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Book 2




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All books of the series "The Teaching of Djwhal Khul - Esoteric natural science" are created during a meditative contact of the disciple (author) with the consciousness of the Teacher (the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul).

I’ll try to describe this process.

I (disciple) tune. I went into a state of meditation, move away from earthly concerns and start to concentrate on the theme that I want to understand and properly interpret for myself. Or just I go into a meditative state and in this state find in my mind "above" something like a mental parcel – some theme, a question that requires a parsing and concentrated consideration. Either this topic is known to me or may be entirely new. I will not know until look at this. A viewing is almost instantaneous. And now I'm in the needed state for work. It’s desirable that both the physical well-being is consistent to the high level of a mental-emotional activity. Therefore, slow walks are the most desirable time for such meditative contacts.

If a level of my motivation is high, i.e. it’s great the desire to understand the issue – a communication is much easier, and any noise did not interfere.

Such sessions are like telepathic lessons.

The Messages from the Teacher are the thought-packages. They descend to the brain and become a "trigger" to the start of thinking on this theme.

In parallel, I am preparing for them - read books, watch the studied processes and phenomena, visualize, meditate on given topics. Hours and days, hours and days. Even weeks and months were needed sometimes for consideration of a single, particularly difficult issue. I can say that absorption of detailed, basic information on the occult and the various fields of science took me about 4-5 years. There were times, especially in the beginning when I could not understand many things. I highly strained and suffered when it turned bad.

First 1.5 years there was a kind of automatic writing. I was immersed into the trance state and just fixed on the paper that appeared in the brain. I realized all that I wrote down. However, I realized that it was not completely my thoughts. This period was in some way, a preparatory training. And the most important and interesting began then. During this time (1.5 years), I studied the method of perception of impressions sent telepathically. Thoughts of the Master were very clear, energetic and highly demanding of immediate fixation (otherwise they will be missed, and they will have to be retransmitted). So I went everywhere with pens and notebooks, and constantly wrote what causes surprising and curious glances of provincial residents that by the way did not care me. Let get used to the image of a writer, I thought to myself.

As the assimilation of transferred material, and reading of more and more number of scientific and esoteric literature (more - scientific), I gradually became a full member of the creative process of writing of articles for the books. Together we worked out the language in which it was possible to pass a new terminology necessary to describe natural phenomena and processes exactly from our point of view. I say "our" - in fact, I have long ago become "their", teachers, worker. Therefore, I say "our".

By the end of 6 -7- year apprenticeship I am so imbued with the spirit of the new transmitted teachings that could now without a constant control of the Teacher explain most of things happening in the world. Any scientific book became for me truly open, unsolvable issues and problems disappeared. Everything has become absolutely clear. The Laws of Attraction and Repulsion, Transformation and Identification truly run the show in the universe. At least in this universe. If to recognize the nature of these laws then you will understand the meaning of science.





In this book, ethereal mechanics serves as an alternative to the quantum mechanics. And quantum mechanics as is known, aims to understand the nature and the laws of the behavior of elementary particles. That ethereal mechanics seek to the same goal. An alternative title – is Mechanics of elementary particles (Souls)

Quantum mechanics is really has found its footing in the early XX century in connection with the discovery of radioactivity. The phenomenon of radioactivity was a proof that substances (chemical elements) are composed of smaller constituent parts – elementary particles. With some of the principles of quantum mechanics we agree, with others – does not. In the future, we will talk about this in more detail.

In addition, we do not share the propositions of relativistic mechanics (with some exceptions). We remind you that as the basis of relativistic mechanics the special theory of relativity, of Albert Einstein was laid down.

In relativistic mechanics, there is expressed the view that objects of microcosm in its movement and behavior in general are subject to the entirely different laws of mechanics, rather than macroscopic objects, i.e. allegedly the laws of classical mechanics can’t be applied to micro-objects, such as elementary particles.

We do not agree with these theses.

