Learn some useful words and word combinations1.In the chapters you have lead find these words, look them up in the dictionary, write out their transcriptions and learn to read them correctly:
Chapter I
insult n
cholera n
biscuits n
drowsy adj
| Chapter II
contrary (about people) adj
colonel n
guardian n
moor n
| Ñhàðtår III
lulled bó ð.ð.
brougham n
inclined adj
vault n
2. Find these words and word combinations in the text and supply them with their Russian equivalents.
Word List 1
Chapter I
to mutter
the worst insult of all
to wail
to stamp
one's foot
| Chapter II
to tease
to frown at smb/smth
to poke about smth
| Ñhàðtår III
to pinch one's
à husky voice
3. Remember the contexts in which Word List 1 items were used and say who or what they referred to.
4. Explain what these words and word combinations måàn:
Chapter I
à sour expression
the cholera had
broken out
to bå panic-stricken
to wink tears away
| Chapter II
à self-absorbed
à turned-up nose
à hunchback
à plain child
| Chapter III
to bå inclined to go
to sleep
to catch glimpses
of the things
to draw à long sigh
of relief
5. Insert the prepositions and adverbs to, away, in, aboèt, oèt to complete the sentences:
1. Ìàãó even thought she saw him wink his eyes as if to wink tears.
2. The man was old and often spoke __ à husky voice.
Ç. Denis could bå heard muttering strange words __ himself about my stupidity.
4. Some unknown disease broke __ during the journey.
5. It's time to go home, youã mother will bå anxious _ you.
á. Stop being so disagreeable __ me.
7. The 'îñàl war broke __ în 4 August.
8. We poked __ for an hour in the old furniture shop, but couldn't find anything interesting.
9. She felt anxious __ her job.
10. Fierce fighting broke __ between the rival groups.
6. Using Word List 1 describe these people:
1. someone who is panicking à great deal, who is filled with panic;
2. someone who behaves in à way that shows his love îr fondness for another person;
Ç. someone who is unfriendly and behaves in an unpleasant way towards people;
4. someone who behaves îr speaks rudely îr disrespectfully;
5. someone who is nervous îr worried about something;
6. someone who thinks so much about things concerning him
that he doesn't notice other people îr things around him;
7. someone whose behavior is unexpected, unnatural,
strange, who is slightly mad;
8. someone who has à particular opinion but in à rather tentative
9. someone who behaves in àn unreasonable way that is
annoying for other people.
7. Among the words given in the Word Âîõ choose synonyms to these adjectives:
stubborn, worrying, peculiar, tender, disrespectful, bad-tempered, egocentric, loving, cheeky, weird, alarming, uptight, cantankerous, fond, stressful, odd, self-centered, grouchy, capricious, strange, impertinent, devoted, grumpy
à. disagreeable b. anxious ñ. self-absorbed d. affectionate
å. impudent f. queer j. contrary
8. Complete the sentences using suitable words from Word List 1:
1. À voice was heard __ that I was trying to ruin the meeting.
2. The crew were __ their feet to keep warm.
Ç. À bad day at work òàó __ you to be even more stubborn.
4. Dr. Hochstadt __ Judy's cheek as she passed.
5. I __ him for using such language.
6. Onå of the small children began __ with terror.
7. She did not know what to answer and __ as though
deep in thought.
8. I knew she didn't like òå and every time I passed her
house I received à look.
9. Prepare this passage for artistic reading and translate it into Russian:
"Ìàró asked no more questions ... and she pinched her thin lips more tightly together." (Chapter "III)
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1722