Ballistic brown marbles slab brecciate brown marbles slab 
· Wardak province: The Proterozoic Wardak marble is deposited near Maydan –share and it has grey and dark grey marble. The mine bed is up to 450 meters thick which is interceded with schist(a metamorphic rock ) totally there are six well known marbles mines in Wardak which people have been quarrying for the past forty years and the marbles are consist of gray and dark gray marbles and these marbles are extracted in previous 40 yeas back and know also the are extracting this marbles from Maydan marbles .
· Badakshan province: Bini-Kama deposit which consist of medium and coarsely crystalline marble belongs to Silurian and Devonian are (440-450 million years ago) this deposit of marble is estimated to be 1.300 million tons.
· Heart province: the Proterozoic Chest-e Sharif deposit is located 120km east of heart city. The marbles is finely crystalline its color range from white to light green.
White-color marble slab chest –e Sharif
Nengrahare Provence: the Proterozoic Khogiani marbles deposit located 35km south west of Jalalabad city .the marble is white and known as the afghan white marble
Afghanistan has also the best quality marble known as Onyx marble which is called by is local name as Sang-e Rockham .Onyx is a banded variety of chalcedony, a cryptocrystalline form of quartz. Afghan Onyx deposits are located in Bamyan Helmand, Perwan, and Faryab provinces .so for the 66 marbles and granite deposits have been discovered in Afghanistan)
Furthermore it is worth mentioning that the British geological survey report found that chest and Khogiani and marbles hove better quality then Carrara marble an Italian marble recognized to be one of the best quality marbles in the world.
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 920