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Links across sentences

A Introduction

Rita: You go to United's games, don't you, Tom?

You watch them on TV, too. Tom: Well, I'm a fan. It's wonderful when United win.

On the other hand, it's terrible when they lose. Rita: Why not have a change? After all, there are

other things in life. Tom: Such as? Rita: There's music, for example. Why don't you go

to a concert some time? Tom: But I don't like classical music.

Look at the words and phrases too, on the other hand, after all and for example. They all make a link with an earlier sentence. When Rita says There's musk, for example, she is giving an example of other things in life, which she has already mentioned.

B Words and phrases meaning 'and', 'but' and 'so'

'And': Sarah often works late. She works on Saturdays sometimes, too/as well. Sarah often works late. She also works on Saturdays sometimes. Arlene Black has a yacht and a helicopter. In addition, she has five cars. I'm not inviting my cousin — I don't like him. Besides, he didn't invite me to his party. The buildings are in a very poor condition. Furthermore, there is no money to repair them.

'But': I haven't been very well recently. Still, it could be worse.

Nick is in love with Rita. Rita, however, is in love with Tom.

Everyone thought that Emma should accept the offer. Nevertheless/All the same, she turned it down.

I don't want to be late for the meeting. On the other hand, I don't want to get there too early.

'So': The holiday had been a complete disaster. We therefore decided to fly home early if we could. Someone switched the freezer off. Consequently/As a result, all the food was spoilt.

Some of these words and phrases are rather formal and typical of written English. They are consequently, furthermore, however, in addition, nevertheless and therefore.

C Other linking words and phrases

Rephrasing: Jessica isn't the most popular person around here. In other words, no one likes her.

Correcting yourself: We play basketball. I mean/Or rather volleyball.

Contradicting: Sarah isn't lazy. On the contrary, she works extremely hard.

Picking up a topic: I like Natasha. I went on holiday with her. ~ Talking of holidays, what are your

plans for this year?

Changing the subject: It's a lovely day, isn't it? ~ Yes, beautiful. By the way, have you seen Melanie? Supporting a statement: We don't need to drive to the club, do we? After all, it's only about

200 metres from here. Dismissing something: I'm not sure a thank-you letter is really necessary. Anyway, I can't be bothered to

write one.
Giving an example: Yes, I do think Henry is rude. He shouts at waiters, for example/for instance.

153 Exercises

1 Words and phrases meaning 'and', 'but' and 'so' (B)

What do the underlined words mean? Write and, but or so.

► Daniel's suitcase got left behind. He got it back in the end, however. = but

1 I'm too tired to go for a walk. Besides, it looks like rain. =

2 The road was under water. The police therefore closed it to traffic. =

3 We took lots of photos. We videoed the speeches as well. =

4 It was a terrible journey. Still, we got there safely in the end. =

5 A strike by air traffic controllers has begun. Many flights have
consequently been cancelled. =

6 The company has spent millions on computers. Nevertheless, it does =
not seem to have become more efficient.

2 Links across sentences (B-C)

Complete this letter to a local newspaper. Choose the correct word or phrase.

There's been a lot of talk about a 'spaceship' seen over the town at about eleven o'clock on Friday night. (►) As a result/Nevertheless, hundreds of enthusiastic sky-watchers have arrived in town, hoping that it will return. But was it really a spaceship? About twenty people say they saw it. (1) Consequently/Furthermore, there is a photograph which is supposed to show the object in the sky. We know, (2) however/as a result, that trick photos are easy to produce. (3) By the way/In other words, it is almost certainly a fake. But it would be wrong to treat the whole thing as a joke. (4) All the same/On the contrary, all such reports should be carefully investigated. (5) After all/Anyway, the arrival of a spacecraft from another world would indeed be a serious matter. But usually there is a more simple explanation. Many supposed spaceships turn out to be weather balloons, (6) for example/or rather. A similar mistake probably lies behind the belief that someone from another world really did pay us a visit last Friday.

3 Links across sentences (C)

What would you say? Give your answer using a linking word or phrase.

► Support Emma's opinion: she might not get another offer.
Emma: You're right. Maybe I should accept the offer.

After all, you might not get another one.

1 Rephrase what Rita is saying: she doesn't want to see Nick.
Rita: I don't know if I'll have time to see Nick.

2 Change the subject and ask what the time is.

Tom: I hope Wayne Johnson will be fit to play for United on Saturday.

3 Dismiss the idea of buying a sweater: they haven't got one in your size.
Daniel: I'm not sure if that sweater really suits you.

4 Mention Sarah as an example.

Claire: Lots of our friends have mobile phones, don't they?

5 Contradict what Nick says.

Nick: Sorry. I persuaded you to see that film and you hated it, didn't you?




