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The Mythology of the next generations


(- Let’s start with the meeting held in the Castle of Buda just before the war.We write the plain facts first, and we’ll have time later to discuss the theory, the reactions of the people, and so on. The very beginning of this book should be a powerful one. Who wore what kind of clothes, how they looked like, these are the rubbish when the writer has nothing to offer, or has got so tired that his brain cannot imagine anything constructive. So cut the crap, and tell it straight what happened at the historical meeting in the Castle just before the war. No need for the description of the walls, the weather, and other usual stupid things. We are writing mythology now. We can start it anywhere, and finish it anywhere, and at the end it will come together anyway. For this they have to read through this book. We can mention that this is not the usual good guys win at the end book or rather the good guy is different from the stupid liberal democrat, politically correct good guy. So no waiting for some hero Salvador, who restores the peace, saves the world for democracy ever. This is a whole different book with deep thoughts. At least for those who are able to think.

- OK. The heads of the Eastern-European countries got together for a final meeting to discuss the war soon to be started in the region. Yes, it will be a good starting point. As Schelling once said, the mythology is timeless. I directed that part of the world then, and I called the meeting to Buda. The leaders or dictators of all the surrounding and nearby countries were present to start a war.

- OK. Now we are talking. Go ahead.)


- Poland, an approximation, if you please. How many deaths are you going to have?

- About 5 million, maybe 6. Let’s put it to 5 and a half. It is very conservative estimation, thought.

- The Ukraine is about the same. Rather 6 million. I could give you the exact number after the war, but then it will have not much use, will it?

- Exactly, mister President. We need the numbers before we start the war, for planning and logistics. Later it’ll became obsolete anyway. I’m sensing you don’t take it seriously. The genius is in the details, gentlemen, this is no game to be lost or win. We have to win it, no other choice is permitted.

- General, just read out the numbers as they are. No need for too precise headcount. Everything is in order. We know the numbers. The magnitudeis what really matters.

- Yes, Sir. Poland 5.5 million, Ukraine 5.5 million, Romania 4.5 million, Bulgaria 2.5 million, Serbia 2 million, Slovakia 1.5 million, Czech Republic 1.5 million, Croatia 1.5 million, Moldavia 1 million, Belarus 4 million, Montenegro 1 million, Macedonia 1 million, Slovenia 200 thousand, Hungary 2 million, altogether about 33 million casualties in the region.

- Thank you, general. Now, gentlemen, if you please, sign the documents placed before you… Thank you. With this, you signed your names into history. In two days’ time the war will start. The most unusual and most perfect war is about to be launched in the history of mankind. Lay back and enjoy. Do not interfere with the general staff. Today you’ll all go home. Day after tomorrow the now signed declarations of war will be sent to each other. Everyone will be in war with everyone else. The UN, the NATO will be asked not to interfere. It is time we make history, instead of suffering history on ourselves. The French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, Hitler’s revolution and everything else in the history of mankind will be no more concern to anyone, if they compare those with our war. Thank you, gentlemen, you may return to your countries now. Everything is taken care of. Finally we are at the stage of reality. In the liberal democracies there is such a thing as manifold truth. Everybody can have his own truth, and it is even accepted by those who are in charge or supposed to be in charge of the philosophical thinking and the truism. The manifold truth of course is the manifestation of the stupidity of the mind in work. It permits everybody to start from his own little ideas as premises and can use all kinds of idiotic logic to explain what he decided beforehand as needs to be explained. They call it the democratic diversity of culture and thinking, and they even praise this idiocy. The fallacy of the causality and the many-truth-diversity-allowingsocieties resulted in chaos in the heads and in chaos in the practical matters; like economy and mixing the cultures, and the backwardness of the society. The little every-day people have their own little truth, they say, but those half-truths are always false in reality. They just unable to think more than one step ahead. The premises, those truth built upon are false, the logic they use is false, and so the result is stupidity as we can see. The death of the society is the sure result of the acceptation of the old and so-called reformed liberal democratic values. The philosophy in the liberal societies are nothing more than playing with the words, an empty argument for the sake of argument, for the sake of showing off, being a sexy boy in front of their admirers. We think differently, we think scientifically, using causal creative mind where it is needed, and allow the teleological conqueror mind where it is appropriate, but never mix the two. We think, act and achieve according to the only truth we know, the pivot-point of every science, and that is the Second Law of the Thermodynamics. The entropy increases. It is the only truth known to man which is informative, and usable for the building of the true philosophy, wherever it takes us. The fact, that some philosophers do not know about it, or do not know how to use it as the only premise, is the problem of his brain, his under-educated mind, his stupidity. Some of them, or all, do mix philosophy as science with moral, which is the value given to an act or thought by the political correctness. They are very blunt in that one too. Moral has nothing to do with science or philosophy. First we set the real values, the real truth, and later the moral values will conform to it. The morality is connected to the minimal entropy state of the society, but the morality of the liberal democracy is totally different, totally false, because it springs from an intermediate point, but I won’t bore you with it now. We’ll construct a moral of the highest value. This is the first step to create a society of the truth and real values. Thank you all for signing the act of war on the idiotic theories, and now we are ready to act and make society as it should have been made long time ago. The war is on.


It was the works of many years’ meetings and bribing and extortion and assassinations, before this signings of the documents finalized. It was he, himself alone, who made it possible. In two days the signing countries will send the declarations of war to each other. The most interesting war in history will be fought. 33 million people will finish his life during the progress. It is time for the scum of the Earth to die out. Now we do it only in this region, but later the whole Earth will be cleaned up in the process. Eastern-Europe became so infected with the lowest kind of humans, that it was impossible to live decent life here anymore. The centuries bred this lowly people without brain, unable to achieve anything except robbery, theft, killing and cheating on others and each other. The lowliest scum of the Earth will die out. For this, the war is necessary. From this war we emerge a new mankind, and a new kind of ideology and politics. The left wing liberal idiotic theories poisoned the brains and body; overpopulated the planet with the inferior races. Gypsies, Negroes, Arabs, Chinese, yellow, red, black, and some white trash too. In the signatory countries about 25% useless rubbish shit accumulated by the liberal democrats, by their theories about the egalitarianism, everybody is equal with everybody else; the human life is value by itself, and other stupidities. Now we are going to see, if behind those values something is real or not. Two days, and the great Eastern-European war begins. 33 million human trashes will die. The total darkness will last for about two months. This is the time limit, set by the western liberal democratic bureaucratic mind. Within this time period they cannot think and act. They will be confused. They are basically stupid. They are elected by the same stupid people everywhere, the average, the useless, the lazy, the mindless. They are the same as those who elected them. When they finally realise that some hazy things are in progress, we’ll light up everything for them to see, and comes the next surprise, which they cannot handle again, and forget the first inquiry.When the rational brain takes over the task from the mindless bureaucrats and leftist liberal blunt democrats, real progress can be made. The brain has taken over just now. The confusion will be total.


