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Faculty of Public health


1 . Provision on dean's office, faculty Council, dean's office Council

2 . Structure: Dean: Sattarov Adilgirey Ikramovich


Deputy deans – Mukasheva Maral Sakenovna

Abirova Akmaral Adilkhanovna

Secretary: Moyinbayeva Sharapat Markhashkyza,

Ongarbay Araylym Kozhamuratovna

Into faculty structure "Public health care" enter:

1 . Epidemiology chair - the department chair professor Zhakipbayeva B. T.

2 . Chair of the general hygiene and ecology - the department chair, professor Kenesariyev U.I.

3 . Chair of microbiology, virology and immunology - the department chair, professor Ramazanova B. A.

4 . Occupational health chair - the department chair, professor Toguzbayeva K.K.

5 . Chair of municipal hygiene and GDIP - the department chair professor Bekbosynov T.K.

6 . Nutritsiologiya chair - the department chair, the professor Sinyavsky Yu.A.

7 . Chair of public health care - the department chair, professor Kamaliyev M. A.

8 . The module of a basis of safety of activity - zav.moduly Zikriyarova S. M.

9 . Chair internal diseases, No. 4 - the department chair, professor Kasenova S. L.

10 . The HIV module an infection and infeketsionny control - zav.moduly, professor Nugmanova Zh.S.

11 . Chair the international health care - the department chair, professor Akanov A.A.

12 . The module the medical right with bases of the medical legislation - zav.moduly Amanbekov N. A.

13 . Chair of the politician and health care management - the department chair, professor Turdaliyeva B. S.

14 . The module management and marketing in health care and pharmacy - zav.moduly Hadzhiyeva A.B.

15 . The economy module in health care and pharmacy - zav.moduly Sadyrov G. A.

3 . History: The faculty is educated in 1943 on the basis of Almaty medical institute as sanitary and hygienic faculty by order of No. 234 NKZ USSR of May 14, 1943. From 1964 to 1985 I was as a part of the Karaganda medical institute. Since 1985 again I was a part of medical university of Almaty. In 2004 (the protocol No. 2 of 12.10.2004) on the basis of renaming of the specialty "hygiene and epidemiology" on "medico-preventive business" the faculty is renamed by the solution of the Academic Council of faculty into medico-preventive faculty. Since September, 2013 it is transformed to faculty of Public health care.

Deans of faculty:

• Priests Nikolay Nikolaevich the dean of sanitary and hygienic faculty since 1943-1958. The honored worker in the field of science of KAZSSR, the doctor of medical sciences, the professor. In 1912 I graduated from medical faculty Mosovsky óíèâåðñèòåòà.1940 to year I defended the doctoral dissertation on the subject "Sanitary Justification of Reconstruction of the City of Almaty". Author of 46 scientific works. "Honour Sign" is awarded the order, awarded by such breastplates as "Қàçàқñòàíғà 15 veins", "Densaula қ ñàқòàóäû ң үçä³ã ³".

• Smirnov Vladimir Aleksandrovich the dean of sanitary and hygienic faculty since 1958-1959. Deserved doctor KAZSSR, the candidate of medical sciences, the associate professor. In 1928 I graduated from the first medical institute in the city of Leningrad. It is awarded by the diploma of the Supreme Presidium, the award "Honour Sign", a medal of the 100 anniversary of V.I.Lenin, a medal of the 35 anniversary of the Great Patriotic War.

Kudiyarov Peter Mikhaylovich the dean of sanitary and hygienic faculty since 1959-1960. Deserved doctor KAZSSR, the candidate of medical sciences, the associate professor. I graduated from medical technical school of the city of Moscow. I worked in department ìåä.ñàí.ðàáîòà in OK. institution 1931 it was sent to Kazakhstan. 1941 I graduated from Almaty medical institute. Chief of a city and regional human resources department of health care. the dean of sanitary and hygienic faculty since 1950-1958. Since 1955 it is appointed the head of the department of municipal hygiene. "Honour Sign", "Densaula қ ñàқòàóäû ң үçä³ã ³", dvazhdy "For valorous work" is awarded the order.

• Daulbayev Fayzi Akhmetovich the dean of sanitary and hygienic faculty since 1960-1961. The doctor of medical sciences, ïðîôåññîð.1951 graduated to year from medical faculty of Almaty medical institute. In 1969 I defended the doctoral dissertation on the subject "áºáßÔá¡¡Ù  òүñò³ metallurgy êәñ³ïîðûíûíäàғû өíä³ð³ñò³ê àғûíäû ßÒ½áÓñÙ  ßá¡¿ÔáÓ½Ù -gigiyenaly  ñèïàòòàìàñû". Author more than 100 scientific works. I prepared 4 candidates of medical sciences. It is awarded by the diploma of the Supreme Presidium, a badge "Densaula қ ñàқòàóäû ң үçä³ã ³".

