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Operations. Chronicles of War


The Rules.

1 Placing the invitation on the forum in the Vietcong - Operations - The first 10 consonants, to take part. Just name of operation and "need 8-10 soldiers"

2 Then on Saturday or Sunday briefing at the beginning of the operation directly on the map or in chat on site. - the objective of the operation, the area (dont tell name maps, without game technical terms and rubbish , necessary to support the atmosphere).

3 In the process, if someone has died it is removed from the game by ban on the clock. These players can fight freely on the second server. The remaining continue this operation

4 No sten No sniper rifle No enemy weapons only iff engineer deadman (we can have 2 engineer and 2 doc)

5 No restart No rejoin WAR IT HELL

6 No reinforcements, only "in area 1". If you see this status - Operation Began - do not enter

7 If you died on Operation . Please change your nick name, in another operation. For keeping real atmosphere. But, anyway, if you dont change nick name, in report on another operation will be use - GeneralNick(2) - number 2 its number of your reincarnation, it is another life, another soldier. And if you change nickname, in report will be NewNick(GeneralNick). In the end of operations will a summary statistic on Enemy Ņasualties and Ņasualties

8 When somebody left game. Another soldier can replace him, and he will be have nick in report for example Kaplar Aleksa (KRYTEX)

9 For keeping real spirit of war and for destroy any "supermarios" or "runers" who dont care die he or not (restart.. oh no problem rejoin..oh no problem we can do it again right now..) We use 2 try in saturday and 1 try in sunday. After Try - Report

10 Some map (real great map) for 6 or 8 players only, and soldiers who want go on war with others, but cant, because server full - can join if somebody die - BUT they anyway cannot join in area 2 or area 3

We can do video on operation and fotoalbum.


Operation "Anaconda" within the framework of Operation "Junction City"

12.03.1967 9:40
Information for INFO Platoon. After Operation "Ground Strike"(5.03-8.03.1967) within the framework of Operation "Junction City", on south of "War Zone C" located a local-headquarters of the enemy. The pilots of Agent Orange Team (who detected local headquarter and was shot down and captured ) were taken to a small camp on north-east on the coast DauTieng lake. And also the fact that the local headquarter, warehouse and logistic point from Area 2 (Operation"Ground Strike") relocated to the north-east on the coast.
11.03.1967 Platoon Group "Fist Two" (Dozer(4) KRYTEX(3) Tommy(2) Irgendwas(5) Temich(8) Cuta(5)) started operation "Anaconda". In area "Prison camp" was found pilots "Agent Orange Team". There was incedent all pilots was KIA. Boats team "Mercury" take group "Fist two" and proceed in area code name "Bounty Springfield"
Our task find and destroy enemy local headquarters




26.10.13 19:00 Europe time(Ger CZ France)
Pixelhunter 2 or 3 password tem
TD password 2803Temich attached the following images:

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Intelligence service suppose - after two days of fighting in the area 19-42/43 and four attempts to penetrate in region. Charlie "smell the chase". In addition certain informants working. Probably they are trying to relocate the local-headquarters from area "Bounty Springfield" far on the coast. This variant must be checked.

Operation "North Ring/South Ring" within the framework of Operation "Anaconda"
Will be use 2 teams Predator-1 on North and Predator-2 on South.
Predator-1 will be diliver on helicoopter "UH-1E" on water way in quadrate 20-42. Predator-2 will be delivered on "Team boat Mercury-3" in quadrate 19-42


Team Predator 1
1 Find "Probably traces of transported of local-headquarter" or "Probably dislocation" in quadrates 20-42/43 area LandHunt1/2
2 Capture the enemy soldier with rank and done military interrogation

Team Predator 2
1 Wait report and orders Predator 1 team. And in same time start operation from south 19-42/43
2 Capture the enemy soldier with rank and done military interrogation


"North Ring"
Team Predator-1
Call sign -Predator1
20 soldiers
Transport UH-1E call sign - Taxi1
Headquarter call sign - Jaguar

"South Ring"
Team Predator-2
call sign - Predator2
20 soldiers
Transport "Team boat Mercury-3" call sign - mercury3
Headquarter call sign - Steel Rat

pixelhunter 3 password tem
or TD password 2803

Temich attached the following images:

[107.19 kB]

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[95.41 kB]







Date: 2015-01-29; view: 792

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