Two days later declarations of war have been sent by the countries of the region to each other. The foreigners have been warned to leave the countries. Whoever has stayed has done so at own risk. The press has been suppressed. The TV, the mobile phones, the internet, everything have been shut down, immobilised. Dictatorship has been declared. The military was the only authority. Mobilisation of the masses has been started. Well before this mobilisation the real military forces were ordered to fill up their ranks and were trained like never before. They were placed behind the frontlines. The masses were transported to the borders everywhere. The ambassadors asked for an explanation. None was given and they were refused to be received. In the second day of the declarationof the war the unskilled, yet untrained military forces started to arrive to their stations at the borders for drilling and training. In the evening some strange cloud descended on them. All died. It went on for days and weeks in all sides. Inside of the countries special sanitation forces gave everybody a serum against some disease. Not everybody got it. Some has been given other kind of medicine. They died in two days without any pain. They were the women of the scum, the elderly and the children of that strange race, unwanted by the new world order. Some drug-addicts, felons and the too old have also been given the lethal shots. In this situation there is no moral override. Morality has its own laws too. And the first law is to kill the poison, the poison in this case being the people of the inferior races. Life itself has no value. It has been misstated before, and now is the time for the revision of those stupid ideas in practice. The “value for itself” hypothesis has its own self-contradiction, besides it is completely contradicts the idea of nature, the laws of nature, and the working of nature.


- Sir, here is your uniform. The rank is Marshal, as you ordered.

- Thank you, general. You take the rank of the Colonel General, and you become the commanding general of the armies of all sides. Somebody has to take full control of the situation. We have 2 months, but I would like to finish this whole business in 6 or 7 weeks. To produce and bury 33 million dead is no small task. We have to do it before the West wakes up. How many are dead by now?

- About 30 thousand in every station in every country every day. Felix is doing his best. We have enough VX for the task from the Russians. We are at the beginning. Don’t worry, Sir, everything is handled by very well trained, knowledgeable people.The plans were ready in the last 6 months. No problems detected, and none will occur. This is a war-situation; the scums are citizens of the countries, so it is the duty of every citizen to defend the homeland from the enemy in case of war. As to the scums in the back-coutry, well, some vaccines can go bad sometimes. If everybody is equal to everybody else, then I don’t see any problem why the brown people die out only. We are using the military technology of the nineteen-sixties. Landline phones cannot be spied on. This is unbeatable. The western powers are trying to solve the code. There are no codes. In the meantime we flood them with false signals to work on. I wonder if they can decode it. The CIA-guys will go crazy, together with all other spying agencies of the West.

- Yes, it was a real genius to find a solution for this. We are in complete darkness. No spying, no codes to break, no information going out. Everybody must be shot at the scene if he is even trying to communicate or record anything. The satellites are blocked by using the latest Russian military technology. All right, general, go and take over the coordination of the whole operation in every country. Finish it as soon as possible. No trace of the dead should be detected later. And General, select 5 officers for me during the war. They are your responsibility. I want the very best.


How idiotic was the doctrine of the equality. The meek will inherit the Earth. No way. The supermen will inherit the Earth. These leftish liberal shitheads directly mixed the races in the name of equality. Even they couldn’t understand and follow up logically their own ideas. Originally it meant to be colour-blindness. But that didn’t satisfy their mental hunger for the creation of some undetermined race, so they started to mix the races, although it was positive discrimination, because it is not colour-blindness anymore. They made those Hollywood-movies by the thousands, where every race had to be represented, and the white man was the lowest grade in those movies. They’re still making those trashy movies. Not here, not any more. They won’t find an actor to play coloured guy or gal when this war is over. 6 weeks it will take to kill out the gypsies, the very scum of the land poisoning Eastern-Europe, and the drug-addicts, and the very old. This part of the planet will be young and full of good energy. The people will have something to live for. Taxation and prying into their life and monetary affairs was the biggest concern of the government before he took the power from the undereducated, blunt, narrow-minded elected politicians.Now it will be all different. The high politics will be different too. We’ll have some presentation of it after the war. It is too bad that it has to be done the short-cut way. He presented the IQ-selective method in the beginning for reducing the multiplication of those who have no intelligence whatsoever, under the IQ 90. The liberal democrats couldn’t handle it. In their narrow mind every human being are the same. Besides, it would take too much time, and he had no time to wait decades for the result. So now, thanks for the liberals, the shorter method is in effect. Humanity will thank the equalizers for the more effective method to be applied.


At the sixth week the death rate has been reached. Two more weeks for eliminate the traces of them. The real armies shot everyone whom by some miracle escaped the VX clouds. They were all white boys, the real army. They loved their job. They hated gypsies like every normal-thinking human did. They weren’t even human, those fucking plagues of mankind. The medical envoys have done their job exceptionally well. Recognise and destroy. There were some incidents, but basically all over the territory everything was in order. The human spirit finally found the way out of the slavery of the mind. At the eight week the darkness has lifted, the TV, the phone networks, the internet was like before, and cease-fire has been declared between the countries at war. The satellites of the western powers were not interfered with any longer, and everyone could see whatever was there to see. After the declaration of the peace a conference was held in Budapest to unite the countries in a Confederacy. The colonel general has been advanced to five stars, or general of the Armies. He has done a great job.


