A phrasal verb is a verb + adverb, e.g. come in, sit down, take off. There are very many phrasal verbs in English.
Here are some adverbs which are used in phrasal verbs: about, along, around, away, back, behind, by, down, forward, in, off, on, out, over, round, through, up
Some of these words can also be prepositions. For prepositional verbs see Unit 126.
A Introduction
B Understanding phrasal verbs
Some phrasal verbs are easy to understand.
Tom asked Melanie to come in. The man in front turned round and stared at me. The meanings are clear if you know the words come, in, turn and round.
But many phrasal verbs are idiomatic. The verb + adverb has a special meaning. Fortunately the plan came off. (= succeeded) Why did you turn down such a good offer? (= refuse) I can't make out if it's a man or a woman over there. (= see clearly)
Sometimes a phrasal verb has the same meaning as a one-word verb.
find out — discover leave out — omit send out — distribute
go back = return make up = invent (a story) throw away = discard
go on = continue put off— postpone turn up — arrive
The phrasal verb is usually more informal than the one-word verb.
C Word order with phrasal verbs
When a phrasal verb has an object, the object can go either before or after the adverb.
Melanie took her coat off. or Melanie took off her coat.
I wrote the number down. OR I wrote down the number.
Who let the cat out? OR Who let out the cat?
A long object goes after the adverb.
The gang have carried out a number of bank raids in the last few months. Why don't you try on that dress in the window?
A pronoun (e.g. it, them) always goes before the adverb. Melanie felt hot in her coat, so she took it off. not She too off it.
There have been a number of raids. The police know who carried them out. not The police know who caried out them.
127 Exercises
1 Understanding phrasal verbs (A-B)
Work out the meaning of these phrasal verbs and put them in the right sentences:
come back, come in, cut out, fall over, get on, give away, go away, let in, lie down, pay back, stay in, take back
(Use a dictionary if you need to.)
? Hello. Nice to see you. Come in and sit down.
? I didn't have a key, but luckily someone was there to let me in.
1 Can't we go out somewhere? I don't want to................................ all evening.
2 Could you lend me ten pounds? I'll................. you ................ on Friday.
3 The pavement is very icy. Be careful you don't
4 I was feeling so tired I had to ......................... on the bed for a while.
5 There was an article in the newspaper that I wanted to ……………………. and keep.
6 Mark's gone out, and I don't know when he's going to.................................
7 The driver unlocked the coach so that the passengers were able to
8 I'll have to .............. these books .………… to the library.
9 Your brother was being a nuisance, so I told him to.....................................
10 In order to get publicity, the company decided to ……………………. ... some of the new sweets free to children.
2 One-word verb and phrasal verb (B)
Put in a phrasal verb that means the same as the verb in brackets. Use the correct form of the phrasal verb.
Rachel: I've (►) found out (discovered) what the problem is with the exam.
Vicky: Oh, good. Tell me.
Rachel: When they printed the papers, they (1) ……………………… (omitted) a page. No one noticed
until the papers had all been (2)....... ……………….. (distributed).
Now they'll have to (3)................................... (discard) all the papers and
(4) ………………………. (postpone) the exam.
Vicky: Are you sure you haven't (5)................................. (invented) this whole story?
Rachel: It's true, I tell you. And isn't it good news?
Vicky: I don't know about that. It means we'll have to (6)…………………………(continue) revising.
13 Word order with phrasal verbs (C)
Complete the sentences by putting in the phrasal verbs. Some of the spaces you have to leave empty. Sometimes more than one answer is correct.
? The sweater was full of holes, so I threw it away (threw away).
? I've put up (put up) that picture we bought last week.
1 There's always litter here. No one ever ......................... it.............. .(pickup).
2 It's quite cold now. I think I'll ............................. my coat…………… (put on).
3 I haven't heard from Rita lately. I might...................... her .......... .. (ring up).
4 Daniel has to go into college to......................... his project .............. (hand in).
5 I can't remember the address. I wish I'd.......................... it ………….. (writedown).
6 Nick is trying to ........................ all the money he's just lost ………… (win back).
7 I'm not going to have time to............................. these dishes ..………….. (wash up).
8 If you don't know the number, you can …………………. It……………. (look up) in the phone book.
9 There was an accident which....... …………. ... all the traffic coming into town………… (held up).
10 The words 'expect' and 'except' are so similar that I keep……………….. them …………. (mix up).