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1. You’ve got some information about Ann’s entering University. Speak of your own experience to your group-mates. Replace the underlined words by the synonyms given in the box.


Ann is eighteen. At school she made up her mind to enter the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. She always took an active part in social activities and scientific work at school. Ann has always been interested in radioengineering. In June she left school and got her school leaving certificate. Then she took her entrance examinations in July, passed them well and was admitted to the University. Now Ann is a first-year student. She studies full-time. Ann likes her studies at the University, though it takes much time to get ready for classes.


in her first year participated decided prepare was enrolled fond of


2. There is some information about educational system in Great Britain. Compare our system of education with that of Great Britain, using the key words in the box below.

terms academic degree grant seminar

graduate break up lecture fees tutorial


The (a)_______ year in Britain begins in September and is divided into three (b)_________. Universities (c)________ for the summer holiday in July. University courses normally last three years and then students (d)________, which means they receive their (e)_________. At university, teaching is by (f)________ (an individual lesson between a teacher and one or two students), (g)________ (a class of students discussing a subject with a teacher), (h)________ (when a teacher gives a prepared talk to a number of students) and of course private study. Most people who receive a university place are given a (i)________ by the government to help pay their (j)________ and living expenses.


3. Reproduce these pieces of explanation on different kinds of classes choosing the right words from the columns. Speak about the kinds of work you do at University.


University offers theoretical and practical work. Theoretical course (a)_________ lectures. A lecture is a talk given in order to teach people about a (b)___________ subject. At the lectures you take notes. Those who miss a lecture usually copy up the (c)__________ if they wish to be successful at the exam. Practical course consists of practicals, seminars, laboratory works and tutorials. A practical is a class in which you make things or do experiments rather than (d)_______ write. A seminar is a class in which the teacher and a small group of students (e)_________ a topic. When you have seminars, you spend a lot of time in the reading-hall revising the material. A laboratory work means carrying out scientific (f)_______ and research. A tutorial is a regular meeting for a tutor and a small group of students.


verb noun adjective adverb
to particularize particularity particular particularly
to note notes notable notably
to experiment experiment experimental experimentally
to include inclusion inclusive inclusively
to simplify simpleness simple simply
to discuss discussion discussable discussably

4. Work in pairs. Restore the dialogue between two first-year students Alex and Ben talking about their university studies from the questions below:


A: What subjects are studied at the University?

B: …

A: Should we attend all lectures, seminars and practicals?

B: …

A: And what happens if a student misses some?

B: …

A: We are to take examinations twice a year, aren’t we?

B: …

A: What happens if a student fails in a subject?

B: …


6. Restore the dialogue matching the questions and the replies, given below:

A: You must be Tim, Jeff’s new roommate. B: Yeah, I’ve heard a lot about the students life. I think I’ll manage with it. A: You’ll have to manage with many other things: exams, boring seminars and labs, unending lectures. B: It’s OK. I like it. But I feel a little confused as I know nobody around here except for Jeff. A: Hi, I’m Andy. I’m your neighbour, I live in room 204.   B: Oh, hello Andy! Nice to meet you! A: Don’t worry, you’ll get over it soon. It’s great to be a student. At first, it’s a bit difficult to get up early, to hurry to the University and sit 3 or 4 lectures a day, but you’ll get used to. Everyone does. B: Exactly. A: As far as I know you are a first-year student. How do you find the dorm? B: Well, it seems to be difficult but I’ll try to do it.


7. Work in groups. Read the opinions of two experienced teachers of English and discuss which pieces of advice are the most useful ones. Find which words or phrases mean:

a) you won’t make much progress……………..?

b) become angry because you can’t do what you want to do ………………?

c) see and pay attention to ……………?

d) often and carefully, and in an organized way ……………?

e) alone, without help ………………?

f) do something that makes you seem stupid ……………..?


What's the secret of successful language learning?

