Use of libraries. Directive INCLUDELIB. INCLUDE filename - Directive are inserted in the text of the program text file similar to the team preprocessor C # include. Often used to include files containing constant definitions, structures, and macros. INCLUDELIB filename - directive, indicating the name of the linker additional library or object file that will be required in the preparation of the program. For example, if you use a procedure or treatment to the data defined in other modules. Use of this directive can not specify the names of additional libraries when invoking the linker.
20) Placement of data in external modules. Translation by TASM means.
Turbo Assembler (TASM) - a software package of Borland, intended for development of programs in assembly language for architecture x86. In addition, TASM can work together with translators with high-level languages firms Borland, such as Turbo C and Turbo Pascal. Like other software packages Series Turbo, Turbo Assembler is no longer supported.
TASM is still used to teach programming in assembly language for architecture x86. [Citation needed day of 1364] Many people find it very comfortable and continue to use, expanding the range of additional macros. [Citation Day 1364]
The package comes with TASM Turbo Linker and linker generates code that can be debugged using the Turbo Debugger.
By default, TASM is in compatibility mode with another common assembler - Microsoft Macro Assembler, that is, TASM can translate source code developed under MASM. In addition, TASM has a mode of IDEAL, which improves the syntax of the language and extends its functionality.
21) Translation by MASM means.
Macro Assembler (MASM) - assembler for family processors x86. It was originally produced by Microsoft for writing programs in the operating system MS-DOS and has been for some time the most popular assembler available to her. It supports a wide variety of macromedia and structured programming idioms, including the construction of a high-level retry procedure calls and alternations (so MASM - a high-level assembler). Later, [when?] Added the ability to write programs for Windows. MASM - one of the few development tools Microsoft, for which there were no separate 16 - and 32-bit versions.
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1319