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Scientific Publications of Dr.V.VASSILIEV.

I. Articles.

1.Abbasov A.S., Nikoliskaja A.V., Gerassimov Ja.I, Vassiliev V.P.

Dokl.AN SSSR, 1964, v.156, (1), p.118-121. "The thermodynamic properties of indium arsenide investigated by the electromotive force method."

2.Abbasov A.S., Nikoliskaja A.V., Gerassimov Ja.I., Vassiliev V.P.

Dokl.AN SSSR, 1964, v.156, (5), p.1140-1143. "The thermodynamic properties of gallium tellurides investigated by the electromotive force method."

3.Abbasov A.S. ,Nikoliskaja A.V., Gerassimov Ja.I., Vassiliev V.P.

Dokl.AN SSSR, 1964, v.156, (6), p.1399-1402. "The thermodynamic properties of gallium antimonide investigated by the electromotive force method."

4.Abbasov A.S.,Mamedov K.N.,Nikoliskaja A.V.,Gerassimov Ja.I., Vassiliev V.P. Dokl.AN SSSR, 1966, v.170, (5), p.1110-1113. "The thermodynamic properties of gallium arsenide investigated by means of electromotive forces."

5. Vassiliev V.P., Nikoliskaja A.V., Bachinskaja A.G., Gerassimov Ja.I. Dokl.AN SSSR, 1967, v.176,(6),p.1335-1338. "The thermodynamic properties of thallium monoselenide."

6.Vassiliev V.P., Somov A.P., Nikoliskaja A.V., Gerassimov Ja.I. J.Phys.Chem. (russ), 1968, v.42, (3), p.675-678. "Investigation of the thermodynamic properties of bismuth selenide by the electromotive force method."

7. Vassiliev V.P., Nikoliskaja A.V., Gerassimov Ja.I., Kuznestov A.F.

Izv. AN SSSR, Neorg. Material., 1968, v.4, (7), p.1040-1047. "Thermodynamic investigation of thallium telluride by the electromotive force method."

8. Vassiliev V.P., Nikoliskaja A.V., Gerassimov Ja.I. Dokl. AN SSSR, 1969, v.188, (6), p.1318-1321. "Thermodynamic properties of lower thallium selenide (Tl2Se)."

9. Vassiliev V.P., Nikoliskaja A.V., Gerassimov Ja.I. Dokl.AN SSSR.1971, v.199, (5), p.1094-1098. "Thermodynamic characteristics of higher thallium sulphides and some regularities in the IIIB subgroup monochalcogenide series."

10.Vassiliev V.P., Nikoliskaja A.V., Gerassimov Ja.I. J. Phys. Chem., 1971,v.45, (8), p.2061-2064. "Thermodynamic investigation of the alloys in the system thallium-selenium by the electromotive force method."

11.Vassiliev V.P., Nikoliskaja A.V., Gerassimov Ja.I. Izv.AN SSSR, Neorg.Material., 1973, v.9, (4), p.553-557. "Phase equilibriums in the system thallium-sulphur in the solid state."

12. Vassiliev V.P., Nikoliaskaja A.V., Chernyshov V.Y., Gerassimov Ja.I. Izv.AN SSSR, Neorg.Material., 1973, v.9, (6), p.900-904. "Thermodynamic properties of thallium sulphides."

13. Vassilev V.P., Nikoliskaja A.V., Gerassimov Ja.I. In the Book: Thermodynamic properties of the metallic alloys, Ed.ELM,Baku,1975. "Thermodynamic properties and phase diagrams of thallium chalcogenides."

14.Gerassimov Ja.,I., Goryacheva V.I., Vassiliev V.P. Dokl.AN SSSR, 1979, V.247, (1), p.135-138. "Investigation of the thermodynamic properties of lutecium monoantimonide."

15.Vassiliev V.P., Goryacheva V.I., Gerassimov Ja.I., Lazareva T.S. Vest.Mosk. Univ. Ser.2. Chim., 1980, v.21, (4), p.339-345. " A study of phase equilibrium and thermodynamic properties of solid alloys of erbium with tellurium."

16.Goryacheva V.I., Gerassimov Ja.I., Vassiliev V.P. J.Phys.Chem., 1981,v.55, (4), p.1080-1083. "Thermodynamic investigation holmium and erbium monoantimonides by the electromotive force method."

17.Vassiliev V.P., Vu Dinh Khue, Gerassimov Ja.I. Vest.Mosk.Univ., Ser.2, Chim., 1982, v.23, (1),p.17-22. "Thermodynamic properties of the intermetallic ErIn2,5 and ErIn phases in the system erbium-indium."

18.Vassiliev V.P., Vu Dinh Khue, Gerassimov Ja.I. Dokl.AN SSSR, 1982, v.269, (1), p.123-128. "Thermodynamic properties Lu2In5 and LuIn."