It may seem surprising, but classical mechanics is the key to solving of all problems in physics, chemistry, astronomy and biology. The laws of this mechanics underlie of absolutely each natural phenomenon, but not exactly in the form in which they currently exist.

When we talk about bodies – dense, liquid or even gaseous, we think that everything that happens to them is very natural. Bodies move – by inertia, under an influence of gravity, or by continuous exposure (pressure) to them by other bodies. Also, they are deformed or destroyed. Anyone is free to watch it all, describe, and explore. That is what scientists around the world are doing.

However, these methods are completely inappropriate for the study of micro-world – chemical elements and elementary particles – stable and unstable. Their sizes are too small, so we can’t directly observe visually them and how they behave. Hence, all the problems and challenges of quantum physics and the plethora of theories seeking to discover the nature of the microcosm and the laws by which it exists.

In this work, the Ageless Wisdom Teachers in the face of one of them – Master Djwhal Khul – defend the position according to which a structure of any body eventually reduced to only one elementary particles. All is constructed of them. Indivisible elementary particles – are stable particles. Unstable particles – are conglomerates collected from stable particles. In turn, the smallest conglomerates build the bigger ones, and so on – as long as we see the bodies appreciable of view.

And if you accept, at least temporarily the claim that everything is built from the stable elementary particles (souls), then it would be logical to assume that the laws that govern the mechanical behavior of bodies, are suitable and for that from which these bodies are built, that is, for particles. Moreover, you have to realize that mechanics of a body consists of mechanics of each smallest component in its composition. And if the particles obey to any other Laws of behavior, then, of course, and the bodies are woven from the particles would be guided by the same Laws.

Let us recall the well-known occult expression – "As above, so below". Bodies are attracted because the particles have the ability to attract in their composition. And the repulsion of bodies takes place only due to the fact that a certain type of particles is repelled in their composition. And inertial motion of a body – is the result of inertia of the particles.

We urge you not to invent something new where not fully understood and used the old one. Let's take a chance to review the laws of classical mechanics, given the fact that the space is filled with souls (particles). As well as let’s formulate new laws. Relying on the old revised and the new laws let’s try to lay the foundations of mechanics of Souls (elementary particles) – of Ethereal Mechanics. We are confident that the laws of classical mechanics can be successfully used to explain all the phenomena of the microcosm. And we will try to show that in this book.




A) Particles Yin – absorbing Ether – form in the ethereal field of the Universe Fields of Attraction.

Ether tends to move to such particle in accordance with the first principle of the behavior of Ether – "In the ethereal field voids do not appear". This moving in the direction of the particle ethereal flow is a Field of Attraction.

Every particle Yin absorbs per unit of time a fixed amount of Ether. Because an ethereal field is uniform everywhere, has no compression or sparseness, we can talk about a speed of absorption of Ether. A speed of absorption will just indicate an amount of Ether, absorbed by a particle per unit of time.

B) Particles Yang – emitting Ether – form in the ethereal field of the Universe Fields of Repulsion.

Ether tends to move away from such particle in accordance with the second principle of behavior of Ether – "In the ethereal field the areas with excess density do not appear". This ethereal flow moving away from the particle – is a Field of Repulsion.

Each particle emitting Ether emits per unit of time a fixed amount of Ether. Emission speed indicates the amount of Ether emitted by particle per unit of time.



Now let's draw a parallel between the physical term that exists in science – mass and the concepts frequently used in this book – Fields of Attraction and Repulsion.

Particles with Fields of Attraction (Yin) are responsible for the process of gravitation - that is, for attraction to them of other particles. A Field of Attraction – this is mass.

Particles with Fields of Repulsion (Yang) are responsible for the process of anti-gravitation (still unrecognized by official science) – i.e. for the process of repulsion from them other particles. In science, there is not compliance with the concept of Repulsion Field; therefore, we will have to create it. Thus, a Field of Repulsion – is antimass.



I do not think that only I want to combine a formula describing the gravitational interaction of bodies (the Law of gravity) and the formula devoted to the interaction of electric charges (the Coulomb's law). So let's do it!

