Planning Your First SpeechW hatever your first speech assignment may be, the planning, thought, creativity,
and excitement of that presentation are all up to you. Right now,
standing before the class and saying something sensible may seem like a
remote possibility. The challenge may seem large and the more you think about
it, the larger it becomes. Take comfort, however. This challenge can be brought
down to size if you take the right steps to reach it. Eventually, you will be standing
before your classmates, prepared to present an interesting speech. The stairway
to speech success appears in Figure 3.1 and provides a guide to the steps you must
To climb this stairway requires some time. You can t delay speech preparation
until the night before you must speak. Take the first step well in advance of that day.
Schedule your preparation so that you have enough time to climb without skipping
or hurrying any of the steps. It is better to devote an hour each day to speech preparation
over five days than to cram in five hours of desperate preparation the night
before you speak. A speech needs time to jell, and you need time to reflect on it.
Your wise investment of time now will pay big dividends later.1
Many students learn through
modeling. Show videotapes of
students presenting the type of
speech you require for the first
presentation. Discuss the
strengths and weaknesses of
these speeches.
Step 1: Find the right topic
Step 2: Bring topic into sharp focus
Step 3: Find material
Step 4: Design speech
Step 5: Outline speech
Step 6: Practice speech
Step 7: Do it!
Stairway to Speech Success
Figure 3.1
Public Speaking, Eighth Edition, by Michael Osborn, Suzanne Osborn and Randall Osborn. Published by Allyn & Bacon.
Copyright © 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.
48 Part One The Foundations of Public Speaking
Step 1: Find the Right Topic
The nature of the first speech assignment will narrow your search for an appropriate
topic. For example, if your teacher asks you to introduce yourself or a classmate,
the topic area is predetermined: your personal experience or that of the
other person. Or, the assignment may have some other slant that limits the topic
Nevertheless, within that narrowed scope of selection, you still have to make
important choices. The exact topic you select should be appropriate to you and your
listeners. To find this topic, ask yourself
I What am I most interested in?
I What would I hope to accomplish by speaking on this subject?
I Do I know enough or could I learn enough to speak responsibly on this
I Can I make the topic interesting and useful to my audience?
I Can I share ideas or experiences that might enrich my audience s lives?
I Will I be able to present this speech in the time allowed?
I Might this speech help me give future speeches?
Sabrina Karic s first speech, A Little Chocolate, grew directly out of her experiences
as a child living through a terrible conflict. Therefore, her speech seemed
authentic and highly credible. Because children continue to be innocent and vulnerable
victims of war, her speech was timely and useful for listeners. It helped them
understand the basis for her convictions. Because she had timed herself as she
rehearsed her speech, Sabrina could relax during the actual presentation and concentrate
on her message, knowing that she would be within acceptable time limits.
By the end of her speech, she had established high credibility for later speeches she
would give on global communication.
Step 2: Focus Your Topic
A topic search may produce a promising subject, but it may be too broad to cover
in a short classroom speech. Beth Tidmore, a student at the University of Memphis,
decided she wanted to give her self-introductory speech on the university s rifle
team. As a member of this team, Beth became an All-American during her freshman
year. She knew so much about her sport that she could have talked about it for
hours, but she had only five minutes to speak.
Beth knew that she had to narrow her topic and focus it so that her listeners
would find it interesting. She might have explained how rifle matches are scored or
how an expert shooter makes a successful shot. Beth decided that these were technical
subjects that might not appeal to listeners who knew little about the sport.
Instead, she decided to talk about how and why she became a shooter. She opened
by talking about the commitment her mother made when she bought Beth an expensive
rifle. She went on to describe the price she personally paid in time, hard work,
and dedication to reach the top of her sport and the satisfaction she got from her success.
She ended by saying that she felt her mother s faith had been vindicated. Her
speech fascinated her listeners and won their admiration. All of us cheered her as she
won the Junior Olympics competition that spring.
Ask your students to submit a
time plan for their first speech in
which they identify each step on
the stairway to success, how
much time they will devote to it,
and when they intend to do the
required work. You may wish to
ask for a time plan before each
assigned speech.
Public Speaking, Eighth Edition, by Michael Osborn, Suzanne Osborn and Randall Osborn. Published by Allyn & Bacon.
Copyright © 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 3 Your First Speech: An Overview of Speech Preparation 49
Beth s speech illustrates two important principles
of focusing a topic:
I You must have a clear idea of what you want to
accomplish given the time available. Beth wanted to
tell us how and why rifle competition had
become a central passion in her life.
I You should be able to state the message of your
speech in a single, simple sentence. Beth s message
was that faith and commitment can be justified
by hard, determined, and dedicated work.
