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Comprehension Aspect


Ex. 1. Match the following words on the left with the appropriate antonyms on the right:

human adversary
current to permit
water to fail
to succeed soil
supporter inhuman
to ban out-of-date


Ex. 2. Some of the following sentences can be incorrect. Find the mistakes and correct them.

1. Environmental chemistry should not be separated from green chemistry, which seeks to reduce potential pollution at its source.

2. Environmental chemistry heavily relies on analytical chemistry, quantitative chemical analysis being a key part of it.

3. Common analytical techniques including classical wet chemistry, such as gravimetric, titrimetric and electrochemical methods are used in the determination of trace metals and organic compounds.

4. Particle counters and Scintillation counters are most commonly used for toxicity evaluations of chemical effects on various organisms.

5. Unfortunately, nowadays homocentric system by which all natural goods are used just for human exploit is governing in world's philosophy, although number of supporters of ecocentric system based on ecosystem is rising as well.


Ex. 3. Complete the following passage using the words from the box.


primary goal, impact, dirty, energy resources, means, obsolete, acceptable, geothermal energy, fossil fuels, coal


The biggest pollutions on our planet are the result of (1) … use. Modern society is simply unthinkable without gasoline, oil, and (2) …, as they are dominating industrial world. The governments of rich states instead turning to alternative (3) … like wind energy, sun energy and (4) … are still more focused on decreasing the pollution caused by the use of fossil fuels rather than search for (5) … alternatives. Also, alternative energy resources are only used in rich countries in order to decrease the pollution in their own lands. To make things even worse, rich countries more often than not transfer their own (6) … industries to poor countries that do not have nor the appropriate knowledge nor the (7) … to even think about ecology, and are pretty much dependent on these (8) … technologies. It is very difficult, if not impossible to expect developed ecological conscience from population of poor countries as long as their (9) … is how to survive. In situations like this, ecology is probably last thing they think of, and this has to change. In fact, one gigantic global action is the thing we need to solve ecological problems because individual actions do not have enough (10) … to be sufficient on global level


Ex. 4. Speak on the main postulates of environmental chemistry.

Dwell on the major ecological problems that we face nowadays.

Specify the main areas of activity for environmental chemists







Pre-Reading Task

1. Do you remember your first teacher? What memories do you have of your chemistry teacher/s?

2. What is necessary to become a teacher?


Teachers are called teachers because they teach. If you look carefully, the word 'teacher' has the verb 'teach' in it. The suffix-er was added because it means ‘someone who does the thing indicated by the verb’. Make no mistake; teaching is like no other profession. As a teacher, you will wear many hats. You will, to name but of a few of the roles teachers assume in carrying out their duties, be a communicator, a disciplinarian, a conveyor of information, an evaluator, a classroom manager, a counselor, a member of many teams and groups, a decision-maker, a role-model, and a surrogate parent.

Each of these roles requires practice and skills that are often not taught in teacher preparation programs. Make no mistake; as a teacher, your day doesn't necessarily end when the school bell rings. If you're conscientious, you will be involved in after school meetings, committees, assisting students, grading homework, assignments, projects, and calling parents. All these demand some sacrifice of your personal time. Teaching probably won't make you rich, and, to be sure, no one should make any career decision without gathering as much information as possible and thinking it over carefully. If you're committed to excellence as a teacher, it's a sacrifice you can live with. If not, you will be uncomfortable at best.

What is the role of a teacher in general? Here are some former students' definitions of a teacher:

- Amy, CINCINNATI, OH. ‘Teachers play multiple parts in students' lives. From kindergarten on up through the college years, a teacher can be at various times a role model, a parent, a sponsor, a peace officer, a nurse, a caretaker, a challenger, a referee, a supporter, a confessor, a friend, and a mentor. And the best teachers take each and every one of these roles seri­ously! A teacher is someone who holds your future in his or her hands. Someone who always seemed "old" to me. Some­one I had lots of respect for (although I'm not sure that's the case with many students and teachers these days). To me, a teacher was always someone who just plain knew more than I did - and probably still does!’

- Pat, VERONA, PA. ‘A teacher is a person who helps others to succeed.’

- Renee, TEMPLE, TX. ‘A teacher is... a helper.’

- Sarah, NORTHAMPTON, MA. ‘A good teacher is a person who respects children and whose students, in turn, respect him or her. A person who knows how to make a child feel special. A person who is creative enough to open up whole worlds to young minds.’

- Sue, TUCSON, AZ. ‘Someone who challenges me to try harder, to think "outside of the box." A role model for learning. Some of the most difficult teachers I had are now, in retrospect, those I consider the best.’

What Makes A Good Teacher?


