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Welcome on Board!


Dear Seamen:

I would like to cordially welcome you to Welcome on Board! Conversations on Merchant Vessels, the new English handbook developed by the All Japan Seamen ' s Union. This handbook is especially tailored to the needs of seamen, who are serving on merchant vessels around the world.

The shipping industry has a long history. Today, English is indispensable to every seaman to do their jobs right. It is also indispensable for communication in every port around the world, as well as on board ship.

We have produced this handbook to help seafarers of all ranks, whether they are officers or ratings, to effectively learn English so that they will be able to speak and understand English. It contains examples of English conversations depicting close-to-real lifestyles and customs experienced by seamen.

I do hope that all of you take sufficient time to make good use of Welcome on Board! Conversations on Merchant Vessels. With the quick mastering of English, you will become more fully able to enjoy your navigation around the world.

I wish each and every one of you the very best of luck. Bon voyage!


Shoshiro Nakanishi President All Japan Seamen ' s Union

September, 2000


The All Japan Seamen 's Union would like to express its sincere gratitude to the English Educational Foundation of Japan and to Minos Agency for the editing of the textbook and the production of the accompanying audio materials.

September, 2000

Special Features of the Book To All the Seamen about to Embark on the World Voyage!

Welcome on Board! Conversations on Merchant Vessels recreates various situations that seamen often encounter on board merchant ships, plus some scenes that take place on shore. Each situation is selected for the purpose of familiarizing seamen with the realities of their life, while learning English, which is the universal language of navigation. By practicing the conversations, notes and keywords, you can experience, first hand, realistic developments that occur on board merchant vessels. The conversations also include some practical advise on seamen's life, actual navigational operations, realistic descriptions of ship-bound equipment and navigation techniques.

The level of English increases gradually as the story unfolds. In the first few chapters, conversations are general with simple vocabulary and grammatical structure. These language elements become slightly more difficult as you progress. However, you needn't worry. Most of the difficult words and technical terms are explained in simple English in the <Notes> that appear below each conversation. These terms, or keywords, are clearly marked with red ink in the text. Now you need not consult a dictionary each time you encounter an unknown word!

In order to help you learn the accurate pronunciation, intonation and rhythm, which are all important aspects of language learning, four compact disks (CDs) are provided for you. Close-to-real depiction and enactment of each scene has been created through the voice talents of Bianca Alien, Dennis Fait, Michael Naishtut, Greg Irwin and other professional voice actors and narrators.

So just sit back and enjoy the 115 dramatized scenes that you are likely to encounter on board a merchant ship. Now, listen to the CDs first and read the textbook later. Of, if you prefer, listen as your eyes trail on the text. However you study, remember that the best way of mastering a language is by hearing and repeating. Just like a baby picking up its mother tongue, listen to the sounds of English over and over and repeat them. Then study with the textbook and review the Notes.

Lastly, all the members of the editorial staff wish each one of you the best of luck in sailing across the world while learning English. Have a safe and enjoyable journey!

Bon voyage!