Introduction page vi Key to symbols vii Starting test viii

Words and sentences

1 Word classes: nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc 2

2 Sentence structure: subject, verb, object, etc 4

3 Direct and indirect objects 6


4 The present continuous 8

5 The present simple 10

6 Present continuous or simple? 12

7 State verbs and action verbs 14
Test 1: Present tenses 16

8 The past simple 18

9 The past continuous 20

10 Past continuous or simple? 22

Test 2: Past simple and past continuous 24

11 The present perfect (1) 26

12 The present perfect (2): just, already, yet;
for and since 28

13 The present perfect (3): ever, this week, etc 30

14 Present perfect or past simple? (1) 32

15 Present perfect or past simple? (2) 34
Test 3: Present perfect and past simple 36

16 The present perfect continuous 38

17 Present perfect continuous or simple? 40

18 The past perfect 42

19 Review of the past simple, continuous and
perfect 44

20 The past perfect continuous 46
Test 4: Past and perfect tenses 48

21 Review of present and past tenses 50
Test 5: Present and past tenses 54

22 Introduction to the future 56

23 Will and shall 58

24 Be going to 60

25 Will and be going to 62

26 Present tenses for the future 64

27 When I get there, before you leave, etc 66
Test 6: The future with will, be going to
and present tenses 68


28 Will be doing 70

29 Will have done and was going to 72

30 Review of the future 74
Test 7: The future 76

31 The verb have 78

32 Short forms, e.g it's, don't 80

33 Emphatic do 82

Questions, negatives and answers

34 Yes/no questions 84

35 Short answers, e.g. Yes, it is. 86

36 Wh-questions 88

37 Subject/object questions 90

38 Prepositions in wh-questions 92

39 Who, what or which? 94
Test 8: Questions 96

40 Negative statements 98

41 Negative questions 100

42 Question tags, e.g. isn't it? 102

43 So/Neither do I and I think so 104

Test 9: Questions, negatives and answers 106

Modal verbs

44 Ability: can, could and be able to 108

45 Permission: can, may, could and
be allowed to 110

46 Possibility and certainty: may, might, could,
must, etc 112

47 Necessity: must and have to 114

48 Necessity: mustn't, needn't, etc 116

49 Should, ought to, had better and
be supposed to 118

50 Asking people to do things 120

51 Suggestions, offers and invitations 122

52 Will, would, shall and should 124

53 It may/could/must have been, etc 126
Test 10: Modal verbs 128

The passive

54 Passive verb forms 130

55 Active and passive (1) 132

56 Active and passive (2) 134

57 Special passive structures 136

58 Have something done 73$

59 To be done and being done 140
Test 11: The passive 142

The infinitive and the ing-form

60 Verb + to-infinitive 144

61 Verb + ing-form 146

62 Verb + to-infinitive or verb + ing-form? 148

63 Like, start, etc 150

64 Remember, regret, try, etc 152

Test 12: Verb + to-infinitive or ing-form 154

65 Verb + object + to-infinitive or ing-form 156

66 Question word + to-infinitive 158

67 Adjective + to-infinitive 160

68 For with the to-infinitive 162

69 The infinitive with and without to 164

70 Verb/Adjective + preposition + ing-form 166

71 Afraid to do or afraid of doing? 168

72 Used to do and be used to doing 170

73 Preposition or linking word + ing-form 172

74 See it happen or see it happening? 174

75 Some structures with the ing-form 176
Test 13: The infinitive and the ing-form 178

Nouns and articles (a/an and the)

76 Ship and water: countable and uncountable
nouns 180

77 A carton of milk, a piece of
information, etc 182

78 Nouns that can be either countable or
uncountable 184

79 Agreement 186

80 Singular or plural? 188

81 Pair nouns and group nouns 190

82 Two nouns together 192

Test 14: Nouns and agreement 194

83 A/an and the (1) 196

84 A/an and the (2) 198

85 A/an, one and some 200

86 Cars or the cars? 202

87 Prison, school, bed, etc 204

88 On Friday, for lunch, etc 206

89 Quite a, such a, what a, etc 208

90 Place names and the 210
Test 15: A/an and the 214

This, my, some, a lot of, all, etc

91 This, that, these and those 216

92 My, your, etc and mine, yours, etc 218

93 The possessive form and of 220

94 Some and any 222

95 A lot of, many, much, (a) few
and (a) little 224

96 All, half, most, some, no and none 226

97 Every, each, whole, both, either
and neither 228

Test 16: This, my, some, a lot of, all, etc 230


98 Personal pronouns, e.g. I, you 232

99 There and it 234

100 Reflexive pronouns 236

101 Emphatic pronouns and each other 238

102 The pronoun one/ones 240

103 Everyone, something, etc 242
Test 17: Pronouns 244

Adjectives and adverbs

104 Adjectives 246

105 The order of adjectives 248

106 The old, the rich, etc 250

107 Interesting and interested 252

108 Adjective or adverb? (1) 254

109 Adjective or adverb? (2) 256

Test 18: Adjectives and adverbs 258

110 Comparative and superlative forms 260

111 Comparative and superlative patterns (1) 264

112 Comparative and superlative patterns (2) 266
Test 19: Comparative and superlative 268

113 Adverbs and word order 270

114 Yet, still and already 274

115 Adverbs of degree, e.g. very, quite 276

116 Quite and rather 278

117 Too and enough 280

Test 20: Adverbs and word order 282


118 Prepositions of place 284

119 In, on and at (place) 288

120 In, on and at (time) 290

121 For, since, ago and before 292

122 During or while? By or until? As or like? 294

123 Preposition + noun, e.g. on holiday 296

124 Noun + preposition, e.g. trouble with 298

125 Adjective + preposition, e.g. proud of 300
Test 21: Prepositions 302

Verbs with prepositions and adverbs

126 Prepositional verbs, e.g. wait for 304

127 Verb + object + preposition 306

128 Phrasal verbs (1) 308

129 Phrasal verbs (2) 310

130 Phrasal verbs (3) 312

131 Verb + adverb + preposition 314
Test 22: Verbs with prepositions and
adverbs 316

Reported speech

132 Direct speech and reported speech 318

133 Reported speech: person, place and time 320

134 Reported speech: the tense change 322

135 Reported questions 324

136 Reported requests, offers, etc 326
Test 23: Reported speech 328

Relative clauses

137 Relative clauses with who, which
and that 330

138 The relative pronoun as object 332

139 Prepositions in relative clauses 334

140 Relative structures with whose, what
and it 336

141 The use of relative clauses 338

142 Relative pronouns and relative adverbs 340

143 Relative clauses: participle and
to-infinitive 342

Test 24: Relative clauses 344

Conditionals and wish

144 Conditionals (1) 346

145 Conditionals (2) 348

146 Conditionals (3) 350

147 Review of conditionals 352

148 If, when, unless and in case 354

149 Wish and if only 356

Test 25: Conditionals and wish 358

Linking words

150 But, although and in spite of 360

151 To, in order to, so that and for 362

152 Review of linking words 364

153 Links across sentences 366


1 Word formation 368

2 The spelling of endings 370

3 Punctuation 372

4 Pronunciation 374

5 American English 377

6 Irregular verbs 383

Key to the starting test 385 Key to the exercises 386 Key to the tests 414 Index 425

Key to the exercises

Unit 1

1 1 determiner 8 preposition

2 verb 9 linking word

3 pronoun 10 adverb

4 adverb 11 determiner

5 pronoun 12 adjective

6 verb 13 linking word

7 adjective 14 noun

2 Verb: is, loves
Noun: Claire, cafe

Adjective: wonderful, old, romantic Adverb: madly, unfortunately, rather Preposition: of, for, at Determiner: a, their, some Pronoun: He, her, they Linking word: and, but, so

3 1 verb 6 verb

2 noun 7 verb

3 adjective 8 noun

4 verb 9 adjective

5 noun 10 verb

Unit 2

1 1 subject 4 adverbial

2 verb 5 object

3 complement 6 complement


2 1 e) 2 a) 3 c) 4 d)

3 1 Tom likes football.


2 David had an accident.

3 We moved the piano.

4 Harriet is a tall woman.

5 Everyone sat on the floor.

6 Mike's friends gave him some help.

4 1 also, with several young people

2 first, in 1994

3 naturally, without help

4 fortunately, from the National Lottery

Unit 3

1 1 David gave Melanie a sweater.

