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Review of present and past tenses

A Introduction

Study the verb forms.

Claire is ready to go on safari.

Present continuous: She is waiting for her guide.

Present simple: She goes on holiday a lot.

Present perfect: She has bought a safari suit.

Present perfect continuous: She has been planning her

trip for months.

Past simple: She bought the suit last week.

Past continuous: She was going past Harrods when

she saw it in the window.
Past perfect: She had already decided that she

needed a safari suit. Past perfect continuous: She had been looking for one

for a week or two.

B I am doing or I do? (Unit 6)


We use the present continuous for an action now, We use the present simple for repeated actions,

something we are in the middle of. things that happen again and again.

/ am writing a letter. ] write home every week.

Claire is wearing a safari suit. Tom never wears smart clothes.

We're getting lunch now. We usually get lunch at about one.

We use the present continuous for a feeling over a We normally use the present simple for thought;

short period of time. and feelings, and for states and permanent facts.

Vicky is liking her course much better this year. Claire likes holidays.

Four times twelve makes forty-eight.

We use the present continuous for a temporary We use the present simple for a permanent

situation or routine. situation or routine.

I'm very busy at the moment, so I'm getting up I usually get up quite late,

early this week.

C I have done or I did? (Units 14-15)


The present perfect tells us about the past and the The past simple tells us about the past, a time

present. which is finished.

They have locked the door. No one can get in. They locked the door at ten o'clock last night.

We use the present perfect for a state which has We use the past simple for a state in the past,
gone on up to the present.

I've known him for ages. He's an old friend. I knew him when we were at college together.

We use the present perfect for actions in a period We use the past simple for actions in the past,
of time up to the present.

/ have seen the carnival several times. I saw the carnival several times as a child.

D I have been doing or I have done? (Unit 17)


We use the present perfect continuous for an We use the present perfect simple for a complete

action over a period of time leading up to the action. We are thinking of the result.

present. We are thinking of the action going on.

Daniel's tired. He's been working. At least he's earned some money.

I've been reading all afternoon. I've read 200 pages.

We've been staying here for a week/since Thursday.

E I was doing or I did? (Unit 10)


We use the past continuous for an action that we We use the past simple for a complete action in
were in the middle of. the past or for a past state.

/ was reading the paper at half past ten. I left the house at half past ten.

Vicky had a headache.

We often use the past continuous and simple together when a shorter action (simple) comes in the middle of a longer one (continuous).

We were looking for the coffee bar when we met Emma. But we use two past simple verbs for one action after another.

When we saw Rachel, she waved to us.

F I did or I had done? (Units 18-19)

We use the past simple to talk about a past situation and the past perfect for things that happened earlier. I threw the magazine away. I'd finished with it. When Sarah found the letter, someone had already opened it. When the new people moved in, the house had been empty for a year.

We can use when ... had done to say that one thing finished and then something else happened.

When we'd paid the bill, we left the restaurant. But when one short action comes straight after another, we use the past simple for both.

When the firework went off, the dog ran away.

Compare these two sentences.

When we arrived, the others all left. (We arrived and then they left.) When we arrived, the others had all left. (They left before we arrived.)

G I had been doing or I had done? (Unit 20)

We use these forms when we look back from a situation in the past.


We use the past perfect continuous for an action We use the past perfect simple for a complete

over a period of time. We are thinking of the action. We are thinking of the result,

action going on.

Emma's hand ached because she'd been using Her work looked really neat because she'd used

the computer. the computer.

When I finally served the meal, I'd been cooking I felt quite proud that I'd cooked a meal for

for'hours. eight people.

21 Exercises

1 Present tenses (A-D)

Complete the sentences using the notes in brackets. The verbs can be present continuous (am doing), present simple (do) or present perfect (have done).

► We bought this picture a long time ago. We've had it (we / have / it) for ages.

1 Sarah finds her mobile phone very useful…………………………………… .. (she / use / it) all the time.

2 Vicky doesn't know where her watch is………………………………….. (she / lose / it).

3 We're in the middle of decorating our kitchen, so we can't cook any meals.

……………………………………..(we / get / them) from a take-away restaurant this week.

4 Claire is on a skiing holiday………………………………….. (she / enjoy / it), she says on her postcard.

5 The colour of this paint is absolutely awful................. ……………………(I/hate/it).

6 These figures certainly should add up………………………….. (I / check / them) several times already.

7 Trevor and Laura like Scrabble...................... ………………………….. (they / play / it) most evenings.

8 These flowers are dying.............................................................................. (you / not water / them) for ages.

