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Unit 3: The First Consonant Shift, or Grimm’s Law ………………………10

1. International investment and its institutions

2. The main features of intellectual products evaluation

3. State policy of foreign investment attraction

4. Characteristics of the stock instruments of the securities market: investment certificates

5. The concept of innovation, the innovation process, the stages of the innovation process

6. The concept and the factors of the investment climate



Basic analytical performance of the financial condition of the enterprise


# Indicator Symbol Formula Sources Economic content Direction
1 Indicators of economic status
1.1 The share of current production assets in working capital Sc.p.a     Current production funds Current assets F.น1,r.100+ +r.120 + 270 F. น1, r.260 + r.270 Begin:0,3841 End:0,4925 The share of working capital in the production area Increasing
1.2 Share of fixed assets in total assets   S f.a.   Residual value of fixed assets Assets   F. น 1,r.030 F.น 1,r.280 Begin:0,7706 End:0,7525   The share of funds invested in fixed assets in the currency balance Reducing under constant sales
1.3 Ratio of fixed assets depreciation   R d.     Depreciation of fixed assets Original cost of fixed assets F. น 1,r.032 F. น 1,r.031 Begin:0,547 End:0,5606 The level of physical and moral depreciation of fixed assets   increasing
1.4 Renewal rate of fixed assets     R r.   The increase of the original cost of fixed assets in the reporting period Original cost of fixed assets F. น 1 (growth for r.031 ) F. น 1 , r.031 Begin:0,0001   The level of physical and moral renewal of fixed funds Increase under exclusion of inflation factor
1.5 The share of long- term financial investments in assets S l.a.     Long-term financial investments Assets F. น 1 r.040 + r.045 F.น 1,r.280 Begin:0 End:0 The share of investments in currency balance; reducing diversification risk Do not have
1.6 The share of current production assets S c.p.เ.   Current production funds Assets F. น 1 ,r.100+ +r.120 + r.270 F. น1,r.280 Begin:0.0114 End:0,1219 The share of mobile production assets in currency balance Increasing
1.7 Ratio of assets mobility R mob.   Mobile assets fixed assets F. น 1, r.260 + r.270 F. น 1,r.080 Begin:0,2977 End:0,3289 Working capital per unit of fixed capital, the potential for converting assets into liquid funds Increasing  



2 Indicators of business activity (resource efficiency, capital turnover, assettransformation)
2.1   Turnover of assets (turnover), resource efficiency, the rate of transformation R t.     Net sales revenue (NR) Assets   F. น 2, r.035 F.น1,r.280 Beg:0,42 End:0,45 Received net sales revenue per unit of funds invested in assets Increasing
2.2 Fixed assets productivity     P f.a.     NR fixed assets F. น 2,r.035 F. น1,r.030 Beg:0,54 End:0,59 Revenue per unit of fixed assets Increasing  
2.3 Working capital turnover ratio (turnover) R t-o.     NR working capital F. น 2, r.035 F. น 1, r.260 + r.270 Beg:1,81 End:1,8 Number of working capital turnover for the period, revenue per unit of working capital decreasing
2.4 Period of one working capital turnover (days) P t-o. 360 /R t-o. Beg:198,9 End:200 The average period from funds expending for production to getting the sales revenue increasing
2.5 Stocks turnover ratio (turnover) R t-o.s.     Cost Average stocks F. น 2,r.040 F. น1, r.100 + r.120 + +r.130+ + r.140 Beg:2,2 End:2,5 Number of working capital invested in stocks Increasing
2.6 Period one inventory turnover (days) P t-o.s. 360/ R t-o.s. End:163,64 Beg:144 The period of stocks transformation for funds reduction
2.7 Receivables turnover ratio (turnover) R t-o.r. NR Average receivables F. น2,r.035 F. น 1,r. 050 + + r.170 + r.180 + + r.190 + r.200 + + r.210 Beg:8,36 End:7,82 How many times revenue is higher than the average receivables decreasing
2.8 The period of repayment of receivables (days) P p.r.   360/ R t-o.r.   Beg:43,06 End:46,04 The average collection period of receivables Increasing
2.9 Turnover of finished goods R t-o.g.     NR Finished goods F. น2,r.035 F. น1,r.130 Beg:6,51 End:10,85 How many times revenue exceeds average stocks of finished products Increasing  
2.10 The period of repayment payable (days) P p.p.   (Average payables) ๕ 360 Cost F. น1,r.500+ +r.520+r.530 + +r.550 +r.580 F. น 2, r.040 Beg:0,26 End:0,2     The average payment period of short-term debt decreasing
2.11 The period of operating cycle (days) P ๎.c. Total periods of stock and receivables P ๎.c.= P t-o.s.+ P p.r. Beg:206,7 End:190,04 The duration of the transformation of materials resources for cash Decreasing
2.12 The period of the financial cycle (days) P f.c. P f.c.= P ๎.c.- - P p.p.   Beg:206,44 End:189,84 The period of funds turnover Reduction,
2.13 Owned capital turnover ratio (turnover) R o.c NR Owned capital F. น 2, r.035 F. น 1,r.380 + +r.430+r.630 Beg:0,49 End:0,53 Net sales revenue per unit of owned assets Increasing


