The Stuarts had ruled Scotland since 1371, but James VI of Scotland was the first Stuart king of England.
1603 James VI of Scotland becomes James I of England uniting the two kingdoms
1605 Guy Fawkes is thwarted when he tries to blow up Parliament.
1606 The Union Flag adopted as the National Flag
1620 The Pilgrim Fathers set sail for New England from Plymouth, aboard the 'Mayflower'
1624-30 War with Spain
1626-29 War with France
1629 Parliament dissolved by King Charles
1642 - 1651 Civil War
1649 King Charles executed
1649-1650 Cromwell's conquest of Ireland
1650 - 1652 Cromwell's conquest of Scotland
1652 Tea arrives in Britain
1653 Cromwell proclaimed Lord Protector
1660 Restoration of the Monarchy under King Charles II
1664-1665 The Great Plague breaks out and up to 100,000 people die in London
1666 Great Fire of London
1689 English Bill of rights 1689
From now on England's monarchs would rule in partnership with Parliament. All Catholics barred from the English throne.
1692 William III massacres the Jacobites at Glencoe
1707 Act of Union between Scotland and England. The Scottish parliament was dissolved and England and Scotland became one country.
Georgian Britain
In 1714 the British throne passed to a German family, the Hanoverians.
1714 George of Hanover, Germany succeeds Queen Anne to the Throne
1721 Sir Robert Walpole becomes the first Prime Minister
1746 Bonnie Prince Charlie is defeated at the Battle of Culloden
1757 First canal in Britain is completed
1776 America declares independence from Britain
1780's Industrial Revolution Begins
1783 Steam powered cotton mill invented by Sir Richard Arkwright
1788 First convict ships are sent to Australia
1796 Edward Jenner invented a vaccination against small pox
1800 Act of Union with Ireland
1801 The first census. Population of Britain 8 million. Ireland made part of the United Kingdom
1804 Richard Trevithick built the first steam locomotive
1805 Lord Nelson defeats Napoleon at the Battle of Trafalgar
1807 Abolition of Slave Trade
1815 Duke of Wellington defeats Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo
1825 World's first railway opens between Stockton and Darlington
1829 Robert Peel set up the Metropolitan Police force
1834 The Poor Law set up workhouses, where people without homes or jobs could live in return for doing unpaid work.
1837 Queen Victoria becomes Queen at the age of 18
The Victorians lived over one hundred and fifty years ago during the reign of Queen Victoria (1837 to 1901) and was a time of enormous change in this country. In 1837 most people lived in villages and worked on the land; by 1901, most lived in towns and worked in offices, shops and factories. Britain managed to build a huge empire during the Victorian period. It was also a time of tremendous change in the lives of British people. In 1837 most people lived in villages and worked on the land; by 1901, most lived in towns and worked in offices, shops and factories.
During Queen Victoria's reign:
Britain became the most powerful and richest country in the world, with the largest empire that had ever existed, ruling a quarter of the world's population.
Towns and cities got piped water, gas and, by the end of the century, electricity
The number of people living in Britain more than doubled from 16 million to 37 million, causing a huge demand for food, clothes and housing.
Factories and machines were built to meet this demand and new towns grew up, changing the landscape and the ways people lived and worked.
Railways, originally built to transport goods, meant people could travel easily around the country for the first time. Railways brought new foods to towns and cities.
Soldiers were at war all over the world especially in 1850 - 1880.
Many households had a servant or servants – in 1891, 2 million servants were recorded in the census
Seaside holidays were 'invented' (became popular).
Police Force 'invented'.
At the beginning of the Victorian period crossing the Atlantic took up to eight weeks. By 1901 it took about a week.
New cookers and gadgets for the home were invented.
1840 The first postage stamps (Penny Post) came into use
1842 Mines Act ended child labour
1845 - 1849 Ireland suffered the Great Potato Famine when entire crops of potatoes, the staple Irish food, were ruined. The famine was a consequence of the appearance of blight, the potato fungus. About 800,000 people died as a result of the famine. A large number of people migrated to Britain, the United States, Canada and Australia.
1850s The first post boxes were built
1851 The Great Exhibition. Census showed just over half of Britain's population (of 20 million) lived in towns
1854 Crimean War
1854 A cholera epidemic led to demands for a clean water supply and proper sewage systems in the big cities
1856 Britain defeats Russia in the Crimean War
1860 The first public flushing toilet opens
1861 Death of Prince Albert
1863 London Underground opens. The foundation of the Football Association
1868 Joseph Lister discovers disinfectant
1868 The last public hanging
1869 The first Sainsbury's shop open in Dury Lane, London
1870 Education Act means school for everyone
1871 Queen Victoria opens the Albert Hall
1876 Alexander Bell invented the telephone. Primary education was made compulsory
1877 The first public electric lighting in London
1883 First electric railway
1887 The invention of the gramophone
1891 Free education for every child
1901 Population of Britain 40 million
Modern Britain
1902 Britain defeats Dutch settlers in Boer War in South Africa
1902 The first old age pension
1914 1918 First World War. Compulsory military service and food rationing introduced
1920 Republic of Ireland gains independence
1937 Sir Frank Whittle invents the Jet Engine
1939 - 1945 The Second World War
1951 Festival of Britain
1952 Elizabeth II becomes Queen
1953 Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II
1973 Britain joins the European Community
1979 Margaret Thatcher becomes Britain's first woman prime minister
1982 Falklands War
1991 Gulf War
1991 Sir Tim Berners Lee invents the World Wide Web
1994 Channel Tunnel links Britain back to the European continent
1999 Welsh national assembly and Scottish parliament