2 Laura gave Trevor a scarf.

3 Emma gave Matthew a tennis racket.

4 Henry gave Claire a necklace.

2 1 sold her bike to her sister.

2 told the joke to all his friends.

3 gave her neighbour some help.

4 wrote her teacher a letter.

3 1 for 2 to 3 to 4 for 5 for 6 to

4 1 them to the bottle bank.

2 me a job.

3 them to the police.

4 you my umbrella.

Unit 4

1 1 They're/They are playing basketball.

2 She's/She is taking a photo.

3 He's/He is painting a picture.

4 They're/They are carrying a parcel.

2 1 are trying 5 We aren't spending

2 are you finding 6 It isn't taking

3 is helping 7 are you waiting

4 We're/We are 8 I'm/I am correcting

3 1 it's/it is raining.

2 I'm/I am working.

3 you're/you are sitting on my coat.

4 I'm/I am writing an important letter.

5 I'm/I am getting/feeling better.

Unit 5

1 1 a feeling 5 a thought

2 a repeated action 6 a feeling

3 a fact 7 a repeated action

4 a fact 8 a thought

2 1 doesn't speak 6 don't look

2 walk 7 doesn't work

3 needs 8 don't like

4 love 9 wins

5 doesn't eat 10 don't own

3 1 I go 8 does it cost

2 comes 9 I don't know

3 we travel 10 that doesn't matter

4 don't you come 11 I don't want

5 doesn't make 12 Does that annoy

6 do you take 13 it doesn't annoy

7 I love 14 find

Unit 6

l 1 He's/He is talking 8 You know

2 I think 9 1 give

3 they're/they are 10 she gives
discussing 11 She lives

4 Are you looking 12 It saves

5 Do you know 13 I agree

6 works 14 I'm/I am wasting

7 She doesn't work

2 1 It's/It is snowing, It's/It is coming

2 I start, I'm/I am starting

3 I'm/I am going, I drive

4 rises, we're/we are travelling

5 I'm/I am writing, I promise

6 I want, I'm/I am saving

3 1 she always takes

2 She's/She is always missing

3 do you always go

4 They're/They are always arguing.

Unit 7

1 1 state 4 action

2 action 5 state

3 state

2 1 I think 5 you're having

2 I have 6 you're thinking

3 it didn't fit 7 I come

4 I see 8 It weighed

3 1 are being 4 're/are

2 's/is 5 's being/is being

3 're being/are being

4 1 And I've still got a chance to win.

2 It's too expensive to buy.

3 It uses so much petrol.

4 I think it's going to be perfect for me.

5 I've never wanted to change it.

Unit 8

1 1 She swam in the sea.

2 She had a picnic.

3 She played volleyball.

4 She went out dancing.

2 1 were 7 arrived

2 started 8 fought

3 saw 9 brought

4 called 10 entered

5 tried 11 found

6 was

3 1 We didn't try 5 I didn't like

2 did you see 6 did Sarah enjoy

3 I didn't know 7 I didn't want

4 did you go

Unit 9

1 1 were watching television

2 were dancing in the street

3 was driving his taxi

4 was writing an essay

2 1 were you doing 4 I was going

2 I was taking 5 You weren't looking

3 She was coming 6 you were going

3 11 was making phone calls all evening.

2 I was waiting in the rain for half an hour.

3 I was making sandwiches all afternoon.

4 I was sitting in a traffic jam for two hours.

5 My neighbour was playing loud music all night.

Unit 10

1 1 He sat down on a chair while I was painting it.

2 As he was running for a bus, he collided with a

3 His hair caught fire when he was cooking chips.

4 When he was holding a beautiful vase, he suddenly
dropped it.

5 He was sitting in the garden when a wasp stung him
on the nose.

2 1 We lost 6 were playing

2 it came 7 I was working

3 was coming 8 I lost

4 went 9 I got

5 fell 10 did

3 1 The train was waiting when we arrived at the


2 I was reading a library book when I found a £10
note in it.

3 Sarah had an electric shock when she touched the

4 When the doors opened, the crowd rushed in.

5 When the campers woke, they saw that the sun was

Unit 11

1 1 She's/She has repaired it.

2 I've/I have opened the window.

3 They've/They have arrived.

4 He's/He has moved it.

5 We've/We have watched all these.

2 1 He's/He has broken his leg.

2 They've/They have built a house.

3 They've/They have seen a film.

4 She's/She has caught a fish.

3 1 I haven't done 8 I've/I have looked

2 hasn't made 9 have you done

3 You haven't put 10 I've/I have painted

4 I've/I have hurt 11 I've/I have cleaned

5 you've/you have 12 We've/We have made
had 13 has that brush gone

6 have you put 14 you've/you have left

7 It's/It has

Unit 12

1 1 just tidied it.

2 He's/He has just made some/it.

3 I've/I have just eaten it.

4 she's/she has just checked them.

5 I've/I have just rung her.

2 1 1 haven't started it yet.

2 I've/I have just seen Andrew

3 he's/he has already done

4 I haven't finished my plan yet.

5 You've/You have already begun

6 We've/We have already spent

7 I haven't done any real work yet

8 I've/I have just realized

9 I've/I have just decided

3 1 He hasn't had any fun for a long time.

2 He's/He has had a cold for a week.

3 He hasn't seen his friends for ages.

4 He hasn't done any sport since last year.

5 He's/He has been busy with his studies for months.

4 1 rung her since 4 had one since

2 seen them for 5 played (it) since

3 watched one for

Unit 13

1 1 been 2 been 3 gone

2 1 Have you ever been to San Francisco?

No, I've never been to San Francisco I've been to Los Angeles.

2 Have you ever played basketball?
No, I've never played basketball
I've played volleyball.

3 Have you ever seen/read (the play) 'Hamlet'?
No, I've never read/seen 'Hamlet'

I've read/seen 'Macbeth'.

3 1 the second time I've lost my bank card.

2 This is the third time the washing-machine has
broken down.

3 This is the first time I've been in/to England.

4 This is the second time I've stayed in this hotel.

5 This is (about) the fifth time I've missed the bus.

4 1 I haven't seen her today.

2 we haven't been there this weekend.

3 we haven't had one this term.

4 has rung this evening.

Unit 14

1 1 have arrived 7 We planted

2 repaired 8 have gone

3 I've/I have lost 9 has turned

4 has started 10 I phoned

5 ran 11 I've/I have made

6 earned 12 broke

2 1 The train drivers have gone on strike. They stopped

work(ing) at twelve o'clock.

