russian citizenship. In addition, CIE organizes Russian language courses for international visitors who plan to apply for studies at SibFU.

At present, over 200 international students study at Siberian Federal University; foreign professors from China, Japan, Turkey and Italy work at SibFU. Annually over 200 professors from the leading national and foreign universities deliver lectures at our University.



Today it is almost impossible to imagine scientific, intellectual, cultural and sports life of Krasnoyarsk city without active participation of Siberian Federal University. The University helps its students and staff to discover and develop their talents and abilities.

Special attention is paid to the development of various forms of physical education and student sports as the basis of preserving and improving health, increasing efficiency and creativeness of students, faculty and staff. The University facilities and human resources, financing and new management structure allow to organize multi-stage competitions, ranging from group, class, faculty, institute and residence hall sporting events to campus-wide sports contests, interregional competitions and sports festivals involving a large number of participants and spectators.

Annually the University hosts over 250 different sports events with participation of over 15,000 students. There are 71 student sport sections in 33 different kinds sports, as well as boxing, diving, football, basketball, hockey, and tourism clubs. Organized ski equipment, skates and bicycle free rental points have gained popularity among the University students, faculty and staff.

Much attention is devoted to the student sports achievements as an effective way of promoting SibFU in Russia and abroad.

SibFU is proud of achievements of its students and staff:

Olga Medvedtseva, Honoured Master of Sports, two-times Olympic champion and six-times World champion in biathlon;

Nazir Mankiev, Honoured Master of Sports, Beijing Olympic Champion, winner of Greco-Roman wrestling world cup;

Kirill Veselov, Honoured Master of Sports, repeated champion and winner of Ski orienteering world cups and championships;

Svetlana Boldykova, Master of Sports of the International Level in snowboarding, silver champion of world cups, silver champion of the Universiade;

Konstantin Zotov, Master of Sports of the International Level, World champion in diving;

Rafik Magerramov, Master of Sports of the International Level, World and Europe champion in boxing in student competitions;

Vladimir Barchukov, Master of Sports of the International Level, silver winner of Ski orienteering world championship;

Vladimir Goncharov, Master of Sports of the International Level, Europe champion in mini-football in youth competitions;

Alexey Petrov, Master of Sports of the International Level, champion in mini-football in youth competitions;

Olga Kapustina, Master of Sports of the International Level, champion in futsal;

Dmitry Sterkhov, Master of Sports of the International Level in judo, silver and bronze winner of Summer Universiade, World Cup winner;

Polina Malchikova, Master of Sports of the International Level, silver winner of Ski orienteering world championship;

Andrey Feller, Master of Sports, winner of Ski racing youth championship;

Anna Drozdova, Master of Sports, silver winner of Taekwondo world cup.

SibFU combined rugby, mini-football, football and volleyball teams are repeated winners and prize takers of all-Russian student competitions.

SibFU students publish the University newspaper and work on SibFU TV channel which provides with news reports not only the University own broadcasting network, but also Krasnoyarsk region TV channels.

The goal of Siberian Federal University is to become the centre of innovation and technology development, a world-class human resources training centre. Positive changes that have happened in the past three years allow to assume that the University can achieve its goal.




studies of more than 5,000 students are financed by the Federal Budget;

SibFU is the largest university to the east of the Ural Mountains training more than 40, 000 students;

more than 400 professors and more than 1,500 assistant professors work at the University;

19 institutes provide more than 170 study programmes (a wide range of fields of study - from technology to the humanities - is offered);

116 programmes for postgraduate students;

402 programmes of further professional development for enterprise and company specialists and managers, including 14 programmes for obtaining additional qualification to the basic higher education;

SibFU’s scientific journal is published in five thematic series;

more than 60 collaboration agreements with Russian and foreign universities and research centres;

patents for more than 100 inventions and useful models are granted annually;

more than 600 modern courses have been developed and implemented in the educational process;

annual turnover of money raised by R & D and paid services reaches 800 million rubles;

more than 200 international students study at the University, more than 200 visiting professors deliver lectures and conduct joint researches, 50 of them being from the leading universities of Russia, England, Germany, Spain, USA and other countries;

more than 1,000 students, prospective military experts in the fields of communication, translation and economy, are trained at the University’s military department and military centre;

the University is also developing as a supporting component of Krasnoyarsk future social and intellectual agglomeration infrastructure;

more than 2.5 billion rubles have been spend on acquisition of necessary equipment;

315 scholarships of total amount of 12 million rubles are awarded to the gifted graduate and postgraduate students;

International students from 14 countries study at the University.

During the 3-year-period the University has:

trained 2 Honoured Masters of Sports;

trained 9 Masters of Sports of the International Level;

trained 48 Russian Masters of Sports.

signed 70 agreements with strategic partner employers;

signed 3,530 target contracts for training of certified specialists;

signed 167 contracts and agreements with enterprises on staff training and retraining;

established 22 basic departments in partner enterprises;

established 6 centres for equipment joint use and 86 resource centres;

organized 70 sports sections in 30 kinds of sports;

organized about 100 creative (vocal, dance) groups, 3 youth theater clubs.

The mission of Siberian Federal University is to develop intellectual capital and advanced research intensive education. The university aims to improve life quality in Siberia and provide highly skilled employees who produce creative and practical solutions and generate globally important knowledge and technologies. This will result in expanding economic potential and increasing global competitiveness in key regional industries.


Date: 2015-02-28; view: 1216

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