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The discipline «Principles of personal and social safety» is basic for all specialities and education directions. It is an introductory discipline of all the humanities and engineering sciences. The discipline has got its own integral visions. The students' world outlook is formed while studying such conceptions as «human», «life», «activity», that are at the same time the study object of Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogy and Biology. While finding out the exact meaning of these words students realize the importance of indissolubility of a human being and the environment, their interference. The result of the clarification can be reflected not only in their vital activity, but also in the relation of thinking to being, active social positions, their own safety and the environmental assessment. It is very important to remember at any situation that life safety and health are above all.

The study object of the discipline «Principles of personal and social safety» is a complex ecosystem called «human-environment».

Aims and purposes: to make students consciously and responsibly regard to own safety, safety of society, state; to recognize and estimate without any help the approaching potential risk; to be able to find effective defense; to find out safe working conditions in different human activity; to protect the environment; to propagandize ecological education and culture.


Required demands:

Student must know: speculative the grounds and the structure of modern ecological theory, fundamental conceptions and rules, human environmental issues, regulatory and legal framework in ecologic sector and principles of personal and social safety.


Undergraduate is to be able:

- to identify potential hazards as situations that pose a level of threat to life, health, property, or environment; to be aware of modes and causes of hazards;

- to define dangerous, harmful and deleterious driving force of hazards caused by their factors;

- to understand all the reasons of dangerous factors on a human;

- to forecast the possibilities and results of harmful influences on a human organism;

- to be able to find the ways to be protected from dangerous, harmful and deleterious factors of hazards;

- to avoid the appearing of cases of emergency, but in case of their outbreaks one must be able to take every possible measure directed against their liquidation;

- to use in one’s practice public and political, social and economic, legal, technical, ecological, medical and sanitary, educational and educative actions that are aimed at providing healthy and safe human conditions in our present-day environment.



Topic 1: General bases of principles of personal and social safety

Lection 1. Introduction. Terminological and conceptual apparatus of the discipline. The object and the subject of research. Human being and its origin. Activities. The essentiality of "life" and "activities". "Personal security and jeopardy" as the key points in principles of personal and social safety subject. System analyses as a methodological basis of this subject. Risk. The definition and characteristic of risk. The estimation of risk. The management of risk.

Task for individual work (4 hours): The meditation essay on the topic: "Who is a human and what is life?" Please, form a model of human activity.

Topic 2: Physiological, psychological and social peculiarities of an individual

Lection 2: The general meaning of physiological systems and human psycho, its physiological and psychological peculiarities. The structure and characteristics of a human sensorial system. The description of main analyzers securing personal and social safety. The significance of the nervous system in the daily life of a person. The general idea of metabolism and energy. The role of biorhythms in people’s lives. The psyche of a human and the principles of personal and social safety. Medical, biological and social problems of health.

Task for individual work (4 hours): Get acquainted with the fundamental psychophysiological peculiarities of your organism. Find out the effect of negative factors on your own health.

Seminar 1. General bases of the discipline. Key terms and conceptions.

Purpose: Master the terminological and conceptual apparatus of the discipline.

Task: Determine the main principles of the discipline and explain their meanings.

Topic 3: The environment as a criteria of safe activity of a human

Lection 3: Natural environment. The components of natural surrounding and their peculiarities. The importance of the environment and its balance in personal and social safe activity. Natural perils and their classification. Techtonical, topological, meteorological natural disasters and the defense measures.

Task for individual work (4 hours). Write an essay on the following topic: "My tiny Motherland". It should be done in a form of personal meditation about the influence of human surrounding on the forming of personality.

Seminar 2: Psychophysical peculiarities of a person and principles of personal and social safety.

Purpose: Reveal the influence of the person’s psychophysical peculiarities on her security.

Task. Estimate the separate elements of human psychophysiological reliability.

Lection 4. Technological environment and its dangerous and harmful factors. The classification of technological perils. Industrial and everyday surroundings. The meaning of human factor in the safety of human activity. Contemporary urbanized environment. Anthropological influence upon environment.

Task for individual work (2 hours). Make an ecological characteristic of your Motherland. Estimate the level of ruckus pollution in your region.

Seminar 3. Rational and healthy nourishment. The requirements to the quality of the main products. Food additives and their influence upon the human health.

Purpose. Ground the necessity of nourishment due to the energy consumption of a body.

Task. Compare the actual daily energy consumptions of your organism to the energy revenues on the basis of practical food allowance and estimate the quality and safety of nutrition.

Lection 5. Social and political surroundings and the jeopardies connected with them. Conflicts, wars and terrorism. Extraordinary situations of criminogenic character. Alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction. Informational and psychological dangers. Informational security of a person, society and state. Combined jeopardies. Unusual situations.

Task for individual work (4 hours). Acquaintance with the basic principles of Ergonomics. Studying of the dimensional parameters of the working place of a PC user. Microclimate of the closed apartments and the means of the standardization of air parameters.

Typical tasks of module test 1

- "Safety" and "danger" as the key points in principles of personal and social safety.