2 The Queen has arrived in Toronto. She flew there in
an RAF aircraft.

3 Two men have escaped from Parkhurst Prison. They
got away during the night.

4 The actor Howard Bates has died in a car accident.
His car crashed into a wall.

5 Linda Jones has won the women's marathon. She
ran it in 2 hours 27 minutes.

3 1 haven't taken a photo since

2 weeks since I last saw

3 was the last time we played

4 haven't eaten anything for

Unit 15

1 1 has stood 4 've/have lived

2 was 5 've/have known

3 stayed 6 were


2 1 b) 2 b) 3 a)

3 1 this, last 3 last, this

2 today, yesterday 4 this, yesterday

4 1 What's/What has 7 You knew

happened 8 you didn't tell

2 He's/He has had 9 I didn't see

3 He fell 10 I haven't seen

4 broke 11 He's/He has had

5 did it happen 12 He did

6 told

Unit 16

1 1 have you been doing

2 She's/She has been helping

3 have you been studying

4 I've/I have been trying

5 it's/it has been getting

2 1 they've/they have been arguing

2 he's/he has been cooking

3 he's/he has been driving

4 He's/He has been waiting

3 1 Matthew has been swimming for an hour.

2 My friends have been travelling (around the world)
for three months.

3 Mark has been working for ten hours.

4 Melanie and Rita have been talking for forty

5 How long have you been reading the/that/your

Unit 17

1 1 's/has left, He's/He has been cleaning, he's/he has


2 I've/I have been working, You've/You have done

3 I've/I have heard, have you been doing, We've/We
have done

2 1 How many miles have you walked?

2 How long have they/the workmen been digging up
the road?

3 How many photos have you taken?

4 How long has it been raining?

3 1 I've/I have been clearing

2 I've/I have found

3 You've/You have been sitting

4 I've/I have been watching

5 You've/You have been

6 I've/I have had

7 They've/They have been

8 I've/I have never had

Unit 18

1 1 b) 2 a) 3 a) 4 b)

2 1 The train had just gone.


2 The rain had stopped.

3 I'd/1 had forgotten my ticket.

4 They'd/They had stolen it a week before.

5 I hadn't seen her for ages.

6 I'd/I had just cleaned it.

7 I'd/I had already eaten my sandwiches.

3 1 had left 6 had told

2 've/have finished 7 'd had/had had

3 Ve/have eaten 8 's/has started

4 'd/had ordered 9 've/have turned

5 've/have made 10 'd/had made

Unit 19

1 1 a) 2 a) 3 b) 4 a)

2 1 When Nick had saved enough money, he bought a

motor bike.

2 Mark put all the dishes away when he'd/he had
dried them.

3 When I'd/I had looked both ways, I pulled out into
the road.

4 The golfers went into the clubhouse when
they'd/they had played the last hole.

3 1 had decided 7 rang

2 We were waiting 8 They were working

3 I realized 9 heard

4 I'd/I had forgotten 10 They found

5 It was 11 drove

6 I hurried 12 I met


13 We had 17 were sitting

14 I'd/I had said 18 they saw

15 I ran 19 started

16 I got

Unit 20

1 1 I'd/1 had been working

2 I hadn't been looking

3 she'd/she had been dealing

4 I'd/I had been waiting

5 I'd/I had been reading

2 1 She'd/She had been crying.

2 He'd/He had been driving too fast.

3 They'd/They had been playing with matches.

4 He'd/He had been standing under a tree.

3 1 had been watching

2 'd/had been playing, hadn't won

3 'd/had been walking, 'd/had walked

4 'd/had stopped, was smoking

5 has been aching

6 was lying, 'd/had bought, 'd/had been reading

Unit 21

1 1 She uses it

2 She's/She has lost it

3 We're/We are getting them

4 She's/She is enjoying it

5 I hate it

6 I've/I have checked them

7 They play it

8 You haven't watered them

2 1 I haven't seen you for months.

2 I'm/I am waiting for a (phone) call.

3 I like your (new) jacket.

4 It's/It has been snowing since yesterday.


3 1 a) 2 b) 3 a) 4 b) 5 a) 6 b)

4 1 I've/I have been working


2 she went

3 You've/You have been writing

4 They moved

5 he stopped, I was waiting

5 1 you know 9 I don't often drive

2 David told 10 1 don't like

3 haven't been 11 I ride

4 I started 12 bought

5 have you sold 13 was working

6 I've been learning 14 I'd been doing

7 had 15 I'd earned

8 I've had

6 1 I'm/I am speaking

2 knows

3 had heard

4 he'd/he had been taking (Also possible: he's/he has
been taking)

5 he's/he has answered

6 he arrived

7 were waiting

8 has been reading

Unit 22

1 1 I'll be leaving here at the end of the month.

2 Luckily they'll find a flat for me.

3 The training programme finishes next summer.

4 They'll decide about that next year.

2 1 future 4 future

2 future 5 present

3 future

3 la) 2a) 3b) 4b) 5a)

Unit 23

1 1 future 4 decision

2 decision 5 future

3 future

2 1 I'll answer it/the phone.

2 I'll have (the) chicken (, please).

3 I'll carry the/your bag (for you).

4 I'll post it/the letter (for you),

3 1 Tom will watch the match.

2 Harriet's party will be fun.

3 Trevor won't put up the shelves.

4 Laura will be annoyed.

5 Andrew will study all weekend.

6 Rachel won't do any work.

4 1 will 4 will

2 Shall 5 will

3 will 6 Shall

Unit 24

1 1 He's/He is going to light the firework.

2 She's/She is going to hit the ball.

3 They're/They are going to catch a bus.

4 She's/She is going to answer the phone.

2 1 I'm/I am going to lend

2 He's/He is going to take

3 It's/It is going to be

4 is he going to keep

5 are we going to get

6 He's/He is going to have

7 We're/We are going to get

8 it isn't going to get

3 1 I'm/I am going to get wet.

2 I'm/1 am going to be sick.

3 I'm/I am going to lose.

4 It's/It is going to crash!

5 It isn't going to stop.

Unit 25

1 1 's/is going to read

2 '11 have

3 '11 video

4 are you going to buy

2 1 It's/It is going to attack us/me.

2 aliens will land on the earth in the next ten years.

3 she's/she is going to get married.

