Thor and the Other GodsThor, the thunderer, Odin’s eldest son, is the strongest of gods and possesses three very precious things. He is armed with the hammer Mjöllnir, which has the special quality of returning automatically to Thor’s hand when he hurls it. He also has a magic belt, which doubles the strength of its wearer, and a pair of iron gloves.
Thor was the god worshipped by the Vikings, for, like them, he was free.
Balder (Baldur) is the best-loved of the gods. He is the son of Odin and Frigga, and is known as “the Beautiful”.
Balder is the opposite of the others: they are harsh and violent, while he is gentle and kind, pleasant and willing to help. “He is so beautiful to look at and so radiant that he gives out light, he is the wisest of the gods, the most skilful in speech and the most merciful.”
Frey is one of the most celebrated of the gods. He presides over rain and sunshine and all the fruits of the earth. His sister Freya is the most benevolent of the goddesses. She is the patroness of music, love and fertility. From her name the word Friday is derived.
Tiu is the god of war and battles. He is represented as having only one hand, some say because he can only give victory to one side, others because the missing hand was bitten off by the wolf Fenris (Fenrir). From his name the word Tuesday is derived.
Hodur (Hödr), twin brother of Balder, is the blind god of brute force and conflict.
Bragi is the god of poetry, and his songs record the deeds of warriors. His wife, Iduna, keeps in a box the apples which the gods, when they feel old age approaching, have only to taste of to become young again.
Eostre, or Ostara, is the goddess of spring, whose festival was held at the spring equinox. She lent her name to the Christian festival of the Resurrection, Easter. Her favourite animal was the hare, which to this day brings the Easter eggs to the little children.
There is another deity who is described as the evil god. His name is Loki. He is handsome and well made, but his characteristic features are deceit, disorder, malevolence and perversity. He is the father of the most horrible monsters: Hel, a hideous goddess who is the guardian of the world of the dead; the ferocious wolf Fenris (Fenrir); the Midgard serpent, which was of such an enormous size that, holding his tail in his mouth, he encircled the whole earth.
It is Loki who puts obstacles in the way of everybody and everything and forbids the world to be happy.
Date: 2014-12-22; view: 1367