(- OK, this is too much of a briefing. It won’t suffice for anyone. Could we just stay a little longer in the war, and say a little more about it? None will believe that it could have been done so smoothly.

- Well, we could, but there is no point doing so. That war was the beginning of the new politics, and later we will return somehow to that point. Remember, we are writing a mythology, and the time is unimportant. What we are doing first, we arouse the attention of the reader. My final goal was the creation of the perfect society, and this is the red line which goes through these pages. To make everybody understand that there is such a thing as perfection, and this perfection can be achieved, and has been achieved. So just keep up with menow, and I promise, everybody will understand later everything. OK? Good. So listen. By the way, that war really that easy, but I will it explain later.)


- Gentlemen, Presidents of your countries, I declare that the High Authorities of the countries are present, and they have the full power to negotiate and sign any documentthey please.

First point.

In front of everybody there is a document to sign, declaring everlasting peace between our countries. Gentlemen, if you please, sign that now, so we can commence with our second point… Thank you. Peace has been declared and signed.

Second point.

The Presidents have decided to unite their respective countries in a confederacy, namely the Eastern-European Confederacy. Signing the respective documents the countries will unite their military power, their financial power and their foreign affairs, and delegate those powers to the High Council of the Confederacy. The High Council has the right to decide on whatever questions it wants, and those which are cannot be seen in advance. We are going to have one army, one financial centre with one kind of money for the whole Confederacy, and one Foreign Affairs Ministry. The documents are in front of you, gentlemen, please sign those now… Thank you. The Confederacy has been successfully established. With this we have signed the unification of this part of the world.

Third point.

We have to appoint the Commander in Chief for the Army. The names of the possible appointees are in front of you. I suggest the first name on the list. Against?None. The five-star general is the new Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the Confederation. General of the Armies.

Fourth point.

From tomorrow the Confederation will have the first scientific monetary system. We’ll have one financial centre and one kind of money. It is the responsibility of the High Council to issue the currency with constant purchasing power. For this end the Statistical Bureau will be established. Please sign the appropriate document right in front of you… Thank you. The exchange rates for the moneys in existence now will be published immediately.

Fifth point.

The Foreign Affairs of the Confederacy will overtake the affairs of the signatory States, and it will be seated in Buda, in this Castle. Please sign the documents in front of you. With this signing, the foreign Embassies will have to come to Budapest… Thank you.

Sixth point.

We now will elect a President for the High Council of the Confederacy. We do it by a secret vote. A paper is placed in front of you. Please write one name on it… Thank you. Colonel, please collect the votes. Name the person elected.

- It is you, Sir, unanimously voted.

- Thank you for the trust, gentlemen. The Council is the highest decision-making power when in session. The President has the same power when the Council is not in session. The business in hand has been successfully carried out. This session is adjourned. See you in the party this evening. You have made history, gentlemen. The Presidents and Ambassadors of the foreign states are invited to the party. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask them, there.


(- Time out, please. Who is going to believe that those presidents gave you the dictatorial power? I am very positive that something was going on in the background. Am I right? The Presidents of those countries weren’t the brightest class of people. I am very fortunate, because I do not know anybody, who is stupid. But you had a lot of them to deal with. So what was really going on?

- Well, Felix was the real power behind the scene. The families of the presidents were kept under very close surveillance, and if any one of them wouldn’t sign the papers, the family would have suffered death immediately. And I made sure they knew about it.This is the language they surely understood. But I think now, that they would sign those documents anyway. It was just some extra insurance. Felix had a very capable force, and he became the head of the Security of the State or Confederacy as we called that unification of power. But let’s go back to the business in hand, if you don’t mind.)


- General, my congratulations for the appointment. Not that if it is something we didn’t know beforehand. Do you have your chosen officers somewhere around? OK. Send them to my suite. How strong are we military-wise? What is the strength of the armies?

- 120 divisions are standing, and the same number can be raised immediately, if necessary. Fully armed, very well trained. The West might be curious why do we start a new development of the armed forces after the war, but they were so stupid so far that it won’t be a difficult matter to explain. The dossiers of the selected 5 are on your desk, Sir. The colonels will be there in a short time. Sir, good to know, that everything goes according to the plans. The borders have been revised. It is not included in any agreement we publish. It is the problem of the Confederacy, and nobody else’s.

- Good. That is necessary for the hiding of the missing 33 million. We can shift the numbers any way we please. But I do not think that anybody will be able to question us. See you at the party, General.


In his office he found the documents of the selected five officers. Very precisely worded, clear language; this is the beginning of a new era. The colonels have gone through various testing, including but not limited to IQ-test, concentration in diverse environment, and so on. They had to read a text about some scientific problem while the radio and television was on, and had to tell their life-story in the same time. Then some girls came to the room, undressed, and left the room. The selected 5 had to recall the topic on the radio and television, had to remember which girl had what kind of clothes on, how they looked like naked, and had to recall the treatise they read during the storytelling. They all are fluent in at least four languages, they have very high IQ, and all of them have some specialty beside. They are the leaders of the future. They do not know it yet, but in time they will be eligible.


(- OK, time out again. Did you have bodyguards at that time?

- There was a master-sergeant with me as personal guard and chauffeur, and others, I rarely saw. If there were some, they were invisible almost. This master-sergeant was an old comrade of mine, and his word was like the word of God for the personal staff. Felix also had many shadows on me. So, yes, I think I was well-protected, if that was the question.

- Yes, that was the question. OK, back to the colonels. So you called them in one by one?

- No, I called them all in together. There was no time, I trusted the General, and it was better, if they knew each other, too. But let me continue the story.)


- Gentlemen, you are colonels of the Confederation. It is a completely unnecessary statement, because everybody here knows that fact. You will not repeat this mistake ever. Now, there are your dossiers on the desk. Everybody will read his own and everybody else’s dossier. You have half an hour. Then I will be back, and I will ask you about your views about the future of the Confederation. Only couple of sentences needed for answer. There is a party, the first party of the many more to come, and it will start in 2 hours, and so be quick. I want straight and honest answers for the question I did not ask. There are no wrong answers, because it is a fluid state now. I do not need admirers. I need co-workers and thinkers.You have 30 minutes.