4 I'll invite her for a meal.

3 1 We're/We are going to build

2 will be (Also possible: is going to be)

3 will like (Also possible: are going to like)

4 will be (Also possible: are going to be)

5 We aren't going to cut (Also possible: We won't cut)

6 We're/We are going to have

7 will be (Also possible: is going to be)

8 We're/We are going to stop (Also possible: We will

Unit 26

1 1 future 4 future

2 future 5 present

3 present

2 1 She's/She is working on Saturday.

2 She's/She is flying to Cairo on 15 May.

3 He's/He is seeing his boss at four o'clock this

4 They're/They are playing tennis tomorrow

3 1 I'm/I am going 5 I'm/I am going

2 He's/He is staying 6 finishes

3 gets 7 we're/we are going

4 are you doing

4 1 's/is about to win 4 're/are about to move

2 are to go 5 are to take

3 is to visit

Unit 27

1 1 When Mark sees the boss, he's/he is going to discuss his problem.

2 When Rachel uses the computer (later), she's/she is
going to send an e-mail.

3 When Tom visits David in hospital, he's/he is going
to tell him about United's win.

4 When Matthew's/Matthew is in town tomorrow, he
might buy some new trainers.

2 1 you need 9 I'll/I will be

2 you get 10 1 hear

3 I hire 11 I'm/I am

4 it'll/it will be 12 I'll/I will lie

5 I'll/I will get 13 I go

6 there's/there is 14 You'll/You will be

7 I arrive 15 you don't get

8 I'll/I will ring

3 1 You shouldn't decide until you've/you have thought

about it (first).

2 I'll think of you next week when I'm/I am lying on
the beach.

3 We ought to/We can leave as soon as I've/I have
paid the bill.

4 We can discuss it (later) while we're/we are sitting
on the plane together.

5 You can use the computer when I've/I have finished
with it.

Unit 28

1 1 I'll/I will be earning

2 I'll/I will be doing

3 will you be doing

4 I'll/I will be giving

5 who'll/who will be doing

6 you'll/you will be playing

2 1 I'll/I will be seeing her

2 I'll/I will be going there next summer

3 I'll/I will be playing (it/badminton) next weekend.

4 I'll/I will be having lunch/it in the canteen
tomorrow, or I'll/I will be having lunch/it there

3 1 Will you be going to the library today?

2 Will you be writing to Vicky soon?

3 Will you be using your calculator this afternoon?

4 Will you be seeing Daniel tomorrow?

5 Will you be driving to the festival?

6 Will you be phoning your sister soon?

Unit 29

1 1 1'll/1 will have had

2 I'll/I will have been the subject of a TV

3 I'll/I will have become world-famous

4 I'll/I will have made millions of pounds from my

2 1 twenty

2 She will/She'll have travelled two hundred miles.

3 He will/He'll have done a/one hundred and fifty

3 1 were going to go

2 was going to pick

3 were going to see

4 1 I was going to paint the door, but I didn't feel very well.

2 I was going to repair the lamp, but I forgot.

3 I was going to wallpaper the bedroom, but I didn't
have time.

Unit 30

1 1 It will/It'll be

2 who will/who'll answer or who will/who'll be

3 will be answering

4 he'll/he will still be giving

5 he'll/he will have replied

6 he won't/will not be eating OR he won't/will not eat

7 will be

8 he'll/he will have earned

9 we'll/we will be returning or we'll/we will return

10 he'll/he will have got

2 1 'm/'arn going to get up early tomorrow.

2 arrives at ten thirty.

3 I'm/I am seeing my bank manager tomorrow.

4 I'm/I am about to go out.

5 There's/There is going to be trouble.

3 1 I'm/I am spending or I'm/I am going to spend

2 I'm/I am going to look or I'll/I will be looking

3 That'll/That will be or That's/That is going to be

4 I'll/I will be or I'm/I am going to be

5 Are you staying/Are you going to stay or Will you
be staying/Will you stay

6 I'm/I am staying or I'm/I am going to stay or I'll/I
will be staying

7 I'm/I am going to see or I'm/I am seeing or I'll/I
will be seeing or I'll/I will see

8 I'm/I am going OR I'll/I will be going

9 we might see or we'll/we will probably see or
we're/we are probably going to see

10 do you leave or are you leaving or will you be

11 is

12 I'll/I will see

Unit 31

1 1 She's/She has got a map. or She has a map.

2 He hasn't got an umbrella, or He doesn't have an

3 They've/They have got a rabbit, or They have a

4 They haven't got a car. or They don't have a car.

2 1 Has ... got 4 didn't have

2 hasn't got 5 haven't got

3 didn't have

3 1 played 3 spent

2 drinks 4 received

4 I we're/we are having

2 you've/you have got OR you have

3 it hasn't got or it doesn't have

4 Did you have

5 I had

6 Have you got or Do you have

7 have

8 1 didn't have

Unit 32

1 1 It's a difficult problem.

2 I've seen the results.

3 I don't have any information.

4 We haven't reached a decision.

5 I'm very excited about it.

6 You needn't decide now.

7 It isn't yet certain, or It's not yet certain.

8 We'll be pleased to see you.

9 Don't worry.

10 I'd like to buy a new computer.

11 We're willing to help.

12 We won't know the result for some time.

2 1 Where's, It's

2 don't, isn't or 's not

3 What's, He's

3 1 I would like a coffee, please.

2 There has been an accident.

3 That is correct.

4 I had seen the film before.

5 Who has got the key?

6 We would have stopped if we had seen you.

Unit 33

1 1 I am smiling.

2 I do like my new portrait.

3 It is foggy today.

4 Yes, I did remember the water.

2 1 it did cost 4 I did go

2 you do look 5 they do quarrel

3 it does stop

3 1 I did finish the crossword today.

2 my room does need tidying up.

3 I do find the work difficult.

4 I did want to give the course up.

5 Do have a chocolate.

6 this place does depress me.

Unit 34

1 1 offering

2 making a suggestion

3 asking for information

4 requesting

5 inviting

6 asking for information

7 asking permission

2 1 Are you a rich man?

2 Are quizzes your only hobby?

3 Did you work hard at school?

4 Have you got/Do you have any other interests?

5 Is it an interesting life?

6 Does your wife ask you quiz questions?

7 Do you answer questions in your dreams?

3 1 Are you going to America?

