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An ethereal flow, causing Ether of the repelled particle move away from excess of Ether, i.e. from the object with Field of Repulsion we call as the "Force of Repulsion”.

Naturally, in contrast to the process of gravity a connection between repelling particles does not form. There can be no question about connection between the particles. Suppose two particles are gravitationally bound. But as a result of transformation one of them or both at once changed the Gravitational Field on the Repulsive Field. The mechanism of antigravitation comes into action immediately, and the particles repel each other, i.e. a connection is broken off.

Magnitude of Repulsion Force depends on the same three factors as magnitude of the Force of Attraction:

1) Magnitude of Repulsion Field of the particle (the chemical element or body) serving the cause of Repulsion Force;

2) The distance between a source of Repulsion Field and an investigated particle;

3) A quality of repelled particle.

Let's consider an effect of all these factors.

1) Magnitude of Repulsion Field of an object is the cause of Repulsion Force.

Magnitude of Repulsion Field of the particle - is the speed of absorption of Ether by its surface. Accordingly, the higher is the speed of absorption of Ether, the greater is magnitude of Repulsive Force caused by this particle in an investigated particle.

2) The distance between the source of Repulsion Field and an investigated particle.

Explanation of dependence of magnitude of Repulsion Force on the distance similar to the description the reason for which the Force of Attraction depends on the distance.

An elementary particle is a sphere, and if to move away from it, an amount of space surrounding the particle will grow concentrically. Accordingly, the farther away from the particle, the greater is the volume of Ether, surrounding the particle. Each particle with the Field of Repulsion emits Ether into surrounding ethereal field at a certain rate. The rate of emission of Ether by the particle - that is originally inherent to this particle the value of Repulsion Field. However, the farther away from the particle, the greater an amount of Ether will surround it. Accordingly, the farther away from the particle, the smaller will be the rate at which Ether is moving away from a given particle (i.e., the smaller the velocity of an ethereal flow is) - i.e. the smaller is the value of Repulsion Field. Thus, we say, first, about an originally inherent to the particle magnitude of Repulsion Field, and second, about the magnitude of Repulsion Field at a certain distance from the particle.

The further an investigated particle is from the particle with the Field Repulsion, that causing in it a Repulsive Force, the smaller is the magnitude of this Force.

3) The quality of repulsive particles.

Of course, the quality can be any. This may be as a particle with the Field of Attraction and with the Field of Repulsion.

And the value of the Field can be any. If we are talking about repelled particle with the Field of Repulsion, then why does on the value of Repulsion Force of the particles affects the quality of its own? All the matter is that any particle with the Field of Repulsion emitting Ether, thereby constantly creates around a so-called "ether pillow". It turns out that a particle will be additionally repelled by the "ethereal pillow", which it constantly creates from the other side, where the repelling particle is situated. And the rate of creation by the particle of the "ethereal pillow" corresponds to the rate of emission of Ether by itself, i.e. of its value of Repulsion Field.

In modern physics, there is no the Law of Universal Repulsion similar to the Law of Universal Attraction, opened by Newton. And in vain. We do not understand why such law has not been formulated still, because its manifestations are not less evident than the demonstration of the Law of Gravitation. Take at least the known fact, as the rise of heated air up.

If there is no the law, there is no formula that describes the interaction of objects, at least one of which is the cause of Repulsion Force. But we will correct this misunderstanding.

By analogy with the formula for the Law of Gravitation, but not of Isaac Newton, and with that derived by us in the article about gravitation, we will make the following formula for the Law of Antigravitation:

F = (am1/ r) + am2 where am1/ r – it’s antimass of a repelling object computed for a given point, i.e. given the distance and am2 – it’s antimass of the repelled particle.

As you can see, in this case we also use not a multiplication of antimasses and their addition. In order to know at some point in time the rate at which investigated repelled particle moves away from its repulsive object, we need not to multiply their Repulsion Fields (antimasses), and namely to sum. Repulsion Field – is a rate of emitting of Ether by the object. In order to know the velocity of the particles it is necessary to sum the rate of ethereal flow generated by the repulsive particle, i.e. the value of its Repulsion Field at a given point, as well as the velocity with which the repelled particle is repelled by the created it own "ethereal pillow".

We take the antimass of the repulsive particle and add to it the Repulsive Field of the repulsive particle, calculated at the given point, i.e. given the distance. To do this, we take no initial value of antimass of the repulsive object and the antimass, divided by the distance.

This formula is only suitable for those occasions when the repelled object itself has the Field of Repulsion, i.e. antimass. If repelled particle is characterized by mass (i.e., generates an Attractive Field), the formula will change somewhat. We will give the formula below.


