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Let's analyze why there exists such mechanical phenomenon, as a "collision" of elementary particles.

First, let's find out what we call the "collision".

Collision - this is the point of contact between two particles, at least one of which is certainly to this was in the process of movement. Directly the strike of particles each other - is a collision of Ethers. Ether filling particles and emitted by them collides. About collision of Ether filling the particles, we speak in respect to the particles Yin in the case of inertial motion as of particles Yin and Yang. As for the collision of emitted Ether, it refers to particles Yang.

There are three reasons for collision of particles:

1) An attraction of particles;

2) A repulsion of particles;

3) An inertial motion of one or both of the particles.


1) Collision in the process of attraction.

Collision in the process of attraction will occur both if an attracted particle has a Field of Attraction, and in the event that an attracted particle has a Field of Repulsion. When two particles interact with each other (are attracted) and come closer to each other in the course of this, the final moment of their approach - contact - just be collision (impact). If an attracted particle has a Field of Repulsion, then rapprochement with an attracting particle and thus their collision will occur only if the Field of Repulsion of attracted particles is less in modulus of the Field of Attraction of attracting particle. If the Field of Repulsion of an attracted particle in modulus is greater or equal to the Field of Attraction of attracting particle an rapprochement (and impact) of the particles will not happen.

2) Collision in the process of repulsion.

Collision during repulsion occurs in the following situations.

Primarily emitted Ether meets Ether emitted by another particle Yang. It is also a variant of collision. Or emitted Ether hits Ether filling the particle Yin.

A particle with a Field of Repulsion emits Ether and is adjacent to another particle - Yin or Yang. If it is adjacent to the particle Yin, the rate of emission of Ether exceeds the rate of its absorption of Ether by the particle Yin. In this case, both particles diverge, since the volume of Ether emitted by the particle with the Field of Repulsion between them increases. Moving away from each other, the particles meet on the path and other particles and collide with them.

If the particle, which is adjacent to the particle with a Field of Repulsion is also a particle Yang, the rate of repulsion of the particles is even more. And also it does not avoid collisions with other particles in the way.

Or, for example, Yang particle is composed of conglomerate of particles, for example, of the chemical element. There are such types of chemical elements in which on the periphery due to the abundance of particles Yang there are zones (and even the entire surface), which manifests outside not the Field of Attraction but Repulsion Field. So here is not even a Field of Repulsion of single particle Yang on the surface and a Field of Repulsion of the given zone as part of the conglomerate will repel free particles moving past. First, the emitted Ether banging in particle flying by - it is a variant of collision. And secondly, a particle with repelled by Ether emitted by a conglomerate, collides with the particles, which met on the way. This case is very common.

3) Collision in the process of inertial motion.

The third case of collision of particles - this is when at least one of them was to impact during the movement. In this case, the collision - is also the moment of contact of the particles.

This case differs significantly from the first variant of collision. That collision during inertial motion is the cause of many important for us natural processes and phenomena. So let's take a review of the case of collision longer.

In the real conditions can collide:

1) Two free particles;

2) A free particle and a particle in a conglomerate of particles (e.g., such as a chemical element);

3) Two different particles in conglomerates of particles.


1) The collision of two free particles.

A) Both particles were before collision in the process of inertial motion.

B) One of the particles before the collision was in a state of inertial motion, and the second - in the "true quiescence".

The expression "true quiescence" means that the immobility of the particle is not associated with holding it in any Field of Attraction (for example, about the bodies on the surface of the planet we say that they are in quiescence, as it were, "forgetting" that the planet itself is moving). True particle in quiescence is still just anywhere in the ethereal field.

Let's look at the mechanism of particle collisions on the example of the last case, where only one particle moves by inertia, while the second is in a true quiescence.

Movement of free elementary particle is always inertial. The Force of Inertia makes to move it by inertia – i.e. tendency of Ether filling the particle to move away from Ether emitted by this particle (its rear hemisphere). Let us remind you that the particle motion relative to the ethereal field accompanied by the transformation of the particle. When the particle moves by inertia, A Field of Repulsion must exist in it, regardless of whether this particle has a repulsion field out of the transformation process. At the same time the front hemisphere of the particle does not emit Ether – Ether of ethereal field through which the particle moves prevents to this. Ether of ethereal field does not let to go outside the Ether, created by the particle, forcing it to stay in the particle. And as a result this Ether is used by this particle itself for the destruction.

