| The 1948 Olympic Games in London, Kingdom Host city
| London, United Kingdom
| Nations participating
| 59[1]
| Athletes participating
| 4,104 (3,714 men, 390 women)[1]
| Events
| 136 in 17 sports
| Opening ceremony
| 29 July
| Closing ceremony
| 14 August
| Officially opened by
| King George VI[1]
| Athlete's Oath
| Donald Finlay[1]
| Olympic Torch
| John Mark[1]
| Stadium
| Wembley Stadium
| Though World War II was over, Europe was still ravaged from the war. When it was announced that the Olympic Games would be resumed, many debated whether it was wise to have a festival when many European countries were in ruins and the people near starvation. To limit the United Kingdom's responsibility to feed all the athletes, it was agreed that the participants would bring their own food. Surplus food was donated to British hospitals.
No new facilities were built for these Games, but the Wembley Stadium had survived the war and proved adequate. No Olympic Village was erected; the male athletes were housed at an army camp in Uxbridge and the women housed at Southlands College in dormitories.
Germany and Japan, the aggressors of World War II, were not invited to participate.
There was one major snafu at the Games. Though the United States had won the 400-meter relay by a full eighteen feet, a judge ruled that one of the U.S. team members had passed the baton outside of the passing zone. Thus, the U.S. team was disqualified. The medals were handed out, the national anthems were played. The United States officially protested the ruling and after careful review of the films and photographs taken of the baton pass, the judges decided that the pass had been completely legal; thus the United States team was the real winner. The British team had to give up their gold medals and received silver medals (which had been given up by the Italian team). The Italian team then received the bronze medals which had been given up by the Hungarian team.
Though there had been much debate as to whether or not to hold the 1948 Olympic Games, the Games turned out to be very popular and a great success. Approximately 4,000 athletes participated, representing 59 countries.

Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1041