Let's look at details of the mechanism of anti-gravitation on the example of particles of different quality.

A thought experiment conducted by us will occur in ideal conditions – i.e. in the totally empty space. One of interacting particles necessarily has the Field of Repulsion.

1) Both interacting particles have Repulsion Fields.

A) The value of Repulsion Fields of both particles equals.

In this case, each of the particles is both repulsive and repelled. A Force of Repulsion caused by the action of the second repulsion field of interacting particles caused by the action of the Repulsion Field of the second of interacting particles arises in every particle.

Let two particles initially are separated by some distance. Because equality of Fields of Repulsion both particles drift apart at a constant speed. The speed of distancing is constant because the constant is the rate of emission of Ether in the particles.

B) The value of Repulsion Field of one of the particles is greater then Repulsion Field of another particle.

Even though in this case the value of Fields of Repulsion varies, the mechanism of their repulsion from each other is similar to the above. Only in one of the particles a Force of Repulsion arises - in the repelled one, i.e. in that where the Field of Repulsion is less. A repulsive particle is one in which a Repulsive Field is more. It generates a Repulsive Force.

A repelled particle will move away from the repulsive one with equal deceleration. Deceleration is related to a concentric increase of the volume of the space with distance from the particle emitting Ether. Distancing speed of the particle at each time point is proportional to the value of appearing in it the Repulsion Force. The more is the Repulsive Force occurring in the particle, the greater is the speed of alienation of the particle at the given moment.

2) An attracted particle has Field of Repulsion.

In this case, the Repulsion Force arises only in one particle - one that has a Field of Attraction. A particle with Field of Repulsion causes this Force.

Since the repelled particle has a Field of Attraction, it causes in a repulsive particle a response Force - the Force of Attraction.

There will be distancing or approach of the particles, or the distance between them remains constant, independent of the value of Repulsion Force in the repelled particle and Attractive Forces in repelling one. If two forces are equal in magnitude, the distance between particles will remain unchanged. If the value of Repulsion Force is more in modulus, the particles will be distancing. And if the value of the Force of Attraction is more, then the distance between the particles will be reduced.

And here is the formula for calculating the initial Repulsion Force in a repelled particle, which itself has a Field of Attraction.

F = ( Am/r) - m, where am/r is antimass of the repelling object computed for the given point, i.e. given the distance and m - is the mass of repelled particle. Note here we make no addition of the Fields of Repulsion and Attraction, and their subtraction. Subtraction is for the reason that the Field of Attraction of repelled particle reduces the rate at which in each time point the particle tends to move away from the repulsive particle. As you can see, the process is a mirror opposite of what we have described for the attraction of particle with the Field of Repulsion.




Chemical elements of the mineral kingdom consist of elementary particles only of the Physical Plan. The plants also include particles of the Astral Plan. And in the bodies of animals there are even the particles of the Mental Plan. In the three Plans - physical, astral and mental - the number of particles Yin (with the Fields of Attraction) prevails over the number of particles Yang (with the Fields of Repulsion). So at the bottom of the atmospheric ocean, on a solid surface of the planet where we live, the percentage of particles Yin is more. Moreover, of all the elements of the planet, of the solid and liquid portions of its surface the force of attraction acts on all.

Thus, in the world around us the predominant part of chemical elements relates to the mineral kingdom. Consequently, mostly we are surrounded by elementary particles of the Physical Plan. They are characterized by a significant predominance of Force of Attraction over the Repulsion Force. So for us, it is easy to observe in the surrounding bodies mainly the manifestations of the gravity. Something dropped on the ground - that's you and the manifestation of the Law of Gravitation.

To observe the manifestations of the Repulsive Forces it’s a little more complicated. It is for this reason the Repulsion Force – or otherwise antigravitation – by science is still not recognized. Although there are very much of natural phenomena and processes explained by the Law of Repulsion.

In the physics literature in the sections of electromagnetism the Repulsion Forces are mentioned along with the Forces of Attraction. But as still as gravitation and electromagnetism scientists didn’t link to each other well, then the existence of an antipode for gravitation, like the electromagnetic Repulsive Force, did not is recognized. As a result, since the time of Isaac Newton's in classical physics there is only the Law of Universal Gravitation.

If a Repulsion Force does not appear in nature along with a Force of Attraction, it would not have been possible such phenomena as the disintegration of chemical compounds and change of the physical state of matter towards a more rarefied. If there is not a Repulsive Force, our bodies was flattened into a pancake on a solid surface of the planet. And the Earth itself would be a tiny superdense celestial body.

Such physical process, as an extension of the bodies during their heating indirectly points to existence in Nature of Repulsive Forces. Or such as rising up of heated air.


Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1078

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