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A sound mind in a sound body

Exercise 1 Explain the meaning of the following combinations of words: a) as free word combinations and b) as phraseological units.

Be on firm ground, best man, the bird has flown, black ball, blow one's own trumpet (horn), break the ice, burn one's fingers, first night, keep one's head above water, meet smb. half-way, show smb. the door, run straight, touch bottom, throw dust in one's eyes, throw fat in the fire.

Exercise 2. State which of the phraseological units are a) fusions b) unities c) collocations (combinations ).

Bark up the wrong tree, air one's views, turn a blind eye to smth., to hit below the bolt, to lower one's colours, to make a mistake, once in a blue moon, to make haste, sharp words, to stick to one's guns, to know the way the wind is blowing, small talk, take the bull by the horns, pull smb's leg, cat's paw, lady's man, by heart, green room.

Exercise 3. Match the combinations on the left with explanations on the right:

1) put through a) at the centre of public attention
2) put in a good word for b) immediately or at the place of action
3) on the spot c) connect by telephone
4) bring up d) tolerate, endure
5) have your back against the wall e) explain or communicate clearly
6) in the spotlight f) consider carefully, assess
7) put up with g) recommend someone
8) put across h) raise, mention a matter
9) weigh up i) say something irrelevant
10) get away from the point j) be in a difficult situation

Exercise 4. In the list below find set expressions, corresponding to the following definitions.

1. Express one's opinion openly, often with the suggestion of doing so to the annoyance of other people. 2. Direct one's attack, criticism or efforts to the wrong quarter. 3. Bear the3 main stress or burden (of a task, contest, etc.). 4. Talk around the point instead of coming direct to the subject. 5. Fail to carry out one's promise. 6. Change ownership (generally used of a business). 7. Constantly follow smb. importunately, thrust one's presence upon smb. 8. Fail to gain any information, or achieve any result from inquiries, investigation, etc. 9. Be docile; give no trouble; do whatever smb. wishes. 10. Pay all the expenses incurred. 11. Do smth. completely; not stop at half-measures. 12. Give in, surrender. 13. Be almost decided to do smth. 14. State the real facts about a situation, guess accurately. 15. Push oneself in front of a queue in order to get on to a vehicle, or to get served with goods before one's turn. 16. Remain mentally calm, and keep control of oneself in an emergency or a difficult situation. 17. Know, from experience, the best way or method of doing something. 18. Help, assist. 19. Indulge in strong or violent language to relieve one's feelings. 20. Pass the time by continuing some kind of work or activity without getting any father in it. 21. Draw an inference from given facts. 22. Be in agreement, hold similar views. 23. Run away hurriedly. 24. Ignore smth., pretend not to see it, 25. Disclaim further responsibility or concern.

The list:

Jump the queue; bark up the wrong tree; foot the bill; let off steam; see eye to eye; air one's views; lend a hand; haul down one's flag; beat about the bush; take to one's heels; eat out of smb's hand; mark time; hit the nail on the head; keep ode's head; change hands; turn a blind eye to smth.; put two and two together; bear the brunt; know the ropes; have a good mind to do smth ; break one's word; draw a blank; go the whole hog; dog smb's footsteps; wash one's hands of smth.


A sound mind in a sound body

1. Answer the questions.

Why is sport so important in our life?

Do all people need exercises?

What should people who suffer from general tiredness do?

How does exercise change you?

What kind of exercise is the best?

What sports are popular in our country?

2. Vocabulary

Make up a list of as many sports and leisure activities as you can think of.

3. Write in play, go or do. There are three of each. _ tennis









4. Choose some of the sports or activities from your list and fill in the columns below.

Use your dictionary to look up any new words that you needed.

1. sport / activity: football

2. play, go or do: play

3. people: goalkeeper, footballer, referee

4. place: stadium, football pitch

5. equipment needed: ball, boots

5. Find the odd one out

Ice hockey, cricket, rugby, weightlifting

Rowing, sky diving, water polo, surfing

Paragliding, horse racing, surfing, javelin

Boxing, fencing, discus, wrestling

Horse racing, marathon, scuba diving, rowing

Wrestling, discus, javelin, long jump

6. Which sport from the exercise above are they talking about?

1. Personal achievements is important to me in sport. I've just lifted my heaviest weights ever.

2. I prefer team games to individual sports. We're playing well at the moment — all of the team are really good skaters.

3. I think it should be banned. The poor animals often get injured.

4. It felt like I had been running forever but I managed to finish the race.

5. I love adventure sports I tried it last year, but I kept falling off the board into the sea.

6. I don't know why people watch it. It's horrible to see two men hit­ting each other.

7. Look at texts where two people talking about their leisure activity and make notes under the following headings

1. Which sport activity are they talking about?

2. How often do they do it?

3. Where do they do it?

4. Why do they like it?

5. Are they good at it?


I love many sports, but best of all — skiing. I first skied when I was six years old, and lived in Canada, and then for many years, in fact decades. I wasn't able to ski again because I was living in hot plac­es. But since I've been living in England, I've resumed skiing and it's even better than it was. For me now the place to ski is the Alps, and particularly France. I live in England and the winters are gloomy, and there's not much sun, so one of the wonderful things about skiing for me, is the light and the brilliant sunshine that you find high, high up in the mountains. A lot of other people like it, too and it can be rather crowded, especially around the lifts because you now have mechanical lifts that take you zooming up, flying up the mountains like a god, whereas in Canada I had to walk up if I wanted to ski down.