Need to put an equal sign between the concepts of mass and positive charge, as well as between the concepts of antimass and negative charge.

A positive charge (or mass) characterizes the particles Yin (with Fields of Attraction) – i.e. absorbing Ether from ambient ethereal field.

A negative charge (or antimass) characterizes the particles Yan (with Fields of Repulsion) – i.e. emitting Ether into surrounding ethereal field.

In fact, mass (or positive charge) and antimass (or negative charge) points us to the fact that the particle absorbs (or emits) Ether.

Regarding the principle of electrodynamics that there is a repulsion of equal sign charges (both negative and positive), and an attraction to each other of opposite sign charges, it is not entirely accurate. And the reason for this – is the not quite true interpretation of experiments on electromagnetism.

Particles with the Fields of Attraction (positively charged) never repel each other. They only attract and are attracted. But particles with the Fields of Repulsion (negatively charged), indeed, always repel from each other (including from the negative pole of a magnet).

Particles with the Fields of Attraction (positively charged) attract to themselves any particles: negatively charged (with the Fields of Repulsion) and positively charged (with the Fields of Attraction). However, if both particles have Fields of Attraction, then those of them whose Gravity Field is more, increasingly shift to its other particle than it does a particle with a smaller Field of Attraction.



In physics a matter is bodies, as well as chemical elements from which these bodies are built and yet elementary particles. In general it can be considered approximately true the use of the term in this way. Matter in fact, from the esoteric point of view, is Force centers, i.e. elementary particles. Chemical elements are built up of elementary particles, and bodies – of chemical elements. But eventually turns out that all consist of elementary particles. But to be accurate, then we see around us not the Matter, and Souls – that is, elementary particles. An elementary particle in contrast to the void space (i.e., in contrast of Soul to Matter) is endowed with the quality – in it Ether appears and disappears.

The concept of substance can be considered as synonym with the used by physics concept of matter. Substance – is, quite literally, what constitutes things surrounding a person – that is, chemical elements and their compounds. Chemical elements, as already mentioned, consist of elementary particles.

For the substance in science there are concepts-antonyms – anti-substance and antimatter, which are synonyms to each other.

Scientists recognize an existence of antimatter. However, what they take to be anti-matter, in reality is not that. In fact, antimatter always is on hand of science and was indirectly discovered a long time ago, since then experiments on electromagnetism are began to conduct. A manifestation of its existence we can constantly feel in the world around us. Antimatter in the universe came together with matter at the very moment when elementary particles (Souls) appear. Substance – it’s particles Yin (i.e. particles with Fields of Attraction). Anti-substance – it’s particles Yang (particles with Fields of Repulsion).

Properties of particles Yin and Yang are directly opposite, in connection with which they are well suited to the role of the required matter and antimatter.



An elementary particle always tends to move together with Ether, which currently fills it in the same direction and with the same speed. Ether – is a moving factor of elementary particles. If Ether that fills the particle is motionless, and the particle is immobile too. And if Ether, filling the particle, is moving, the particle is moving too.

Thus, because there is no essential difference between Ether of the ethereal field of Universe and Ether of particles, all Principles of Ether behavior are applicable to elementary particles. If Ether, which currently belongs to a particle, moving toward a deficiency of Ether (according to the first principle of behavior Ether – "In ethereal field voids do not occur") or moves away from an excess (in accordance with the second principle behavior Ether - "In ethereal field areas with excessive density do not occur"), the particle is moving with it in the same direction and with the same speed.



Force – is one of the fundamental concepts in physics in general, and especially in one of its sub-sections – in mechanics. But what is it, how to characterize it and to support by something existing in reality?

To begin, let’s open any Physical Collegiate Dictionary and read the definition.
"Force in mechanics – is a measure of the mechanical action on this material body of other bodies" (PED, "Force", ed. AM Prokhorov).

