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1.Social-economic and sanitary-ecological factors considerably influence the state of health of population. Knowing these factors a family doctor will successfully decide the question of the primary and the secondary prophylaxises among the population of family territorial districts. What registration document gives idea about social-economic and social-ecological characteristics of life conditions of inhabitants of the district?

+ Medical passport of family

- List of people who are subjects to a periodic medical examination

- Order to an obligatory preliminary medical examination

- Certificate from a tax inspection and district SES

- Report of medical-prophylactic establishment and district SES

2.Improvement of medical help to the population is possible with embodiment of new organizational forms. Family medicine is an independent direction of development of health protection in Ukraine. Family territorial district is functional structure element of family medicine. What quantity of population, by norms, must a family doctor serve in countryside?

- To 500 inhabitants

- To 1000 inhabitants

+ 1100-1200 inhabitants

- 1500—1700 inhabitants

- 2000—2200 inhabitants

3.Improvement of medical help to the population is possible with embodiment of new organizational forms. Family medicine is an independent direction of development of health protection in Ukraine. Family territorial district is functional structure element of family medicine. What quantity of urban population by norms, must a domestic doctor serve?

- To 1000 inhabitants

- 1100— 1200 inhabitants

+ 1400—1500 inhabitants

- To 2000 inhabitants

- Unlimited amount of population.

4.A rendering of high-quality help is possible on condition of capture of proper knowledge, abilities, skills. What normative document contains the list of the basic requirements to knowledge, abilities and skills of a family doctor?

- Standards of quality of patients’ treatment

- Regulations about a doctor of general practice — family medicine

- Regulations about the department of general practice – family medicine

+ Characteristic qualification of a doctor who is a specialist in «general practice – family medicine»

- Standards of accreditation of the medical-prophylactic establishments

5.An improvement of the health state is the basic task of family medicine. One of directions of this activity is monitoring of the health state of every individual. What basic statistical document allows to know about the health state of population of family territorial district?

- List of people who are subjects of a periodic medical examination

- Medical map of out-patient

- Control map of clinical supervision

+ Medical passport of a family

- Summary list of account of diseases and reasons of death in medical establishment among a grown-ups and juveniles

6.An important step in improvement of the work of medical establishments in the conditions of functioning of family medicine is embodiment of hospitalsubstituted forms of rendering such help, one of which is presence of daily hospitals at the medical-prophylactic establishments. What amount of somatic beds does a permanent position of a doctor and medical sister set for?

- For 15 beds

- For 25 beds

+ For 30 beds

- For 40 beds

- For 50 beds

7.Daily hospitals belong to effective forms of medical help, which are used in health care. Define what establishments of health protection they can be organized at.

+ In policlinics

- In the disinfectious stations

- In the stations of blood transfusion

- In the hospitals of social defence

- In the sanitary epidemiological stations

8.Efficiency of the use of bed’s fund in family medicine is achieved due to introduction of hospitalsubstituted forms of rendering of medical help. What belongs to these forms?

- Beds in the hospital of social defence

- Beds in a rural district hospital

- Specialized hospital of clinic

- Departments of renewed treatment

+ Clinic at home

9.By here is Out-patient s clinic of family medicine is a basic medical establishment which renders medical help on principles of family medicine in countryside.. What minimum quantity of doctors is this establishment organized at?

- 2 doctors and more

+ 3 doctors and more

- 4 doctors and more

- 6 doctors and more

- 10 doctors and more

10.In accordance to recommendations of WHO rendering of primary medical-sanitary help must be based on principles:

+ Family medicine (general practice)

- Great participating of specialists of different types in providing of medical-prophylactic help

- Multi-leveled systems of rendering of medical help

- Providing of full medical-prophylactic help

- All answers are right

11.Development of family medicine in Ukraine is based on the some principles. Define, which from the resulted positions is one of these principles.

+ Prophylactic orientation of medical service of population

- Obligatory treatment of patients in hospitals

- Obligatory securing of certain patients by concret family doctors

- Rendering only therapeutic help to a patient

- Obligatory transmission of patients with chronic and incurable diseases to other establishments of health care

12.On basis of development of family medicine some principles are established in Ukraine. Define what belongs to one of these principles.

+ Providing a family with an accessible, continuous, permanent primary medical-sanitary help.

- Obligatory treatment of patients in clinic

- Obligatory securing of certain patients by concrete family doctors

- Rendering only therapeutic help to a patient

- Obligatory transmission of patients with chronic and incurable diseases to other establishments of health care

13.Among principles, on which development of family medicine is based in Ukraine, there is looking after enough stable contingent of population, providing a family with accessible, continuous primary medical-sanitary help. Define what else belongs to one of these principles.

