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In some hotels banquets and functions – conventions in the United States – play such an important part that they are run by a special banquet department under a banquet manager in charge of the sale of banquets of course, but also weddings, dances, cocktail parties and other functions, all of this being sometimes referred to as “special business”. In the same way, every large American hotel has a Convention Manager.

Banquets are always considered as outstanding events, and it is vital that everything should come up to expectation. Table arrangement is a very touchy point; it gives the whole function its best appearance and must pay due respect to precedence. For important functions in Great Britain, a toastmaster in scarlet tailcoat ushers in the guests, announces the toasts in the right order, and introduces the speakers with due reference to their qualities and distinctions. When large numbers are expected, the comb system is used. The high table usually runs along one side of the dining hall, and the tables are often joined together in lengths in the shape of an E, or a rake, or a Greek letter or a horse-shoe.

Organization should be faultless. Considering the many preparations involved, a formal agreement should be drawn up as soon as the final decision is reached. All necessary information as to the name of the Association or individual initiating the function, location date and time of the function, menu chosen, price, table arrangements, number of guests expected are thus available for further reference or in case of a claim.

Once directions for a specific party have been issued, preparations are made. The chef makes his kitchen arrangements and places his orders for the requisite foods with the store manager. The head-waiter plans his staff to the last man, arranges for supplies of linen, china, glass and cutlery, gets seats and tables ready. The wine butler gets in touch with the cellar manager for the supply of drinks. Flowers come within the province of the house-keeper. A last-minute check with the person organizing the function will ascertain that everything, including bar, lounge and rest-room facilities, is in order. The service, on the great day, is much the same as usual, but banquet dinners are often followed by dances.

With the development of continuous education and the ensuing number of seminars and conventions, an ever-larger number of leading hotels now provide Conference facilities. These include a Conference Hall with instant translation booths, secretarial services, special telephone facilities and of course hotel accommodation. Conference business is undoubtedly a fast-growing market and more and more hotels take an interest in it.




banquets and function (USA- conventions department) - відділ, відповідальний за проведення банкетів, весіль, коктейлів
play an important part - відігравати важливу роль
outstanding event - знаменна дата (подія)
come to expectation - виправдати сподівання
pay due respect to precedence - надавати перевагу
tailcoat - фрак
distinction - відмінність
comb system - система відбору
horse-shoe - підкова
faultless - безпомилковий
claim - скарга
toast-master - тамада
requisite food - необхідна їжа
supply (v) - постачати, забезпечувати
ascertain (v) - пересвідчитися



Ex. 1. Discuss the following questions:

1. Why are banquets and functions considered important:

a) by the organizers?

b) by the guests?

c) by the hotel accommodating them?

2. Which services are involved into the preparation of a banquet? How do the heads of these departments get everything ready for the big day?


Ex. 2. Retell the text.

Text 9


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