g) Change the cardinal numerals into ordinal ones: one, two, three, seventy-eight, twelve, nine, eleven, ninety, thirty-five, fifteen, twenty
2. Look at the table below and notice how prepositions of time are used:
in the morning
at 8 o'clock
on Fridays
in the afternoon
at noon
on Wednesday
in the evening
at night
on Thursday (days) etc.
in August (months)
at midnight
on January 27th (dates)
in summer (seasons)
at Easter
on Monday morning
in 1992 (years)
at Christmas
on a cold day
in the 20th century
at the weekend
on a summer night
Fill in the gaps with in, on or at:
1....... ...... September
9.................... Christmas
17……........Saturday night
2………………. March 25th
10....................... spring
3……………the afternoon
11…………………… New Year's Day
12………………lO o'clock
20…………………the weekend
13.............. midnight
21………………….a summer day
6…………………….the evening
22....... Friday morning
15................... Easter
23.................. autumn
8………………………a hot day
16....... the 19th century
24…………………..a winter night
3. Complete the dialogue between Andriy and his uncle Valeriy with the sentences from the box:
- during my four years of
- that was in 1990
- About a year and a half.
- Fifty per cent of my groupmates want to become surgeons
- you still have about 5 years to change your mind,
Andriy: Uncle, what year did you graduate from the university?
Valeriy: Well, 1------------------------------, and it was still in Kiev, by the way, I graduated from Bogomolets Medical University, the one you are studying at now.
Andriy: Exactly! Was it easy for you to find a job here in New York?
Valeriy: Not at all! First, I had to study to confirm my degree here.
Andriy: Did it take you a long time?
Valeriy: 2------------------------------------------------------------- Then I became a resident physician.
Andriy: Is that something like an intern in Ukraine?
Valeriy: Right,3 ---------------------------------------- residiency I worked in the field of obstetrics.
Andriy: I see…4------------------------------------- and the other half want to specialize in obstetrics.
Valeriy: What about you?
Andriy: To tell you the truth, I’m really interested in cardiosurgery.
Valeriy: Well, a good choice, but not an easy one. In fact, 5---------- but anyway I believe in you!