- Obligatory transmission of patients with chronic and incurable diseases to other establishments of health care

- Obligatory treatment of patients in hospitals

- Obligatory securing of certain patients by concrete family doctors

- Rendering only therapeutic help to a patient

+ Systematic order of rendering of medical help to family

14.A work of a family doctor has its own features. Define what from stated below determines this feature:

+ Necessity of accepting of the first decision for the solving of patient’s problems

- Rendering only therapeutic help to a patient

- Obligatory transmission of patients with chronic diseases to other establishments of health care

- Obligatory securing of certain patients by concrete family doctors

- All answers are right

15.Types of natural movement of the population are:

- demographic load

- structure of the general sickness rate

- average life expectancy

+ birth rate, death rate, marriage rate, and divorce rate

16.What population is considered demographic young:

- if the specific gravity of persons at the age of 60 years and more is less than 8 %

- if persons who have not aged 18 take 15 % of age structure

- if specific gravity of persons at the age of 0-14 years is equal to specific gravity of persons at the age of 50 years and more

+ if specific gravity of persons who are younger than 20 is more than specific gravity of persons at the age of 60 years and more

17.Types of mechanical movement of the population are:

- ageing of the population

- population explosion

- population’s walks for work

+ migration, emigration, immigration

18.What does demography study?

- number of addresses to medical institutions

+ statics and dynamics of the population

- age aspects of disease

- quantity of physical inabilities

19.Give the characteristic of infant mortality index:

- total number of children who have died during delivery per 1000 childbirths

+ number children who have died within 1st year of life per 1000 of live-born children

- number of children who have died within 1st month of life

- number of children who have died within 5 years of life

20.What is the depopulation?

+ prevalence of death rate over birth rate

- increase of number of illegitimate children

- prevalence of emigration level over immigration one

- decrease of index of general birth rate to 6‰

21.Give the characteristic of the index of general birth rate:

- number of children who were delivered by married women

- number of live-born infants per 1000 women

+ number of live-born infants per 1000 of population

- the general number of born children per 1000 population

22.What is maternal mortality?

- number of women who died during abortions by medical prescriptions

- number of mothers who died in childbed

+ number of women who died within pregnancy and 42 days after its completion per 10000 of live-born children

- number of women who died during artificial abortion

23.Specify average life expectancy:

- average number of years which were lived by the healthy population

- average age of peoples who died within one year

- average number of years which were lived by oncological patients after radical operative intervention

+ estimation of quantity of years which the given generation should live

24.Name the index of perinatal death rate:

- correlation of children who died within the first week of life to number of still-born children

- quantity of still-born children per 1000 of live-born children

- number of still-born children and ones who died within the 1st week of life per 1000 of born children

+ quantity of children who died within the 1st week of life per 1000 of born children

25.Demography is a science about population. Its subject and tasks include study of number, structure, mechanical and natural motion of population and other processes. In Ukraine during the last decade the negative increase of population is registered. What is the meaning of this concept?

+ predominance of death- rate’s index above the index of birth-rate

- predominance of in birth-rate index above the index of death- rate

- index of birth-rate is equal to the index of death-rate

- diminishing of amount of population of child's age

- increasing of the demographic loading

26.The age-dependent structure of population of district is distributed thus: a part of children (0—14 years) is 15%, a part of population in age 15—49 is 50%, a part of population in age 50 and elder is 35%. Define the type of population’s age-dependent structure of district.

- the stationary type

+ the regressive type

- the progressive type

- depopulation type

- the retrospective type

27.A child was born with an innate heart-disease. In spite of the conducted treatment, the child died on 32d day of life. Which special index of death- rate of babies will this case enter in?

+ index of postneonatal death rate

- index of intranatal death rate

- index of early neonatal death rate

- index of late neonatal death rate

- index of perinatal

28.During the last years the positive dynamics of decline of mortinatality, perinatal mortality, death rate of children is marked in postneonatal period. At the same time, the death-rate of babies remains at high enough level. Define which from the resulted factors occupies the first place in the death rate of babies.

- infectious and parasitic diseases

- congenital malformation

- diseases of breathing organs

+ states which arose up during perinatal period

- diseases of breathing organs

29.Medical statistics calculate the death rate of babies with the help of different formulas which differ one from the other. Define, by which from the resulted formulas it is possible to calculate the actual level of death- rate of babies.

+ amount of children, who died in age 0—12 months/amount of children, who were born alive during a year x 1000

- amount of the dead children/amount of children, born in a year x 1000

- amount of children who died in age 0—12 months/general amount of population x 1000

- amount of children born for the year/amount of children, who died in age 0—12 months x 1000

- amount of the dead children/amount of children, born for a year

30.For the description of demographic processes relative indexes are widely used. Which from the resulted indexes does the index of natural motion of population belong to?

- extensive index

+ intensive index

- visual index

- index of correlation

- index of effectiveness

31.By the results of analysis it was estimated that a specific gravity of a death- rate of neonatal mortality made 53,5% of the general mortality of the children of the first-year of life. Define which type of death- rate of babies it is.

+ type A

- type B

- type C

- type D

- type E

32.Registration of birth of children is conducted according to the place of living of his parents, or one of them. What basic document must be given to the registry Office for registration of child’s birth?

+ medical birth certificate

- certificate of maternity hospital about the child’s birth

- register for recording of births in the clinic

- medical certificate about the child’s birth

- card of the development of a new-born

33.One of important indexes, which describes the state of population health, is the mean expected time of life. What age-old index of death- rate most influences the ordinary life-time?

- stillbirth

- death-rate of children elder 1year

+ death-rate of babies

- death-rate in capable working age

- death-rate among persons of declining years

34.In large town the complex of measures about the general death-rate is planned. What group of population must the immediate attention be paid to?

- to workings pensioner

- to children up to 15

- to people of 60 years and elder

+ to people of capable working age

- to people up to 60

35.This time there isn’t the unique definition of the term «health» of population. In world practice it is accepted to characterize the individual health, using different approaches. Give the definition of individual health according to theoretical approach.