So inertially moving particle does not emit Ether by its front hemisphere. If Ether was emitted, it could interfere the particle to contact with the surface of the particle, which met on the way, i.e. colliding with it. And because the front surface of the inertially moving particle does not emit Ether, nothing prevents it to collide with the particles which occur in its path.

However and here there are some restrictions, and they are caused by the quality of particles in quiescence on the way.

When on the way of the inertially moving particle there is another particle and between them there are no particles, the following occurs.

In a moving particle by inertia there is an Inertial Force. And another Force adds there to this one. It is the Force of Attraction if greeted on the way particle has a Field of Attraction or the Force of Repulsion if the particle has a Field of Repulsion. A compulsory condition in this case is the location of particle encountered on the same line along which the particle moves by inertia.

1) The Force of Attraction we should sum with the Inertial Force. This is explained by the fact that the vectors of both forces are in the same direction. The speed of the inertial motion of a particle depends from the Force of Inertia. And the speed with which an attracted particle approaches the attracting depends from the Force of Attraction. Summing the forces, we sum and the speeds. And as a result the particle velocity is equal to the sum of two speeds.

V in. + V f.att. = ​​V sum.,

where V in. - is the speed of inertial motion, V f.att. - is the speed of ethereal flow of the Field of Attraction, V sum. - is the total velocity of the ethereal flow.

The speed of rapprochement of the inertially moving particle with the particle with the Field of Attraction depends on two factors:

1) The magnitude of the Force of inertia;

2) The magnitude of the Force of Attraction.

The Inertial Force acts in this case as a constant. But the Force of Attraction is proportional to the Field of Attraction of an encountered particle. The more is the Field of Attraction, the greater is the Force of Attraction. And the higher is the rate of approach of the inertially moving particle to the particle at quiescence. The Force of Impact (Force of Collision) represent in this case the sum of the above two forces - the Force of Inertia and the Force of Attraction. Accordingly, the greater is the Force of Inertia and the greater is the magnitude of the Field of Attraction of oncoming particle, with greater force the moving particle collides with a stationary one.

And that's not all. At the moment of contact (collision) of a moving particle with a particle at quiescence, having a Field of Attraction, there is a transfer of a portion of Ether from the particle with the Field of Repulsion to the particle with the Field of Attraction.

As has been said, an inertially moving particle has a Field of Repulsion, i.e. emits Ether. A particle in quiescence with a Field of Attraction absorbs Ether. When a particle with a Field of Repulsion touches the surface of the particle with Field of Attraction, Ether, which have not been emitted before by the front hemisphere of the particle emitted starts to emit by influence of the Field of Attraction of neighboring particle. Because the particle with the Field of Repulsion loses Ether, there is decreasing of the amount of Ether emitted by its rear hemisphere – i.e. the Force of Inertia decreases. That's why in collisions of moving particles with particles having Field of Attraction, the speed of inertial motion of the particles gradually decrease with each collision. Incidentally, we should mention here that this phenomenon of the transfer of Ether underlies the gradual slowing of bodies in collisions with other bodies.

2) If the particle in the place of contact has Field of Repulsion, then it is the cause of the Force of Repulsion. And this Force of Repulsion should be subtracted from the Force of Inertia, since the vector of Repulsion Force is reversed.

A particle with Field of Repulsion emitting Ether increases its amount between itself and the inertially moving particle, preventing their rapprochement.

If the Inertial Force is more in modulus than the Force of Repulsion, their rapprochement of the particles happens anyway and they will contact – i.e. will collide.

If the Inertial Force is equal in modulus than the Force of Repulsion, rapprochement (and collision) will not happen. Inertially moving particle will like "slip in place". In this case the Inertial Force does not disappear. A particle will move through Ether emitted by the counter particle, but one iota it shall not come near.

In the same case, if the Inertial Force is less in modulus than the Repulsion Force, there will be a gradual distancing of the inertially moving particle from the counter particle. The speed with which Ether will fill the space between the particles is greater than the speed of the inertial motion of a particle. Herewith the particle will also save the state of inertial motion through Ether emitted by the counter particle.


Date: 2015-01-29; view: 898

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