2 Does Laura play tennis?

3 Did you enjoy your holiday?

4 Shall we (both) go for a walk?

5 Will you be at the club tonight?

6 Is the train on time?

7 Do Mike and Harriet go camping?

8 Could I/Can I/May I borrow your squash racket?

9 Have you got/Do you have a motor bike?

Unit 35

1 1 Yes, I can 5 No, they aren't

2 Yes, it is 6 Yes, I do

3 No, he hasn't 7 No, he isn't

4 Yes, I did 8 No, I haven't

2 1 No, we won't 5 Yes, she does

2 Yes, I did 6 No, we aren't

3 Yes, she has 7 No, we can't

4 No, I didn't 8 No, I'm/I am not

3 1 b) 2 b) 3 b) 4 a) 5 b) 6 a) 7 b) 8 b)

Unit 36

1 1 What's/What is the date (today)?

2 When does the course finish?

3 Who have you invited (to your party)?

4 How can I/we get tickets (to the concert)?

5 Where are we going to have lunch? or Where shall
we have lunch?

2 1 Where 6 How far

2 How many 7 How often

3 When 8 What kind

4 Who 9 How long

5 What

3 I where do you record

2 How many programmes have you done?

3 How much money do you earn?

4 When did you start acting?

5 What are your plans for the future?

Unit 37

1 1 a) Rita b) Rita 2 a) Mark b) a bus
3 a) a/the lorry b) a/the car

2 1 Who is/Who's having a party?


2 What were you reading?

3 What have you learnt?

4 what should we do?

5 Who is/Who's looking for me?

6 Who are you looking for?

7 What is she planning?

8 Who has/Who's moved in next door?

9 What is/What's worrying you?

10 Who do you want to meet?

3 1 photos can I keep?

2 flowers look lovely?

3 (money) went missing?

4 house did you pass (earlier)?

5 children has the doctor got?/does the doctor have?

6 (money) do doctors earn?

7 uncle has died?

8 wife is coming (later)?

Unit 38

1 1 What are you looking at?

2 What are you talking about?

3 What are you waiting for?

4 What are you pointing at?

2 1 What are you ashamed of?

2 What is she famous for?

3 What is he going to complain about?

4 What is she going to be late for?

5 What do you feel nervous about?

3 1 What 6 for

2 for 7 What

3 What 8 like

4 like 9 how

5 what

Unit 39

1 1 Which flight did you take?

2 Which hotel did you stay at?

3 What music do you like?

4 What magazine did you buy?

5 What company do you work for?

6 What language are you learning?

2 1 Which 4 What

2 Which 5 Which

3 What

3 1 Who 4 What

2 Which 5 Which

3 What 6 Who

Unit 40

1 1 wasn't 5 has

2 had 6 didn't know

3 don't know 7 isn't

4 didn't land

2 1 can't 5 wasn't

2 doesn't 6 isn't

3 didn't 7 don't

4 weren't 8 haven't

3 1 doesn't get headaches.

2 can't relax.

3 didn't miss a lecture.

4 isn't a nervous person.

5 doesn't lose things.

6 wasn't a happy child.

7 hasn't decided on a career.

4 1 no 4 no

2 no 5 No

3 not 6 not

Unit 41

1 1 Can't you drive, Melanie?

2 Won't you be at the disco, Rachel?

3 Haven't you got/Don't you have a television, Nick?

2 1 Don't you feel well? or Aren't you feeling well?

2 Haven't they arrived yet?

3 Didn't she say hello?

4 Can't you swim?


3 1 No 2 Yes 3 Yes 4 No

4 1 Why didn't the staff know what to do?


2 Why couldn't they stop the ride?

3 Why aren't they trained in first aid?

4 Why wasn't the ambulance called immediately?

5 Why didn't the doctor have a mobile phone?

Unit 42

1 1 a comment 3 a question
2 a comment 4 a question

2 1 isn't it? 5 don't they?


2 are there? 6 can't we?

3 aren't you? 7 was it?

4 didn't you?

3 1 don't you? 5 does it?

2 haven't 1? 6 is there?

3 aren't you? 7 can you?

4 do you?

4 1 Let's listen to some music, shall we?

2 Don't do anything silly, will you?

3 You haven't got a train timetable, have you?

4 Pass me the salt, can you?/could you? or You
couldn't pass me the salt, could you?

Unit 43

1 1 neither am 1 4 so do I

2 Neither can I 5 Neither have I

3 so am I 6 so would I

2 1 neither does Emma. 4 neither is Melanie.

2 so has Emma. 5 so does Emma.

3 neither can Mark. 6 so does Claire.

3 1 I don't expect so 4 1 don't think so

2 I suppose so 5 I'm afraid not

3 I hope not

Unit 44

1 1 She can't play the violin.

2 He can climb trees.

3 She can juggle.

4 They can't lift the weights.

2 11 can walk

(Also possible: I'm able to walk)

2 1 can go/I'll be able to go

3 to be able to get

4 been able to do


3 1 c) 2 a)

4 1 was able to 4 were able to


2 could 5 couldn't/wasn't able to

3 could/was able to

Unit 45

1 (Can, could and may are all possible.)

1 Can I borrow your calculator?

2 May I join you?

3 Could I look at your notes?

2 1 You can have a picnic.

2 You can't drop litter.

3 You can turn left.

4 You can't play ball games/football.

5 You can't smoke.

3 1 I wasn't allowed to have

2 we're/we are allowed to have

3 we're/we are allowed to do

4 we'll/we will be allowed to hold

4 1 Am I allowed to 4 Am I allowed to

2 May l 5 May I

3 Am 1 allowed to

Unit 46

1 (May and might are both possible.)

1 she might be 4 She may be having

2 She may be 5 You might find

3 She might be sitting 6 She might know

2 1 He may/might win.

2 I may/might have one.

3 We may/might get one.

4 She may/might be late.

5 They may/might be visiting me.

3 1 mightn't 4 couldn't

2 mightn't 5 mightn't

3 couldn't

4 1 can't 4 can't

2 must 5 might

3 might 6 must

Unit 47

111 had to pay, did you have to pay

2 You have to slam, You'll have to fix

3 do you have to take, I'll have to take

4 We had to move, We didn't have to look, We've/We
have had to do

5 has to start, does he have to get

2 1 You must get to work on time.

2 has to keep his dog under control.

3 You must listen carefully.

4 visitors have to report to the security officer.

3 1 must 5 have to

2 has to 6 must

3 have to 7 must

4 must

Unit 48

1 1 must, mustn't, needn't

2 mustn't, must

3 mustn't, needn't

4 mustn't, must, needn't

2 1 didn't have to wait ages to cross the road.

2 don't have to work long hours.

3 doesn't have to work in a factory.

4 didn't have to lock their doors.

