| The other classification of the disease can be made depending on level of the mycobacteria’s antibiotic resistance.So when Tb can resist the usual Tb medicines it is usually called drug-resistant Tb, sometimes it resists the 2 most common Tb medicines, isoniazid and rifampin, then it’s multidrug- resistant TB or MDR- TB. And in case if the disease resists many different meds and at least 3 injectable medicines, it can be defined as extensively drug-resistant or XDR-TB.
All cases of tb are passed via droplets, while a person with an active form of TB coughs, sneezes or talks, tiny droplets of saliva, mucus are expelled into the air which can be inhaled by another person.
9) In general Tb affects the lungs. The patient usually complaints of slight cough, loss of appetite, unintentional weight loss, malaise, shortness of breath on exertion, night sweats, hemoptysis and mild fever. The diagnosis relies on radiology, a tuberculin skin test, blood tests. If the person has Tb, he stays in a hospital for no less than 6 month, because the treatment requires long courses of multiple antibiotics, for example, rifampin or isoniazid.
In order to prevent TB people should not forget to take good care of their immunity. Therefore the healthy way of life is recommended, which includes such simple components as nourishing food, enough sleep, the use of vitamins and supplements, sports training and rejection of bad habits.
10) , 11), 12)AIDS can be decoded as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is an extremely dangerous infectious disease that affects the white blood cells – T4-lymphocytes, macrophages – and neural tissue cells making the immune system unable to resist even the common cold which can easily lead to death. AIDS was first diagnosed in 1981 in the United States. In 1983 in France Luc Montagnier and in 1984 in the USA Robert Gallo finally discovered that AIDS was caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus).
13) There are 6 periods in AIDS flow. The first is infection with the virus, the source can be an ill or already infected person, the second period is incubation and it lasts for 2-3 weeks, the third period is a so-called acute AIDS, because during this period airway inflammations, allergy, mononucleosis can occur. Then comes the fourth – the latent , hidden period which can prolong for up to 15 years. The fifth is pre-AIDS period which signs are cough, emaciation, lymphadenopathy, fever and night sweats. And the sixth is AIDS itself.
14) The ways AIDS virus gets into the human body are the following : it can come with infected blood or blood preparations, the other way is sexual, it means you can get infected during any intercourse and the third is from an infected mother to child through placenta, milk and delivery waters.
15) In order to reduce the risk of getting infected with AIDS one should be aware of the ways HIV gets into the body, then be attentive attending hospitals and should avoid accidental sexual contacts.
16) As HIV- infected patients suffer from immunosuppression, antiretroviral therapy can be used. Unfortunately, it can’t kill the virus that is why it only prolongs survival in patients with AIDS.
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1026