(- And you went to your harem to have sex with some ladies?

- No, not that time. That was much later in time. I was hungry. At the parties I never ate anything, because if you do so, you could look like an idiot. When you eat, you always make some kind of a mistake, and that mistake will be noticed. I only drank at the parties, and I ate before the parties. Also I had to send a message to Felix, and told his liaison officer that I want to see his boss. Nobody knew where he is at any moment, but he had his own business to run, for example the viruses and bacteria. But we get to that point later. Now, let’s go back to the colonels.)


- Well, gentlemen, any ideas about the current state of affairs?

- Sir, the Confederation cannot be a final form. We have to follow through the permanent revolution, the line of Trockij if you like, because if we start the consolidation at this point, we end up like the Soviet Union did. They stopped, and that was the end of them. What you need are military diplomats to conquer further, to expand. The Confederation is an open state, any other state can join. It is a temporary formation. We have to expand and we never stop expanding.

- Sir, the Russians are needed. We are between the West and the Russians. There is no way to survive alone. So I suggest the Russian Bear as an ally, a close ally. Together we will become an unmatched military power. The West is weak now. But we need the brainpower of the West too.

- Sir, the West can be neutralised temporarily. I don’t think anyone has noticed that half-sentence in the documents of the Confederation, which states that we are not responsible for the debt of the states accumulated before and during the war. But very soon somebody will discover that all-important sentence. This will break the West, unless we come to the rescue. And I have a good idea how to do it. In the process we can demilitarise the West, and make their industrial might to work for us.

- The USA is in shambles. They can be steered back to the Monroe-doctrine, so they leave us alone, especially if Russia will be our ally. Together we are too much for them, but no need to become the enemy of the USA. We can work together. Just have to redirect their thinking from the idiotic liberal democracy to the new philosophy. I’ve studied in West Point. I know the mind of the officers’ class.

- Sir, what you really need beside all that, is a new system of logistics throughout the Confederation. The same system needed in place everywhere. The second nature, as Schelling put it. The scientific design needed from the top down to the remotest villages. The human errors can be eliminated almost completely. Hardware the whole region and write good programs. I can do that.

- OK, gentlemen. The General has chosen the creams of the cream. All is right. All of you are my personal aides. You are going to work out the details. I see the big picture, and I need officers to carry out the details. You, colonel, have studied at the Frunze Academy in Moscow. Have you acquired some friends there? Russian friends I mean, in high position.

- Yes, Sir. One of them is the nephew of the President of Russia. He is a Major General. Since the President has no son, he is like a son to him. He is very smart, very ambitious.

- All right. By the recommendation of the General of the Armies, you, gentlemen are advanced to the rank of general, one star. Your uniforms have been delivered to your suites already. Be at the party in your new uniform. Here are the documents. Congratulations, generals. You are dismissed. You, General, go to the Airport to greet and pick up the President of Russia and his nephew. They arrive in one hour time. Convey my apologies that I cannot be present for their reception personally.


At that day and night Budapest was the middle of the World. Every state has delegated some high officials, or the heads of the states were present. The protocol was very busy. The hotels were all reserved for them and occupied by them. The whole city was lighted up and delighted. The airplanes were landing one after another, carrying heads of states, presidents of countries, and high officials of the states. The military colour-guard was replaced many times. Everybody was extremely busy. Felix walked into the office and sat down. He did not exist officially, nor his organisation. He was doing his business in the shadow. He was very efficient in that.


- Here are the possibilities. A mild contamination through the Globe, and in one place it becomes wild and deadly. Or it becomes wild and deadly in many places, so the real target will appear as one of the many. Or we can do it specifically in one place. But that could raise some strange questions.

- Let’s do the second variation. Begin here, in this area, and can be deadly here and everywhere. Then in a roundabout way arrives here, but then the total depredation won’t be nothing special. Let the commandos have the vaccine. It would be a good idea if you worked together with the commandant of the Special Forces. We need the documents signedby the heads of the states before they die. Better if they don’t die, so the boys can get them out, and it looks better for the other leaders as well. When can we start the operation?

- One month, maybe less. I will call in time. By the way, we’ll have enough money for the West. We are going to pay them with their own money. Everything is under control.

- And nothing can be traced back here. All right, you have the green light.


(- Where did he get the money from?

- Drugs, playing the stock-market, and I mean really playing it. With the boys he had, he could do whatever he wanted. Some Swiss banker was in the team too. But the drug-business was the first he took over. Killed the big dealers, or they worked for him. Basically he controlled the drug business of the world. If not by that time, then in the very near future, but he controlled it. The main thing is, we had enough money to pay the West, he had enough money to finance his organisation, and our bank was full with foreign money. Who could ask for anything more? But let’s go back to the party.)


The Castle of Buda has been reconstructed, and was beautiful. That was his residence, His office and his suite was there too. The Castle was the seat of governmental power of the Confederation. That night the whole World was there. The Ceremonial Hall was filled with Heads of States. Other saloons were open too. The new block of power, the Confederation attracted attention from every corner of the World. The Chinese wanted to do business, the USA lost many allies by the formation of the Confederation, and lost power in the region, the Russians had their own concern, the South-Americans have been invited, so have every state. That was the time of the great expectations from every corner of the World. It was like a new kid in the block. A very strong new kid it is.


- General, where do we start? The West has finally realised that the business is not as great as expected. They worry themselves by now. You said you have some solution for the problem. Well, think it over, before we present it to them. You, General, come with me, we are going to have a little chat with the President of the good old US of A. First we finish off the leader of the pack, and then we deal with his followers. America likes to be the leader. We have to demolish that ambition. I don’t want any kind of competition here. Come, General, you supposed to be an expertin America.


- Mister President, I am very glad to see you here. We are very far from your country, and you have taken all the trouble to come personally. It is a great pleasure to have you here.

- Thank you, President, it is nice to be had. Can you explain the purpose of this new block? And would you explain that war, and the blocking of our satellites, and blocking us from all information?