19.Vassiliev V.P., Morozova V.V. Vest.Mosk.Univ., Chim., Dep.VINITI, N 2249 , 12.04.84 , p.1-6. "Investigation of the thermodynamic properties of lutecium telluides by the electromotive force method."

20.Vassiliev V.P., Vu Dinh Khue. Izv.AN SSSR, Neorg. Material.,1985, V.21, (7), p.1144-1149. "Thermodynamic properties of the system Gd-In in the region up to 50 at% Gd."

21.Vassiliev V.P., Vu Dinh Khue , Gerassimov Ja.I. J.Phis.Chem., 1985, v.59, (11), p.2694-2699. "A study of phase equilibrium and thermodynamic properties of alloys in the system lutecium-indium at the temperatures to 800K."

22.Vassiliev V.P., Khramstova L.A., Morozova V.V. Vest.Mosk.Univ.Ser.2, Chim., 1986, v.27, (1), p.38-42. "Thermodynamic properties of intermetallic phases in the terbium-indium system in the range up to 50 atomic percentage of terbium."

23.Vassiliev V.P. Vest.Mosk.Univ.Ser.Chim.2, 1989, v.30, (2), p.115-121.

"On some particularities of phase diagrams and enthalpies of formation of intermediate phases in systems lanthanide-indium in the region of 0-50 at% of Ln."

24.Vassiliev V.P.,Mamontov M.N.,Bykov M.A. Vest.Mosk.Univ., Ser.2,Chim., 1990,V.31,(3),p.211-218. "Thermodynamic properties and stability of solid solution of the quasibinary system CdTe-HgTe-Te."

25.Vassiliev V.P. at al. Izv.AN SSSR, Neorg. Material., 1990, v.26, (8), p.1632-1634. "Partial thermodynamic functions of the formation of solid solutions for CdTe-HgTe pseudobinary system."

26.Mamontov M.N., Vassiliev V.P. Thermochimica Acta, 1991, v.179, p.25-37.

"Contribution to the study thermodynamic alloys Cd-Zn. Partial pressure and thermodynamic properties of the solution solids and liquids riched zinc."

27.Gambino M., Vassiliev V., Bros J.P. J.Alloys and Compounds, 1991, V.176, p.13-24. "Molar heat capacities of CdTe, HgTe and CdTe-HgTe alloys in the solid state."

28.Vassiliev V., Gambino M., Bros J.P., Borzone G., Cacciamani G., Ferro R. J.Phase Equilibria, 1993, v.14(2), p.142-149. "Thermodynamic investigation and optimisation of the Y-Pb alloys system ."

29.Vassiliev V., Bykov M., Gambino M., Bros J.P. Z. Metallkunde , 1993,V.84,p.461-468. "Thermodynamic properties of the intermetallic compounds MnTe and MnTe2."

30.Vassiliev V.,Bykov M. ,Gambino M., Bros J.P. Thermodynamics of Alloys, April 28th -May 1st 1992, Nancy. J.Chim.Phis., 1993, v.90, p.463-476. "Thermodynamics of the Mn-Te system in the solid state."

31.Vassiliev V., Mathon M., Gambino M., Bros J.P. J. Alloys Comp., 1994, v.215, p.141-149. «Pb-Pd system: Excess function of formation and liquidus line in the ranges 0<XPd<0.60 and 600<T/K<1200».

32. Vassiliev V., Azzaoui M., Hertz J. Z.Metallkunde, 1995, v.86, p.545-551. «EMF study of ternary (Pb, Sn, Sb) liquid phase.

33. Borzone G., Parody N., Ferro R., Gambino M., Vassiliev V., Bros J.P.

J. Alloys Comp., 1995, v.220, p.111-116. «Thermodynamic investigation of the Lu-Pb system.»

34. Gambino M., Bros J.P., Vassiliev V., Sommer F., Borzone G., Cacciamani G., Parody N., Ferro R Pure&Appl. Chem., 1995, v.67,p.1831-1838. «Thermochemistry of the rare earth alloys with the 14th group elements.»

35.Vassiliev V.,Lelaurain M.,Hertz J. J. Alloys Comp., 1997, v.247, p.223-233. «A new proposal for binary (Sn, Sb) phase diagram and its thermodynamic properties based on a new e.m.f. study.»

36.Vassiliev V., Alaoui-Elbelgeti M., Zrineh A., Gambino M., Bros J.P.

J.Alloys Comp., 1998, v.265, p.160. «Thermodynamics of Ag-Bi-In system (with 0<Xag<0.5).»

37. Vassiliev V., Voronin G.F., Borzone G., Mathon M., Gambino M., Bros J.P. J.Alloys Comp., 1998, v.269, p.123-132. «Thermodinamics of the Pb-Pd system.»

38. Hertz J., Naguet Ch., Bourkba A., Fiorani J.M., Vassiliev V., Sauvanaud J. Thermochim. Acta, 1998,v.314,(1-2),p.55-68. «A strategy to establish an industrial thermodynamic data bank. The ternary (Pb, Sn, Zn) liquid phase in the zinc purification process. Extension to quaternary system (M, Pb, Sn, Zn).»

