| The role and functions of the Assembly of Kazakhstan people.The Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan It is founded under the Decree of the President of the RK on March 1, 1995. It is a consultative – advising body under the RK President. The Assembly decisions bear recommendation nature. RK President is the Chairman of the Assembly. The Chairman has 2 Deputies appointed by the RK President by the proposal of Assembly members. The Assembly activity is directed to the solution of the tasks given below: • to promote the maintenance of interethnic concord and social stability; • to work out proposals over the state policy, making for the development of friendly relations between peoples residing on the RK territory, to promote their cultural and spiritual revival and development on the basis of observance to principles of equality; • formation of the public political culture, resting on civilized and democratic standards; • to provide for consideration of multilateral ethnic interests within the national policy held by the State; • to search for compromises to settle the social conflicts arising in the society. The Assembly is shaped by the RK President out of the representatives of National Cultural Centers, Veterans’ Councils, and any other entities given their trustworthiness among the public , social activity, practical expertise. Small Assemblies: • act as consultative-advising bodies under heads of the regional administrations; • are created in all regions out of representatives of National Cultural Centers, Veterans’ Councils, regional administrations and Maslikhats; • are chaired by the heads of regional administrations who approve their staff. To hold activities in-between sessions the Assembly Council out of the representatives of National Cultural Centers, Veterans’ Councils, heads of Small Assemblies and any other entities entering the Assembly is convened. The Assembly Council headed by Deputies Chairman of the Assembly directs the activities of the Assembly Executive Secretariat. The decision on restructuring or termination of the Assembly activities is made by the RK President on his own initiative or on the proposal of not less than 2/3 Assembly members. The first session of the Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan took place on March 24, 1995 in Almaty. See: Report of N.Nazarbayev "For Peace and Accord in Our Common Home" on the first session of the Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan.
Date: 2014-12-22; view: 1356