- General, am I too sensitive, or my English has some defect? It seems to me, that the leader of the free world is questioning our liberty to form any kind of alliance or league we want. Am I wrong, General? No, I don’t think so. If my knowledge in history is right, the USA has come to existence forming an alliance, and that was illegal at that time. America was the territory of England back then. We have formed this Confederation freely and democratically. None of the forming countries were under the power or authority of another state. How is it the business of the USA, General?

- Sir, with all respect, America likes to tell everybody what to do, and how to do it. I think the President only expressed himself quite harshly. It could be attributed to the jet-log. I think he just would like to have some information about this perfectly legitimate formation, the Confederation.

- Mr President, you mean to say that your highly valued CIA and the 16 other intelligence services you have couldn’t supply you with enough information? Something must be wrong with them.

- Mister President, you blocked the ambassadors from reception. We didn’t get anything, and we didn’t know what was happening here. Also, you didn’t ask for an approval from us to form this Confederation. You have weakened the NATO, too. You mingled with the interest of America.

- You don’t really suffer only from the jet-log, mister President. You suffer from loss of power. America likes to know everything, control everything. This Confederation does not and will not recognise any power over itself. We are free, and we will remain free at any cost, and I really mean the any cost. General, how long this Castle is standing here? It is quite a long time as I recall.

- Well, Sir, by the time, when that Italian discovered the New World, this Castle celebrated her 500 years anniversary. Before you ask, America didn’t build one brick in the walls here. So it is America who tries to mingle with the interest of the people living here, and tries to tell them what to do.

- I don’t really understand why the President could have any reason to claim anything here. You will know, mister President that a new era descended over the politics. The name is science. It is time for science to claim power over the untrue; the falseness of the so called liberal democratic sciences of the society. It is having been accumulated for too long, and now it is time for them to disappear in the trash-can where they belong to. We have the first scientific monetary system with constant purchasing power. It also means no more crises and ups and downs in the economy. The joblessness is unknown here. The bureaucratic mind is eliminated forever. We are going to build a scientific society. And we will fight anybody who is trying to stop us doing so. It would be much better, if the whole western world copied our system, instead of trying to destroy us. We cannot be overcome, mister President by any power on Earth. We’ll fight anybody who tries to destroy what we achieved, and I really mean it. Well, enjoy the party.We’ll discuss some other matters later privately. All right, Ladies and Gentlemen, please have a great time. Now, general, you stay with the Americans, and try to cheer them up a little. And explain the scientific society for them. You, my other General, it is time for you to present the Westerners your idea. Come. They are all together. The Austrians, the Germans, the French, the Dutch, the English, the Belgians, Italians. They are worried, as I can see it from here. And here we are.

- Mister President, it is a great pleasure to have your valuable time. We have some concern about the loans and the declaration of the Confederation about the non-payment. We are going to have a crash.

- And you, gentlemen, cannot invade us like you would have done so if the individual countries have remained just alone, separated. We are much stronger now than you are together. You gave the loans for the purpose of controlling the countries by the right of the creditor you think you have against the debtor. You have created the loans by an entry in your books. Fictive money, credit money you’ve created and loaned, and you want sweat and blood for it. It is an old trick the monetary system plays with us all. You are all in the prison of that stupid credit-money system, but we’ve got much smarter. We have a different monetary system now, and we are not the slaves of any power, like you are the slaves of the monetary power controlling your idiotic credit system and debt. But even then we cannot let the West to have a crash. So the General has a solution for your problems. General, give us your presentation if you please.

- The Confederation will pay part of the debt accumulated before and during the war by the countries. We pay in your money, 80% of the face value of the original loan. Even this is too generous offer for the second-rate overpriced goods and high interest rates you set upon the loans. Your bank-sector is saved. Now, to boost up your economy, we will have an agreement. We need factories, fully automatized, the best. We need some military equipment. Ours have been amortized during the war. You send us yours, whatever you can spare, and later you can make new arms for yourselves. Tanks, trucks, cannons, every sort of guns, we can discuss it in detail. We pay quid pro quo, in cash, in your money. We need to improve our economy. By doing that, we’ll improve your economy in the same time. If we have an agreement, we won’t buy from China or other countries, only from Western-Europe. This way we’re all going to have a splendid prosperity. Your voters will be happy, the joblessness eliminated, and it means plenty of money for everyone.

- Don’t look at me, gentlemen. The General’s mistake would have been corrected by me, immediately and without mercy. Our economy is based on production. It is different from the old system, yours,where production was placed under the monetary system. We reversed this idiocy. Our money is stable and invariable in purchasing power. We do not create unproductive jobs; instead we lower the working hours. We produce what we need, and the monetary system is the servant of the production, not the master of it, like in your countries. One day you will realise the basic principles of the genuine economic system, and will adjust to it. The General will explain. He is in charge of the affairs he has proposed. He has the right to negotiate with you, gentlemen, and to coordinate the business in hand.

- Thank you, mister President. A man like you,who could stand up against the Americans, really needed. Now you have given us a lifeline. We do our best to cooperate with the Confederation.

- You really have no other choice. The General stays with you, and you negotiate with him. Enjoy the party, gentlemen. Now, my other adjutant wants to tell me something, so if you excuse me, I have other matters to solve.

- Sir, the American fleet is in the Adriatic Sea. My Russian friend tells me that couple of submarines of his are following them. Those beautiful toys cannot be detected by the Americans.

- Can you ask him to give one sonar signal exactly at ten? Tell the Russians, I have to demolish the ego of the Americans now, this night. I’ll be with them soon after. Now I have to improvise a little. Just give me a sign if the Russians agreed. It’s time for a private chat with the American. Colonel, would you ask the President of the USA to give me ten minutes privately, ask escort him to the saloon there?


(- You didn’t have the electronic devices at that time? Like microphones in the ear, communication things.

- No, that was later. I am trying to recall that evening now, and trying to avoid all the unnecessary chats and greetings, and have to say this, because at a party there are always plenty of empty talks were going on. So let’s just concentrate on the important things now. So the American was escorted to the saloon, and we had a little chat, just the two of us.)