2 Present tenses (A-D)

Read about each situation. What else do you say? Use the verb in brackets.

► You can't go out with a friend because you have a Saturday job. (work)
I'm sorry. I work on Saturdays.

1 You have just met a friend you last saw months ago. (not see)
Hello! How are you? ..................................................................

2 Someone has arranged to phone you at this time, and you're ready for the call, (wait)
I have to stay by the phone...............................................................................................

3 Your friend is wearing a very nice jacket you haven't seen before, (like)

Oh, that's nice........................................................................................................................................

4 You are watching the snow fall. It started yesterday and is still falling, (snow)
I can't believe it......................................................................

3 Present and past tenses (A-F)

Read about each situation and then tick the right answer.

► When we were talking, Tom left the room.

Which took longer, a) our conversation, or b) Tom's departure?

1 Mark has been a member of the golf club for two years.

a) He joined the club two years ago and is still a member.

b) He was a member of the club for two years but is not a member now.

2 Vicky is watching the weather forecast.

The weather forecast a) hasn't started yet, b) has started but not finished, or c) is over.

3 I've switched off the burglar alarm.

Do I think that the alarm a) is off, b) is on, or c) may be on or off?

4 I've been studying all afternoon, and I've got a headache.

Am I thinking of a) how much I have learned, or b) the action going on for a long time?

5 We had already travelled some distance when the sun rose.

Did our journey start a) before sunrise, b) at sunrise, or c) after sunrise?

6 I'm going to work by bus this week.

a) 1 always go to work by bus. b) My routine is different for this week.

4 Present and past tenses (C-E)

Put in a pronoun and the correct form of the verb. Use the past continuous (was doing), the past simple (did) or the present perfect continuous (have been doing).

► Mark: I rang at one, but you weren't in your office. Sarah: No, / was having (have) lunch.

1 David: You look tired.

Melanie: Yes, I expect I do……………………………………….. (work) all day.

2 Sarah: Is Laura at home?

Trevor: No,……………………………………… (go) out about half an hour ago.

3 Vicky: I haven't finished this letter yet.

Rachel: It must be a long letter. .......................................... ……………. (write) it since lunch-time.

4 Harriet: I see you've got some new neighbours.

Tom Yes, a young couple……………………………………….. (move) in last month.

5 David: Did Tom drive you home?

Melanie: Yes,……………………….................... (stop) and offered me a lift

while.......................................................... (wait) for a bus outside the town hall.

5 Present and past tenses (A-G)

Complete the conversation. Choose the correct form.

Melanie: How (►) are you getting/do you get on in your new job, Nick?

Nick: Oh, so (1) you know/you're knowing about my job as a car salesman.

Melanie: (2) David's told/David told me yesterday.

Nick: Well, I (3) haven't been/wasn't in the job long. (4) I started/I've started on Monday.

Melanie: And how many cars (5) have you been selling/have you sold so far?

Nick: Well, none yet. Give me a chance. Up to now (6) I've been learning/I've learned all the time.

Melanie: David says you (7) had/were having a sports car once.

Nick: I've still got it. (8) I had/I've had it for about five years. (9) I don't often drive/I'm not often

driving it because (10) I don't like/I'm not liking getting it dirty. Normally (11) I ride/I'm riding my motor bike. And the car is expensive to run. 1(12) bought/had bought it on impulse. I (13) was working/worked on a building site at the time. For several months before I bought it, (14) I'd done/I'd been doing overtime, and when (15) I'd been earning/I'd earned enough to buy a car, it was a really magical moment. Maybe you'd like a ride in it some time?

Melanie: Oh, yes please. That would be lovely.

6 Present and past tenses (A-G)

Complete the radio news report. Put in the correct forms of the verbs.

Hello. This (►) is (be) Kitty Beamish. (1)…………………………….. (I / speak) to you from Oxford,

where the finals of the World Quiz Championships will be held tomorrow. The favourite is Claude

Jennings of Cornwall, the man who (2) .............................. ………………(know) everything. Twelve months

ago no one (3) .......................................... (hear) of Claude lennings, although

(4)………………………… .(he / take) part in quiz competitions for years. Now suddenly he is a big

star. So far this year (5)……………………………….. (he / answer) every single question correctly. And he

is popular, too. When (6)……………………………….. (he / arrive) here two days ago, hundreds of fans

(7)………………………………. (wait) at the station to welcome him. Since his arrival Claude

(8)……………………… (read) encyclopedias in his hotel bedroom. He is clearly the man to

watch. And now back to the news desk.