Chapter 1. Arrival in Japan and Embarkation

1. On the Plane - The Customs Declaration Form

2. Talking with Other Passengers

3. Customs Inspection

4. Meeting with an Agent: Situation (1) Agent Found Easily

5. Meeting with an Agent: Situation (2) Agent Arrives Late

6. At Tokyo Station

7. At the Mizushima Port Service Boat Station

8. Getting Lost

9. At a Convenience Store

lO.In aTaxi

Chapter 2. On Board a Tanker

11. Self-Introduction - The Captain's Cabin

12. The COC Room of the Tanker

13. Self-Introduction on a Passage

14. Being Taken to a Cabin

15. Getting to Know the Ship - The Bridge

16. Getting to Know the Ship - Communication Facilities

17. Getting to Know the Ship - A Cabin

18. Getting to Know the Ship - The Dining Hall

19. Getting to Know the Ship - The Upper Deck

20. Getting to Know the Ship - The Poop Deck

21. Getting to Know the Ship - The Engine Room

22. Getting to Know the Ship - The Engine Control Room

23. Getting to Know the Ship - The Galley

24. Getting to Know the Ship - The Toilet

25. Getting to Know the Ship - The Chamber

26. Getting to Know the Ship - The Deck Tool Store

27. Getting to Know the Ship - The Engine Store

28. Conversation During a Meal

29. Welcome Party

30. The Gymnasium

31. The Recreation Room

Chapter 3. Safety Training on Board

32. Safety Training - On Deck

33. On the Deck of a Bulk Carrier in Port

34. Dangers on a Tanker

35. Tanker Fires and Explosions

36. Toxicity Hazards on a Tanker

37. Oxygen Deficiency on a Coal-Ore Carrier

38. Safety Training on the Forecastle

39. Using the Accommodation Ladder

40. Safety on the Stairway

41. Safety in the Galley

42. Safety in the Cabin

Chapter 4. Health and Hygiene

43. Making a Habit of Washing Your Hands

44. Sanitation and Cleaning

45. Deck Cleaning

46. Keeping Your Cabin Tidy

47. Garbage Disposal

48. Washing Clothes

49. The Importance of a Balanced Diet

50. First Aid - Abdominal Pains

51. First Aid - Headaches

52. First Aid - Fingers Caught in Doors and Other Injuries

53. First Aid - A Foreign Object in the Eye

54. First Aid - Removing a Fishhook Caught in a Finger

55. Going to the Hospital

56. Preventing "Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Chapter 5. KYT - Kiken Yochi Training

57. What is KYT?

58. KYT - Four Rounds Method

59. KYT - Morning Meeting in the General Office

60. KYT - Tool Box Meeting in the Engine Control Room

61. A Meeting in the Engine Control Room

62. A Meeting in the Galley

Chapter 6. Navigation

63. Navigating a Narrow Channel

64. Bad Visibility

65. An Engine Problem

66. Talking on the VHP Radio with Another Ship (1)

67. Talking on the VHF Radio with Another Ship (2)

68. Talking on the VHF Radio Before Entering Port

69. Entering Port (1)

70. Entering Port (2)

71. Preparing the Mooring Lines

72. Discussing the Navigation Schedule

73. Taking Over the Navigation Watch

74. Taking Over at the Engine Room

Chapter 7. General Duties on Board

75. The Ship's Safety and Sanitation Meeting

76. Conversation with an Agent at the General Office

77. Conversation with the Authorities

78. Discipline on Board

79. Working Conditions

80. Union Meeting on Board

81. Supplying the Ship's Stores

82. Supplying Provisions

Chapter 8. Cargo Handling

83. Foreman's Request

84. Talking with the Foreman on Deck

85. Complaining to the Driver of the Cargo Loader

86. Lashing Down the Cargo on a Container Ship

87. Lowering the Gangway

88. Connecting a Hose

89. Meeting with the Berth Master in the COC

90. Starting to Discharge Crude Oil

91. Washing Crude Oil

Chapter 9. Preparations for Departure

92. Station on the Bridge for Leaving Port (1)

93. Station on the Bridge for Leaving Port (2)

94. Preparing to Leave Port in E.C.R.

95. Wanning Up the Main Engine

96. Testing the Main Engine

97. Increasing the Main Engine Speed

Chapter 10. Bunkering

98. Meeting for Receiving Fuel Oil

99. Receiving Fuel Oil at the Starboard Manifold

100. Receiving Fuel Oil

Chapter 11. Maintenance

101. Work Schedule Meeting at the General Office

102. Maintenance of the Chambers

103. Removing Old Paint

104. Painting

105. Greasing Up

106. Overhauling the Fuel Oil Purifier

107. The Diesel Generator

108. Removing a Motor

Chapter 12. Muster Drills

109. The Drill for Abandoning Ship

110. Fire-Fighting Drill

Chapter 13. Docking

111. Meeting with the Shipyard - Deck Schedule

112. Supervising a Job in the Shipyard

113. Meeting Before Proceeding to the Shipyard

114. Working in the Engine Room at Dry Dock (1)

115. Working in the Engine Room at Dry Dock (2)

Chapter 1. Arrival in Japan and Embarkation


1. On the Plane - The Customs Declaration Form



Ladies and gentlemen, we will soon be distributing Immigration Forms and Customs Declaration Forms. Please fill them out and ask the cabin attendants if you require any help.

Santos: What does "Occupation" mean on this Immigration Form?

Cruz: It means the kind of business we are in. I guess we can write "seaman."

Santos: OK.

Cruz: I brought 400 Lucky Strike cigarettes and 200 Seven Stars cigarettes with me. I wonder if I have to declare them.

Santos: I'm not sure. Let's ask the cabin attendant. Excuse me, may we ask you a question?

CA: Sure.

Cruz: I brought a total of 600 cigarettes with me. Do I have to pay tax on them? CA: Tax exemption for non-Japanese citizens is up to 400 Japanese cigarettes and 400 non-Japanese ones.

Cruz: I see. I have 400 non-Japanese cigarettes and 200 Japanese ones, so I don't have to pay any tax, right?

CA: That's right. You don't have to declare them on the Declaration Form.

Santos: I brought a camera with me. Should I declare it?

CA: If your camera is new and its price is over ¥10,000, then it is a taxable item. But if you do not have any other article worth more than ¥10,000, then a camera is taxable only if it cost you more than ¥20,000.

Santos: My camera isn't new.

CA: OK. Then you don't need to declare it as long as it clearly looks used.

Santos: I see. Thank you for your help.

Cruz: Yes, thanks a lot.

CA: You're welcome.


Immigration Form: personal information required before entering a country Customs Declaration Form: information about the items you are carrying when entering a country cabin attendant(s): flight (or ship or train) crew who takes care of the passengers occupation: job, profession, line of work declare: officially announce ^declaration: official announcement tax exemption: not required to pay tax ->to exempt.. ..from = to free a person from obligation taxable: will be required to pay tax

2. Talking with Other Passengers


Cruz: I'm bored with the scenery. All 1 can see are clouds. (Pointing at a mountain) Wow! Look! That must be Mt. Fuji! It's exactly like in the picture 1 saw.

Santos: It's really beautiful! Is the white stuff on top snow?

Pass. : Yes, it's snow. You're lucky to see it so clearly. It's quite beautiful. Is this your first time in Japan?

Cruz: No, it's our second time, but we didn't see Mt. Fuji last time. We're really lucky this time.

Pass. : Are you both here on business?

Cruz: No, we're seamen. A Japanese company hired us, and we're going to board a ship in Mizushima.

Pass. : You're seamen? It's the first time I've ever met any seamen. Nice to meet you. Working at sea seems like a tough job. Where are you from?

Santos: I'm from Manila in the Philippines.

Pass. : I've never been to Manila, but I saw on TV that it's quite a modem city.

Cruz: It sure is. Is Mt. Fuji covered with snow throughout the year?

Pass. : No, it isn't. During the summer months, from June to August, the snow is gone completely. After that, it is the fall season until the end of November. During the winter, from November to around April, Mt. Fuji is covered with snow.

Cruz: I see.

Pass.: Well, enjoy your view and have a good trip.


Pass.: Passenger, a person traveling on e.g. a boat or train scenery: the view of the landscape Mt. Fuji: also called Fuji-san. the highest mountain in Japan and often the symbol of the country first time in... : the first experience or the first visit to the place in question going to board a ship: going to ride on a ship -> go on board =to get on a train, plane, or boa! throughout the year: all through the year, always, January through December completely: fully. 100%, to the fullest extent, all the way have a good trip: enjoy your trip

3. Customs Inspection


C. 0.: You're seamen, aren't you? Will you please open your suitcases?

Santos; OK. There you go.

C. 0.: Are you carrying any liquor or cigarettes?

Cruz: I have two cartons of cigarettes.

C. 0.: May I see them?

Cruz: (Taking one carton from his carry-on and the other from his suitcase) Here they are.

C. 0.: (Carefully inspecting them for concealed items) Thank you. That's OK.. May I check the contents of your suitcase?

Santos; No problem. Go right ahead.

C. 0.: (Looking at each item one by one) What's this?

Santos: It's some medicine 1 bought in the Philippines.

C. 0.: Let me have a look inside. (Taking out some packages) What's this medicine for?

Santos: It's for the stomach.

C. 0.: OK. Thank you. Please go ahead. Next, please.

Santos: He really took his time. I was starting to lose my patience!

Cruz: You said it! I'd heard that they were very strict with drugs. 1 hear there's a lot of

smuggling from Southeast Asian countries. That's why they are so thorough.


C. 0.: Customs Officer a public servant working at Customs

liquor: a strong alcoholic drink, alcoholic drinks/beverages

cany-on: a piece of luggage a passenger is allowed to take inside an airplane; carry-on-board luggage

concealed items: hidden objects -> to conceal = to hide, to obstruct from view

Go right ahead.: continue -> "Feel free to do what you want."

medicine: medication, pharmaceutical drugs, medicinal drugs

lose my patience: to become angry (after waiting for a long time in this case)

You said it!: Exactly! You can say that again! Yes, I agree.

•strict: following the rules very closely. Enforcing the law

drugs: illegal chemical substances, narcotics

smuggling: carrying something into or out of a country illegally (against the law). -> smuggle

thorough: complete, full

4. Meeting with an Agent: Situation (1) Agent Found Easily


Santos: (At Narita Airport's Arrival Lobby) Wow! There are so many people! Where's Mr.