5 don't have to wash their clothes by hand.

3 1 we didn't need to borrow any money.

2 I needn't have bothered.

3 We needn't have left/We didn't need to leave so

4 I didn't need to pay to go in.

5 you needn't have tipped/you didn't need to tip the

Unit 49

1 1 shouldn't 4 shouldn't

2 ought 5 should

3 should 6 oughtn't

2 1 We'd better wait (for Rachel).

2 You'd better lock it/lock your bike.

3 I'd better tidy my room.

4 You'd better not drive/We'd better not go too fast.

5 We'd better do some revision.

3 1 I'm/I am supposed to take two before meals.

2 They're/They are supposed to report to the police.

3 You're/You are supposed to stand in a queue.

4 They aren't supposed to watch it.

4 1 We had/We'd better hurry. (Also possible: We

should hurry./We ought to hurry.)

2 We had/We'd better not be or We oughtn't to
be/We shouldn't be

3 should arrive/ought to arrive

4 You shouldn't take/You oughtn't to take

5 We aren't supposed to get

Unit 50

1 1 Can I have a fork, please?

2 Could I have a towel, please?

3 Would you mind answering the phone?

2 1 must 5 Can/Could

2 have 6 Would

3 like 7 wonder

4 want 8 Can/Could

3 1 Can I have a receipt, please?/Can you give me a

receipt, please?

2 Could you tell me the time, please?

3 Can you help me, please?

4 Could I have a bag, please?/Could you give me a
bag, please?

5 Would you mind clearing a space (on the table),

6 Could I speak to the manager, please?

Unit 51

1 1 Shall we stop for a minute?

2 Would you like a game?

3 I'll post that letter for you.

2 1 Shall 4 Would

2 Shall 5 Will

3 could 6 Would

3 1 Would you like a cup of tea? or Will/Won't you have a cup of tea?

2 What shall/can/should I say in my letter?

3 Let's have/We could have a cup of coffee, or Shall
we have a cup of coffee?

4 I'll/I can walk home with you. OR Shall/Can I walk
home with you?

5 Would you like to visit me one weekend?
(Also possible: Will/Won't you visit me one

Unit 52

1 1 will 5 would

2 won't 6 wouldn't

3 would 7 would

4 will

2 1 will help 5 would like

2 wouldn't let 6 wouldn't open

3 will give 7 won't stand

4 won't go

3 1 Shall we go to the swimming-pool?

2 I won't take any risks.

3 I'd/I would like a shower (, please).

4 You shouldn't decide in a hurry.

5 (I think) the world will end in the year 3000.

Unit 53

1 1 b) 2 a) 3 b)

2 1 They shouldn't have left/oughtn't to have left litter


2 She should say/ought to say hello to people.

3 He shouldn't have been/oughtn't to have been late
for the interview.

4 She should have looked./She ought to have looked.

3 1 he shouldn't have left

2 might have taken

3 You must have been

4 he can't have rung

4 1 someone must have posted it.

2 she may/might not have heard the alarm.

3 he shouldn't have driven/oughtn't to have driven at
100 miles an hour/so fast.

4 He can't/couldn't have failed the exam.

Unit 54

1 1 Dinner is being served.

2 Some houses are being built.

3 The seals are being fed.

4 A flag is being raised.

2 1 is owned 4 hadn't been looked

2 was being used 5 has been done

3 was bought 6 is used

3 1 will be done/are going to be done

2 will ... be called

3 can't be bought

4 should be sold

4 1 got hurt 3 get broken

2 get lost 4 got divorced

Unit 55

1 1 swept 6 were blocked

2 burst 7 were brought

3 were rescued 8 is being done

4 received 9 said

5 reached

2 1 my brother 4 the alarm

2 The water 5 The guide

3 terrorists 6 The dog

3 1 was won by Claude Jennings.

2 did a parachute jump last week.

3 been attacked by a bull.

4 being built.

5 likes Jessica.

6 been thrown away.

7 been kidnapped by Martians.

8 was seen by five people.

Unit 56

1 1 was taken

2 was done

3 was interviewed by a very nice young police officer

4 fingerprints were found (by detectives)

5 burglar was identified (by the police computer).

6 has been arrested

7 (he) is being questioned

8 jewellery hasn't been found

2 1 didn't produce many cars for sale.

2 production was started by a German called Karl

3 is now seen as the father of the motor car.

3 1 People should use them/bicycles for short journeys.

2 someone has discovered a new source of energy?

3 they're/they are going to knock it down/knock
down this building.

4 you shouldn't keep them/eggs in a freezer.

5 people put it/litter in the bin?

Unit 57

1 1 New employees are given special training.

2 Extra payments are given to staff who perform well, j

3 Most employees are offered company shares.

4 All Zedco staff are allowed six weeks' holiday.

5 A full salary is paid to women who leave to have

2 1 expected that the soap opera 'Round the Corner'

will end next year.

2 It is supposed that the footballer Wayne Johnson is
earning £10 million a year.

3 It is believed that the Prime Minister and his wife
have separated.

3 1 is expected to end next year.

2 The footballer Wayne Johnson is supposed to be
earning £10 million a year.

3 The Prime Minister and his wife are believed to
have separated.

Unit 58

1 1 had his car repaired.

2 is having her photo taken.

3 had his windows cleaned.

4 is having her eyes tested.

2 1 David (has) had his arm bandaged.

2 Daniel is going to have his tooth filled.

3 Laura is having her photos developed.

3 1 did you get your arm bandaged, David?

2 did you get your tooth filled, Daniel?

3 did you get your photos developed, Laura?

4 1 Tom had his car stolen from outside his house.

2 Rita had her rent increased by ten per cent.

3 David has had his electricity cut off.

Unit 59

1 1 He is afraid of being sent away.

2 He doesn't want to be misunderstood.

3 He hopes to be offered a job.

4 He doesn't mind being paid low wages at first.

5 He is willing to be re-trained.

6 He would like to be given a chance.

2 1 being used 4 to give

2 working 5 to be invited

3 to be treated 6 being taken

3 1 to write 6 to finish

2 to be tidied 7 missing

3 hoovering/to be 8 to be handed
hoovered 9 to be

4 to do 10 being told

5 ironing/to be ironed

Unit 60

1 1 Trevor promised to put up the shelves/to put the shelves up (soon).