39.Vassiliev V., Feutelais Y., Sghaier M., Legendre B. Thermochim. Acta., 1998, v.315, p.129-134. «Liquid state electrochemical study of the system Indium-Tin.»

40.Vassiliev V., Feutelais Y., Sghaier M., Legendre B. J. Alloys Comp., 2001, v.314, p.198-205. “Thermodynamic Investigation in In-Sb, Sn-Sb and In-Sn-Sb Liquid Systems”

41. Legendre B., Dichi E., Vassiliev V. Z. Metallkunde, 2001, v.92, (4), p.328-335. „The Phase Diagram of the In-Sn-Sb System’’

42.Voronin G.F., Pentin I.V., Vasilyev V.P. «Condition of thermodynamic stability of solid solution in system HgTe-CdTe.» J. Phys.Chem. (rus.) 2003, V.77, ¹12, P.2119-2125.

43.Vassiliev V., G.Borzone, Gambino M., Bros J.P. «Thermodynamic properties of ternary system InSb-NiSb-Sb.» J. Alloys Comp., 2003, V.11.P.1211-1215.

44. David N., Vassiliev V., Hertz J., Fiorani J.M., Vilasi M. Measurements EMF and thermodynamic description of the Pb-Sn-Zn liquid phase // Z. Metallknd.-2004.-V.95B.-P.1-8.

45. Vassiliev V.P. Problèmes expérimentaux de la méthode potentiométriques avec l’électrolyte liquide lors de l’étude des alliages métalliques et semi-conducteurs. // J. Phys. IV France.- 2004.- V.113.- P.91-95.

46. Vassiliev V.P., Pentine I.V., Voronine G.F. Conditions de stabilité thermodynamique de la solution solide du système CdTe-HgTe // J.Phys.IV France 2004. V.113. P.97-100.

47. Vasil’ev V.P. Thermodynamic properties of alloys and phase equilibria in the In-Sb system // Inorgan. Materials. 2004. V. 40. Issue 5. P.524-529

48. Vasil’ev V.P. A complex study of the phase diagram of the Sn-Sb system // J. Phys.Chem. (rus.) 2005. V.79. Issue1. P. 26-35.

49. Vasil’ev V.P., Gachon J.C. Thermodynamic properties of InP // Inorgan. Materials. 2006.V.42. Issue11. P.1171-1175.

50. Vasil’ev V.P., Gachon J.C. Thermodynamic properties of the AIIIBV compounds // Inorgan. Materials. 2006.V.42.Issue 11. P.1293-1303.

51. Koltsov A.V., Prihod’ko E.V., Vassiliev V.P., Koltsov V.B. The application of non-polarized ionic radii system for description of solids, liquids and their interface // Solid State & Materials Science.2006.V.9.P.181-188.

52. Vassil’ev V.P., Legendre B. Thermodynamic properties and phase equilibria in In-Sn-Sb system // Inorgan. Materials. 2007. V.43. Issue 8.Ñ.903-916.

53. Vassil’ev V.P. Correlation of the thermodynamic properties of AIIBVI and AIII-BVI compounds // Inorgan. Materials. 2007.V.43. Issue 2. P.155-164

54. Vassiliev V.P., Minaev V.S.. Particularity of the alloys formation in Tl-S system. Izv. VUZov. Materials of the electronic technique. 2008. Issue 2. P.37-44

55. Vassiliev V.P., Minaev V.S. Tl-S. Phase Diagram, Structure and Thermodynamic Properties. J. Optoelectronics Advanced Materials. 2008. V.10. No6. P.1299-1305.

56. Vassiliev V.P., Legendre B., Zlomanov V.P. The critical analysis and mutual coherence of thermodynamic data of the AIIIBV phases. Intermetallics, 2011, V.19. P.1891-1901.

57. Valery Vassiliev, Weiping Gong. Chapter in the book “Electrochemical cells” (March, 2012). Publishing House: Intech Electrochemical Cells - New Advances in Fundamental Researches and Applications, ISBN: 978-953-51-0032-4 Chapter 4, Pages 71 - 102

“Electrochemical Cells with the Liquid Electrolyte in the Study of Semiconductor, Metallic and Oxide Systems”

58. V.P. Vassiliev, W.Gong, A.F. Taldrik, S.A. Kulinich. Method of the correlative optimization of heat capacities of isostructural compounds.J. Alloys and compounds. 2012, accepted


II. Author of Reviewing of Handbook :" Thermic constants of the compounds." Edited by acad. V.P.Glushco . Ed.VINITI , Moscou.

1. 1966, issue 2.

2. 1968, issue 3.

3. 1970, issue 4.

4. 1971, issue 5.

5. 1973, issue 6.

6. 1978, issue 8


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