As you can see, Force in modern physics does not carry information about something specific, real. But at the same time the manifestations of Force are more than concrete. To remedy the situation, we need to look on Force from the position of the occultism.

From the esoteric point of view a Force – it is nothing like Spirit, Ether Energy. And a Soul, as you recall, this is also Spirit, only it is "folded like a ring". Thus, both the free Spirit – is the Force and Soul (locked Spirit) – is the Force. This information will greatly help us in the future.

Despite some vagueness of the definition of Force, it has quite real implications. This is not an abstract concept, as it appears in physics today.

Force – is the reason that compels Ether to move toward its deficiency or go away from its excess. We are interested in Ether enclosed in elementary particles (Souls), so for us a Force – is, first of all, the reason that drives particles to move. Any elementary particle – is the Force, as it directly or indirectly affects on other particles.

Force can be measured by the speed with which Ether filling the particle (in other words, the particle itself) move under the influence of the Force if on it would act other forces. That is, the speed of ethereal flow coercing particles to move, this is the magnitude of this Force.

Let us classify all types of forces arising in particles, depending on a reason, which causes them.



The cause of this Force is any deficiency of Ether, appearing anywhere in the ethereal field of the Universe.

That is, the cause of arising in a particle a Force of Attraction is any other particle that absorbs Ether – i.e. forming a Field of Attraction.



The cause of this Force is any excess of Ether, appearing anywhere in the ethereal field of the Universe.

That is, the cause of arising in a particle a Force of Repulsion is any other particle emitting the Ether – i.e. forming a Field of Repulsion.



The cause of this Force is emission of all produced by a particle Ether not by its entire surface, and only the rear hemisphere (in the direction of its movement).

Inertial Force arises in a particle only due to the fact that there exists a Field of Repulsion - and an Inertial Force can be considered as a special case of Repulsion Force.

The difference between these forces is that a Repulsion Force is a tendency of a particle to move away from the external for it the source of Ether, but an Inertial Force – is a tendency of a particle to move away from Ether, which emits by itself.



Any moving particle itself is not an ethereal flow (as opposed to real ethereal streams created by the lack or excess of Ether in the ethereal field). But, nevertheless, due to the fact that particles are filled with Ether, an effect of the action of a moving particle on the particle along the way, much like an action of the Field of Repulsion.

The similarity lies in the fact that in each of these cases the particle tends to move away from pressing on it Ether – from Ether filling the particle, or from Ether of Fields of Repulsion. The difference lies in the fact that is, if the particle is fixed by some Field of Attraction (for example, by Field of Attraction of a chemical element) and can’t freely move with pressing on it Ether, in the case of the action of Repulsion Field the Ether of this Field pass through it. Ether enters into the particle and transforms it. But Ether filling a particle can’t leave it and enter in another particle, which presses and, accordingly, its transformation doesn’t occur.

The most common example when in particles the Pressure Force on the part of the other particle is formed – is collision of particles.

A pressure on a particle very often leads to arising the Force of Inertia and the beginning of its inertial motion.

A) A particle, putting pressure on the other particle is free (not part of any conglomerate particles) and moves on their own – by inertia.

Accordingly, at the time of collision it has a Field of Repulsion and an Inertial Force acts in it. However, due to the fact that the ethereal field, relative to which it moves, offers resistance and displaces emitted by the particle Ether to the back, the particle pressing not with Ether of the Field of Repulsion, and with the filling it Ether.

B) A particle putting pressure is a part of the conglomerate of particles, such as a chemical element.

A chemical element, in turn, is a part of the body which is just moving by inertia.

As a result, the particles in the elements on the surface of the body put a pressure.

Not all particles of elements of the body moving by inertia form a Repulsive Field at the moment of inertial motion. Therefore, the pressure of the analyzed particle may put as a particle with a Field of Repulsion and a particle with a Field of Attraction. However, in any case, the Ether filling the particle puts the pressure on the studying particle. Even if it is a particle with a Field of Repulsion, as emitted by it Ether is displaced during the inertial motion back under the pressure of surrounding ethereal field.