3 Indicators of profitability
3.1 Profitability of assets on profit from ordinary activities R o.a.   Profit from ordinary activities Assets F. น2,r.190 F. น 1,r.280 Beg:0 End:0 profit from ordinary activities per unit of funds invested in assets   Do not have
3.2 Profitability of assets for a net profit R เ.   Net profit Assets F. น 2,r.220 F. น 1,r.280 Beg:0 End:0 net income per unit of assets invested in funds Do not have
3.3 Profitability on owned capital R o.c.   Net profit Owned capital F. น2, r.220 F. น1,r.380 Beg:0 End:0 net income per unit of owned capital Do not have
3.4 Profitability on production assets R p.a. Net profit Production assets F. น 2,r.220 F.น1,r.030+r.100++r.120 Beg:0 End:0 net income per unit of production assets Do not have
3.5 Profitability of sales on profit from sales R Q Profit from sales Revenue F. น 2, r.050-r.070 -r.080 F. น2,r.035 Beg:-0,02 End:-0,04 Profit from sales per unit of sales revenue looses
3.6 Profitability of sold products at a profit from operating activities R o Q     Profit from operating activities Revenue F. น2,r.100 F. น 2,r.035 Beg:0 End:0 operating income per unit of revenue Do not have
3.7 Profitability of sales for a net profit R n Q   Net profit Revenue F. น2,r.220 F. น 2,r.035 Beg:0 End:0 net income per unit of revenue Do not have
3.8 Coefficient of reinvestment C r. reinvested earnings Net profit   F. น 1, growth for (r.340 + r.350) F. น 2,r.220 Beg=End=can not be net income capitalized; net profit aims to increase owned capital Can not be
3.9 Coefficient of stability of economic growth ส s.e.g. reinvested earnings Owned capital F. น 1, growth for (r.340 + r.350) F.น 1,r.380 Beg:-0,1 End:-0,12 Growth rate of the owned capital from net profit decreasing
3.10 Ratio of interest paid and profits R%,p   The cost of interest payment Profit from ordinary activities F. น3,r.060 F. น3,r.010 Beg: Paid interest on loans per unit of profit In foreign practice to 38.8% - nomal value, 88.6% of over-anxious
3.11 Capital payback period า c. Assets Net profit     F. น 1,r.280 F. น 2, r.220 Beg=End=can not be Period during which the funds invested in assets will be offset by net profit Can not be
3.12 Owned capital payback period   า o.c.   Owned capital Net profit   F. น 1,r.380 F. น 2, r.220 Can not be Period during which the owned capital will be offset by net profit Can not be



