LESSON 31. Complete the following sentences with the Past Continuous (continuous actions) or the Past Simple (single actions).
1. The vessel …… (enter) the port when the storm …… (begin).
2. The steward …… (clean) the Captain`s quarters when he …… (spill) the bucket of water.
3. The Captain …… (talk) to some crew members on the bridge When the steering system …… (fail).
4. The crew …… (load) containers when it …… (start) to rain.
5. The officers …… (eat) lunch when the alarm (sound).
6. While the Radio Officer …… (sleep), the ship …… (receive) the telex.
7. The Chief Engineer …… (shout) when the explosion (happen).
8. The ship …… (lose) power while it …… (cross) the North Atlantic.
9. The pirates …… (board) the vessel when the Master …… (hear) the noise.
10. While we …… (leaving), the light …… (fade)
2. Listen to the dialogue between Takeshi, a 2nd Engineer from Japan, and Marco, an Italian 2nd Officer. They were booked on the same flight out of Schiphol airport and planned to meet each other before boarding the plane. Unfortunately, they didn`t meet until they were on the plain. Listen and answer the questions.
1. Why was Takeshi late arriving at the airport?
2. Why was Marco late for the plane?
3. Listen to the dialogue again and decide if these statements are true or false.
1. Takeshi spent his shore leave with his family in Osaka.
2. Takeshi arrived at the airport at 1000.
3. The airport was not busy.
4. Marco had time to sit down and relax at the airport.
5. Takeshi had nothing to do while he was waiting at the airport.
6. Marco fell asleep while he was listening to music.
7. The plain is due to leave at 12.30.
4. Listen to the dialogue again. Complete these sentences with the exact words from the dialogue.
1. My brother lives in the centre of Osaca so, while I ……… with him, we ……… to a couple of concerts.
2. As I ……… out of the taxi, the train ……… out of the station!
3. And while I ……… all that, I ……… for you, Marco!
4. I ……… asleep while I ……… my book.
5. Work with a study partner. Exchange details about the incident regarding two stowaways.
Person A: Look at the pictures below. Your partner has different pictures. You start by describing what was happening on board the vessel in Picture1. Your partner will listen and take notes. Then he will describe Picture2 while you listen and take notes. Continue like this until you have exchanged details of all the pictures.
Person B: Turn to the section at the back of the book.
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(Nisbet, A. English for Seafarers (Study Pack 1). Unit 7.3)
6. Imagine that you are the Captain of the vessel that the two stowaways were on. Complete the letter for the owners of your vessel, giving details of what happened. Use your own ideas to decide what the further action is.
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1668