Methodological materials for self-education of students. Main tasks
| Directions
| Independent work
| Explore
1. Organization of surgical care in Ukraine 2. Structure of the surgical clinic. 3. Sanitary and anti-epidemic mode of admission department 4. Hygiene of the patient. Prevention of pressure sores.
5. Transportation of patients and hygiene of the transport.
6. Nutrition and feeding of patients. 7. Asepsis. Antiseptics.
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Learn by heart,
Write down on paper
Learn by heart,
Write down on paper
Learn by heart,
Write down on paper
Learn by heart,
Write down on paper
Learn by heart
Learn by heart
1. S.P.Juchenko, M.D.Jeliba, S.D.Chimich „General Surgery” //Kiev, „Health”.-1999.
2. Cherenko M.K. “General Surgery ” //K., 1999
3. S.Â.Petrov «General Surgery» //Saint-Petersburg, Moscow, Charkiv, Minsk, «Piter». - 2002.-750 p.
4. V. O. Shidlovskiy. Guidelines for practical lessons of general surgery with patient care //Ternopyl, 1994.
5. V. O. Shidlovskiy. „ Propedeutics of surgical diseases ” //Ternopyl, 1993
6. V.Y.Gostishev „General surgery” //M. „Medicine”.-1997
7. V.S. Golovanov „General surgery” // M. „Medicine”.-1997
8. Thematic lecture material and practical lessons of general surgery department ¹ 1 of Bogomolets NMU
9. S.P.Juchenko, M.D.Jeliba, S.D.Chimich „General Surgery” //Kiev, „Health”.-1999.
10. Cherenko M.K. “General Surgery ” //K., 1999
11. V. O. Shidlovskiy. Guidelines for practical lessons of general surgery with patient care //Ternopyl, 1994.
12. V. O. Shidlovskiy. „ Propedeutics of surgical diseases ” //Ternopyl, 1993
13. V.Y.Gostishev „General surgery” //M. „Medicine”.-1997
14. V.S. Golovanov „General surgery” // M. „Medicine”.-1997
15. Thematic lecture material and practical lessons of general surgery department ¹ 1 of Bogomolets NMU
16. A.Forest, D.Carter, I.Mackleod „ Surgery: principles and practice ”, Kiev
17. Brucl.E.Jarell “Surgey”, 3nd edition, Baltymore 1997.
18. D.M.Glann “Practice of General Surgery”, Ed Royal SurgCall, London, 2003.
19. Y.M.Lopuhin, V.S.Saveliev „Surgery” //M.,ed „Geotar Medicine”.-1997
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