4 Indicators of financial stability
4.1 Own current assets (working, functioning capital) O a.   (Owned capital + Long-term liabilities – nonworking assets) or (current assets - current liabilities)   F. น1, r.380+r.430 + +r.480- r.080 or F. น1,r.260 + +r.270-r.620-r.630 Beg:397,8 End:442 Current assets that are financed by owned capital and long-term liabilities Increase
4.2 Coefficient of own funds C o.f. Own working assets working capital F. น1, r.380+r.430-r.080 F. น1,r.260+r.270 Beg:0,36 End:0.38 Ultimate conversion of assets in liquid funds Increase;    
4.3   Maneuverability of working capital ฬ w.c.   Inventories Working capital F. น1, r.100 + r.120 + +r.130 +r.140 F. น 1, r. 260 + r. 270 - -r.620 - r.630 Beg:1,97 End:1,79   The share of stocks in own working capital reduction  
4.4 Maneuverability of own working capital ฬ o.w.c.   funds Own working assets   F. น1, r.230 + r.240 F. น1,r.380 + + r.430 - r.080 Beg:0 End:0,02   Share a completely liquid assets in own working capital, providing financial freedom to maneuver Increase
4.5 Ratio of own working capital reserves R w.c.     Own working assets Inventories F. น1, r.380 + r.430r.-080 F. น 1, r.100 + r.120 + +r.130+r.140 Beg:0,51 End:0,56 Stocks that have the least liquidity within current assets, secured by long-term stable source of funding Increase
4.6 Ratio of inventories R i.     "Normal" source covering stocks Inventories F. น1,r.380+ + r.430 + r.480- -r.080 + r.500 + + r.520 + r.530 + ____r.540_____ F.น 1, r.100 + r.120 + +r.130 + r.140 Beg:0,61 End:0,66 own funds, long-and short-term liabilities per unit of funds invested in stocks Increase
4.7 Coefficient of financial independence (autonomy) C aut     Owned capital Liabilities F. น 1,r.380 + +r.430 +r.630 F. น1,r.640 Beg:0,86 End:0,85 It characterizes the opportunity to meet external liabilities of the enterprise from its own assets and its independence from debt sources Decreasing
4.8 Coefficient of financial dependence C f.d.   Liabilities Owned capital F. น 1.r.640 F.น1,r.380 + + r.430 + r.630 Beg:1,17 End:1,18 total sources per unit of owned capital Increasing  
4.9 Ratio of maneuverability of owned capital R m     Own working assets Owned capital F. น1,๐380+r.430+ +r.630 -r.080 F.น1,r.380 + + r.430+r.630 Beg:0,1 End:0,11 The share of own current funds in owned capital Increase;
4.10 Concentration ratio of debt capital R d.c. borrowed capital Liabilities F. น 1, r.480 + r.620 F. น 1,r.640 Beg:0,15 End:0,15 loan capital per unit of total sources The same  
4.11 Ratio of financial stability R f.s.   Own funds Borrowings F. น1,r.380 + +r.430 + r.630 F.น1,r.480+r.620 Beg:5,85 End:5,48 Provision of debt by own funds Normative value >1  
4.12 Indicator of financial leverage F l.   Long-term liabilities Own funds F. น 1.r.480 F. น1,r.380 + + r.430 + r.630 Beg:0 End:0   Characterizes the dependence of companies on long-term liabilities Do not have  
4.13 Factor of financial stability F f.s. Owned capital + Long-term liabilities Liabilities F. น1,r.380 + + r.430 + r.480 + r.630 F น1,r.640 Beg:0,85 End:0,85   The share of stable funding sources in their total F f.s.= =0,85  