- Mister President, your country is in shambles. Now we can talk privately, no need to keep the usual formalities. We are closely allied with the Russians. That is not officially announced yet, but it will be very soon. We, the Confederation have an army, which is a very close match of your army. In fact, the Confederation itself is an army which have a state, to be precise. Together with the Russianswe are the strongest, greatest military power the world has ever seen. I do not want to use this force against America. Your Seventh Fleet is in the Adriatic Sea. Too close. You have no business in this part of the World. Your interest is the American Continent. The Western-Europeans don’t want you either in Europe any more. I’ll instigate them against America, if you like. I am waiting for your answer.

- By being the President of the Confederation you have the greatest power in the region. You are not answerable to anyone. I have no such power. I am answerable to Congress. I cannot make decisions on my own. You are right. America is in shambles. We are going to explore the ways to work together in the future. We realised that the power has shifted by the formation of the Confederation. We have to recognise this new block, and we will send an ambassador. That is all I can say now.

- You also can do a friendly act. My adjutant just communicated something to me. Would you permit me to invite the Admiral of your Navy to join us? Colonel, please escort the Admiral here. How is your health, mister President? Enjoy this unsurpassed vine. Vinum rexum, rexum vinorum it says on the label. It can be made only in that one place in Hungary, where the weather is just right for it. Admiral, please have a seat. Now it is 21.58 hour to be precise, or 20.58 Zulu time. Would you kindly communicate with the commander of the Seventh Fleet? Good. Please, call him now. No gimmick, Admiral, it is a matter of great importance. Thank you.

- All right, Admiral, do it. I am very interested in the outcome myself.

- What should I ask the commander, mister President? I am in contact with him now.

- It is 22.00. Ask him, if the sonar detector is in good working order. Just talk to him. No hurry. In fact, I leave you here, gentlemen, and I will return later. I think you two have something to discuss.


He walked out of the saloon. The President of Poland came to him. Old comrades they were, and old friends too.

- My friend, I think it is time to think about the future. Do me a favour. Search for the most beautiful and smartest female in Poland. I know, it is a rare combination, but you have time. We are going to have a conference in Prague some time. Bring her there. We make it a conference of philosophers, sociologists, something of that sort. How do you like the party so far?

- This Confederation is the best thing what could have happened to Eastern-Europe. The West has a match now. The Americans can’t do a thing, except swallow the pill. And the Russians are equals with us. It is a good feeling to live in a powerful state. Thanks to you, friend.

- And this is only the beginning. Poland will be much bigger in size too. Now I have something to discuss with the American President. Search for that woman. And enjoy the party, my friend.


He went back to the saloon. He asked the President, if he has anything to say to the offer that the Seventh Fleet should be somewhere else.

- Mister President, Admiral, the sonar signal has been sent by my order from a Russian stealth submarine. You cannot detect them. There are many following your fleet. In ten minutes they can send the whole Seventh Fleet to the bottom of the Adriatic Sea. I do not want to humiliate you in public. I do not want to wage war on you. All I am asking is for the Seventh Fleet to leave the Adriatic and the Mediterranean Sea. And start packing from Western-Europe. This is one of the conditions set by me, before we are going to do business with the West, so they are going to ask you officially to close down your military bases there. It is better for your reputation if you do it slowly beforehand. You, Admiral give the order to the fleet to start manoeuvring, and head to Gibraltar, and home. The submarines will follow you. Any resistance will meet unmatched response. I think I made myself absolutely clear. Enjoy the party, gentlemen. The world doesn’t have to know about this little business of ours.


Next there are the Russians to work on. It was a long struggle with them during the presidency of Hungary, and he believed he has built a friendship with the President of Russia. Without them there would have been no war, or only at the cost of much greater hardship. But Russia is a category by itself. Nobody can understand Russia by rational methods. He never tried. He approached them by appealing the Russians from the standpoint of the Empire. The Soviet Union was an Empire. He offered them a much bigger one. Now they believed him. The labour of the previous years has been yielded results. This sonar signal was the proof of it. Now it is time to explore the friendship deeper.


- Mister President, General Major, excuse me for the delay, but first I had to deal with the enemy. Thank you for the favour. You already know my adjutant general here.

- Well, mister President of the Confederation, it was my pleasure. So far everything you have said happened the way you predicted it will happen. I can see no limitation in our future friendship.

- It is great news, mister President. General Mayor, how far are you now from the top of the military?

- I have an army-corps; I am in the General Staff, but still quite far from the top.

- Maybe we can do something about your advance. Have a Garda Army, the Spetsnaz, and couple of more stars on your shoulders. What you see here and now,is a beginning, and by no means an end. If you permit me, I would like to visit you in Moscow to discuss it further. Now we don’t have enough time. All kinds of high politics going on in a party like this. The Chinese, we have to cool down.

- You have your open ticket to come whenever you wish, mister President.

- Thank you. In the meantime, if I may suggest, give a boost to the carrier of your nephew. Develop the army, and we’ll talk over the immediate necessities and possibilities in Moscow.


(- OK. So you talked to everybody. The American fleet turned around, and left. The Chinese stayed two more days, and you had an agreement with them. The West was happy; every country recognised the Confederation and has sent an ambassador to Budapest, the Polish started searching for a girl, what else is there to say? This tale is getting a little boring. Give it a boost somehow.

- Yes. Thanks for reminding me. The Russian general advanced unpredictably fast. Some old generals had hart attach, some had accidents, and some died without reason explained. So the major general advanced to the rank of colonel general, had his Garda Army, had the Spetsnaz, and advanced in the General Staff, too. My adjutants advanced to the rank of major general. They deserved it. The West built the automatized factories, sent us the precious military equipment, our army was brought to ever greater strength, the money was stable, everybody was soldier first, and citizen second, because somehow we forgot to change from the military rule of the state back to civilian rule. There was no Parliament, no elections, nothing of those idiotic things. The logistics’ hardware and programmewas brought to near perfection. There is no need for anything else for the smooth functioning of the state and the economy. Everybody was free to go wherever he wanted. The working hours were lowered to 6 hours, and everybody was happy to serve in the armed forces. Since we eliminated the scum of mankind, there were no crimes, there was no need to lock the doors, but it is boring to you. In three months after the formation of the Confederation I went to Moscow. It was time for some action. We couldn’t afford consolidation. Permanent movement was the key to success.)