TEST 5 Present and past tenses (Unit 21)

Test 5A

Complete the conversations. Put in the correct form of each verb. ► A: Are you ready?

B: I won't be a moment. I'm doing (I / do) my hair.

1 A: Could you tell me your address?

B: Well,…………………………….. (I / live) in a friend's house at the moment.

Luckily.......... ……. ....................... (I / find) a place of my own now, but I can't

move in until next week.

2 A: Is this your CD?

B: No, it isn't mine………………..................... (I / think)………………(it / belong)

to Peter.

3 A: Can I borrow your calculator, please?

B: Well,…………………… ......... (I / use) it to work out these figures at the

moment………………............... (I / want) to finish doing them, now

that…………………………. (I / start).

4 A: Why can't you wash your dirty plates sometimes? ............................ ………. (you / leave)

them in the sink most of the time.

B: OK, sorry. The last few weeks .................................... (I / have) so little

time.............................................. (I / rush) around all the time.

Test 5B

Read the story and write the missing words. Use one word only in each space.

One day a man was (►) walking past a house in Bournemouth when he (1)………………………......a

woman's voice shouting for help. The man (2) .................... …………. someone

(3) probably trying to murder her. He ran to a phone box and

(4) the police. The police came quite quickly, but by now the shouting had

(5) . However, the man (6)......... ……………………. quite sure that he

(7)…………………………… heard cries for help. When the police (8)………………………….. on the

door, there was no answer. So they broke down the door and went in. Inside the house was a woman who
had just (9)………………………….. out of the shower. She explained to the police that she had

(10)…………………………… singing along to the Beatles song 'Help!'.

Test 5C

Write a second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Begin with the word in brackets. ► Our trip to Africa was in October. (We ...) We went to Africa in October.

1 We've had ten hours of rain. (It...)

2 It's the right thing to do in my opinion. (I ...)

3 Our sofa is in a different place now. (We ...)

4 It was breakfast-time when Susan rang. (I ...)

5 Their game of badminton is always on Tuesday. (They ...)

Test 5D

Write the correct answer in each space.

► This isn't my first visit to London. I've been here before.
a) I'm b) I've been c) I was

1 I've got my key. I found it when.............................. for something else.

a) I looked b) I've looked c) I was looking

2 Sorry, I can't stop now........................................... to an important meeting.

a) I go b) I'm going c) I've gone

3 I can't get Tessa on the phone....................................... all afternoon.

a) I'm trying b) I try c) I've been trying

4 The bank told me last week there was no money in my account. it all.
a) I'd spent b) I spent c) I was spending

5 There's a new road to the motorway........................................... it yesterday.

a) They'd opened b) They opened c) They've opened

Test 5 E

Some of these sentences are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If the sentence is correct, put a tick (V). If it is incorrect, cross the unnecessary word out of the sentence and write it in the space.

? Martin has changed his mind about next weekend. V

? We were enjoyed the holiday very much. were


1 Nancy is practising on the piano.

2 It was lucky that we had been decided to buy our tickets in advance.

3 We were riding our bikes when suddenly I was felt a pain in my leg.

4 We are go camping for three weeks every summer.

5 They have planted some new trees last year.

6 I suddenly realized I had been walking in the wrong direction.

7 Did you know that Anna has been won a prize?

8 No one told me that the goods had arrived the week before.

Test 5F

Complete the news report. Put each verb into the correct form.

The actress Vanessa Kemp (►) has disappeared (disappear). Yesterday she

(I)……………….. ................. (fail) to arrive at the Prince Charles Theatre in London's West End for her

leading role in the comedy 'Don't look now!'. Ms Kemp, who (2)…………………………………(live) in

Hampstead, (3)……………………………….. (leave) home at four o'clock yesterday afternoon for the theatre, a

journey she (4)……………………………… (make) several times the week before. Two people who

(5)…………… (walk) past her home at the time (6)……………………………….. (see) her

leave. But no one (7)……………………………… (see) her since then. At half past seven she still

(8)……………………. (not / arrive) at the theatre. At eight o'clock the theatre manager had to break

the news to the audience, who (9)............................. ……. .......... (wait) patiently for the play to start. Since

yesterday, theatre staff and friends (10)……………………………….. (try) to contact Ms Kemp, but they

(II)…………………………………. (have) no success so far. The police (12)……………………………… (take) the

matter seriously, but they (13).................. ………………….. (believe) that she is unlikely to be in any danger.

Her friends all (14) ............................................ (want) to hear from her soon.

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