Yamada, our agent? Cruz: He must be waiting for us, holding a placard with our names on it. Look! This

might be him. Santos: Excuse me. Are you Mr. Yamada from International Marine? We're Cruz and

Santos from the Philippines. We're supposed to board The Persian Adventure. Yamada: Oh, hello, Mr. Cmz and Mr. Santos. Welcome to Japan. My name is Yamada, and

I work for International Marine.

Cruz: Nice to meet you, Mr. Yamada. My name is Conrad Cruz, Third Mate.

Santos: Nice to meet you. My name is Manuel Santos. I'm Third Engineer.

Yamada: How was your trip?

Cruz: It was great! We saw Mt. Fuji from the plane. It was beautiful.

Yamada: I'm glad to hear that. Did you have any problems with Customs?

Santos: No, we didn't, but we were searched quite thoroughly.

Yamada: That's understandable. Customs officers are now very strict. Drug smuggling from

Southeast Asia has been increasing. Cruz: They looked through our luggage. Is it that easy to find drugs? Yamada: According to the news, they often find drugs that way. There is a minibus waiting

for us, so let's get going.

placard: a sign. (a piece of card with people's names written on it)

Third Mate: a member of a ship's crew who helps to steer the ship

Third Engineer: a member of a ship's crew who works in the ship's Engine Room

...we were searched: A customs official examined us and our suitcases.

luggage: suitcases, trunks, etc. usually carried for traveling, large bags containing clothes

according to.. : from what I've heard or read...

... let's get going: ... let's go, let's move

5. Meeting with an Agent: Situation (2) Agent Arrives Late


(Cruz and Santos exit into the Arrival Lobby. Suddenly, a Japanese woman calls them over.)

Stranger: Excuse me, are you Mr. Vincent from the Philippines ABC Company?

Cruz: No, I'm not. I'm not with the Philippines ABC Company.

Stranger: Oh, wrong person. I'm sorry.

Santos: It's difficult to find people in this crowd.

Cruz: I think our agent has a placard with our names on it. Let's try to find him.

(Ten minutes later) Santos: He doesn't seem to be here. Have we got the meeting place wrong? There are two

terminals at Narita Airport. This is Terminal 1, isn't it? Cruz: Well, let's wait for a few more minutes. We don't know the agent's phone number

anyway. Let's go sit on that bench over there.

(Ten more minutes later) Santos: Look! That man seems to have a placard with our names on it. Excuse me. Are you

Mr. Yamada? We're Santos and Cruz from the Philippines. Yamada: Oh, thank goodness! I'm glad we were able to meet up. We were delayed by the

traffic. There was a big accident on our way to the airport. I'm sorry to have kept

you waiting.

suddenly: without warning, an unexpected surprise wrong person: a different person, not the right person, not the person one is looking for

crowd: a large number of people

... seem to be....: appear to be... -> "He doesn't seem to be here." = "1 don't think he is here."

thank goodness: "How lucky!" an expression of relief = Thank God.

We were delayed...: We were held up and therefore could not come on time...

traffic: cars on a highway or a road

I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.: I'm sorry I kept you waiting, (a frequently used apology when arriving


6. At Tokyo Station


(Transferring from the Yamanote Line to the Tokaido Shinkansen)

Cruz: I think this is the right way, but with all these people, I'm not sure! It must rush

hour now. Commuting always seems to be bad.

Santos: Let's ask someone. (He stops a passerby.) Excuse me, is this the way to the


Passerby: There are several Shinkansens. Which one are you looking for? Santos: The Tokaido Shinkansen. We are going to Shin-Kobe.

Passerby: OK. Then go straight ahead, and you'll see the ticket gates for the Tokaido

Shinkansen. Ask the station staff for more information. Santos: Straight ahead? OK. Thank you very much. Cruz: Let's go.

(At the ticket gate)

Stat. staff: Ah, just put your tickets in the slot over here. This is an automatic gate.

Santos: Thank you. Which platform does the train leave from?

Stat. staff: Platform 16.

Santos: Platform 16? Thank you.

Cruz: We should eat on the train. Let's buy some food.

Santos: That's a good idea. I'd like to have some typical Japanese food.

(At a stall nearby)

Cruz: "Makunouchi-bentou." This looks like a Japanese packed lunch. I'll have that.

Santos: OK. I'm going to try this one here. |

transferring: changing trains -^ transfer = change over, move over Shinkansen: Japanese bullet train, super-express train

Tokaido Shinkansen: the super-express trains serving mainly the Pacific coast of Japan's mainland commuting: traveling back and forth, i.e. to and from work passerby: a bystander; person on the street straight ahead: forward without turning slot: long hole or groove platform: waiting place for a train typical: most common, representative stall: small stand or shop

Makunouchi-bentou: Japanese-style boxed lunch with rice and assortment of cooked meats, fish, and vegetables

7. At the Mizushima Port Service Boat Station


Santos: (To the female staff at the Service Boat Station) Excuse me. We want to board The

Persian Adventure. When does the service boat leave? Staff: Marine No. 1 leaves at 1pm. She's over there. Santos: Thanks. By the way, has The Persian Adventure come into berth yet? Staff: Well, she was supposed to be here at 12 o'clock, so I suppose she has. Look. You

can see her there.

Cruz: Oh, is it the one with the reddish funnel?

Staff: Yes, that's the one.

Cruz: Do you know the schedule?

Staff: I heard that the ETD is the day after tomorrow, but I don't know the details.

Santos: That's way too short, isn't it?

Staff: All specialized carriers do the same.

Cruz: I'd like to buy some snack. Is there a shop around here?

Staff: There is a convenience store further down the street. Go out here, turn left at the

comer, and then go straight for about 200 meters. You'll find it on your right. Cruz: Thank you.

Staff: Be sure not to miss the service boat.

Santos: Don't worry. We still have 30 minutes until it leaves. Let's go!

Mizushima: a port city in Okayama, located in southwestern Japan

service boat: water taxi

berth: mooring place, to moor (a ship/boat)

was supposed to...: should have been, is scheduled to be...

funnel: the chimney for a ship's steamer

ETD (Estimated Time of Departure): the scheduled time when ship will leave port

details: the facts, detailed information

specialized carrier: type of ship, i.e. tanker, container ship, etc.

convenience store: a small comer store selling all kinds of goods which is open longer than most other

stores -> convenient: easy to use on your right: on the right-hand side of a person miss: fail to catoh

8. Getting Lost


Santos: I thought it would be easy to find the shop, but I don't see it anywhere.

Cruz: Gee, we must have lost our way. Maybe we turned at the wrong comer.