- Mister President, we have achieved great success. The monetary system is working splendidly, the living standard of the masses is unprecedented in the region, and we have a military dictatorship. So it is time that we advance together. I want to offer you a third of the Ukraine and half of Belarus. Those countries are not real political entities. I offer you the parts inhibited by Russians.

- We cannot just take them or occupy them. Actually we could, but it wouldn’t look right.

- There will be a demand for the secession. We are going to have popular elections. It is already in progress. We can collaborate in the political agitation. Within a month it will be done. Half of the Ukraine is rather Polish, so they go to Poland. We had some great shifting of the borders within the Confederacy. Borders don’t mean too much anymore.

- OK. Now, what do you want for exchange?

- Karelia. It is cold, inhibited by Finnish and Lapps, and I need it to get Scandinavia into the Confederation. We need the northern brain, the genes, because we are still full of idiots. For you Karelia doesn’t mean too much. You are going to have much bigger territory in the south. All I am asking now is a signed paper that Russia gives Karelia to the Confederacy in exchange for the territory the Confederacy gives to Russia. We are going to sign an alliance in Helsinki within a month, after I give you the eastern parts of the Ukraine and Belarus. And right after that we start the expansion of both of us, together. Here are the documents to sign. You, mister President, and you, Colonel General too, please sign them now, so I have something to show the Finnish.

- All right. Let’s do it. Uncle, sign it. Here… Done. Now, we’ll have some vodka to celebrate.

- Very well. Colonel General, do you have a girlfriend? I don’t mean to be indiscreet. Just wait. That is all I am asking now. Just wait a little. Where is the vodka?


Next day he flew back to Budapest. Well before this an unexpected plague started in Africa. Algeria, Mali, Libya suffered first and suffered big time. The UN couldn’t handle the situation. The Confederation employed medical troops to help the civilians. Later we will explore this story, now let’s concentrate on the Finnish problem, and another very interesting story. The day after he returned to Budapest, asked for the chief of the military personnel office. What he wanted was the picture and data of the relatives of the leading officers of the State. Female relatives, what he was looking for, between the ages of 18 and 25. When he received the dossiers, he just put them aside for a moment.


- Protocol, I want the ambassador of Finland to come here tomorrow by 10 AM, for breakfast.


(- Because by that time I had the logistics in place, and just had to say something, and there was somebody from every department in the staff. The General responsible for the logistics has done an excellent job by building up the system from the top down to the local level. So I just had to ask, and everything was done efficiently by specialists of the given field, not by elected idiots like before.)


He looked over the dossiers. The Commander of the Army did have a niece, beautiful, but too young. Others were too ugly, too old, not enough education, so he just called the officer to take the dossiers back. Have to look for a candidate somewhere else.

- Didn’t find anything, Sir?

- The niece of the General would do, but she looks too young.

- That picture is three years old. She is almost 19 by now. She is a student in the University here. I believe history of art and languages she studies. No wonder you didn’t know about her. The family is kind of hiding her. Since her uncle became the Commander of the Army, they do not want any public embarrassment. She is still a virgin.Kind of.

- Why would that be an embarrassment? Give it to me straight, colonel.

- She is a virgin, because she never really had a boyfriend.

- I could never have figured it out myself, colonel. I told you to be straight to the point.

- She is bisexual, I believe. That explains her unusually high IQ.

- Explain.

- The bisexual girls do not have to do those useless things the hetero girls do. So the rational side of their brain is more like the brain of the men. She is smart; beautiful, likes men too, but still undecided.

- OK. I understood. Master-sergeant, here is the address. Bring her up here. Thank you, Colonel, take the dossiers back.


When she arrived, it was dinnertime already. Mutual greetings and the food were served. Very tricky foods were served. They talked a lot about everything, and she passed the exam. She was consuming that food gracefully, she conversed in 4 languages, and almost about everything she could tell him something interesting.

- What would you say if I offered you a job? A very good job, but it takes almost all of your time. I cannot actually offer this job to anybody. You have been selected because your uncle is a high officer of the state. You are going to have an extensive training in languages, history, protocol, and the matters of the state.

- What is that job, Sir?

- Actually it has not been created yet, but soon it will be. I would be delighted if you took it.

- All right. If you say so, I take the job, whatever it is.

- Very good. You are required to live in this castle; you will have a suit, and an extensive education. Master-sergeant,bring the personal belongings of this lady here, and find a suitable place for her. You don’t have to worry about your clothes, Kate. You will be supplied with the best of the best. The protocol will take over from here. Thank you for accepting my offer. It is the matter of the state. And your name is perfect for the job too. Kate. OK, we talk much more, later,Ekaterina.


Next day the ambassador of Finland has arrived at ten. Breakfast was served, and nothing much was said. After breakfast one of his adjutant generals joined them.

- I was in Moscow, as you are aware of it. You know, the President is an old friend of mine, and while we were drinking vodka as usual in Russia, I saw one of those coloured something on the wall. How they call it, I always forget some things lately, General?

- It was a map, Sir. The political map of the World it is called.

- Ah, yes. So I looked at it, and noticed something strange. Did you know that on those maps they paint the different countries with different colours? Yes, I thought you knew it. Do we have something like that, General, here somewhere? Yes, we have. So I noticed this strange long line here. Is this familiar to you, ambassador? I thought so. What I mean is, and said to my friend, that must be very cold up there. If it is a border, somebody have to mind that borderline all the time. Poor soldiers, I said. It is no small task to be out there and brave the elements. Lots of warm clothing could be spared, if the line would be much shorter. So I asked the President, why not make that line somewhere here instead? You see? So finally he also agreed with me, and we made this short line, so his soldiers won’t have to be out in the freezing cold. He gave the rest of that land to me. But what do I do with that land? The General told me, that land used to belong to Finland. Did you know that? Of course you did. Well, that is the reason I asked you to join me and discuss this matter. This land now belongs to the Confederation. As you know, we are an open organisation of different states. If Finland wants to become the member of this Confederation I give this territory to Finland. You are all white, Mr Ambassador. Drink something. OK, General. The ambassador cannot decide in this matter, so you will fly with him to Helsinki, take the documents with you, and answer the questions they might have there. We can sign the official documents in Helsinki about 3 weeks from now. As soon as they agree, the Russian army starts the evacuation of Karelia. Have a nice trip, Mister Ambassador.