The equipment you need... skis, and boots, and poles. Many people own their own equipment but I hire mine in the resort. I do have my own clothes though, and clothes are very important because skiing is quite a fashion-conscious sport. Also, it's necessary to have clothes that will protect you because the weather can be very severe. You need a ski-suit, a hat, goggles to protect your eyes, socks, mittens, and a rucksack is useful to carry around your bits and pieces. Now at this point, I have to confess that I am not the world's greatest skier, but that doesn't stop you having a wonderful time. Also, there is the social life that is such an important part of skiing. You can eat and drink as much as you want because you know you're burning it all off. And then at the end of the day there's the evening and the food with friends and everybody talking about their excitements during the day. I love it.


I'm an elderly lady of eighty-three and I've always been interested in keep fit, yoga and anything to keep myself mobile, and er... two years ago, I joined a little club run by the Salvation Army, where about eighteen of us meet together and we go through all our movements with music — it's very enjoyable. Needless to say, I'm the eldest one there, but I'm able to do most of the exercises, when I feel OK. When I've got a bad bout of sciatica, I've got to ease a bit.

How often? I go once a week on a Thursday for ... oh we exercise for about three quarters of an hour, and then we end up with having a nice lunch, which is always very good, and that is at the Salvation Army Hall in Branksome. Who with? Lots of my friends; I have made friends since joining because I was a complete stranger when I went there but now there's a lot of people I can call my friends. And for this keep-fit we just wear a leotard with a nice bright yellow top and fell very smart. And across the top it says, "Branksom is fighting fit". And am I good at it? Well, I think I am... and the instructress tells me, or tells the others rather, that I am an example to the rest of them.

8. Speaking. Work in pairs.

Student A. Your activities are:sailing, going on a polar expedition, white -water rafting, playing tennis. Where are you? What can you see? What are you wearing? Who is with you? How do you feel?

Student B. Your activities are: bungee jumping, sky surfing, swimming, rock climbing. Where are you? What can you see? What are you wearing? Who is with you?

9. Reading. Read the text quickly and find all the sports and activities that Fitz Gym offers.




Bored at the weekends?

Then why not come along and find out what we can offer you?

Do you want to take up a new sport? Have you considered badmin­ton, table tennis or short tennis?

Do you want to start your own team? Then get in touch with our local team director for football, basketball or volleyball.

Fancy some underwater action? Why not look into our full range of water classes? We offer water aerobics, swimming lessons for all levels and water polo sessions.

All classes take place between 9.00 a.m. and 10 p.m. every day so there's always time to fit them in between work, studies or busy homelife.

The first month is absolutely free if you sign up before the end of the month. After that it costs 35.00 pounds per month.

Need to know more? Then look up our website, pick up a leaflet from any of your local shops or come along and see us.

10. Grammar. Phrasal verbs

There are three types of phrasal verbs:

Those that are intransitive and do not take an object, e.g. grow up.

Those that are transitive and take an object which must come af­ter the phrasal verb e.g. look after

Those that are transitive and take an object which can go either after the phrasal verb or between the verb and the preposition or adverb, e.g. knock down

11. Match the phrasal verbs underlined in the text to these definitions.

(pick up), (look up), (find out), (fit them in), (take place), (take up), (sign up), (come along), (find out), (look into), (get in touch with)

to happen

to start doing activity, usually for pleasure

to arrive

to sign an agreement

to do something

to take away

to discover

to investigate something

to do something at a time that does not affect other arrangements

to find a piece of information in a book or on the Internet

to make contact with someone

12. Read about the people (1-4) and the sports (a-f). Decide which sport would be most suitable for each person to try.


Donna can ski and she has done ballet since she was a child. She loves moving to music and she wants to try an activity that will make her stronger. She isn't keen on water sports.


Jo and Dan used to do karate. They are looking for a new challenge that they can do together and they want something that will keep them fit. They prefer individual sports to team games. Dan isn't a very strong swimmer.


Rani and Matt aren't very sporty but they want to get some exer­cise. Neither of them likes winter sports and Matt isn't keen on swim­ming. They would like to find a sport that they could play together.


Claire used to be a champion skier and she isn't afraid of a chal­lenge. She is a confident swimmer and she likes having variety in sport. She is very fit and she wants to test her strength and skills.



Korfball is a team sport and is similar to netball in some ways. The key difference is that it is designed foe mixed groups, with four boys / men and four girls / women on each team. It is a game where skill and team play more important than strength and so can be enjoyed by both sexes.


Fencing is a type of sword fighting, in which you touch your op­ponent on the chest with the end of the sword. The action takes place between two fencers on a strip 14 m long by 2 m wide under the eye of a referee. Fencing is a fast and athletic sport, so it is very good for building fitness and coordination.


Capoeira comes from Brazil. It is unusual combination of martial art and dance set to music.

The players don't try to hit or injure their opponent. They use a lot of different movements and avoid contact with the other player to show their strength and skills. Capoeira develops a strong sense of bal­ance as well as physical strength.


Snowboarding is similar to skiing but instead of going down a mountain on two skis, you have both feet on a single snowboard. You can turn on the snow by moving your weight, but beginners can find it hard to stay on the board. It's good sport for people who have already tried surfing or skiing.


Triathlon is a race over three different distances in different sports: swimming, cycling and running. A race usually starts with a swim, then a cycle ride, and finally a run — all against the clock. You need to be a good all-round athlete to go for the triathlon.


Synchronised swimming is really gymnastics in water. The swim­mers, both boys aw well aw girls, perform routines to music. In per­formances with more than one swimmer, everyone has to do exactly the same movements all way through. You need a lot of training to get it right. The swimmers must be very fit, and completely confident in the water.


To make up 8 sentences with multi-part verbs; to write a mini- composition 'This sport would be most suitable for me".


Date: 2014-12-22; view: 2081

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