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III. Proceeding of Conferences .

1.Vassiliev V.P.,Nikoliskaia A.V.,Gerassimov Ja.I. Proceeding of the First Internatinal Conference on Calorimetry and Thermodynamic . Warsaw, 1969."Thermodynamic properties of thallium selenide TlSe and TL2Se."

2.Vassiliev V.P.,Goryacheva V.I., Gerassimov Ja.,I. VIII All-Union conference on calorimetry and chemical thermodynamic. Ivanovo,1979, p.338-339.

"Thermodynamic properties of lutecium, erbium monoantimonides and erbium tellurides."

3.Vassiliev V.P.,Vu Dinh Khue,Gerassimov Ja.I. VIII All-Union conference on calorimetry and chemical thermodynamic. Ivanovo,1979, p.339-340. "Thermodynamic proprties of the alloys in the system lutecium -indium and gadolinium - indium."

4.Vassiliev V.P.,Goryacheva V.I.,Gerassimov Ja.I. II All-union conference on physic and chemistry of cemiconductors,1979, p.96-98. "Thermodynamic properties of lutecium, erbium monoantimonide and erbium tellurides."

5.Vassiliev V.P.,Vu Dinh Khue,Gerassimov Ja.I. V All-union conference on thermodynamic of the metallic alloys, Moscou, 1985,p.48-50. "Thermodynamic properties of the intermetallic phases in the systems lutecium - indium, gadolinium - indium and terbium - indium."

6.Vassiliev V.P., Mamontov M.N.,Morozova V.V. IV All-Union conference: Thermodynamic and material research of semiconductors,1,Moscou,1989, p.97-100. "Thermodynamic function of the formation of solid solution of the quasibinary system CdTe-HgTe."

7.Vassiliev V.P.,Bykov M.A. Republical conference; Physico-chemical bases proceeding of the metallic alloys,Alma-Ata,June 1990,p.34-35. "Thermodynamic properties manganese tellurides."

8.Mamontov M.N.,Vassiliev V.P. Republical conference; Physico-chemical bases proceeding of the metallic alloys,Alma-Ata,June 1990, p.36-37. "Pressure gap and thermodynamic properties of the solution diluted cadmium in zinc."

9.Gambino M.,Vassiliev V.,Bros J.P. XVI-th Day of the Study on Interface Equilibriums, 21-22 March 1990, Marseilles, France, p.183-187.

"Contribution to the study of the phase diagram in the system CdTe-HgTe."

10. Vassiliev V., Gambino M., Bros J.P., Borzone G., Parody N., Ferro R.

XIV Convegno Nazionale di Calorimetria ed Analisi Termica, 13-16 dicembre 1992, Undine, Italia, p.261-263. «Properties of Pb-rich RE-Pb (RE = Gd, Lu)»

11. Gambino M., Bros J.P., Vassiliev V., Sommer F., Borzone G., Parody N., Cacciamani G., Ferro R 6th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 11-16 September, 1994, Grado, Italy, p.35. «Thermochemistry of the rare earth alloys with the 14th group elements.»

12. Borzone G., Parody N., Ferro R., Gambino M., Vassiliev V., Bros J.P.

Thermodynamics of alloys, 25-28 April 1994, S.Margherita Ligure (Genova), Italy, p.11. «Thermodynamic investigation of the Lu-Pb system.»

13. Vassiliev V., Voronin G.F., Gambino M., Bros J.P. Thermodynamics of alloys, 25-28 April 1994, S.Margherita Ligure (Genova), Italy, p.P45. «Thermodynamics of the lead-palladium system.»

14. Vassiliev V., Gambino M., Bros J.P., Borzone G., Parody N., Ferro R.

XIV Convegno Nazionale di Calorimetria ed Analisi Termica, 13-16 dicembre 1992, Undine, Italia, p.138. «Contribution to the Investigation of the Gd-Pb System.»

15.Hertz J.,Naguet Ch.,Fiorani J.M.,Bourkba A.,Vassiliev V., Sauvanaud J. Journées d’Automne de la Métallurgie, 25-27 Novembre 1997, Paris, SF2H. «La stratégie pour établir une banque industrielle de données thermodynamiques : le procès de purification du zinc’’.

16. Vassiliev V., Legendre B. XXVIII JEEP. Agadir, Maroc, 20-21 mars 2002, p.93-96. „Les formes stable et métastable de la formation des phases intermédiaires du système Sn-Sb’’.

