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The collapse of the USSR. Proclamation of Kazakhstan as a sovereign and independent state.

By the late 80's. become more and more insistently moving to the fore the problem of independence and state natsionylnoy suverriniteta. History was adopted on 22 September 1989. "Law on languages, where the state language was declared the Kazakh and Russian language - the language of interethnic communication. Union republics began to prepare the reform of the USSR Union of Sovereign States. October 25, 1990 the Supreme Council Kaz-on adopted the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Kazakh SSR. Prior to this, 24 April 1990. in the republic was established the post of President of the Kazakh SSR Supreme Soviet session he was elected NA Nazarbayev. 19 August 1991. in the country announced the formation of the State Committee for Emergencies (Emergency Committee), in fact it was a coup attempt. But the putsch failed, leaders of the State Emergency Committee were arrested and handed over to justice. These events precipitated the collapse of the USSR, broke up the planned August 20 Novoogarevskogo signing of an agreement on its restructuring. The failure of the coup led to the dissolution of the Communist Party. September 7th an Extraordinary Congress of the Communist Party Kaz-on, which made the decision to disband. 1 December 1991. held elections of the President Kaz-on, they became NA Nazarbayev, who on Dec. 10 took office. December 10, it was decided to rename the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic in Kazakhstan. 16 December 1991. was adopted by the Constitutional Law "On State Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", this day was declared a day of independence. In December of 1991. was a complex process of establishing the Union Nezavisimoh States (CIS). First, on Dec. 8 in Minsk, in Bulovezhskoy Forest met the leaders of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, which signed an agreement on cancellations of the Treaty in 1922 on the formation of the USSR and the establishment of the CIS. Then, in Ashgabat, 13 December a meeting of leaders of the republics of Central Asia and Kaz-on, who supported the "Belovezhskoe agreement. And finally, December 20, leaders of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kaz-on, Kirgiztan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan met in Almaty and on December 21 signed a protocol on the establishment of the CIS. 2 March 1992. Mr. Kaz became a full member of the UN, was recognized by the international community.


78) Turar Riskulov

Турар Рыскулов (1894—1938) — советский политический деятель, председатель ЦИК Туркестанской АССР. Турар Рыскулов родился 26 декабря 1894 года в Восточно-Талгарской волости Семиреченской области в урочище Бесагаш (ныне — Талгарский район Алматинской области). В 1907—1910 годах он учился в Меркенской русско-киргизской школе-интернате (Мерке). В 1914 году окончил Пишпекскую сельскохозяйственную школу (Пишпек). Участник Среднеазиатского восстания 1916. В 1917 году создал Революционный союз Киргизской (казахской) молодёжи в Мерке. В сентябре 1917 года вступает в ряды РСДРП. В 1920 председатель ЦИК Туркестанской АССР. В 1921-22 заместитель наркома по делам национальностей РСФСР. В 1926—37 заместитель председателя СНК РСФСР. Интересен факт, что судьба сделала родственниками двух крупных казахских деятелей, занимавших противоположные позиции в годы революции и Гражданской войны, – алашординца Д. Досмухамедова и Т. Рыскулова. Они женились на сестрах О.К. и Н.К. Пушкаревых. Репрессирован; расстрелян 10 февраля 1938 года. Реабилитирован посмертно.

79, The state symbols of Kazakhstan

National flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan is constituted the blue rectangular width with the image of 32 rays′ sun in the centre under which you can see the flying steppe eagle. There is a vertical stripe with national ornament near the pole. The images of sun, rays, eagle and ornament are gold. The width of flag to length in the ratio of 1:2. National emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan is constituted the image of shanyrak (the upper arch part of yurt) against a blue background, uyks (holds) framed in wings of mythic horses in the form of sun rays are dispersed. There is an inscription “Kazakhstan” at the lower part of emblem. National emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan is of two colors gold and bluish. National anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Music by Shamshi Kaldayakov, text by Nursultan Nazarbayev and Zhumeken Nazhimedenov.

Date: 2014-12-22; view: 1447

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