- Formulate the main tasks of principles of personal and social safety.

- What is "healthy way of life"?

- Describe the model of human activity.

- What is "natural environment" and what are the components of it?

- What natural energy sources do you know?

- What methods of water self-cleaning are existing in nature now?

- Classification of nature jeopardies.





Topic 4: The assessment of dangerous and harmful factors for a human life

Lection 6. Physical aspects of dangers. Vibro acoustical harmful factors. Ionizing radiation. The biological influence of ionizing radiation. Radiation security. Electromagnetic fields and emissions, their influence upon a human organism. The general characteristic of energy. Influence of electricity upon a human.


Task for individual work (4 hours). Hygienic standardization of dangerous and harmful factors.

Seminar 4. The main rules of ecology and their connections with natural and social laws.

Purpose: Form the scientific outlook and realization of necessity to follow the main laws of nature in all the kinds of human activity.

Task: Learn how to analyze the interconnections in the natural and social phenomena and processes.


Lection 7. Chemical and biological factors of jeopardies. The general characteristic of chemical agents. Analysis of dangerous biological objects. Poisonous plants and animals, pathogenous organisms.


Task for individual work (4 hours). Get acquainted with the classification of harmful substances grouped by the harmful effect disposition. Combined influence of the perilous harmful factors.


Seminar 5. The world experience in solving global economic, social and ecological issues.

Purpose: Sum up the world experience of environment protection.

Task: Collect the total information on the given task.


Topic 5. Organizing and legal securing and management of

principles of personal and social safety.

Lection 8. Security of environment. Ukraine as a subject of international legal relations in the sphere of securing human activity. The strategy of steady development of Ukraine. International ecological politics. Ecological safety. National security of Ukraine.


Task for individual work (4 hours). Get acquainted with the international regulatory and legal framework of this discipline.

Seminar 6: A human is a creator. The role of creativity in the life and activity of a human. The security of human creativity. Professional perils connected with chosen speciality.


Lection 9. Legal basis and general principles of management of securing human activity in Ukraine.

Task for individual work (4 hours). Get acquainted with the basic lawmaking and legislative acts of this discipline.


Lection 10. Dangers linked with the professional activity. Professional safety.


Task for individual work (2 hours). Get acquainted with the main factors of professional jeopardies. Perils connected with chosen speciality.

Seminar 7: Statistic assessment of dangerous and harmful factors for a life.


Typical tasks of module test 2

1. Classification of jeopardies.

2. Physical factors of perils.

3. Psychophysiological factors of dangers.

4. Toxic chemical elements.

5. Pathogenous organisms and defense measures from them.

6. Social and lawful basis of informational safety.

7. Main burning issues of ecology.

8. Ergonomics and principles of personal and social safety.



Seminar 1. General basis of the discipline. Key epithets and concepts.


Purpose: Learn about general basis of discipline.

Task: Highlight the essence of the basic concepts of safety management in emergencies (SFE).


Seminar 2. Psychophysiological person`s features and safety of human life.


Purpose: Show the influence of person`s psychophysiological features on her safety

Task: to evaluate single elements of person`s psychophysiological solidity using tests

Test for definition the main person`s needs

Using this test a person evaluates her needs: Physiological needs in safety, social needs, needs in recognition, in self-expression. It opens ways in self-improvement, helps to use our abilities effectively, adds self-confidence and enhances personal safety.

Method of defining the degree in main needs of satisfaction contains 15 statements which should be compared and given the advantage to one of the pair. For starters, the first statement is compared with others 14 gradually, then the second with others 13 etc, The number of preferred statements should be written in the table of results (look table one) During the testing, it is useful to say loudly «I want».

The list of statements:

• To achieve the recognition and respect

• To have good relationships with people

• To assure my future

• To earn money

• To have good companions

• To improve my position

• To develop my forces and abilities

• To assure my tangible comfort

• To enhance the level of mastership and competency

• To avoid troubles

• To seek new and unknown

• To assure my authority

• To buy good stuff

• To be occupied by the work that needs total blow-back

• To be understandable for others

Numbers of statements which should be compared  
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15  
1 Numbers of statements which should be compared  


Having filled the table, you have to calculate the frequency of uprise 1-st or 2-nd statement, with the help of which you should definite the most priority human`s needs (the first 5 which appear the most often). Then you have to define satisfaction degree of 5 main statements` appearance with certain numbers in the table of results, having calculated the general amount of statements` appearance with certain numbers in the table of results.

• Physiological needs are defined by the sum of statements - 4, 8, 13

• The needs in safety are defined by the sum of statements - 3, 16, 10

• Social(interpersonal)needs are defined by the sum of statements - 2, 5, 15

• The needs in recognition are defined by the statements - 1, 9, 12

• The needs in self-expression are defined by the sum of statements - 7, 11, 14

Results you`ve got must be written in to the table of needs` satisfaction (look at the table). Having finished the work with the text, you have to make conclusions about the degree of human`s main needs and the level of personal safety.


Date: 2015-01-29; view: 2301

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IV. Linguistic presentation of the theme | Define the level of your self-assessment
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