2 Claire decided to buy both the dresses.

3 Melanie offered to cook the meal.

4 Tom threatened to shoot Nick's dog/the dog.

2 1 They seem to believe

2 it seems to have improved

3 She doesn't seem to like

4 He seems to be working

5 He doesn't seem to have made

(Also possible: He seems not to have made)

3 1 to hang 4 to invite

2 to come 5 to take

3 to be having 6 to have left

Unit 61

1 1 I've/I have given up trying, or I gave up trying.

2 I can't imagine being

3 I enjoy watching it on TV.

4 suggested having a party.

2 1 can't stand lying

2 couldn't/can't resist having

3 couldn't face doing

4 can't help feeling

3 1 trying 5 getting

2 walking 6 changing

3 ringing 7 missing

4 waiting 8 discussing

Unit 62

1 1 to get 6 to go

2 to leave 7 to hire

3 staying 8 driving

4 sitting 9 to spend

5 touring 10 taking

2 1 taking 6 to repair

2 losing 7 waiting

3 to insist 8 to have

4 arguing 9 to accept

5 to be 10 saying

3 1 I don't mind asking to see the manager.

2 Matthew admitted promising to go to Scotland.

3 the band happened to finish playing.

Unit 63

1 1 I'd like to buy this tin.

2 I like driving this car.

3 I'd like to see the manager.

4 I like chasing rabbits.

2 1 he loves watching/to watch

2 I wouldn't like to work

3 I'd like to see

4 I'd prefer to come/go

5 I hate queuing

6 He doesn't like cooking

7 I'd love to fly

8 I like to have

3 1 to drive/driving 3 to go/going

2 to make 4 to search

Unit 64

1 1 mentioning 5 to lock

2 agreeing 6 looking

3 to call 7 to look

4 to lock

2 1 running 6 to tell

2 to make 7 to disappoint

3 spending 8 phoning

4 watching 9 to explain

5 to work 10 going

3 1 Harriet didn't even try to move the piano.

2 Mike will never forget seeing a spaceship.

3 The walls need painting.

4 Natasha didn't mean to be unkind to Jessica.

5 Andrew went on studying through the night.

6 Mark stopped to make a phone call.

Unit 65

1 1 Guy invited Kitty to come on his chat show.

2 Sarah reminded Mark to get the theatre tickets.

3 The dentist told Daniel to give up eating sweets.

4 The police ordered the gunman to come out with
his hands up.

2 1 don't want her to do a parachute jump

2 doesn't want him to fall in love with her

3 would like/'d like her to go (on holiday) with them

3 1 The police must stop the suspects leaving the


2 The President didn't expect Congress to oppose

3 The terrorists forced the hostages to lie down.

4 The government doesn't mind the pound falling in

4 1 to travel 3 to use
2 buying 4 to take

Unit 66

1 1 He can't think what to say.

2 They're not sure/They aren't sure where to go.

3 She doesn't know how to stop.

2 1 what to expect 4 what to do

2 where to go 5 who to contact

3 how to find

3 1 whether to do

2 how much (money) to spend

3 whether to join

4 which route to take

5 which (lottery numbers) to choose

Unit 67

1 1 simple to use the computer.

2 difficult to understand the handbook.

3 It's easy to run any kind of software.

4 It's absolutely fascinating to explore the world of

5 Are you ready to try the ultimate computer

2 1 is very simple to use.

2 isn't difficult to understand.

3 Any kind of software is easy to run.

4 The world of Compex is absolutely fascinating to

3 1 it's/it is likely to be pretty crowded.

2 she's/she is certain to be there.

3 you're/you are unlikely to find it. or you'll be
unlikely to find it.

4 1 of 2 for 3 of 4 of 5 for

Unit 68

1 1 (just) can't wait for it to arrive.

2 It would be a mistake for him to marry her.

3 It's important for advertisements to tell the truth.

2 1 There's a fun pool for children to swim in.

2 There are quiet areas for you to relax in.

3 There are regular shows for you to enjoy.

4 There's a giant roller-coaster for you to ride on (if
you dare).

3 1 It's/It is too high for her to reach.

2 It's/It is too difficult for us to understand.

3 It wasn't loud enough for them/everyone to hear.

4 It wasn't hot enough for him to drink.

4 1 difficult for the town to attract new industry.

2 very generous of the council to give the land to

3 is eager for production to begin soon.

Unit 69

1 1 have something to eat.

2 nice to have a rest.

3 wants Rita to speak to him.

4 Daniel doesn't know how to repair the video.

5 Claire and her sister have decided to go to Bali.

6 Melanie has gone to the hospital to visit David.

7 (Unfortunately) Vicky has to do some studying.

8 It's important for Sarah to ring the office.

2 1 see/read 4 lie/sit/stay

2 drive/go 5 snow

3 cry/weep 6 see/visit

3 1 to visit 8 look

2 to see 9 get

3 to have 10 to leave

4 buy 11 to change

5 to read 12 forget

6 read 13 to get

7 feel

Unit 70

1 1 of buying 3 on buying

2 for breaking 4 like arguing

2 1 blamed Trevor for forgetting the tickets.

2 succeeded in saving the driver's life.

3 The customers complained about not receiving the

4 Emma has accused Matthew of breaking his

5 Melanie is insisting on cooking a meal for David.

6 A new traffic scheme has stopped cars from going
into the town centre.

7 Everyone congratulated Claude on winning the quiz

8 Some football fans were arrested for attacking a

3 1 about seeing 5 from doing

2 about/at getting 6 like writing

3 on travelling 7 with doing

4 for not writing 8 of/about going

Unit 71

1 1 of falling 3 to move
2 of dropping them

2 1 Nick was afraid to jump.


2 Daniel was afraid to argue with the policeman.

3 Matthew is afraid of getting sunburnt.

3 1 to buy 4 to read

2 of getting 5 to book

3 of being

4 1 about being so rude

2 about losing my temper

3 to interrupt you

Unit 72

1 1 We used to like 4 did you use to help

2 used to be 5 1 used to look

3 we didn't use to have

2 1 's/is used to flying planes.

2 used to play badminton.

3 's/is used to climbing mountains.

3 1 to living 5 to drinking

2 to stop 6 to being

3 to work 7 to have

4 to be

Unit 73

1 1 by staying up all night.

2 on waking (in the morning).

3 without using a calculator.

4 for carrying the food.

5 in spite of having it on his list.

6 as well as doing the typing.

2 1 before signing 4 after using

2 after eating 5 before changing

3 Before leaving 6 before opening

3 1 He thought carefully before deciding to buy it.

2 He bought the shop despite having little money of
his own.

3 He became successful by giving the customers what
they wanted.

4 He put the profit back into the business instead of

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