Everything's written in Japanese with kanji everywhere! I can't understand a thing. Santos: We'll have to turn back. Let's go back to that corner. Cruz: We don't have enough time. Let's ask someone. Santos: Do they speak English? I've heard that ordinary Japanese people are not very good

at speaking English.

Cruz: Let's ask that student. Excuse me, do you speak English?

Student: Yes, I'm studying English at school. Can I help you?

Cruz: Oh, great! We want to go to the convenience store nearby but we're a little lost.

Student: There's a Seven-Eleven store that way. Turn right over there. Go straight for about

100 meters. You'll see some traffic lights. Turn left there, and you'll find it. Cruz: Thank you very much. Student: You're welcome. Are you seamen? Cruz: Yes, we are. We're boarding a tanker in Mizushima. Student: It takes five minutes from the shop to the boat station. Will you know how to get


Cruz: Yes, we will. We just came from the station so we'll be able to get back.

Student: That's good. Take care of yourselves. Bon voyage!

Cruz: Hey, thank you very much.

must have lost our way...: got lost or went the wrong way, took the wrong way

I can't understand a thing....: I cannot (do not) understand anything.

ordinary: plain, simple, or usual -> extraordinary: special, unusual

nearby: close to -> the station nearby: the station that is close

traffic lights: a set of lights used to control traffic. Also called "traffic signs".

Take care of yourselves.: be safe, be OK, and look after yourselves. -> "Take care of yourself." when

addressing a single person Bon voyage! : Have a nice trip! Have a safe journey!

9. At a Convenience Store


S. Clerk: May I help you?

Santos: Yes. I'd like to buy some cookies.

S. Clerk: They are on that shelf over there.

Santos: These are chocolate-flavored cookies. Excuse me, how much are these? I can't såå

the price.

S. Clerk: I'm sorry, but all the prices are bar-coded only. Those are 400 yen.

Santos: Thanks.

Cruz: Four-hundred yen is a bit expensive. Let's look for cheaper ones. How about thes

It says "Potato Chips" on the packet. They're only 230 yen. Santos It's quite light for such a big packet but it looks good. OK, I'll buy two of these. Cruz: I'll get two bags, too.

S. Clerk: Do you want to pay for these separately or together?

Santos: Together, please.

S. Clerk: That comes to 966 yen.

Cruz: Ah, isn't it supposed to be 920 yen since they are 230 yen each?

S. Clerk: You need to add the 5% consumption tax, which comes to 46 yen.

Cruz We have to pay tax on everything?

S. Clerk: I'm afraid so. Will that be all?

Cruz: Yes. Here's a thousand yen.

?. Clerk: Thank you. Here's your change: 34 yen.

Santos: Thank you. (They go out of the shop.) Wow! That young girl was looking af

such a big shop all by herself! Cruz: I heard that Japanese people are pretty honest and there isn't much shoplifting.

S. Clerk: Sales Clerk

chocolate-flavored: taste like chocolate price: cost bar-coded : price on package read by a computer scanner

a bit expensive : a little expensive, not cheap -> a bit = a little

look ftry to find

cheaper: cost less, priced lower

Separately: one at a time, not together

consumption tax : 5% tax on things bought at stores (in Japan)

a thousand yen: 1,000 yen

change: money left after a purchase, money you get back after paying for something

shoplifting : stealing, taking something without paying, especially from a shop

10. In a Taxi


Cruz: We should get going. We don't have much time left. Shall we take a taxi?

Santos: Yes. But can we catch one easily? Ah, here comes one now! Flag it down! Oh,

there's already a passenger in it. That's no good. Cruz: Here comes another one! It's stopping. The red lamp at the front seems to mean

that it's free. Santos: Wow! The door opens automatically! Japanese taxis are amazing!

(They get in the taxi)

Driver: Hello. Where to, sir?

Santos: To the Service Boat Station at Mizushima Port, please. How much will that be?

Driver: Mizushima Port, Service Boat Station. All right. The basic fare is 560 yen for the

initial two kilometers. There's an additional charge of 80 yen per 200 meters. So it

will cost about 640 yen from here. Cruz: Do you have the same taxi fares everywhere in Japan? Driver: No. Generally speaking, it costs more in urban areas than in rural areas. Santos: Is it a difficult job? Driver: Not really. It's a good way to earn a living. Here we are at the Service Boat


Santos: Oh, great! We're back just in time.

Driver: Just a moment. I'll pull over.

Santos: How much is it?

Driver: (Checking the meter) It's 640 yen.

catch: take, take hold of... Flag it down. : hail or wave to taxi driver free : not in use, available automatically : by itself, without having to do anything amazing : wonderful, great initial : first

an additional charge : extra cost. additional <-add (to increase) Generally speaking,... : speaking in a general manner, without giving specifics; usually, regularly urban area : city

rural area : country, farmland earn a living : work, have a job to make money just in time : in time, not late -> 1 was just in time ... (I was not late. I came on time.)

Chapter 2. On Board a Tanker


11.Self-Introduction - The Captain's Cabin


(After knocking at the door of the Captain's Cabin)

C/Off: Captain, Third Mate Conrad Cruz and Third Engineer Manuel Santos are here, sir.

Capt: Come in. I've been expecting you.

C/Off: Let's go in. Captain, I'd like to introduce you to Third Mate, Mr. Conrad Cruz and Third Engineer, Mr. Manuel Santos.

Cruz: Nice to meet you. Captain. I'm Third Mate Conrad Cruz from Manila. I am 22 years old and I am determined to do my best.

Santos: Nice to meet you, sir. I'm Third Engineer Manuel Santos. I'm also from Manila. I am 23 years old and I hope to do my best, too.

Capt: (Shaking hands) Nice to meet you both. I'm Captain Shimoda. Welcome aboard The Persian Adventure. Please have a seat.

Cruz/Santos: Thank you, sir.

Capt: Is this your first time on a Japanese ship?

Cruz: Yes, it is, and I'm a little nervous. I've never been on such a large ship.

Capt: Oh, don't worry. Everyone is nervous the first time. Just watch your step and don't get into any trouble. I expect everyone to work hard, but if you don't understand something, just ask one of us. In Japan, we have a saying: "Asking for help is a momentary shame, but never asking for help is a lifetime shame". The worst situation is when you pretend that you understand when you really don't, and then you fail to do your work right.

Cruz/Santos: We'll keep that in mind, sir.