When you have properly focused your topic, you
will be ready to take the next step toward speech
Step 3: Find Material for Your
Once you have a topic and a clear idea of what you
want to accomplish, you can start gathering material
to support your ideas and make them come to life. The four basic forms of
supporting materials are narratives, examples, testimony, and facts and statistics.
Narratives. Narratives are stories that illustrate the ideas of a speech. For your
first speeches especially introductory and self-introductory speeches narratives
are very important. They help develop a feeling of closeness between the audience
and the speaker. Through the stories they tell, speakers can create desirable impressions
of themselves or the classmates they introduce. Stories can make speakers
seem more human. They involve the audience in the action, making it a shared
Beth Tidmore s speech, reprinted in Appendix B, offers an example. Beth opened
her speech, Lady with a Gun, by describing her mother s commitment to her:
I m sure everybody has had an April Fool s joke played on them. My father s
favorite one was to wake me up on April 1st and tell me, School s been
canceled for the day; you don t have to go, and then get all excited and say
April Fool! . . . Well, on April 1st, 2000, my mother said three words that I
was sure weren t an April Fool s joke. She said, We ll take it. The it she
was referring to was a brand-new Anschutz 2002 Air Rifle. Now, this is
$2,000 worth of equipment for a sport that I d been in for maybe three
months not long. That was a big deal! It meant that I would be going from a
junior-level to an Olympic-grade rifle.
Somebody outside of the sport might think, Eh, minor upgrade. A gun is a
gun, right? No. Imagine a fifteen-year-old who has been driving a used
Toyota and who suddenly gets a brand new Mercedes for her sixteenth
birthday. That s how I felt. And as she was writing the check, I completely
panicked. I thought, What if I m not good enough to justify this rifle? What
ESL: Ask ESL students to share
with the class examples of
bedtime stories or fairy tales
from their cultures. Discuss the
similarities and differences
between these tales and those
told in America.
Your personal experiences can provide examples and narratives
for your speech.
Public Speaking, Eighth Edition, by Michael Osborn, Suzanne Osborn and Randall Osborn. Published by Allyn & Bacon.
Copyright © 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.
50 Part One The Foundations of Public Speaking
if I decide to quit and we have to sell it, or we can t sell it? What if I let my
parents down and I waste their money? So later in the car, I said, Momma,
what if I m not good enough? She said, Don t worry about it it s my money.
Beth s story illustrates excellent narrative technique. Her use of dialogue, the
actual words exchanged between characters, brings listeners close to the event. They
become eavesdroppers to the conversation. Notice that she uses internal dialogue, her
conversation with herself, as well as external dialogue, her conversation with her
mother. Beth s narrative also illustrates superb use of analogy as she invites listeners
to compare her feelings with those of someone who has just received a Mercedes.
The analogy highlights the significance of the gift to her. Finally, notice how well
Beth builds suspense: was she able to justify the purchase of such an expensive gift?
Her narrative aroused curiosity for the rest of the speech.
Stories should be short and to the point, moving naturally from the beginning
to the end. The language of stories should be colorful, concrete, and active. The presentation
should be lively and interesting.
After mentioning her successes in national and international competitions, Beth
concluded by describing another scene that balanced her opening:
So not long ago, I asked my mother, How did you know? She said, Ah, I
just knew. I said, No, Mom really. How did you know that you weren t
going to waste your money? She got very serious and she took me by the
shoulders and she squared me up. She looked me right in the eye and she
said, When you picked up that gun, you just looked like you belonged
together. I knew there was a sparkle in your eye, and I knew that you were
meant to do great things with that rifle.
Examples. Examples illustrate points, clarify
uncertainty, and make events seem authentic.
When listeners ask, Can you give me an example?
they seek clarification and reassurance. An
example says, in effect, This really happened. It
takes an idea out of the abstract and places it
firmly in the concrete. To reinforce his call for a
new model for American high schools that
emphasizes rigor and high expectations, Bill
Gates, cofounder of Microsoft and advocate for
education reform, offered a number of dramatic,
specific examples:
Two years ago, I visited High Tech High in
San Diego. It was conceived in 1998 by a
group of San Diego business leaders who
became alarmed by the city s shortage of
talented high-tech workers. Thirty-five percent
of High Tech High students are black
or Hispanic. All of them study courses like
computer animation and biotechnology in
the school s state-of-the-art labs. High
Tech High s scores on statewide academic
dialogue Having the characters in a
narrative speak for themselves, rather
than paraphrasing what they say.
Beth Tidmore s narratives helped listeners relate to her topic.
Public Speaking, Eighth Edition, by Michael Osborn, Suzanne Osborn and Randall Osborn. Published by Allyn & Bacon.
