1. Comment on the following quotes:
· “Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter” (Chapter 1).
· You change too often…(Chapter 1).
· “All influence is immoral” (Chapter 2).
· “The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it” (Chapter 2).
· “It is part of myself. I feel that” (Chapter 2).
· “That would be a murder” (Chapter 2).
· “If a man is a gentleman, he knows quite enough, and if he is not a gentleman, whatever he knows is bad for him” (Chapter 3).
· “A great poet, a really great poet, is the most unpoetical of all creatures” (Chapter 4).
(Chapters 5-8)
Chapter 5
FDandy – old-fashioned a man who spends a lot of time and money on his clothes and appearance.
Chapter 6
FPuritan [ÈpjU«rIt«n] – someone with strict moral views who thinks that pleasure is unnecessary and wrong.
FIndividualism [ÇIndIÈvIdjU«lIz«m] – the belief that the rights and freedom of individual people are the most important rights in a society.
Chapter 7
FCovent Garden [Çkv«nt ÈgAùd«n] – an opera house and major performing arts venue in the London district of Covent Garden. The official name is The Royal Opera House.
Chapter 8
F The Louis XV style or Louis Quinze [ÇluùiùÈkQnz] was a French Rococo style in the decorative arts, and, to a lesser degree, architecture. The style was characterized by supreme craftsmanship and the integration of the arts of cabinetmaking, painting, and sculpture. French furniture of the period was highly ornamental and elegant, and designed to mesh with the rest of the home décor.
Sow poppies in one’s garden = to forget
1. Learn the pronunciation and meaning of these proper names
Beatrice [ÈbI«trIs] – one of the central characters in the comedy Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare
Cordelia [kùÈdiùlI«] – a central female character in the play King Lear by William Shakespeare
Desdemona [ÇdezdIÈm«Un«] – a central character in William Shakespeare’s play Othello.
Ophelia [«UÈfiùlI«] – one of the central female characters in the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare
Portia [ÈpùS«] – the heroine of William Shakespeare’s play The Merchant of Venice
Reneissance [r«ÈneIs«ns] – the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe in the 14th – 16th centuries; the spirit, culture, art, science and thought of this period.
Rosalind [Èrz«lInd] – the romantic female lead in the comedy As You Like It by William Shakespeare
Venetian [v«ÈniùS«n] – related to or characteristic of Venice
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