C/Off: Chief Officer

expect: wait for...., to look forward to something

.. .determined to do my best: will try hard to do the best I can

nervous: worried, uneasy

watch your step: be careful, look where you are going

get into trouble: have or cause problems

saying: proverb, adage, motto

momentary: short, brief, temporary

shame: disgrace, loss of honor

lifetime: for your whole life, until you die, throughout your life

pretend: act as if, make believe

fail: not succeed, be unable to accomplish something

12. The COC Room of the Tanker (CD 1-13)

2/Off: Hi, you're the Third Mate, Mr. Cruz, aren't you? Welcome on board. I'm the

Second Mate and my name is Tanaka. Nice to have you with us. Cruz: Nice to meet you. My name is Conrad Cruz. I'm 22 years old and I'm from Manila. 2/Off: Is this your first time on a tanker? Cruz: Yes, it is. I've been on a 20,000-ton bulk carrier before, and I received tanker

training in the Philippines, which was mainly lectures. I also trained using a tanker

simulator at one of the Japanese shipping company's training centers. It was quite

helpful. 2/Off: I did that simulator training, too. Training is different from the real job, but it's

quite helpful. By the way, I'm from Hiroshima. I have a wife and three children.

The eldest one is 13. He is a junior high school student. My family comes to see

me whenever my ship arrives in Japan. They have already been to my cabin and

made a big fuss. Cruz: That's great. I'm single and my parents live with my elder brothers. Both of my

brothers work for Japanese companies in the Philippines. There are a lot of

differences in culture and in social structure between Japan and the Philippines.

I'm dying to learn about Japan. 2/Off: That's a great attitude. Learning about each other's culture helps us understand

each other better. That's the first step towards having a pleasant and peaceful time

on board.

COC: Cargo Oil Control

2/Off: Second Officer also called Second Mate (the rank that comes after First Mate)

Second Mate: a friendly way of addressing the Second Officer

bulk carrier: large ship that carries raw goods in its hold

simulator: machine for practice

shipping company: large company that owns and operates boats

Hiroshima: large port city in Western Japan

... made a big fuss: made a big issue about something

single: unmarried

elder brother(s): older brother(s)

difference(s): things that are not the same or similar

culture: arts, philosophies, products of any society

social structure: organization of a society

I'm dying to...: want to do something very much

attitude: way of thinking, behavior and manners

13. Self-Introduction on a Passage (CD 1-14)

Santos: (To a Japanese crewmember passing by) Hello! I'm Third Engineer, Manuel

Santos. I just came on board.

2/Eng: Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm Second Engineer, Suzuki. I was checking a pump so I

couldn't come to the Engine Control Room when the Chief Engineer introduced you.

Santos: Boy, I was surprised by the size of the engine. It's the first time that I've seen such a big one!

2/Eng: This ship keeps us busy and she's a good one to learn many different jobs on.

Santos: I'm sure I'll learn a lot. The small number of crew also surprised me.

2/Eng: Well, it means that each crewmember takes on a lot of responsibility. I do hope you'll become familiar with the ship quickly, and do your job well. We all count on each other. I'll help you whenever there's something that you don't understand. Also, read and study all the instruction books. Don't hesitate to learn things using your hands, feet, and body. You know, hands-on experience. That's the way Japanese people work. Santos: I see. I was told the same back home.

2/Eng: It's important to work hard. Doing a good job helps you gain confidence. Oh, by

the way, I should tell you more about myself. I'm 30 years old. I'm single and I

come from Yamaguchi. I like fishing. Pretty handy when you work on a boat,

don't you think? Santos: Sure. I'm 23 years old and I come from Manila. I don't have any hobby. I just like reading.

crewmember: a member of a crew (all the people working on a boat, airplane, train, etc.)

2/Eng: Second Engineer

Chief Engineer: the highest-ranking engineer on a ship

responsibility: duty, work a person has to do

become familiar with...: to come to know something well

count on: depend on, rely on, expect somebody else's help

instruction book(s): a book that shows or teaches things, procedures, etc.

hesitate: be slow to act, speak or decide, for example, as a sign of uncertainty

hands-on experience: learning by doing or through active participation

confidence: trust, feeling sure, feeling of assurance

handy: convenient, easy to use or apply

14. Being Taken to a Cabin (CD 1-15)

2/Off: OK, I'll take you up to your cabin. Just follow me. We are on D-Deck now. Your

cabin is on B-Deck, two floors above. Let's take the elevator.

Cruz: Is the elevator in service all the time?

2/Off: Except during an emergency. And you should always use good manners. Shut the

door quietly but firmly, that sort of thing. Here we are. This is your cabin.

Cruz: Thank you.

2/Off: The next cabin is the Chief Mate's. And the First Engineer, Second Engineer, and

Third Engineer' cabins are also on this floor.

Cruz: Is the Chief Engineer on the same deck as the Captain?

2/Off: That's right. There's a water fountain over there for when you are thirsty. Next to it

is the laundry room. There are two washing machines. One is for underwear and

slightly dirty clothes. The other is for heavily-stained clothing such as oily

coveralls. Please tell the Chief Officer if they go out of order.

Cruz: OK.. By the way, your English is very good.

2/Off: Thank you. I'm very glad to hear that. I often read English newspapers and try to

brush up on my English all the time. Here, why don't you settle down in your


Cruz: Thank you.

in service: working, in operation

emergency: a sudden, urgent development of a serious matter

First Engineer: a ship's crew in charge of the engines

water fountain: a device for supplying fresh drinking water

washing machine(s): a machine which washes clothes automatically

underwear: undergarment, clothes worn directly on a person's body

heavily-stained: badly soiled, very dirty

coverall(s): loose, one-piece garment worn by workmen (to protect clothes)

out of order: not working, broken

brush up: to improve, to polish up

settle down: to live in an ordinary way, to feel relaxed, to become less nervous


15. Getting to Know the Ship - The Bridge (CD 1-16)

Cruz: The eye altitude on the VLCC seems very high. How high is it?

2/Off: It is 26 meters when fully loaded and 37 meters at ballast level. The ship is now half loaded so it is about 32 meters.

Cruz: The steering stand looks like a car's steering wheel. It doesn't look like a ship's wheel at all. This is the engine control panel. This must be the engine telegraph. And this is the telephone that connects you to the Engine Room, isn't it?

2/Off: Yes, it is. All you have to do is pick up the receiver and speak. The rest are all meters related to the engine. This is the Doppler Sonar. It's more accurate than the electric-magnetic log. It is especially helpful when coming into berth.

Cruz; Oh, this is the radar, and it has ARPA!

2/Off: ARPA is very useful. Make sure to remember that using your own eyes is essential. You should never rely solely on the radar. Don't depend on the radar picture for information. Always confirm with the naked eye, even if visibility is bad.

Cruz: Yes, I understand.

2/Off: The ship is equipped with an electrical charting system. It shows the position of the ship by receiving signals from the GPS. But observing the position with your own eyes, especially for cross bearing, is one of the basics for a deck officer.