- the state of man’s organism, when he is capable to execute fully his biological and social functions

- the state of man’s organism, when all of his functions are balanced with an environment

+ the state of complete social, biological and psychological prosperity of man, when functions of all of organs and systems are balanced with an environment, diseases sickly states and physical defects are absent

- conditional statistical concept, conditioned by complex influence of social and biological factors, factors of environment, and estimated by demographic indexes, by the indexes of physical development, morbidity, disability and distribution of the prenosological states

- interval within the limits of which the quantitative vibrations of biological processes are able to retain the living system at the level of the functional optimum

36.In attitude toward the population the concept of «health» is examined in two directions: individual health and health of population in whole (population health). Give the definition of individual health in accordance with practical approach.

+ the state of man’s organism, at which he is capable to execute fully the biological and social functions

- the state of man’s organism, when all of his functions are balanced with an environment

- the state of complete social, biological and psychological prosperity of man, when the functions of all organs and systems are balanced with an environment, any diseases, sickly states and physical defects are absent

- conditional statistical concept, conditioned by complex influence of social, biological factors, factors of environment, and estimated by demographic indicators, indexes of physical development, morbidity, by disability and distribution of the prenosological states

- interval within the limits of which the quantitative vibrations of biological processes are able to retain the living system at level the of the functional optimum


37.To define, which from the transferred indexes is computer-integrated for the estimation of health of population and system of health protection in accordance with the criteria of WHO.

- morbidity, death rate of babies

+ mean expected time of life, death rate of infants, quality of food, budgetary charges for the social, medical and ecological programs

- birth-rate, mean time of the expected life

- disability, death rate of persons in capable working age

- morbidity and traumatism, physical development

38.Different factors influence a forming of health of children and teenagers, including a way of life. Define what from stated below characterizes the way of life.

- quality of medical examinations, organization of educational process

- motive activity, organization of educational process, polluting of air

- the Psychological climate of relations in family and collective, quality of food, sex , age

- level and accordance of the educational loading with the functional possibilities of students, quality of food, quality of treatment, medical inspections

+ smoking, incorrect nourishment, harmful work, stresses, hypodynamia, unsatisfactory domestic conditions, drugs, incomplete and large family, hyperurbanization

39.The study of the state of population health enables to get different information also foresees the distributing of population after the groups of health. Who belongs to the group of almost healthy?

+ persons with the factors of risk, the premorbid states and those which have in anamnesis not more than 2 – 3 cases of acute respirator diseases in a year

- persons who have 3 and more acute diseases in anamnesis in a year and don’t have chronic diseases

- persons who do not have chronic diseases or violations of functions of separate organs and systems in anamnesis. During an inspection of them deviations from a norm are not found

- persons who have in anamnesis chronic diseases in the stages of compensation and short-time losses of capacity

- persons who have chronic diseases in the stages in anamnesis of decompensation and disability

40.The study of the state of population health enables to get different information, including distributing of population by the groups of health. Who belongs to the group of healthy men?

- people with the risk factors, the premorbid states and those who have in anamnesis not more than 2 - 3 cases of acute respirator diseases in a year

- people who in anamnesis have 3 and more acute diseases in a year and do not have chronic diseases

- people who have in anamnesis chronic diseases in the stages of subcompensation and short-time losses of capacity

- people who have in anamnesis chronic diseases in the stages of compensation and short-time losses of capacity

+ people who do not have acute respirator diseases in anamnesis, or have not more than 1 case

41.By determination of World Health Organization, coefficient of vital capacity of population — it is an integrated index which describe the state of health of society. Define what from the stated below is used for the calculation of this index.

- morbidity

+ the budgetary charges for the social, medical and ecological programs

- birth-rate

- disability, death rate of people in capable working age

- morbidity and traumatism, physical development

42.A boy is 13 years old. He has multiple bronchiectasis, which become aggravated every year. To what group of health he can belong?

+ to the 4th group of health

- to the 2d group of health

- to the 3d group of health

- to the 5th group of health

- to the first group of health

43.From the contingent of children of the third group of health, three children were cured of chronic disease and were taken off from a clinical account. Estimate the «rightness» of actions of district paediatrician.

- actions of doctor are correct — children are not subjects to account

+ actions are wrong — a transition is needed to the II-d group of health

- actions are wrong — a transition is needed to the first group of health

- actions are wrong — children must be under observation of specialists in pathology

- actions are wrong — a transition is needed to the third group of health

44.During the study and estimation of physical development different methods of supervision can be used. What from stated below is one of methods of supervision?

+ individualizing method

- the continuous method

- method of relative quantities

- with the help of the coefficient of correlation

- by the indexes of morbidity


45.Among the leading factors of risk of illnesses of the blood circulation system there are endogenous and exogenous factors, controllable and uncontrollable. Define which from the resulted factors belongs to endogenous.

+ arterial hypertension, hypercholesterolemia

- smoking and alcohol abuse

- the irrational feeding

- the unsatisfactory living conditions

- the stress situations at work and at home

46.Among the leading factors of risk of illnesses of the blood circulation system there are endogenous and exogenous factors. What from stated below is the endogenous factor of risk of this class of illnesses?