17. Vassiliev V., Borzone G., Gambino M., Bros J.P. XIV International conference on the chemical thermodynamic, 1-5 July 2002, St-Petersburg, Russia, p.155-156. “Phase diagram and thermodynamics properties of the system InSb-NiSb-Sb.”

18.Vassiliev V., Feutelais Y., Legendre B.,Voronin G.F. XIV International conference on the chemical thermodynamic, 1-5 July 2002, St-Petersburg, Russia, p.294-295. “Evolution of the presentation on the phase diagram Sn-Sb”

19. Vassiliev V. XXIX JEEP. Lyon, France, 2-3 avril 2003, p. 165-166.

‘Problèmes expérimentaux de la méthode potentiométrique avec électrolyte lors de l’étude des alliages métalliques et semi-conducteurs.’

20. Vassiliev V., Pentine I.V.,Voronine G.F. XXIX JEEP. Lyon, France, 2-3 avril 2003, p. 167-168. ‘Condition de la stabilité thermodynamique des solutions solides du système CdTe-HgTe.’’

21.Kuznetsov VN, Vasilliev VP, Legendre B. New thermodynamic results and optimization of the In-Sb system. XV International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics in Russia. June 27-July 2, 2005. V.2. P.304.

22.Valéry Vassiliev, Bernard Legendre. Equilibres stables et métastables entre phases du système In-Sn-Sb. 33èmes Journées d'Etudes des Equilibres entre Phases (JEEP). Lyon 28-30 mars 2007, page 75

23.Vassiliev V.P. Performances de la méthode potentiométriques avec un électrolyte liquide lors de l’étude des propriétés thermodynamique et diagrammes de phases des systèmes semi-conducteurs et métalliques. 34èmes Journées d'Etudes des Equilibres entre Phases (JEEP). Marrakech 26-28 mars 2008.P.43-44. (oral communication)

24.Vassiliev V.P., Taldrik A.F., Legendre B. Thermodynamics analysis of the rare earth solid metals and their alloys REIn3. 35èmes Journées d'Etudes des Equilibres entre Phases (JEEP). Mars 2009. P.103-107.

25. V.P. Vassiliev Systématisation des fonctions thermodynamiques et d’autres propriétés physico-chimiques pour les systèmes RE-In et AIII -BV. (4ème Congrès Algérien de Génie des procédés), 2009, 02VA05, 1 page. (oral communication)

26. Minaev V.S., Timoshenkov S.P., Kalugin V.V., Novikov S.N., Vassiliev V.P. The physico-chemical essence of the external effect at DTA and DSC curves below glass transition temperature in chalcogenides and oxides glass-forming substances. Abstract book forth International Conference on Amorphous and nanostructured chalcogenides. Fundamentals and Application. Constantsa, Romania, June 29 - July 3. 2009. P.2.

27. Vassiliev V.P., Legendre B., Zlomanov V.P. Mutual coherence of thermodynamic data of the AIIIBV phases. 21st IUPAC International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics ICCT-2010, Tsukuba, Japan. July 31-August 6, 2010, IM-2201-1500, P.286.

28. Vassiliev V.P., The EMF method with liquid electrolyte. Experimental technique and results. 21st IUPAC International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics ICCT-2010, Tsukuba, Japan. July 31-August 6, 2010, IM-3P-33, P.310.

29. Vassiliev V.P., Zlomanov V.P. Optimisation of the thermodynamic properties of inorganic compounds. RCCT-2011 International conference on chemical thermodynamics, October 3-7, 2011.V.2. p.172-173. (oral communication)

30.Vassiliev V.P., Lysenko V.A., Wieping Gong, Sevastianova L.G. New thermodynamic data and assessment of the In-Pb-Zn system. HTMC-XIV The 14th International IUPAC Conference on High Temperature Materials Chemistry. September 9-13, 2012, Beijing, China. O-55 (oral communication).



IV.V. Vassiliev. Summary of the dissertation for the degree of Ph.D.(Physical Chemistry) "Thermodynamic properties of the alloys and phase equilibriums in the systems thallium-sulphur, thallium-selenium and thallium-tellurium in the solid state." Ed. Lomonosov University, 1972, Moscow, p.1-21.

V.V. Vassiliev. Summary of the dissertation for the degree of Dr. Physical Chemistry "Thermodynamic properties and phase diagrams of any semiconductors and metallic system." Ed. Lomonosov University, 2007, Moscow, P.1-50.


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