• Chokin Alikhan Rizayevich the dean of faculty from 1961 to 1963, the doctor of medical sciences, the professor. 1950 Author more than 85 scientific works and one monograph. I trained one doctor and 9 candidates medical íàóê.ãîäó the medical faculty of Almaty medical institute ended. It is awarded by the diploma of the Supreme Presidium, a badge "Densaula қ ñàқòàóäû ң үçä³ã ³", "An honor sign", and also the award "1 degree of the Great Patriotic War".

Korytny David Lazarevich the dean of faculty since 1963-1946. Doctor of medical sciences. In 1949 I graduated from stomatologichsky institute of the city of Kiev. In 1969 I defended the doctoral dissertation. Author more than 100 scientific works and 4th monograph. I prepared 11 candidates of medical sciences.

• Shchurin Victor Alekseevich the dean of faculty since 1989-1995, the candidate of medical sciences, the associate professor. In 1963 I graduated from Almaty medical institute. In 1984 I defended the master's dissertation. Author of 16 articles and the 4th methodical recommendations. It is awarded by a badge "Densaula қ ñàқòàóäû ң үçä³ã ³".

• Shortanbayev Alikhan Abzhanovich the dean of faculty since 1996-2006. Doctor of medical sciences, professor, academician of Academy of preventive medicine, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. In 1972 I graduated from medical faculty of Almaty medical institute. Author more than 200 scientific works, and also author of the book clinical immunology and allergology. Prodgotovil of 23 candidates and 2 doctors of medical sciences. It is awarded by the diploma of the Supreme Presidium, the medal "You  Zherd_ to an Iger".Íàãðàæäåí a badge "Densaula қ ñàқòàóäû ң үçä³ã ³".

• Tabayeva a liya Әá³ëқûçû the dean of faculty since 2006-2008, the doctor of medical sciences, the professor. In 1987 I graduated perfectly well from sanitary and hygienic faculty of the Karaganda medical institute. After that it worked as the doctor the immunologist, the epidemiologist. In 1995 the thesis in microbiology protected candidate, 2002 doctor's. In 2003 member of special dissertation council, and also commission of scientific problems. The organizer regional the center of carrying out candidate examination, worked as the first chief. Now along with teaching activity in the specialty heads department of system of management and quality.

• Sattarov Adilgerey Ikramovich since 2008 the dean of faculty. Doctor of medical sciences, professor.

4 . Academic calendar of events of faculty:

• September 1 – Knowledge Day (opening of academic year) for students of KAZNMU.

• The Teachers' Day – a professional holiday of all educators.

• Қàðñû Alla êåø³ – a baton pass of knowledge and traditions.

• Elections of the student's government of faculty and student's dean.

• Days of University (1 day – the university readings, the second day – day of faculties, the third day – student's Hippocratic Oath acceptance).

• Days of national cultures – an ethnofestival of friendship of the people "We are Kazakhstan citizens".

• Theatrical season for first-year students from February to April.

• Relay of good deeds

• Day of Science – April

• Day of the Medical worker – June.

• Open Day for entrants

• On June 30 – final point (farewell of graduates to alma mater).

5 . Education: Now the structure of faculty of public health care includes the following specialties: 5B110200 - "Public health care" training term - 5 years. The academic degree – the bachelor of health care. 5B110400 – "Medico-preventive business", training term - 5 years. Academic degree: bachelor of medico-preventive business. Qualification: specialist in hygiene and epidemiology. 5B110100 – "Nurse business", training term - 4 years. The academic degree – the bachelor of health care. 050507 – "Management", training term - 4 years. Training is conducted according to the bachelor degree program. 5B050700 – "Management", after the higher education, distance learning, training term - 2 years. 5B050700 – "Management" on the basis of secondary education, training term - 4 years. Academic degree: bachelor of management.

5B110200 – "Public health care" Qualification of the bachelor of health care in "Public health care" grants the right to hold the following positions: the manager of health care (on quality of medical services, in strategy and marketing of medical services, in the organization and methodology of rendering medical services), the HR manager (hr-management) in the field of health care, the expert of public health care (âàëåîëîã, the epidemiologist, the statistician, the methodologist), the head of the structural unit of the organization of health care, the deputy head of the organization of health care, the head of the organization of health care. The graduate has the right to continue further training in a magistracy.