- smoking

- alcohol abuse

- disturbance of lipid metabolism, hypodynamia

+ arterial hypertension

- the unsatisfactory living conditions

47.Different indexes play an important role for the health state estimation of children, among them there is “the health index”. What data are necessary for the calculation of this index?

+ number of children who were not ill during a year, general number of children who are under supervision

- number of children, who were ill not more than 3 times a year, general number of inspected

- number of children who don’t have rejections in a state of health, general number of children who are under supervision

- number of children of ², II groups of health, general number of children who are under supervision

- number of children who don’t have chronic diseases, number of children who are under supervision

48.From the medical insurance company a group of doctors got the order for the creation of enterprise establishment for implementation of medical section of obligations of the program «Voluntarily insurance of reproductive health of married couples with the risk of sterility». What terms must be executed by founders of this establishment in order to be able to enter the system of voluntarily medical insurance?

- establishment must pass the state registration and licence

- establishment must pass the state accreditation

- establishment must conclude a treaty on service of insured with an insurer

- establishment must carry out that which is indicated in options A and C only

+ establishment must carry out all measures which are indicated in options A, B, C


49.The doctors-experts of medical insurance company have analysed the quality of medical activity of those who render the medical services. Those who render the medical services had doubts concerning the correctness of estimations and conclusions of experts. Choose the most effective organizational method, from below resulted, which can increase validity of conclusions of experts and accordingly to reduce probability of appearance of doubts of those who render the medical services?

- accreditation of producers of medical services

+ using of standards of medical care

- attestation of medical personnel

- current control for medical help

- border control for medical help

50.An insurance company creates the program “Voluntarily reproductive health insurance”, which foresees coverage of charges for clinical examination of married couples with the risk of sterility. There was a necessity to develop the proper prices. Name the most suitable for this purpose method of determination of price for medical services?

- by the cost of the actually given volume of medical services

- by the calculating prime price of standard set of medical services which are planned

- by correlation of desirable income toward charges at the expense of which this income will be got

+ by a formula: «calculating prime price of standard set of services + income + taxes»

- by principle of «budgetary estimations (or rates)»

51.An insurance company makes an agreement with those who render medical services about the terms of rendering of medicare to insured, payment of their services and responsibility of both sides. What operating Code of laws of Ukraine regulates the rules of their conclusion?

+ civil

- tax

- criminal

- about labour

- civilly- judicial

52.Social insurance is based on the row of leading principles. What from the resulted options belongs to one of these principles?

- unsolidarity

- unobligatoryness of financial participation of insured in forming of insurance funds

- absence of state assuredness of payments for social insurance

- partial participating of the state in social insurance

+ obligatoryness of financial participation of insured in forming of insurance funds

53.Social insurance is based on the row of leading principles. What from the resulted positions belongs to one of these principles?

+ the State assuredness of payments is for social insurance

- unobligatoryness of financial participation of insured in forming of insurance fund

- absence of state assuredness of payments for social insurance

- partial participating of the state in social insurance

- unsolidarity

54.Medical insurance is one of the types of social security, it is based on the row of principles. Define, which one from the resulted positions belongs to one of the principles.

- selectivity of obligatory medical insurance

+ generality of obligatory medical insurance

- perpetuity for voluntarily medical insurance

- urgency of obligatory medical insurance

- partialness of medical insurance

55.Medical insurance in the conditions of insurance medicine is financed from basic and additional sources. What from the resulted positions belongs to one of the basic sources of financing?

- charitable payments

- credits of banks

- incomes from securities

+ the State budget

- funds of enterprises on direct payment of medical services

56.Financing of medical insurance in the conditions of insurance medicine is carried out from basic and additional sources. What from the resulted positions belongs to one of the basic source of financing?

- charitable payments

- credits of banks

- incomes from securities

+ deduction of enterprises for medical insurance

- funds of enterprises on direct payment of medical services

57.Funds for medical insurance in the conditions of insurance medicine are formed from basic and additional sources. What from resulted options belongs to one of the basic sources of financing?

- charitable payments

- credits of banks

- incomes from securities

+ personal funds of citizens

- funds of enterprises for direct payment of medical services

58.This year in area of policlinic’s activity 1450 cases of morbidity per 1000 people are registered, in that number 650 cases with the first set diagnosis. On the basis of what official document are these indices expected ?

+ Medical card of out-patient

- A statistical coupon for registration of final diagnosis

- Register for registration of patients

- Disability-list

- Diary of a doctor

59.In the district of activity of Central Regional Hospital during the present year hospitalized morbidity has made 200 cases per 1000 population. What official document is this expected index based on?

- Disability-list

- A statistical coupon for registration of final diagnosis

- Case history

+ Card of patient left a hospital

- Register for registration of patients

60.This year 1300 cases of acute diseases were registered in the district of the doctor K., 5 cases with the first set diagnosis of chronic and 35 chronic diseases, registered during previous years. Define data which are needed for the calculation of «prevalence» of diseases.

- 1300; 5

+ 1300; 5; 35

- 1300; 35

- 1300

- 5; 35

61.Define a basic registration document during detail study of morbidity with a temporal disability on an industrial enterprise.

+ Card of the personal account of morbidity

- «Report on reasons of temporal disability»

- Disability-list

- Medical card of out-patient

- Medical card of in-patient

62.Morbidity of population is studied by different methods. Define, which method of study of morbidity provides the most complete account of «chronic» diseases.