The rest of the day went by organizing, doing the matters of the state. The plague which originated in Africa has come very close. Libya, Algeria, Mali, and the surrounding territories suffered great loss. Actually they suffered so great loss that those states couldn’t function any more. The Medical Corps of the helping Confederacy was present, and evacuated the high officials of the states. In exchange the high officials have signed the alliance and joining documents to the Confederacy. About 80% of the population have died everywhere. By signing the documents, the Medical Corps of the Confederacy was the only organisation which could be in those areas officially. It meant that nobody was allowed to get in. Egypt lost about half of her population. Libya was almost totally deserted. The oil fields were taken over and run by the Confederacy. Now the plague raged in Albania. The borders have been sealed airtight. The Greek Army was asked to seal the Albanian border at the south with the help of the army of the Confederacy. While this was going on by the supervision of the Commander of the Army, the conference in Prague has commenced.


- Commander, you come with me to the conference. It’s time for some fun. How many countries havewe acquired already in Africa? We have now eight countries there, General. You work yourself to death. It is an order. The work supposed to be left to be done by able and bright officers. If you always do everything yourself, they will not enjoy working with you. The role of the real leader is to choose the right men to the right place, and let them create. So we are going to Prague, and we are going now.

- All right, Sir. My officers can do whatever there is to be done. Almost the whole of North-Africa is ours. Egypt will sign very soon. They don’t want to die. The other leaders live in luxury here, so why take chances? The oil is ours. The workers are safe. OK, let’s go to Prague. Are you going to have a speech? All right then. I can hardly contain myself.

- General, Egypt can wait. Now we have something more important things to settle. And no sarcasm.


The brain of the Confederacy was in Prague. The new philosophy and sociology was not understood by many, so it was time to bring some light into the heads of the philosophers of the World. The new economy, the scientific monetary system, the thermodynamic view of society had to be cleared for the future generations. The opening speech was for the Man himself to conduct.


- It is a great pleasure of mine to open this conference. It is still not clear for many of the philosophers that we have stepped into a new era. The monetary system of yesterday has been proven wrong more than a century ago. Yet, today only the Confederacy introduced the new, scientific monetary system into practice. In the past months it has been proven superior to the old one in practice as well as was proven superior in theory. The constant purchasing power of the money is the essence of money, and many economists just begin to realize that economy can be made a science. As the great minds of the nineteenth century realized the importance of the thermodynamic concept of free energy, the great minds of our era have realized the concept of the virtual wealth in political economy, which is the exact analogue of the free energy of the thermodynamics. There is only one science out there. The concepts of one field can be taken and should be taken to other fields, because there are just a few laws to recognize as real laws. Less law we have, the more advanced science and philosophy become. More laws mean that we still have not recognised the really important ones which really do matter and govern nature and society. Thermodynamics is not created only for the chemistry. In the beginning it was, but later some recognition changed the original purpose.Its laws are universal. It is valid for the society as well as for chemistry or for physics. We are not talking about gases or families or countries when we are talking real philosophy. We always are thinking in and about systems, and the struggle of the mind is to figure out the parameters of the system, identify the system as real thermodynamic system, and in this process the elements of the system could be anything, molecules or people or countries. When they become a system they lose their identity, their quality. It was the great mistake of Cantor to invent his theory, but it would take us too far now. If you understand this you understand the whole range of life as well. The human mind has its own history. Mind is not something universal, not an entity by itself. It can be analysed, and two different workings of it can be recognised. These are the “allowed” or permitted workings of the mind, namely the causal creator and the teleological conqueror. You can find better names for it. Because these two are working together, many times they mix. With the mixture we’ll have the two operations which I have called “not allowed” or not permitted, namely the causal conqueror and the teleological creator. But of course you can name them otherwise if you’re brave enough to do so. Thanks for the laugh; it was a joke of course. By this analysis of the working of the brain, and the application of the laws of thermodynamics we have the whole world under our understanding and power. Knowledge is power, and this Baconian saying never lost its validity. By knowledge and understanding we can create practice for the advancement of mankind. I hope this conference will advance us to new territories of understanding and practice for the good of all. So before you all go to sleep here, I declare this conference open. Have some really great debate. You are finally free from the need of the political correctness used to be required by the liberal democratic idiots. None will be fired even if contradicts me. But you must have a good reason to do so.


He walked away while the applause was still sounding. He sat down beside the President of Poland and the General.There were couple of good brainpower-exhibitions, and then, just before the end of the first session a beautiful woman of 26 went to the podium, and started her presentation. After ten minutes the General became more agitated by listening her.

- This state of affairs is not the proper frame for the concept, and I mean it in the Hegelian sense. What we have now in front of us, is the war of cultures. In this war the opposition cannot be logically convinced or persuaded by the power of the brain. So the opposition should be eliminated instead. We are fortunate enough to live in a world of almost unlimited potentiality. The philosophy of the new generation liberated the minds of many. We have no time to wait while it will liberate the mind of everybody. The masses have no brain. The liberal democrats use their brain for the defence of the past idiocies. They were manipulated and are manipulated today outside of the Confederation. We have to conquer the whole world in order to liberate mankind. In this coming war the army is an all-important instrument, our Salvador. I personally would like to thank the Commander in Chief of the Army of our great Confederation for his honorific presence here. A new era of knighthood is about to descend on the world, and I thank the first knight, OK, maybe the second knight, and I wish him great success on the field of battle. Ladi

Date: 2015-01-29; view: 851

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