Her Majesty's Stationery Office 9 page See also enfranchisement of tenancy.
long title
See act of parliament.
Long Vacation
A *vacation of the Supreme Court lasting from 1 August to 30 September. During the Long Vacation only certain kinds of urgent business (called vacation business) can be transacted. It was formerly the rule in the High Court that statements of case could not be served during the Long Vacation, but this rule has now been abolished.
Lord Advocate
The chief law officer of the Crown in Scotland, corresponding to the *Attorney General in England. He has ultimate responsibility for criminal prosecutions in Scotland, being assisted by a Solicitor General, advocates depute, and *procurators fiscal. He is normally a supporter of the ruling party and resigns his office upon a change of government, but he is not always a Member of Parliament.
Lord Chancellor
The head of the judiciary, a government minister (in charge of the Lord Chancellor's Department), and Speaker of the House of Lords. He thus combines judicial, executive, and legislative functions. He is entitled to preside over the House when it sits as a final court of appeal; he appoints magistrates, makes recommendations for higher judicial appointments, and oversees such matters as the administration of the courts, the Community Legal Service, law reform, data protection, and human rights. As Speaker, he normally presides from the Woolsack over legislative proceedings but is free to vacate his seat and take part in debates and divisions. He is appointed by the Crown on the advice of the Prime Minister and (since 1974) may be a Roman Catholic. Conduct
Lord Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Legal Education and Conduct
A committee established by the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 to assist in the maintenance and development of standards in the education, training, and conduct of those offering legal services. It consists of a senior member of the judiciary as chairman, practising and academic lawyers, and lay members.
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 771