- Reasons of death

- Appeal for medical help

- Public opinion poll

- Censuses of patients

+ Medical examination

63.For the analysis of activity of a hospital a chief doctor asked for statistic data about frequency of the hospitalized morbidity of population in a district. On the basis of what statistical document were those data calculated?

+ Statistical card of patient who has left the hospital

- List of motion of patients in the hospital

- Case history

- Diary of doctor’s work

- A statistical coupon for registration of final diagnosis

64.A family doctor is studying primary morbidity among the patients of the district. What from the resulted below is the method of calculation of this morbidity?

+ Number of diseases which are registered for the first time during this year (all acute + chronic diseases, which were found for the first time) ? 1000 / average annual quantity of population

- Number of the registered acute diseases ? 1000 / average annual quantity of population

- Number of the registered chronic diseases ? 1000 / average annual quantity of population

- Number of chronic diseases which are registered this year for the first year / average annual quantity of population

- Number of diseases which are registered this year for the first time (all acute + chronic diseases, which were found out for the first time) / average annual quantity of population

65.Hospitalization of patients takes place after direction of doctors of policlinics, clinics, medical first-aid, in the presence of appeals. In all these cases certain statistical documents are filled in for the hospitalized . Which from the resulted registration documents is used for registration and study of hospitalized morbidity?

- Medical card of in-patient

+ Statistical card of patient who has left the hospital

- Epicrisis on an in-patient

- List of account of patients’ motion

- A medical death certificate

66.Primary morbidity in a rural medical district with a radius of service 3 – 5 km makes 420 cases per 1000 countrymen. In a region which this district belongs to, the index of primary morbidity makes 650%î. What is the most credible reason of low level of morbidity in this district?

+ Migration of population

- Aging of population

- Low level of sanitary culture of population

- Incomplete account of diseases

- Realized prophylactic measures

67.After an inspection of a child the diagnosis was set: epidemic parotitis. What document must be filled for the account of this disease?

+ Medical card of in-patient

- Medical card of out-patient

- Check card of clinical supervision

- Coupon of out- patient

- An urgent report about an infectious disease

68.Aims of study of population morbidity:

- estimation of the state of patient’s health

- description of the state of individual health

+ planning of medical care

- estimation of the level of sanitary culture of population

69.Methods of study of morbidity:

- census of patients

+ medical examinations

- the anthropometric measurings

- census of population

70.Advantages of method of registration of appeals for medical help:

+ availability to all sections of the population

- the complete registration of chronic diseases

- the most complete registration of the initial and unsimptomatic stages of diseases

- complete registration of diseases during the service of population in private medical establishments

71.Advantages of study of morbidity according to the data of medical examinations:

- the most complete registration of acute diseases

- greater economy

+ exposure of the diseases during the initial stages

- dependence of results of examinations from sanitary culture of the population

72.Indicate which method of study of morbidity provides the most complete registration of "acute" diseases:

- medical examinations

- censuses of patients

+ an appeal for medical help

- a public opinion poll

73.Indicate, which of method of study of morbidity provides the most complete registration of chronic diseases:

- appeal for medical help

- public opinion poll

+ medical examinations

- reasons of death

74.Registration documents for study of general morbidity:

- history of child’s development

- medical card of out-patient

+ statistical coupon for registration of final diagnosis

- statistical card of patient who has left a hospital

75.Information, necessary for calculation of index of prevalence of diseases:

- absolute number of diseases, exposed during examination

+ number of all diseases registered during a year

- quantity of the examined people

- amount of diseases, first registered during present year

76.Information, necessary for calculation of primary morbidity:

- quantity of the examined people

- number of all of the diseases registered during a year

+ amount of diseases, first registered during present year

- number of all diseases registered during a year

77.What indexes can be defined with the help of such data: quantity of population and number of diseases of breathing organs:

- prevalence (general morbidity) of all of diseases

- primary morbidity by diseases of breathing organs

- specific gravity of diseases of breathing organs

+ prevalence of diseases of breathing organs

78.Registry — it is one of subsections of policlinic, which executes the row of functions. Define what from resulted should be referred to its function.

- urgent medical care

- order for inoculation

+ recording for surgery hours of the doctors in policlinic and callings a doctor (at home)

- filling statistical coupon for registration of final (specified) diagnoses

- delivery of orders for the examinations

79.The main establishment of rendering ambulatory policlinic help to population is a policlinic, among the tasks of which is rendering of the specialized help during the ambulatory hours and at home, carrying out of prophylactic and antiepidemic measures, medical-hygienic education of population and others. What from resulted is also the task of policlinic?

- rendering of socially legal help

- improving environment from a health point of view

- disinfection in the seats of infectious diseases

- sanatorium-resort treatment

+ carrying out of medical-social examination of capacity

80.During the analysing of policlinic’s activity, indexes, which characterize the organization of clinical supervision after the people who need it are calculated. Define what from resulted belongs to one of these indexes.

+ plenitude of scope by clinical supervision

- study of morbidity of people who are in clinic

- supervision after invalids

- medical-social examination of disability

- job placement of partly disabled


81.One of the structural subdivisions of policlinic is a department of reconstructive treatment (rehabilitation) basic task of which is maximum reconstruction of man’s capacity with the use of its different types. What from resulted belongs to one of the types of rehabilitation?

