Familiarise yourself with academic conventions for completing assignments, unless told otherwise written work should be:
- Word processed
- On A4 paper
- Text should be 12 point, and be 1.5 or double spaced
- The font should be either:
- Arial
- Times New Roman
- Helvetica
- There should be a line space between paragraphs
- Pages should all be numbered consecutively
- You can only go over or under the word count by 10%
- Brief quotations (of one, two or three lines) should be set in inverted commas within a sentence:
The author remarks, ‘It was a revealing example of traditional industrial patronage’.
- Quotations of more than three lines should be indented and typed single spaced without quotation marks:
At no time in the history of industrial art has this lack of contact between artist and industrialist been so unfortunate, for the contemporary designer is qualified for active partnership in industry by his lucidity of purpose.
Numbers, Dates and Titles
- Numbers up to nine, when included in the text, should be written in words. 10 and above should be given in figures. E.g. the model was four feet long, 866 workers were employed.
- Dates should be written as follows: 20 September 1949
- Decades should be written thus: the 1970s
- All titles (for books, articles, films, plays etc.) should be underlined or typed in italics, not placed in quotation marks; e.g. in that year he wrote Industrial Art Explained.
- Be consistent, if you use underlined titles in the text, then titles must be underlined in the bibliography also.
- Detailed data (for example, statistics, technical information, a questionnaire or the text of an interview may be put into Appendices at the end of an essay (after the bibliography).
- Appendices should be referred to by a note in round brackets; e.g. (for statistics on annual production, see Appendix 1).
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1163