A mechanical process and a mechanical phenomenon - are special cases of physical process and physical phenomenon.
A process - is an event, occurring in time.
A phenomenon can be viewed either as an event selected at some point of time of a process, either as a generalized name of a process.
Accordingly, we understand under a mechanical process any mechanical event having time frames. We will call as a mechanical phenomenon the same mechanical process, but in a more general form, without specifying that it has any time limits.
There are four basic mechanical processes. They correspond to the four basic mechanical phenomena, each of which summarizes the mechanical process with the same name. In this section we talk about mechanics of elementary particles, so we formulate concepts related to elementary particles. Here are four basic mechanical processes and phenomena:
1) Attraction of elementary particles;
2) Repulsion of elementary particles;
3) Inertial motion of elementary particles;
4) Collision of particles.
Mechanical properties of elementary particles - are their characteristics that manifests (are disclosed) in those processes and mechanical phenomena, in which particles involved.
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Let's draw a parallel between the main mechanical processes (and phenomena) and mechanical properties of elementary particles, which in this case are revealed.
1) The phenomenon of "Attraction of particles" reveals their following mechanical property - an ability to approach with other particles and keep them near, i.e. an ability to form and maintain a connection with other particles. This mechanical property (i.e. this ability) belongs only to particles with Fields of Attraction.
2) The phenomenon of "Repulsion of particles" reveals the following mechanical property of particles - an ability to move away from other particles, i.e. an ability to keep a distance between itself and other particles. In particular, the ability to weaken or break existing connections (e.g., an increase in the total number of particles with Fields of Repulsion in elements linked chemically, can lead to rupture of the connection).
3) The phenomenon of "Inertia of particles" reveals an ability of particles to maintain a state of inertial motion. And as a distinguishing feature of particles of different quality it reveals an ability of particles to keep the initial speed during the motion.
4) The phenomenon of "Collisions of particles" reveals two mechanical properties of elementary particles:
a) An ability of particles to be brought into the state of inertial motion;
b) An ability of particles to lead other particles into the state of inertial motion.
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 973