| Oghuz state in the history of Kazakhstan (location, economy, social organization, political history).The Oghyz state founded in the IX-X centuries in the middle and lower parts of Syr darya and adjoining lands of Western Kazakhstan closely connected with the territory of Kazakhstan. Capital was Yangikent lying at the crossroads of important caravan routes. The formation of Oghyz ethnic community was a difficult and long process. At the beginning Oghyz community was established in Zhetysu; however, moving to the west it expanded including the nomad population of Western Kazakhstan.After the continuous battles in the IX century Oghyz leaders joined Khazar khanate and defeated the Pecheneks of ancient Turkic tribes, which inhabited the surroundings of Aral and steppes of Western Kazakhstan, and took the hegemony. Oghyz state was an ethno-feudal society from early times. Governing institutes, developed from military-democratic structure, were preserved there, and military-tribal council of aristocrats limited the zhabgu (king) power. Oguz Head of State was the supreme ruler, whom had title «dzhabgu». Leader Oguz troops wore the title of «syubashi». In a state composed of tribes iarluki, Karluks, simurs, haladns, dnagars and others. The initial kernel of Oguz group formed in Zhetysu, but in the process of movement to the west, it has been supplemented by the nomadic and half-settled population of southern and western Kazakhstan. The most compact, they lived in the Aral Sea region in the North Caspian region, in the lower reaches of the Syr Darya. Ethnic composition Oguz state was checkered, it was composed of many Iranian and Turkic-speaking tribes. Beginning of their power were 90-s IX century. They then destroyed nomadic Pechenegs lived in the Aral and Caspian region. This struggle between Pechenigs and Oguzes lasted more than a hundred years. Under pressure of Oguzes and their allies the Khazar Kaganate, Pechenegs moved on the Black Sea, where in the X century shook their incursions Kiev Rus and Byzantium. When in 965y. together with the Kievan prince Svyatoslav, defeated Khazar Kaganat - Turkish State, which took top Jewish religion and that a few centuries successfully confront the Arabs and Byzantium, Kievan Rus and Oguz Power. In 985y. Oguz dzhabgu together with the Russians inflicted a major defeat to the princes of the Volgas Bulgaria. Shahmelik at 1041y. conquered Khorezm. But at 1043y. Shahmelik fell into the hands of his enemies and was executed. In the XI century Oguzes state fell into decay, strife began, excitement, increased external pressure Seljuks. In the middle of XI century. Oguz Power finally fell under the onslaught of Qypchaq tribes.
Date: 2014-12-22; view: 1484