- sanitary educational rehabilitation

- everyday rehabilitation

- legal rehabilitation

+ medical rehabilitation

- all answers are true

82.The basic task of rehabilitation (reconstractive treatment) is maximal recovery of man’s capacity with the use of its different types, among which is a medical rehabilitation. What from resulted is also one of the types of rehabilitation?

- legal rehabilitation

- sanitary educational rehabilitation

+ social rehabilitation

- everyday rehabilitation

- all answers are true

83.Among the modern forms of stationaryreplacable help to the population are daily stationaries,

policlinics, home stationaries, hospital stationaries (departments, wards) of daily staying. Define what is the main task of daily stationaries.

- carrying out of primary prophylaxis

+ more complete satisfaction of population’s necessities in a stationary help

- carrying out of medical examinations

- examinating of contingents who work

- carrying out of antiepidemic measures

84. Efficiency of policlinic’s activity depends on rational organization of work of all its services and medical staff. Define, what structural subdivision of policlinic has the functions of providing of population with information.

- informative-analitic department

+ registry

- cabinet of prehospital reception

- department of prophylaxis

- medical auxiliary departments


85.By data of medical prophylactic examinations cases of gynaecological diseases among the girls of school ¹ 10 on 60% exceeded the data about prevalence of this pathology, as appeals for medical help showed. It is necessary to define, what type of prophylactic examination was used in this situation.

- previous

+ purposeful

- planned

- periodic

- current


86.A policlinic is a basic establishment of rendering out-patients’ clinical help to the population Define, what index determines the category of policlinic.

+ number of visits during a shift

- number of structural subdivisions

- quantity of medical staff

- number of doctors

- Number of hospital beds

87.A city policlinic has a complex structure. It consists of: medical-prophylactic subsections, departments of prophylaxis, diagnostic subsections, registry and others. Define what from stated below is one of the tasks of department of prophylaxis.

- recording of calls s to the house

- delivery of orders for laboratory researches

- filling the coupon of out- patient

- in case of need order for hospitalization

+ organization, account and control after the carrying out of clinical examination

88.Maternity clinic conducts a clinical supervision after pregnant women, including those with normal course of pregnancy. With what periodicity in the first half of pregnancy must such women visit an obstetrician-gynaecologist with a prophylactic purpose?

+ once in a month

- twice in a month

- three times per month

- four times per month

- five times per month

89.At a chemical production a workwoman is busy with measuring out in doses, weighing, and loading into the chamber of reaction the initial products of synthesis of polymeric materials. An obstetrician-gynaecologist established that a workwoman is pregnant. What prophylactic measures must be taken for prevention of negative influence of chemical factors on the organism of workwoman and future child?

- increasing of amount of the regulated breaks

- diminishing of duration of working day

- time-diminishing of action of chemical factors

+ transference to work, unconnected with the action of harmful factors

- granting of additional days off

90.During a year under supervision of maternity clinic there were 620 pregnant women, 310 of them were registered in a term up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Define the name of index, which is the best to estimate the activity of maternity clinic in this situation.

+ timeliness of registration of pregnant women in maternity clinic

- plenitude of inclusion of pregnant women in a clinical supervision

- regularity of looking after pregnant women

- frequency of mistakes in determination of birth- terms

- frequency of individual gynaecological diseases

91.A woman appealed to maternity clinic and it was set that she was in her 10weeks of pregnancy and she was registered. How many times should the woman to visit maternity clinic during pregnancy on condition its normal course?

- 6 - 8 times

+ 12 - 13 times

- 14 - 16 times

- 16 - 18 times

- 10 - 12 times

92.The pregnant woman was registered in maternity clinic in her 11 weeks of pregnancy and she was under supervision during all the term of pregnancy, provided the normal course of pregnancy. What of the resulted documents obligatory must be given out by a doctor to a pregnant woman for hospitalization to the maternity hospital?

- order for hospitalization

- personal card of pregnant woman

- medical certificate of unfitness for work

- certificate from the sanitory-epidemiological station

+ exchange card of the maternity hospital, maternity department of hospital

93.A woman was registered in the maternity clinic in her 10weeks of pregnancy and was under supervision during all the term of pregnancy provided normal course of pregnancy. What term of pregnancy is optimum in this case for giving by a doctor an exchange card of maternity hospital, maternity department of hospital?

+ 32 weeks

- 28 weeks

- 36 weeks

- 30 weeks

- 34 weeks

94.In town N with population of 250 000 people 420 children were born in a year: 120 births were premature, 200 births were timely and 100 were tardy. The analysis of what documents gives the best possibility to get the information about frequency of different (after a term) births in the settlement?

- case history of development of a new-born (form ¹ 112/0)

- register of reception of pregnant women and women recently confined (form ¹ 002/0)

- personal card of pregnant woman (form ¹ 111/0)

- exchange card of maternity hospital, maternity department of hospital (. ¹ 113/0)

+ case history of birth (form ¹ 096/0)

95.On the first reception of pregnant woman an obstetrician-gynaecologist gives her an order for the consultation of other doctors-specialists. The examination of what specialists must she obligatory pass?