Cruz: I will leam cross bearing properly. Is this the GMDSS?

2/Off: Yes, I'll tell you about it later.

eye altitude: eye level (altitude = height, distance from sea level)

VLCC: Very Large Crude Carrier

fully loaded: a ship's holds are filled to capacity

ballast: a heavy material (usu. seawater) placed in a ship's tank for greater stability -> at ballast level

(sailing with no cargo)

steering wheel: a wheel used for steering, such as a rudder telegraph: a communication system over directly connected wires receiver: a part of a telephone, television, etc. which receives incoming signals Doppler Sonar: a sonar working on the Doppler principle which is used to measure a ship's speed electric-magnetic log: a ship's speed measuring mechanism operating on an electromagnetic system ARPA: Automatic Radar Plotting Aids naked eye: unaided eye, seeing things with one's own eyes visibility: the distance that can be seen without using instruments electrical charting system: electrical display of navigational charts GPS: Global Position Satellite System cross bearing: a method of finding out a ship's location GMDSS: Global Maritime Distress and Safety System

16. Getting to Know the Ship - Communication Facilities (CD 1-17)

Santos: Excuse me. May I come in?

Capt: Sure. Come in.

Santos: I brought my passport, my mariner's license, and my seamen's book.

Capt: Thank you. The expiration date of your passport is in 2010, so you have ten more years. Is this seamen's license Filipino? This ship's Panamanian, so we need a Panamanian license. Do you have one?

Santos: Yes, I do, but I left it in my cabin.

Capt: I need to see it. Will you bring the license and the seamen's book later, please? Do you have vaccination certificates?

Santos: I have a cholera certificate. I'll bring it later, too.

Capt: Oh, we don't need the cholera certificate. Do you have a yellow fever certificate?

Santos: No, I don't.

Capt: That's not good. You won't need it for this voyage, but you might need it for the next one. You should get your yellow-fever vaccination done next time you are in Japan. It is too late to get it now.

Santos: I'm sorry. I wasn't told about it. By the way, the radio equipment seems completely different.

Capt: It was changed when we started using the GMDSS.

Santos: So all information is exchanged with the GMDSS?

Capt: Yes, you can say that. Most messages sent between the ship and headquarters are done by INMARSAT. In the waters around Japan, we use the coastal telephone system, which covers a wide area since it also recently started using the satellite system. Another communications system we use is the VHF telephone for contacting pilots and other vessels. You can use INMARSAT for private telephone calls, too.

mariner's license: a license issued to seamen

expiration: coming to a close or end or termination

Filipino: of or native of the Philippines

Panamanian: of or native of Panama

vaccination : immunization using vaccines

certificate : a paper proving or certifying something

cholera: an acute infection with watery diarrhea, vomiting, cramps (often fatal)

yellow fever: an acute disease transmitted by mosquitoes, characterized by the body turning yellow


headquarters: main office, head office INMARSAT: International Maritime Satellite satellite: man-made flying object on the Earth's orbit serving various purposes

17. Getting to Know the Ship - A Cabin (CD 1-18)

Cruz: This is quite a big room, with a big window, a shower and a toilet.

2/Off: The ship's accommodations were built by the Japanese ship owners. They used to be much less attractive than the accommodations on European ships. Conditions have improved lately, though.

Cruz: Is this telephone used only on board?

2/Off: Yes, it is. It's mostly used by the Quartermaster to call you 15 minutes before your watch. There is a coastal telephone system at the Bridge and in the General Office. It covers the Japanese coastal area and also the Bashi Channel area. We use it to communicate with the head office.

Cruz: Can I drink the water from the tap?

2/Off: No, you shouldn't. It's only for washing and rinsing. We call it "fresh water." It is distilled seawater that comes from an evaporator in the Engine Room. It may contain unwanted bacteria. You should drink the water only from the water fountains.

Cruz: Do I have to clean my cabin myself?

2/Off: Basically, yes. But the Mess Boy sweeps the ship once a week. He also changes the bed sheets every two weeks.

Cruz: The word "ANTENNA" is written on this box by the wall. What is this antenna for?

2/Off: This is a radio antenna. When you connect your radio to it, you can hear short­wave broadcast in your cabin. Take a single electrical wire and wind it 10 to 20 times into a coil with a diameter of about 10 cm. Then connect one end of the coil to this antenna terminal and the other to the ground terminal. Put the coil close to the radio. You can hear short-wave clearly that way.

accommodation(s): living quarters, living areas

ship owner(s): people or companies which own a ship

less attractive: not favorable, not likeable, not appealing

Conditions have improved...: conditions have become better....

quartermaster: a crew to take her steering

Bashi Channel: a channel found between Taiwan and the Philippines

tap: faucet (tap water = water running from a faucet)

distilled: obtaining a liquid by condensing vapor

evaporator: a machine used to heat and make vapor of a liquid

unwanted bacteria: harmful microorganisms which may cause illnesses

short-wave broadcast: radio broadcasts sent via waves of short wavelengths

diameter: a straight line passing through the center of a circle

18. Getting to Know the Ship - The Dining Hall (CD 1-19)

C. Stew: Here's the Third Mate's table, and here is the Third Engineer's table.

Cruz: Thank you. Breakfast is served at seven o'clock, lunch at twelve o'clock, and

dinner's served at five-thirty?

C.Stew: That's right. But the Third Mate's dinner is served at five o'clock because you have

to relieve the Chief Mate when he eats dinner. It is a self serve dining room, so

make sure that you return your dirty dishes to the basin in the galley after you

finish your meal.

Cruz: I will. What kind of food do you serve here?

C.Stew: Mainly Japanese food for the Japanese, and Filipino food for the Filipinos. But

sometimes, we serve the same meal for everyone, such as when we have steak.

Can you eat Japanese sashimi or sushi

Cruz: No problem. I like sukiyaki. I'm interested in Japanese food, so I cut some

Japanese recipes out of a newspaper and brought them with me.

C.Stew: That's good! I'll prepare something special for you someday. I think that we will

serve sukiyaki for the welcome party after we're off at sea.

Cruz: That's splendid! Will we be able to drink beer?

C.Stew: We have a company policy about alcohol. You can drink, but there's a limit. In any

case, just enjoy yourself and don't get drunk.

