| Isolated appositions
1) Isolated are the widespread appositions expressed by a common noun by a noun with dependent words : Last-minute Smidt together with the son, boy of sixteen years, dashed in water (K. Paustovskiy); To the hoodoo faithful sister, a hope in a gloomy cave will awaken pride and merriment (À. Pushkin)
2) The single suggestion related to the denominative noun is isolated, especially if the last has at itself dependent words, for example: In the middle of August Nechaenko returned from vacation, minister (B. Gorbachev); My owner, doctor, there was the always concerned taciturn man (U. Kasakov).
3) The extended apposition related to the proper name is isolated, if stands after a noun: In Meschere I cottoned to Haidar - with this surprising man existing in everyday reality similarly unusually and heartfelt, as well as in the books (K. Paustovskiy).
NOTE: If extended apposition stands before the proper name, to that behaves, then it is isolated only in case that has an additional adverbial value, for example: Contemporary of Chekhov, Hilarovskiy by the nature was, certainly, by the man of not of that time, Chekhov time(K. Paustovskiy).
4) The apposition expressed by the proper name is isolated: Fourth, Kostya, boy of years ten, excited my curiosity the thoughtful and sad look (I. Turgenev)
5) An apposition (extended and unextended,standing before the determined word or after him) is isolated, if it behaves to the personal pronoun: Man hard-working, he did not mature laziness in all her kinds(L. Oschanin); Knowing that Pushkin on an exhibition and passed in the Ancient gallery, we, students, began to run there and crowd was surround a favourite poet(I. Aivasovskiy); He, Siberian, in the past red partisan, undertook to show out people the forests to it(K. Simonov).
NOTE: appositions Are isolated with words on the name, on the last name, on a nickname, by the sort of and other, and also with an union as (if he has a tint of causality): In the village in the same pore squire the new arrived at gallop and so pore squire the new arrived at gallop and to so strict analysis in neighbourhood an occasion gave, by name Vladimir Lenskiy (À. Pushkin); To Gerasim, as excellent worker, here gave a braid in a hand (I. Turgenev
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1012