5B110400 – "Medico-preventive business" on completion of training in a bachelor degree the graduate is allowed to independent practical activities as the expert in epidemiology, municipal hygiene, hygiene of children and teenagers, occupational health, hygiene of a food, radiation hygiene, virology, bacteriology, parasitology. The graduate has the right to continue further training in a magistracy.

5B110100 – "Nurse business" the present standard is developed on the basis of GOSO RK 5.04.019-2011 and establishes requirements to structure and the content of professional education and level of preparation of bachelors of health care in the specialty 5B110100 – "Nurse business". Specialist subject "Biology". The bachelor of health care in "Nurse business" can hold the following positions: chief nurse (deputy director for nurse business): senior medical sister/brother (senior paramedic, senior obstetrician; local (ûé) medical sister (brother) / medical sister (brother) of the general practice; medical sister (brother) the specialized; obstetrician; dietary sister, etc. The graduate has the right to continue further training in a magistracy.

050507 – "Management" by spheres of professional activity of graduates on this specialty (bachelors of management) ÿëÿþòñÿ real sector of economy, a financial banking system, business and business. Graduates on this specialty can carry out various functions at implementation of administrative, enterprise, financial activity of managing subjects.

Opportunities: Magistracy in "Medico-preventive business" and "Public health care". Training term – 2 years.

To the students who have arrived on the state educational grant, grants are appointed. To the students who are training only on "well" and "perfectly", are appointed Rectorial and Nominal grants. The presidential grant is appointed to the student who is training only on "perfectly" and actively participating in life of university.

Charitable work of students of 3-4 courses is conducted: active involvement of students to volunteer work at boarding schools No. 15, in the Hospice, hospitals of sisterly leaving, and to other volunteer actions.


The academic mobility among students of faculty: in 2012-2013 educational year - 1 student of the 5th course in "public health care" - Spain (Barcelona). Internal mobility: Karaganda – 25 ñòóäåíîâ, Astana – 9 students. In 2013-2014 academic year internal mobility of students: Karaganda – 7 students, Astana – 10 students.

6 . Faculty life: Every year the number of students who participate in scientific conferences at the international level increases. Activists of faculty carry out trainings and give lectures at comprehensive schools and in city HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. Also students and teachers actively participate in Winter and Summer schools of public health care. Students participate in scientific circles and makes reports in scientific conferences, take prizes. The scientific conference "Student's Science — 2013" dated for Day of science of RK. 1 place - the student of the 5th course in "public health care" Әáä³ëäà Ғàáèò. The 2nd place – the student 4 courses in "public health care" Қàòàï Miras, the 3rd place – the student 2 courses in "medico-preventive business" Baydulla A.

In summertime students actively join the ranks of the student's construction group (SCG).

At the end of 2012-2013 academic years at university the regulations on the Student's dean and the provision on the student's government of faculty are developed. From 2013-2014 academic years at faculty elections took place, and students of the Student's dean and Student's chose the faculty government. The student 3 courses in "medico-preventive business" Moyynbayeva Sharapat Marashyza became the Student's Dean (SD). The Student's Government of Faculty (SGF) there was a student 4 courses in "public health care" Tasboltayev Azamat.

At faculty educational work among students 1-5 courses is carried out. For students of 1-3 courses tutors are appointed: Tutors of 1 course – Tekmanova Aynur Kumarbekovna, Aytambayeva Lisa Nurbekovna, Bakirova Makpal Ayatkulovna, Arynova Gulban Abzhanovna, Malikov Bakytzhan. Tutors 2 courses – Begimbetova Gulshat Altayevna. Adilgirey Zaur Adilgireyla. Darmen Nurgul Zharylasynyza. Slamkulova Saule Shalginbayevna. Beysenbinova Zhanat Bekmukhambetovna. Sydykova Saule Seysembayevna. Abishev Yerzhan Zharylgasynovich. Igisinova Alfy Imangaliyevna. Avganbayeva Nagim Nurseitovn. Tutors 3 courses - Adilova Manshuk Talipovna. Shaykhidinova Raykhan. Kenesarina Marzhan Ismailovna. Bekbolatova Kamil Askarovna. Barmakova Alma Mansurovna. Taurbayeva Nurgul Taurbayevna. Suleymenova Gulim Hafizovna. Abdrazakova Nurgul Asanovna. Otarbayeva Ayna Bolatovna. To students of 4-5 courses instructors on groups are appointed

Date: 2015-02-16; view: 1160

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