Copyright © 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 3 Your First Speech: An Overview of Speech Preparation 51
To demonstrate how much she loved reading, student Erin Evans introduced a number
of brief examples: In high school, the classics came into my life. I loved The Great
Gatsby, Medea, and then my senior year I met a real challenge Dostoyevsky. It took
me more than two months to get through Crime and Punishment a long but rewarding
Whether you are piling up a number of brief examples or developing one example
in detail, remember their function: they help listeners grasp your point. As with stories,
you should use colorful, concrete, and active language in your examples.
Testimony. Testimony offered by experts or other respected people can add
authority to your speech. When you quote the words of others, you call those whom
you have quoted as witnesses to support a point. As she developed her speech supporting
better service for the disabled, Karen Lovelace cited Sandy Blondino, director of
sales at Embassy Suites Hotels, who confirmed that the hospitality industry is now
more receptive to disabled travelers. She concluded with Ms. Blondino s exact words:
But that s just hospitality, right? She followed up this expert testimony with prestige testimony
by quoting former President Clinton: When I injured my knee and used a
wheelchair for a short time, I understood even more deeply that the ADA isn t just a
good law, it s the right thing to do.
When you quote expert testimony, be sure to mention the expert s credentials,
including when and where she or he made the statement you are quoting.
Facts and Statistics. Facts and statistics turn assertions into well-documented
arguments. To support her idea that American business has a legal as well as a moral
obligation to reach out to disabled persons, Karen Lovelace offered factual information
from the Americans with Disabilities Act:
The ADA said that privately owned businesses that
serve the public such as restaurants, hotels, retail
stores, taxicabs, theaters, concert halls, and sports
facilities are prohibited from discriminating against
individuals with disabilities. The ADA went on to
say that companies have an ongoing responsibility
to remove barriers to access for peoples with disabilities.
Karen strengthened her call for reform by
adding statistical support showing the percentage of
American businesses that remain out of compliance
with the act and demonstrating how that percentage
has changed very little over the past decade.
Similarly, to support her point that Native
Americans are victims of social injustice, Ashley
Roberson used an array of statistical comparisons:
Did you know that Indians have one of the lowest
life expectancies of any population living in
this hemisphere, second only to those living in
Haiti? And did you know that the suicide rate
among American Indians is seventy percent
higher than that of the general U.S. population?
Or, did you know that in 1999, Indians suffered
Have students find examples of
expert and prestige testimony in
advertisements. Discuss the differences
between these types of
testimony as well as when and
why each might be effective.
Prestige testimony can be very effective when the speaker has
personal experiences to relate.
Public Speaking, Eighth Edition, by Michael Osborn, Suzanne Osborn and Randall Osborn. Published by Allyn & Bacon.
Copyright © 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.
52 Part One The Foundations of Public Speaking
124 violent crimes for every 100,000 people two and a half times the
national average?
The effective use of facts and statistics helps convince listeners that you know
what you are talking about and that you didn t just make something up. To find
such supporting materials, you will have to invest some time in the library or make
careful use of the Internet.
As you do this research, be sure to record who said something, where it was said,
and when it was said. In your speech, use this material to support your claims. For
example, Ashley s facts and statistics would have been more effective if she had
introduced them with the following statement: According to a Princeton research
survey reported in the Washington Post of March 15, 2004, Native Americans are our
most abused Americans.
Taken as a whole, stories, examples, testimony, and facts and statistics provide
the substance that makes listeners take a speech seriously.
Step 4: Design Your Speech
Your speech should have a design or plan that arranges your material in an orderly
fashion. Your ideas should fit together in a way that is easy for your listeners to follow
and understand. Three designs often used in first speeches are categorical,
cause-effect, and narrative.
Categorical Design. The categorical design develops a subject according to
its natural or customary divisions. Martha Larson introduced herself by explaining
how she was shaped by the neighborhood where she grew up. She began with the
setting, a description of a street scene in which she captured sights, sounds, and
smells: I can always tell a Swedish neighborhood by the smell of lutefisk on Friday
afternoons. Next she described the people, focusing on a certain neighbor who
influenced her. This man, the local grocer, loved America with a passion, helped
those in need, and always voted stubbornly for the Socialist Party. Finally, she
talked about the street games she played as a child and what they taught her about
people and herself. These setting-people-games categories structured her speech in
an orderly manner.
Martha s speech also demonstrates how the introduction, body, and conclusion
of a speech should work together. Her introduction, in which she aroused interest
and set the mood for what would follow, was the opening street scene. In the body
Have students read one of the
self-introductory speeches in this
text (see the end of this chapter
or Appendix B) and develop an
outline showing the main points
and supporting materials of the
speech. What does the outline
reveal about the kind of design
and the strengths and weaknesses
of the speech?
Speaker s Notes 3.1
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