Alastair Banton is a teacher at a private language school in the UK. He has also taught English in Japan. Ø I think the most important thing is that you really have to want to learn the language - without that, you won't get very far. You also have to believe that you will do it ... imagine yourself using the language confidently, and think, 'Yes, I can do that'. Ø Then there are other things: of course you need to work hard, but at the same time you need to enjoy it and not get frustrated when you feel you're not making much, progress. And you have to be realistic - learning a language takes time, and you can't expect to know and understand everything in a few weeks! Also, you should try to 'develop an ear' for the language - not only to recognise the sounds of the language and to understand what people are saying, but also notice the exact words and phrases that people use ... and then try to use them yourself. Some people can do this naturally, but others have to learn how to do it - that's where having a good teacher is important! Teresa Pelc is a teacher of English in Poland. She has taught English in a secondary school for a number of years. Ø For me, motivation is the most important thing. You have to be ready to study grammar, read a lot, listen to English songs, radio and TV, and what's more you have to do these things systematically. Ø It is so easy to forget what you have just learnt ... that's why I needed a teacher to force me to study. Even the most motivated students need that extra push sometimes. I believe that only a very few people can learn a language on their own. Learning a language can be quite stressful, especially for adults ... suddenly, we speak like children and make fools of ourselves! But if you're motivated, you learn to overcome this. It all sounds like very hard work - and it is. It is also very enjoyable - I praise my .students for every thing they do well, however small it is. Many of them are very successful and speak English better than me, and some of them have even become English teachers themselves!

8. Find and read aloud those parts of the text which are concerned with:

a) the history of BSUIR,

b) the faculties and the departments of the University,

c) the teaching staff of the University,

d) subjects taught at the University.



On September 1, 1964 Minsk Radioengineering Institute admitted students for the first time. The youngest Institute of the Republic was established on the basis of the oldest Polytechnic Institute of the Republic of Belarus. It was assigned to meet the demand of the Republic in highly qualified specialists for evolving national radioelectronic industry.

In 1993 Minsk Radioengineering Institute was granted the status of university and celebrated its 30th anniversary as the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. Within this period BSUIR has trained thousands of engineers, doctors and candidates of science.

Over 11 thousand students from the country and outside study at its 9 faculties: the Faculty of Computer-Aided Design, the Faculty of Information Technologies and Control, the Faculty of Radioengineering and Electronics, the Faculty of Computer Systems and Networks, the Faculty of Telecommunication, the Faculty of Engineer Economics, the Faculty of Extramural, Evening and Distance Education, the Pre-University Preparation and Occupational Guidance Faculty, the Military Faculty.

Now BSUIR prepares engineering staff on 22 specialities in the field of computer facilities, computer science, radio engineering, microelectronics, telecommunications automated systems, artificial intelligence, medical electronics, and economy.

The educative process and scientific research are conducted by highly competent teaching staff that consists of professors, assistant professors, lecturers and teachers. They give lectures, hold seminars and have practicals with the students in various subjects: physics, higher mathematics, descriptive geometry, technical drawing, etc. Special attention is given to such subjects as computing technology, impulse techniques, analogue and digital computers, theoretical foundations of electroengineering. Nobody can deny vital importance of mastering foreign languages nowadays. English, French, German and Spanish are taught at the University. Students also have an opportunity to study a second foreign language and to advance in one of the foreign languages and to acquire the speciality of a translator.

The University has all necessary facilities for teaching including up-to-date computers and laboratory equipment, robots, closed-circuit TV. A large electronic library is at the students’ disposal.

To sum up, the University provides a good engineering education. The graduates of the University work at computer centres, design offices, industrial enterprises, research laboratories and institutes, joint ventures and banks.


Agree or disagree with the following sentences, in your answers use the expressions of agreement or disagreement:

1. On September 1, 1964 Radioengineering Institute admitted students for the first time.

2. Minsk Radioengineering Institute was established on the basis of the Belarusian State University.

3. Minsk Radioengineering Institute celebrated its 30th anniversary as the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.

4. Over 7 thousand students study at 6 faculties and 34 departments.

5. The educative process is conducted by highly competent teaching staff.

6. The students of the University attend classes of physics, technical drawing, biology, geography.


9. In the following dialogue examine some unfinished pieces of argumentation and select among the given arguments the one that can be added in full accordance with the speaker’s viewpoint.

Date: 2015-01-29; view: 2810

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