1. A good teacher is someone who is patient and understanding.

2. A good teacher is someone who is young at heart.

3. A good teacher is someone who knows where to find the things which she wants.

4. A good teacher is someone who encourages you to work hard at school.

5. A good teacher is someone who knows a lot about his/her subject.

6. A good teacher is someone who is always cheerful and good-tempered.

7. A good teacher is someone who is interested in you as a person.

8. A good teacher is someone who is strict.

9. A good teacher is someone who doesn't have teacher's pets.

10. A good teacher is someone who is good at organizing lots of different classroom activities.

11. A good teacher is someone who gives interesting lessons.

12. A good teacher is someone who has a sense of humour.

13. A good teacher is someone who is interested in your opinion.

14. A good teacher praises you when you work and behave well.


Teaching is more than just the delivery of knowledge, as every teacher knows. Chemistry teachers instruct children in secondary education schools all over the country. They must teach theory as well as practical uses of world. Though the main job of a chemistry teacher is to teach chemistry, the actual job may involve a lot more than that. Many teachers not only teach the subject, but also conduct research into their chosen fields. In order to teach most effectively a chemistry teacher develops lesson plans, which not only include lectures and homework, but also labs and demonstrations. Based on the information presented in class, along with the information presented in the directed readings, the teacher creates tests to make sure the students are properly learning the material.

Typically, teachers spend 40 to 50 percent of their time in the classroom actually teaching. While this may make it seem like teachers have a great deal of free time on their hands, other duties often keep them very busy. The rest of the time is spent in devising lesson plans, holding classes, grading papers and other assigned duties.

To become a chemistry teacher, the prospective candidate not only needs to take a variety of sciences, and specifically chemistry, classes as part of the university curriculum, but the teacher-to-be also must meet his/her state's teaching requirements. Each country has its own teacher certification requirements but in general the rules are very much the same. There is a specific listing of courses required for chemistry education majors with a special emphasis on the methods of teaching the subject as well as the foundations of psychology and pedagogics. The prospective teachers should also acquire some practical skills and experience during their training at school as part of the curriculum.

There is a world-wide shortage of chemistry teachers. It is hard to keep science teachers. Many young specialists leave schools after the compulsory three years of work according to the state legislation. This is because people with science training can get jobs that pay more outside of teaching. There are some ways to solve the problem. The state should offer better salaries, improve teachers’ working conditions, and provide teachers with more mentoring. There’s also a strong need for a funding system that gives extra support to teachers who choose to work in hard-to-staff schools.


Comprehension Aspect


Ex. 1. Match the following words on the left with the appropriate synonyms on the right:

teach a brunch of knowledge, esp. the one studied at school, college, or university
skills the action or process of educating or of being educated; also: a stage of such a process
subject the ability to use one's knowledge effectively and readily in execution or performance
lesson the courses offered by an educational institution; a set of courses constituting an area of specialization
education to cause to know something; to guide the studies of smb.; to impart the knowledge
curriculum a short period of time when people are taught about a particular subject or taught how to do a particular activity


Ex. 2. Some of the following sentences can be incorrect. Find the mistakes and correct them.

1. Making a decision in favour of a teaching career can be an unsophisticated and easy-going undertaking.

2. As a teacher you may have a very carefully planned day with fixed times and scheduled routine tasks.

3. A good teacher should be a tolerant and knowledgeable person.

4. Teaching chemistry at school mostly means to present the theoretical information to the pupils in a clear and well-defined form.

5. To become a chemistry teacher one needs a formal education, specifically science subjects, as well as subjects and practical training in pedagogics and psychology.


Ex. 3. Complete the following passage using the words from the box.


subjects, part, become, educational, school, models, teachers, way, job, teach

There is an old expression that says, “Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach”. Whoever believes in this statement obviously has never had to spend an afternoon trying to (1)… kids, let alone for an entire school year. (2)… fulfill an important role in society and they have the potential to play an important (3) … in any child’s upbringing. If you are looking for advice on how to (4) … a teacher you should know that the job (and training) can be quite demanding. Not everyone can (or should) become a teacher and it’s important to do some self-reflection to see if the (5)… might be for you. The world will always need good teachers, especially those who aren’t happy to settle for simply meeting (6)… requirements. Teachers can also be role (7)… and guides to help kids to navigate through the often frustrating task of growing up. As a teacher, it will be your responsibility to successfully teach them the core (8) …subjects so that they can move away from the hang-up of possibly poor scholastic performance, and move towards finding their (9) … through the other aspects of being in (10)… .

Ex. 4. In small groups or with your group-mate:

- Discuss your motivation for choosing the teaching career. Work out and name Top 10 reasons for it.

- Suggest the measures which could promote the retention of chemistry teachers and improve the conditions of teaching chemistry at school.

- Debate how universities could motivate students to pursue a career in teaching sciences.


Case study

1. Can you think of any interconnections between the above mentioned directions of chemistry?

2. Specify positive and negative effects of development of the above mentioned directions of chemistry on:

- research scientists

- environment

- humanity and its further development

3. Which direction do you consider to be the most highly developed in Belarus? Why?

4. Which sphere of chemistry can “boast” of having the greatest number of achievements made by our Belarusian chemists?



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