- of therapeutist and endocrinologist

+ of therapeutist and stomatologist

- of stomatologist and phthisiologist

- of otolyaringologist and oculist

- of stomatologist and cardiologist

96.To the managerial staff of the incorporated maternity hospital such doctors can be referred: chief doctor, an assistant doctor, a head of maternity clinic, heads of departments and others. At presence of what quantity of doctors an independent post of a head of maternity clinic can be provided?

- five posts of obstetricians-gynaecologists

+ six posts of obstetricians-gynaecologists

- seven posts of obstetricians-gynaecologists

- eight posts of obstetricians-gynaecologists

- nine posts of obstetricians-gynaecologists

97.Maternity clinic of the incorporated maternity hospital provides a systematic supervision after the state of the health of pregnant women. What is the optimum number of visits to maternity clinic of a pregnant woman without complications during her pregnancy?

- 7—10 times

+ 12—13 times

- 15—16 times

- 20—22 times

- not more than 24 times

98.A paediatrician of new-borns’ department of maternity hospital – neonatologist conducts medical-prophylactic measures on providing of physical and nervous-mental development, examination, inspection of children, etc. What is the load of a doctor-paediatrician – neonatologist in stationary of maternity hospital in accordance of a supervision after healthy children?

- 10 beds per a doctor

- 15 beds per a doctor

- 20 beds per a doctor

+ 25 beds per a doctor

- 30 beds per a doctor

One of principles of the work of the incorporated maternity hospital is district approach. In accordance with the order of Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine ¹ 33 of 23.02.2000 the quantity of women at an obstetric district makes

- 3000 women

+ 3300 women

- 2500 women

- 4000 women

- 150 and more women

100.A paediatrician of new-borns’ department of maternity hospital – neonatologist conducts medical-prophylactic measures on providing of physical and nervous-mental development, examination, inspection of children, etc. What is the load of a doctor-paediatrician – neonatologist in stationary of maternity hospital, in observation department?

+ 10 beds per a doctor

- 15 beds per a doctor

- 20 beds per a doctor

- 25 beds per a doctor

- 30 beds per a doctor


101.To the managerial staff of the incorporated maternity hospital such doctors belong: a chief doctor, a deputy chief doctor, a head of maternity clinic, heads of departments and others. What amount of doctors must be in order the position of a deputy chief doctor of medical part can be provided?

- 10 doctors, including a chief doctor

- 5 doctors, including a chief doctor

+ 20 doctors, including a chief doctor

- 25 doctors, including a chief doctor

- 30 doctors, including a chief doctor

102.An important place in providing of obstetric-gynaecological care takes a maternity hospital. What is a load of an obstetrician-gynaecologist in the physiological obstetric department of maternity hospital?

- 10 beds per a doctor

+ 15 beds per a doctor

- 20 beds per a doctor

- 25 beds per a doctor

- 30 beds per a doctor

103.To the hospitalsubstitutive forms of rendering medical care to a population such establishments belong: daily hospitals, home hospitals, hospitals for the daily staying of patients. In what medical establishment are daily hospitals created for examination and treatment of patients who are under clinical supervision?

- in the obstetric departments of hospital

- in consulting room «Marriage and family»

- in the gynaecological departments of hospital

+ in maternity clinic

- clinics

104.In maternity clinic 230 pregnant women, who don’t have complications of pregnancy, are observed. What periodicity of visits of an obstetrician-gynaecologist during the first half of pregnancy?

+ once in a month

- twice in a month

- once in a week

- three times per a month

- four times per a month

105.In maternity clinic 3 thousand women with different gynaecological diseases are registered. There are 2,5 thousands under a clinical supervision With what from the followings states are women undertaken under a clinical supervision?

- extragenital diseases

+ ill women with erosion and polypuses of cervix of the uterus

- those which had a multiple pregnancy in anamnesis

- women who had abortion in anamnesis

- women who have a disease of the blood circulation system

106.Under supervision of maternity clinic there are 50 pregnant women who don’t have complications of pregnancy. What is a periodicity of visits of the maternity clinic by these women during the second half of pregnancy?

- once a month

+ twice a month

- 3 times per a month

- 4 times per a month

- 5 times per a month

107.There are 180 pregnant women under supervision in maternity clinic. With which from the followings documents does the pregnant enter maternity hospital?

- an individual card of pregnant woman

- a medical card of out-patient

- the statistical coupon for registration of final diagnoses

+ the exchange card of the maternity hospital, the maternity department of hospital

- the check card of clinical supervision

108.The appearance of the so-called people’s (public) doctors played a very important role in history of development of social hygiene. They were on service in their state and gave a help to common people. Where did the first people’s doctors appear?

- In ancient Greece

- In ancient Rome

+In ancient Egypt

- In ancient China

- In the countries of ancient East

109.The works of doctor Zh. Roshu were of great importance in developing of social hygiene as a science. He was the first who used a term the “Social hygiene”. What year was it in?

- 1634 year

- 1756 year

+1838 year

- 1912 year

- 1920 year

110.The appearance of the first works in this subject was in a great importance for developing of social medicine. Define, what year was the book of Zh. Roshar “A treatise in social hygiene and sanitary statistics” published in?

In 1678

- In 1765

- In 1790

+In 1888

- In 1912

111.A considerable role in subsequent forming of socially- hygienical science played the foundation of scientific association called «Social hygiene and medical statistics» in 1905 in Berlin . Who of the West-European social-hygienists found that society?