5 Indicators of liquidity (solvency)
5.1 Current liquidity ratio (cover) R c.l.   Current assets Current liabilities F. น1,r.260 F. น1,r.620 Beg:1,57 End:1,61   It characterizes the adequacy of working capital to pay off debt during the year Increase;  
5.2 Quick liquidity ratio R q.l.   Current assets - Inventories Current liabilities F. น1,r.260- -(r.100 + r.110 + + r.120 + r.130 + ____+r.140)_____ F. น 1,r.620 Beg:0,45 End:0,52   the most liquid assets per unit of urgent debts Increase  
5.3 Absolute liquidity ratio R a.l.     funds Current liabilities F. น1, r.230 + r.240 F. น1,r.620 Beg:0 End:0,01   It characterizes the readiness of the enterprise to immediately eliminate short-term debt Increase;  
5.4 Ratio of short-term receivables and payables   R r.p. Receivables payables F.น 1,r.160 + +r.170+r.180 + +r.190 + + r.200 + r.210 F.น 1, r. 520 + r.530 + +r.540 Beg:4,01 End:4,43   The ability to pay off creditors by debtors within one year Increase



Unit 3: The First Consonant Shift, or Grimm’s Law ………………………10

Unit 4: The Accent Shift and Verner’s Law.......... ………………………11

Rhotacism................................................... …………...................12

Unit 5: Vowels ..................................................... ………………………13

The Palatal Mutation.................................. ………………………13

Unit 6: The Early Germans................................... ………………………15

The Life and Social Organization of the Germans ……………..16

The Great Migration................................... ………………………18

Unit 7: Ancient Germanic Tribes and their Classification ……………..20

The Proto-Germanic Language.................... ………………………21

Unit 8: The East Germanic Group......................... ………………………22

The Goths................................................... ………………………22

Ulfilas and the Gothic Bible........................ ………………………22

Unit 9: The North Germanic Group........................ ………………………25

Unit 10: Northern Mythology................................. ………………………27

The Joys of Valhalla................................... ………………………28

Thor and the Other Gods............................ ………………………29

The Death of Balder.................................... ………………………30

Unit 11: The West Germanic Group....................... ………………………31

Unit 12: Old English............................................... ………………………34

Three Periods of the History of English..... ………………………37

Unit 13: Old English Alphabet and Pronunciation. ………………………37

Unit 14: Some Phonetic Changes of the OE Period Stressed Vowels……..41

Unstressed Vowels..................................... 42

Consonants................................................ 43

Word Stress............................................... 45

Unit 15: The Noun................................................. 46

Unit 16: The Adjective........................................... 51

Unit 17: The Pronoun............................................. 54

Unit 18: The Verb.................................................. 58

Gradation, or Ablaut.................................. 58

Mutation, or Umlaut.................................. 59

The Grammatical Forms and Categories of the verb 60

Unit 19: Strong Verbs............................................. 61

Weak Verbs................................................ 64

Preterite-Present Verbs............................... 65

Irregular Verbs........................................... 67

Unit 20: The Middle English Period....................... 68

Early Middle English.................................. 68

Changes in the Orthographic System......... 69

Unit 21: Middle English Phonetic Changes............ 71

Consonants................................................ 71

Stressed Vowels:

(1) Quantitative Changes............................ 72

(2) Qualitative Changes.............................. 73

Unit 22: Middle English Morphology

Nouns......................................................... 75

Articles....................................................... 76

Pronouns.................................................... 77

Adjectives................................................... 78


Unit 23: Formation of the National English Language 80

Unit 24: The Great Vowel Shift.............................. 82

Unit 25: The Mood................................................. 84

Unit 26: Development of the System of Verbids and Their Grammatical Categories 87

Unit 27: Syntactic Structure.................................... 89

Unit 28: Varieties of English 91

Unit 29: Etymological Composition of the English Vocabulary.................................... 93

Unit 30: The Connection of the History of the English Language with the History of the English People 97

Supplement............................................................. 100

Bibliography........................................................... 120


Unit 1

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