C.Stew: Chief Steward

is served: (meals are) offered or presented

relieve: to release a person from duty

galley: the kitchen of a ship or an airplane

sashimi: a typical Japanese dish of sliced fresh, raw fish

sushi: a typical Japanese dish of sliced raw fish placed on balls of seasoned rice

sukiyaki: a typical Japanese dish cooked with sliced beef and vegetables

recipe(s): a list of ingredients and procedures for preparing food, medicine, etc.

off at sea: sailing in high waters, not moored in a port

drunk: physical and mental weakness caused by taking too much alcohol

19. Getting to Know the Ship - The Upper Deck (CD 1-20)

C/Off: Let me show you the deck. Be sure to wear your helmet whenever you work on deck. There's one that has "THIRD OFFICER" written on it.

Cruz: Oh, I found it.

C/Off: We must go up one floor above the Upper Deck to D-Deck. The entrance used should be the one opposite this one. Exit from the starboard side. Both doors on the Upper Deck should be shut firmly like this. Don't use this door unless there's an emergency.

Cruz: Is this the Deck Seal Tank of the Inert Gas System?

C/Off: Inert gas is sent to this deck seal tank through that big pipe after it is generated by the Inert Fan Room on top of the Engine Room. From here, it provides inert gas to each tank through the deck pipeline. The Deck Seal Tank is the most basic safety device. Seawater is continuously supplied from the Engine Room.

Cruz: Is it sent through a special pump?

C/Off: It's sent through the GS pump, the fire pump, and any other specialized deck seal seawater pump. If one pump breaks down, another one takes its place.

Cruz: This mooring winch looks like it's hydraulically operated.

C/Off: Yes, there's one hydraulic pump in the Steering Engine Room for the aft winch. Another is in the Center Store for the mid-ship winch, and the third one is in the Bosun Store for the fore winch. Inform the Engine Room before you turn them on or off.

Cruz: Are these the main pipelines: No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, the inert line, and the COW line?

C/Off: The pipelines are color-coded for easy identification. This is a small line. This is a bunker line. This is a fire line. This is a foam line for the fire line.

opposite: the other side, the side facing you starboard side: the right-hand side of a ship or aircraft Deck Seal Tank: a tank used for collecting inert gas to seal off the deck in case of fire Inert Gas System: a system of a network of pipelines for supplying inert gas safety device: equipment used to enhance safety

GS pump (general service pump): a pump used for general purposes, such as supplying fresh water mooring winch: a winch used for taking up a rope or chain used for mooring a ship hydraulically operated: something working by means of a fluid under pressure aft: toward the rear of a ship identification: a proof of a person's identity bunker line: a pipeline used to supply fuel to a ship's bunker, or a fuel storage


20. Getting to Know the Ship - The Poop Deck (CD 1-21)

2/Off: I stand on the Poop Deck except when berthing SBM or anchoring. You have to let me know whenever we do a trial of the engine. We do it every time we leave port. I then check if aft is normal, and then 1 check for fishing boats or small boats or if the crew has left any fishing tackle outboard. As for the accommodation ladder, we heave it up a little when the ship moves. After that, we do an engine test by contacting the Engine Room.

Santos: I see. How about checking the steering gears?

2/Off: We do it before or after the engine test. You should do it after I enter the Steering Engine Room. I check the movement of the rudder and see if the hydraulic system works well.

Cruz: Communication between us is done only by transceiver?

2/Off: Basically, yes, but we can also use the one in the Steering Engine Room.

Cruz: What's this wire?

2/Off: It is a fire wire. A tugboat uses this wire to pull the ship from the berth when she can't move on her own, or in case of a fire during cargo loading and unloading. Regulations about setting this wire in port are very strict, so you have to follow the rules. This should be set whenever the ship enters the Maritime Traffic Safety Law areas in Japan.

Cruz: Is the Emergency Fire Pump Room under this deck?

2/Off: Yes, it is. It's just as described on the side of this door. It's under the Steering Room. Ask one of the engineers how to operate it later.

Poop Deck: a partial deck on the stem superstructure of a ship

SBM (Single Buoy for Mooring): a method of mooring a ship

anchoring: preventing a ship's free movement with a heavy object cast overboard

trial run: a test run

fishing tackle: fishing gear

accommodation ladder: a ladder used to help people board a ship

rudder: a plate secured to the stem of a ship used to direct its course

hydraulic system: a mechanical system which is powered by pressurized liquid

transceiver: a portable transmitter and receiver in one unit

Maritime Traffic Safety Law: a set of rules for navigating specified traffic routes in Japan

as described... : as specified, as stated, as written in....

21. Getting to Know the Ship - The Engine Room (CD 1-22)

1/Eng: Here's your new workplace, The Persian Adventure's Engine Room.

Santos: Oh, the engine is huge! The room is bigger, brighter, and quieter than I thought.

1/Eng: It isn't very noisy at port, but it becomes quite noisy at sea. So be sure to wear

earplugs when you work in here. It is important to keep the lighting equipment

well maintained for safety reasons. Since you are in charge of electricity, you are

also responsible for the safety of the workplace. Santos: My job seems challenging and I'm excited. By the way, did you change the main

engine fuel oil from heavy fuel oil to diesel oil before entering port? 1/Eng: We used to do that, but FO valves have improved recently. We can now use heavy

fuel oil even while in port. Remember to always keep theFO pump working. Santos: Where are the cargo pumps? I don't see them. 1/Eng: For safety reasons, they are in the Pump Room in another section. All lights in the

Pump Room are gas tight. Santos: Flow do you switch pumps? 1/Eng: We use the No. 1 Group when outbound, and the No. 2 Group when inbound. We

switch pumps while warming up the engine before we leave port. Santos: Do the two diesel generators run the same way? 1/Eng: The Second Engineer, who is in charge of the diesel generators, adjusts their

operating times according to his work plan. Santos: Does the maintenance plan apply to the main engine and to all of the important

auxiliary machines such as the generators, the air compressors, and the boilers? 1/Eng: You got it! Proper maintenance is essential for safe and economical navigation.

1/Eng: First Engineer

workplace: a place where a person works

earplug(s): a set of plugs inserted in the ear to cut off noise

well maintained: well taken care of...

for safety reasons: to enhance safety, to avoid danger

challenging: difficult

heavy fuel oil: a grade of fuel oil used to power a vehicle

FO valves: fuel oil valve

FO pump: fuel oil pump

gas-tight: equipped with a mechanism for shutting off gas

diesel generator(s): a power generator powered by diesel oil

economical navigation: sailing at low cost

22. Getting to Know the Ship - The Engine Control Room (CD1 -23)

1/Eng: Let me briefly show you the Control Room equipment. This ship is a so-called MO

ship. The main engine can be operated from three places: the Bridge, here in the

Control Room, and locally.