So, let's summarize and give definition to all 4th types of Force.

Force of Attraction – is a reason that causes a particle to move in the direction of appearing anywhere in the ethereal field of the universe a lack of Ether.

Force of Repulsion – is a reason causes a particle to move away from appearing anywhere in the ethereal field of the universe an excess of Ether.

Force of Inertia – is a tendency of a particle to move away from its own Ether emitted by its rear (on the direction of moving) hemisphere.

Force of Pressure of the particle surface – is a tendency of a particle to move in the same direction that and pressing on it other particle.




Let us ask ourselves the following question – why Forces are capable to influence on elementary particles? Or you can say otherwise – why do particles obey to Forces?

In the books, films and TV programs on physics we can hear or read the following statements: "The force with which the body is exposed to…", "The force that was applied to the body…", etc. How to interpret the deeper meaning of these phrases?

We must start with a reminder that Force – this is a reason that causes particles (Souls) to move in the Space. Each of the four existing types of Forces affects on the Souls (particles) – i.e. drives them – in a manner somewhat different from the rest. The Force of Attraction makes particles to approach. The Force of Repulsion and the Force of Pressure of the Particle Surface repel particles. The Force of Inertia pushes forward the emitting this Force (this Ether) particle. But despite this difference, the reasons for which particles obey to the Forces, fully fit into the framework of two principles of behavior of Ether, which we described in the book “The main occult laws and concepts”. Because particles are nothing more than Ether. Let us recall the main points about these two regularities.

Two principles manage by distribution of Ether in the universe. You can call them "Nature abhors a vacuum" and " Nature abhors a surplus". In other words –"In the ethereal field voids do not occur" and “In the ethereal field areas with excessive density do not occur".

All existing in the universe Ether tends to evenly fill every point of Space. Hence, the first principle of behavior of Ether - "In nature there is no void". The expression "Nature abhors a vacuum" in this case means that, if at any point of Space Ether disappears, ambient ethereal field "flows" in this direction, creating an ethereal flow.

How is it going a movement of Ether in the direction of deficiency of it? Ether, adjacent to the place where some Ether disappears rushes there. As a result, the place where it has just been is released. In its place, Ether rushes, which coexisted with it, and is further from the place where Ether disappears. And in its place Ether rushes, located further away from the place of deficiency of Ether. And so on to infinity.

As a result to the place of deficiency of Ether from the ambient ethereal field an ethereal stream moves.

Thus, Spirit (Ether) does not allow the Space being empty, i.e. devoid of Ether.

This principle of Ether behavior is the basis of the mechanism of gravity – an attraction to each other of objects ranging from such as elementary particles.

The second principle of behavior of Ether - "In nature there is no excess" - meaning that if at any point of the Space, there is an excess of Ether, that Ether surrounding this point begins to move away from this point. Otherwise you can say that arising Ether pushes surrounding Ether.

This principle, like the previous one, also applies to Ether in elementary particles.

This principle is the basis of the mechanism of anti-gravity - that is, a repulsion of objects.

If areas with deficiency or excess of Ether did not arise in the ethereal field of the universe, then all existing Ether would be absolutely motionless. But an existence of elementary particles in Space is the reason that Spirit of the universe is constantly in motion, striving in any direction. It either tends to distance itself from a emerging nearby redundancy (forming by particles with Fields of Repulsion), or tends to approach to the failure occurring nearby (forming by particles with Fields of Attraction). All Ether, moving to a particular place where there is a deficiency of it, or moving away from the place where there is an excess, forms an ethereal flow. An existence of ethereal flows is a consequence of the first and second principles of behavior of Ether.

Any unit of Ether volume at each moment of time is a part of any ethereal stream – i.e. seeks to distance itself from the excess of Ether or approach to deficiency. Elementary particles may play the role of "units of the Ether volume". Especially that it is in fact - each elementary particle is a sphere that has a certain volume (the same for all particles).

