Types of points
1. Point of Personal Privilege
It must refer to the comfort and well being of the delegate. It may not refer to the content of any speech and may only interrupt a speaker if the speech is inaudible. Good examples of such point could be “Could you please open the window?”, “Could the delegate speak loader?”
2. Point of Order
It is the question that refers to the forum, not to the content. Such point can’t interrupt the speaker, but it is not taken into account in case of limited numbers of questions. It also can be the question whether the rules of procedure were used correctly during the debate, as well as the motion to change these rules. If this motion is supported at least by one delegate, and if after speech the speaker is not against the changes, this motion is considered as accepted. If there are any objections, the institution should vote. The questions to the speaker are not allowed.
3. Point of Information
This point is actually not a question. It may be directed to the speaker who has the floor if he has indicate that he is open for points of information. A point of information must be formulated as a question, e.g. “Is the speaker aware that…”, “Does the speaker realize, that…” etc. Point of information is just remark that denotes a fact which an objection considers important for discussed issue. Point of information is not required an answer.
4. Right of Reply
After a speech which is attacked the national honor or integrity of a member state, a delegate can ask the right of reply. This has to be done with a note to the chair. The chair has the right to refuse to give the right of reply, if the insult is not evident. If the insulted delegate is given the floor, he\she shouldn’t reply using insults too. The questions to the speaker with the right of reply are not allowed.
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1044