Santos: What situations require the main engine to be operated from the Bridge or locally? 1/Eng: We usually operate the main engine from the Bridge while at sea. We have to

operate locally when the remote-control system breaks down. But special skills are

required for that. We check and practice local operation before entering and

leaving port. Will you be training soon? Santos: Yes, but I'm not sure about the schedule. 1/Eng: The main engine is a Hitachi B&W 8S80MCE. Its CSO is 18,071 kilowatts at 69.7RPMs. The diameter of the cylinders is 800 mm, and the piston stroke is 2,592mm.

Santos: That's huge! A cylinder is big enough for an adult to work inside it.

1/Eng: Exactly. We can go and see a cylinder when we are changing an exhaust valve.

Santos: I'll look forward to that.

1/Eng: The main engine and most auxiliary machines are operated and turned on and off

here in the Control Room. We can check their condition, too. Santos: Do you mean that no one needs to stay in the Engine Room? 1/Eng: Not exactly. As I said before, we use the MO system so we don't need to check it while at sea. All of the Engine Room crewmembers engage in maintenance work.An engineer and an oiler assigned to an MO watch have to check and maintain themain engine and the equipment in the Engine Room. Whenever the MO alarm rings,they have to respond to it.

briefly: using just a few words, shortly

MO: Man in Machinery Space Zero

remote-control system: a way of controlling the operation of equipment from a faraway location

practice: to do as a habit

CSO: Continuous Service Output

RPM (Revolution per Minute): a unit indicating the rotating speed of a turning object

diameter: the straight line passing through the center of a circle

cylinder: a chamber housing a reciprocating piston

piston stroke: a single movement of a piston

exhaust valve: a valve through which exhaust gas or liquid is discharged

auxiliary: subsidiary, supplementary, being related to

assigned to...: given the task of doing something


23. Getting to Know the Ship - The Galley (CD 1-24)

Santos: Is it OK if I put the dirty dishes here?

C.Stew: Sure. How was your meal?

Santos: It was very tasty. I really liked the juicy steak and the big lobster. How much are

your food expenses for us all? C.Stew: They are now 1,500 yen a day per person. This is in accordance with the contract

between the shipping companies and the All Japan Seamen's Union. This budget

allows us to buy good food that is supplied in Singapore. Santos: Do we stop in Singapore? C.Stew: No, we don't. We get the food from Singapore from a supply boat. It comes on

several slings, and unloading it is hard work. Will you help us next time because

we need all the arms we can find? Santos: I will. By the way, may I use the refrigerator in the galley? C.Stew: No problem. You have to write your name on your food, and make sure to keep the

refrigerator clean. You may also use the microwave oven. Santos: I usually have snacks during the night navigation watches, so I brought

cup-of-noodle soups along. Can I boil water in the microwave oven? C.Stew: No, you shouldn't use the microwave for that. You can use the water boiler in the

galley. After you finish eating, remember to rinse the container before disposing of


expense(s): the amount of money spent

in accordance with...: conforming to...., following....

budget: a pre-set amount of money one can use

sling(s): looped ropes or straps used for lifting something

microwave oven: an oven which use microwaves to cook food

night navigation watch(es): a night duty usu. on the Bridge and Engine Control Room

container: a can, bag, or box, etc. which can hold things inside

disposing of.....: throwing away, getting rid of

24. Getting to Know the Ship - The Toilet (CD 1-25)

2/Off: Let me show you the toilet.

Cruz: Are there common toilets only in front of the COC?

2/Off: No. There are some in front of the workers' room on the Upper Deck, and others in

the crew quarters on C-Deck. The deck crew does the cleaning, but we must also

make an effort to keep them clean. Cruz: Is the flush water seawater? 2/Off: Yes, it is provided by the GS pump in the Engine Room. You must immediately

report any problem to the Chief Officer, for example, if the toilet clogs up or if the

water doesn't stop mnning. That way repairs can be done quickly. We are all

responsible for the maintenance of the ship. Cruz: Yes, sir. What should I do if I flush and water doesn't come out? 2/Off: In that case, you can wash up using tap water by connecting the hose to the fresh

water faucet. If that doesn't work, use the bucket to pour water in the toilet. It

usually works that way. Cruz: I hope it never happens to me. 2/Off: This ship is OK. When you are on an old ship, there are many problems with pipes

and filters getting clogged, and it makes flushing difficult, if not impossible. Cruz: I heard that the toilet paper is stored in the Deck Store. When may I take some? 2/Off: There are rolls in that locker. When they run out, ask the Assistant Officer for

more. You may take some to your cabin, too.

COC: Crude Oil Control

crew quarter(s): living areas/spaces for members of the crew

make an effort to....: try to do something

flush: to wash away with water as in flush toilet

immediately: right away, promptly

clogs up: obstruct the movement of something

faucet: tap, a device for regulating the flow of liquid, such as water

impossible: not possible, something that cannot be done

run out: to completely use up and have nothing more left

25. Getting to Know the Ship - The Chamber (CD 1-26)

C.Stew: Here are the goods that you ordered. Please take the ones with your name or rank

written on them.

Cruz: These are mine. Three cartons of cigarettes and three cases of cola.

Santos: These three cases of juice and the case of cup-of-noodles are mine. Do you always

deliver the goods after leaving port?

C.Stew: Sure. I usually take orders before entering port, and then I send them by telex to a

ship chandler. The ship advances the payments, and then we withdraw what you

owe from your salary.

Santos: Can we buy anything?

C.Stew: In general, yes. Groceries, cigarettes, and soap are the most common items. You

can also buy electrical appliances if you don't mind paying high prices.

Cruz: I did not order any this time. But next time, can I buy fresh foods such as milk,

eggs, or vegetables?

C.Stew: Sure. You can make special orders. But we serve such food almost everyday. We

keep them in the Chamber, so you can ask the stewaid to give you some, and you

can store them for a few days in the refrigerator.

Santos: Is the Chamber partitioned?

C.Stew: Yes, it's partitioned into four rooms. You have the Lobby, the Meat Section, the

Fish Section, and the Vegetable Section.


goods: products, merchandise

deliver: to bring to a destination

ship chandler: a retailed dealer of goods and equipment, especially supplying ships

withdraw: to take out (take out money in this case)

owe: money being borrowed from someone

groceries: foodstuff, household supplies

electrical appliance(s): a device which is powered by electricity

partitioned: divided into different sections

26. Getting to Know the Ship - The Deck Tool Store (CD 1-27)

A/Off: First, here is the Carpenter's Shop. Tools for the deck are stowed here and in the

Deck Tool Store. We keep the small tools, the screwdrivers, the wrenches, the

Japanese carpenter tools, and the special purpose maintenance tools in this area.

Cruz: Do you repair the pneumatic motor for the accommodation ladder here?

A/Off: Yes, we do. The digital gauge used to observe the ullage of the cargo is stowed and

overhauled here, too. As you might know, you must return each tool to its original


Cruz The tool

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