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Plan of «Protected Areas Governance» course approbation in Taurida National University

Date Day of the week Schedule Topics Lecturer  
20.09.2013 Friday 09:40 - 11:00 Introduction to the course. Environmental Governance: context, concepts and principles, approaches, terminology. Governance roles of different actors/stakeholders. (lecture auditory # 339) Inna Rybalka, Oleksandr Rudyk  
11:10 - 12:30 Governance of Protected Areas: Types of governance for protected areas. Comparative analysis of the definitions “planning”, “management”, “governance” of PAs. Scales (spatial, temporal, functional) of PA governance. Good governance and Efficiency Assessment. Oleksandr Rudyk  
12:50 - 14:10 Protected Areas: terminology, legislative review. Global Protected Area Framework. Values and Benefits of PAs. National and international types and categories (IUCN) of PAs. Short case-study: Comparative analysis of the PAs types of governance of the region (lecture auditory # 339). Division on working groups (lecture auditory # 339) Grigory Prokopov, Oleksandr Rudyk  
21.09.2013 Saturday   Independent work of students    
22.09.2013 Sunday   Independent work of students    
23.09.2013 Monday 09:40 - 11:00 Colloquium, review of home work (lecture auditory # 339) Grigory Prokopov, Oleksandr Rudyk  
11:10 - 12:30 Operation management functions (planning, organizing, leading, controlling, managing for performance). Management Planning. Structure of management plans. Management of nature resources, fire management, incident management. Financing protected areas. Threats to the PAs (classification of threats; managing threats) (lecture auditory # 339) Oleksandr Rudyk  
12:50 - 14:10 Visitor management and ecotrails development. Types, service and arrangement of ecotrails. Short case-study: Ecotrails around the world: overview of good practice (lecture auditory # 339) Elena Shestakova  
24.09.2013 Tuesday 08:00 - 16:00 Field trip (research) in Yalta Mountain-Forest Nature Reserve: Activity of Yalta Mountain-Forest Nature Reserve, Autonomous Republic Crimea, Ukraine (Administration of YMFNR) Staff of Yalta Mountain-Forest Nature Reserve  
25.09.2013 Wednesday 08:00 – 09:20 Ecological networks. Structural elements, principles and criteria of econet creation. Econet in Europe, Ukraine, Russia, regional and local econets. Sites of Nature and Cultural Heritage; Wilderness and Sacred places; Ramsar Wetlands; WWF Global 200; Nature 2000; The World Network of Biosphere Reserves of the MAB Programme (lecture auditory # 339) Inna Rybalka    
09:40 - 11:00   Tourism and Recreation. Visitor management models. Visitor service and support. Visitor monitoring. Local community involvement in tourism (lecture auditory # 339) Elena Shestakova  
11:10 - 12:30 Marine Protected Areas: definitions, classifications, protected regime. MPAs of the Black sea and sea of Azov, good governance examples (lecture auditory # 339) Grigory Prokopov  
12:50 - 14:10 Consultations all the faculty  
26.09.2013 Thursday 08:00 – 09:20 Problems of communication. Adequacy of relevant and available information for Protected Areas Governance (existence, currency, relevance, accessibility and usability of data and processed information). Communication to involve stakeholders and community in decision-making, planning and management; the role of communication in promoting corporate social responsibility. Baseline Information (how to collect and present) (lecture auditory # 339) Elena Shestakova  
09:40 - 11:00 Conservation of natural and cultural heritage. Cultural values of PAs (lecture auditory # 339) Oksana Lenevich  
11:10 - 12:30 Short case-study: Overview of good planning practice (lecture auditory # 339) Elena Shestakova  
12:50 - 14:10 Consultations all the faculty  
27.09.2013 Friday 09:40 - 11:00 Students' presentations (lecture auditory # 339) all the faculty  
11:10 - 12:00 Closing of course approbation (lecture auditory # 339) all the faculty, Head of Geoecology Dept.  



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