Method of calculating the final grade.The level of educational achievements of students in each discipline is determined by the final evaluation, formed from the evaluation rating admission to the examination (average scores on the current and midterm control) and evaluation of the final control (examination).
Exam admission rating (as a total score of midterm 1 and midterm 2) should make up at least 60 points.
Rating admission (RA) exam is defined as follows: evaluation (rating 1 + rating 2): 2 (arithmetic mean).
Rating 1 (also rating 2) is determined from the sum of all the estimates of the control, divided by the number of ratings A + rating midterm control, divided by 2 (arithmetic mean).
Below is the order of accumulation of points, the example taken conditionally discipline.
During the first 7 weeks of the semester in the discipline have 7 assignments for which the student received the following estimates of the maximum possible 100 on each task: 70, 86, 65, 59, 91, 76, 56 The average score of the current control (CC) is determined by the arithmetic mean: (70 + 86 + 65 + 59 + 91 + 76 + 56): 7 (count) = 72 (71.85). (TC1)
On the midterm control 1, the student received a 65 (BC1) of 100 maximum.
Rating determined by R1 = 1 (CC1 + BC1): 2, i.e., (72 + 65) 2 = 69 (68.5).
In the subsequent 8 weeks of the same term in the discipline provides 6 execution of assignments for which the same student received 52, 35, 96, 63, 45, 87.
The average score of the current control is: (52 + 35 + 96 + 63 + 45 + 87): 6 (count) = 63 (CC2). On the midterm control 2 student was 83 (BC2) of 100 maximum.
Rating 2 will be P2 = (CC2 + BC2) 2, ie, (63 + 83) 2 = 73.
Rating admission will be: RA = (69 + 73) 2 = 71 points
For example, a student / graduate student in the exam (final control - FC) was -65 points. In this case, the final assessment (FA) will be: 71 (RA) * 0.6 + 65 (FC) * 0.4 = 68, which corresponds to a letter grade C, the traditional evaluation of "satisfactory", the digital equivalent amount - 2.08 (used to calculate the GPA). If a student in the exam got below 50 points, the final score is not displayed and the student in the discipline arises academic debt.
Students who have not passed the course work (projects) are not eligible for the exam. (If the course work provided by WC)
Absence from lectures unexcused reduces assessment handed assignments ___ points, the absence of practical and laboratory classes lead to a downgrade handed assignments _____ points.
In case of valid reasons assignments on the missed classes can be made for
Evaluation the level of achievements is done in accordance with the letter system accepted in credit technology of education from À to F, corresponding to percentage content from 0 to 100%.
Grade in points (P)
| Digital equivalent (D)
| Grade in letters’ system (L)
| Grade (according to traditional system (Ò)
| 95-100
| À
| Excellent
| 90-94
| 3,76
| À-
| 85-89
| 3,33
| Â+
| Good
| 80-84
| 3,0
| Â
| 75-79
| 2,67
| Â-
| 70-74
| 2,33
| Ñ+
| Satisfactory
| 65-69
| 2,0
| Ñ
| 60-64
| 1,67
| Ñ-
| 55-59
| 1,33
| D+
| 50-54
| 1,0
| D
| 0-49
| F
| Unsatisfactory
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 820