Ether, which belongs each moment of time the elementary particles is not different from the free Ether. Therefore Ether of any elementary particle at each moment of time included in the composition of any ethereal stream - i.e. tends to move away from an excess of Ether or approach to a deficiency. Elementary particles tend to move together with filling them ethereal waves. Any tendency that arises in an elementary particle - to move away from an excess of Ether or approach to a deficiency, this is the "subordination to the Force".

Only one of four Forces – Force of Attraction – is based on the principle of approximation to a deficiency of Ether. All other Forces – Repulsion Force, Force of Pressure and Force of Inertia – are based on the second principle – separation from the excess of Ether.

So we have told about the reasons that make the particles to obey. Any elementary particle is a cause of emergence of the Force (Attraction or Repulsion – this is a prerequisite) in all other particles of the universe. And at the same time, any particle is the point of application of Force Fields of all other particles of the universe. Optional (but not necessarily) particles may become a source of Force of Moving Particle or point of their application of other particles. And in a moving particle a Force of Inertia can arises.





Force is closely linked with the concept of pressure.

Force is Ether, Energy. Free Ether emitted by particles, is a Force. This Ether (i.e., this Force) is able to put pressure on bodies, i.e. to impact mechanically – and to move them, deform and destroy. At the same time Ether filling particles – it is also a Force. That is, each elementary particle – its surface – is a Force. And when any particle moves and collides with other particles, it put pressure on them.

The first of these Forces – free, emitted Ether – is associated with particles Yang, since exactly they emit Ether. Particles Yang – are Forces of Repulsion.

The second Force – is Force of pressure of the particle surface. Any moving particle – whether Yin or Yang – represents a Force of Movement. That is, a moving particle acts as a Force – it can exert pressure.

The third Force is Force of Attraction. Particles Yin absorbing Ether when they are motionless nevertheless also are Forces. But this Force is special, unlike the previous two. Because that the Gravity Field created by such particle does not lead to pressure of the particle on another (unlike the above two cases). However, the Gravity Field of a particle Yin is the cause, first, of the pressure on this particle by other particles Yin that are attracted to it, and secondly, of the pressure exerted by the particles Yin each other in their aspiration to be attracted to our particle. This latter case of pressure we can observe in the world around us when we are in the heavenly body – in the planet. Solid and liquid bodies, aiming towards the center of Earth, press on each other. Each of us can feel this pressure by its own body, if, for example, put on the palm any object, even a book. Elementary particles of chemical elements of the book are gravitated by particles Yin of chemical elements of the Earth. Because of this, the particles of the book put pressure on each other, and on the particles of the hand.

The last of the Forces – is Force of Inertia. Ether emitted by rear hemisphere of a moving particle presses only on the particle itself.

Thus, particles Yin and Yang may either themselves act as Forces (their surface), or become an indirect cause of a Force – particles with Fields of Repulsion generate Forces of Repulsion and particles with Fields of Attraction give rise to Forces of Attraction.

We remind you once again that a Force – it is nothing like Ether (Energy) – either free (emitted), or enclosed in a particle. And there are only four types of forces – Repulsion, Attraction, Pressure of Surface of the particle and Inertial.

All four of these types of Forces are the cause of the pressure on particles – either on free, or on ones that in conglomerates of particles. Pressure caused by any of three Forces, is not different from pressure of other types of Forces. Pressure of emitted Ether is exactly the same as pressure of a moving particle. And it is completely identical to pressure the cause of which – is a Force of Attraction. That is, free Ether presses as well as Ether, enclosed in an elementary particle. The only difference between pressure of free Ether and pressure of particles - is that free Ether, exerting pressure on a particle, at the same time is able to pass through it, break down in it, and heat it in a such way (transform it). By the way, atmospheric pressure is exactly this type of pressure. It is capable to heat bodies on the surface of the planet, passing through them. But when a particle surface presses on a particle, Ether of the particle can’t enter into the particle, and consequently, can’t transform (heat) it.


Date: 2015-01-29; view: 851

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