- Emil' Resle

+Al'fred Grot'ya

- Fridrig Princing

- Lyudvig Teleki

- Al’fons Fisher

112. In 1906 year at Kiev university, at the chair of hygiene there was the introductory course called “Basis of social hygiene and public health care”, that was in a great importance for development of social hygiene in Ukraine. Who of the Ukrainian social-hygienists read that course?

A.V. Korchak-Chepurkovskiy

- A.M. Merkov

- S.M. Igumnov

- S.A. Tomilin

- S.S. Kagan

113. In 30th of the XX century a large contribution to development of social hygiene in Ukraine was made by the first Ukrainian textbooks in social hygiene. Among them there was the first textbook of S.S. Kagan, given out in 1932. Define this textbook.

- Social hygiene

- General theory of sanitary statistics

- Praktikal work in sanitary statistics

+Essays in theory of social hygiene

- All answers are true

114.By the decision of National Committee of the USSR from 14.10.1934 “About reorganization of work of research establishments in industry of health care and hygiene of labour” a lot of research institutes were closed during 1934-1938. The question about renaming of departments of social hygiene arose. What year were the departments of social hygiene renamed in the departments of “Organization of health care”?

- In 1934

- In 1937

+In 1941

- In 1945

- In 1949

115.After renaming of departments of the “Social hygiene” in the departments of “Organization of health care” medical community for long time was achieving renovation of the name and necessity of study of public health. What year were the departments renovated with the name “Social hygiene and organization of health care”?

- A. In 1945

- In 1949

- In 1955

+In 1966

- In 1973

116. On the 2d Allukrainian congress of social-hygienists and organizers of health care, with the purpose of approaching to international terminology, a decision about the change of the name of department of “Social hygiene................” for “Social medicine..................” was accepted. Define, in what year it was.

- A. In 1987

+In 1990

- In 1993

- In 1996

- In 1999

117. Social medicine and organization of health care is a science which studies conformities to the law of public health and system of health care. Knowledge in this subject students get at the proper department. Where in Ukraine was the first department of social hygiene created?

- At Kiev medical institute

- At Lvov medical institute

- At Dnepropetrovsk medical institute

- At Donetsk medical institute

+At Kharkov medical institute

118. Social medicine and organization of health care is a science which studies conformities to the law of public health and system of health care. Knowledge in this subject students get at the proper department. Where in Europe was the first department of social hygiene created?

- At Moscow medical institute

- At Kharkov medical institute

- At Kiev medical institute

+At Berlin university

- At Paris medical institute

119.Social medicine and organization of health protection as the subject for the teaching includes some sections. What from the resulted positions is one of sections of the subject?

+System of health care

- Primary prophylaxis of diseases

- Secondary prophylaxis of diseases

- Parameters of environment

- Study of influence of production environment on the health of population

120. As the subject of teaching of Social Medicine and Organisation of health care includes some sections. Define, what from stated below belongs to one of sections of the subject.

+Health of population

- Primary prophylaxis

- Secondary prophylaxis of diseases

- Parameters of environment

- Study of quality of rendering the medical care to population or sanitary epidemiological prosperity of population

121. As the subject of teaching social medicine and organization of health care includes some sections. Define what from stated below belongs to one of sections of the subject.

- Parameters of environment

- Primary prophylaxis

- Secondary prophylaxis of diseases

+Medical statistics

- Study of quality of rendering the medical care to population or sanitary epidemiological prosperity of population

122. Social medicine and organization of health care in scientific and practical activity use different methods. What from stated below methods is one of basic methods of social medicine and organization of health care?


- Sanitary supervision

- Of laboratory analysis

- Instrumental

- Ekspediciyniy

123.This time in Ukraine for co-ordination of scientific researches in sphere of social medicine and organization of health care the research institute is working. Define, what complete name it has.

- Allukrainian institute of public health

+Ukrainian institute of public health

- Allukrainian institute of health care

- Ukrainian institute of public health and health care

- Ukrainian institute of health care

124.This time in Ukraine for the informative providing of specialists and population in the sphere of social medicine and organization of health care, such magazines as “Announcer of social hygiene and organization of health care in Ukraine” and “Protection of health in Ukraine” are published. In what years were these magazines founded?

- In 1990-1992 years

- In 1993-1995 years

- In 1996-1998 years

+In 1999-2001 years

- In 2002-2004 years

125. Social Medicine is a science that:

- studies influence of the biological factors on health of the separate man

+studies influence of social factors on population health

- develops biological methods of preventive measures of diseases

- develops methods of treatment of the diseases, most widespread among the population

126. One of the basic methods of Social Medicine is:

- laboratory

- instrumental


- observation

127. Name one of the most ancient works, in which the questions on Social Medicine are considered:

+“Canon of Medicine” by Ibn Sina

- Smith papyrus

- letters of Mukallim

- anonymous treatise “The Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic”

128. Where was the first Ukrainian department of Social Medicine created:

- in Luhansk

- in Kiev

- in Vinnitsa

+in Kharkiv

129. Which of the following sciences is not connected with the Social Medicine

- sociology


- mathematics

- demography

130. The basic subject of study of statistics of population health is

- hygienic estimation of the natural factors

- study of effect of medicines

- the characteristic of physiological processes in organism

+estimation of health population

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